MAGAs think Walker is representative of all blacks.

Fedderman represents the voters in Pennsylvania, and Warnock currently represents all the voters in Georgia, and most likely will continue to do so after the runoff election.

Doesn't change the fact that Fetterman is literally a moron.
Hershal Walker finally admitted to having multiple children with multiple women who he had virtually no contact with as they grew up. He also hit his wife and the children he did admit to causing them to have to move several times over a short period just to hide from him. Walker admits to having multiple personallities, some of whom have anger issues he can't control. His own family opposes him serving in any office. This is the chosen MAGA/GOP black role model. They are convinced he is their best possibility to attract black people to their party. Even Lindsey Graham said they MUST HELP PEOPLE LIKE WALKER FOR THE FUTURE OF CONSERVATISM. Not sure about anybody else, but I don't see how Walker is equipped to help anybody, much less the black community. Blacks are fighting the steriotypes demonstraited by Walker every day.

Fedderman won. He represents his state, black an white. Warnock has been representing his state for years.
Warnock only represents the low IQ hate filled welfare Negros. He got the stupid Moon Bats on his side so you have to give him that.

Federman represent the inbreds of the state.
Fedderman also represents the majority of voters in Pennsylvania.
Legalize Heroin, $0 Bail, Closing Coal mines and throwing miners out of work, Setting Violent Criminals Free to run in the streets, banning Gasoline powered cars, A War on our Energy Sector! PA did not vote for that. Fraud did.
Warnock only represents the low IQ hate filled welfare Negros. He got the stupid Moon Bats on his side so you have to give him that.

Federman represent the inbreds of the state.

Uncle Tom warnock represents the massahs and sells out the slaves for a bigger cabin...
Morality is suddenly important to the left when a black guy goes off the democrat plantation. No surprises here.
Dems are so completely full of shit. Everything they say is a lie, the only standards they have are double standards.
The freaking president of the United States showered with his teenage daughter and ruined her life according to her diary but he's a white guy and a democrat so it doesn't matter.
You mean the lie about a diary that even Project Veritas wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole?
You mean the lie about a diary that even Project Veritas wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole?
Who lies to their diary? Nobody touched it because it is so sensitive that it might force Biden out of office.
Hershal Walker finally admitted to having multiple children with multiple women who he had virtually no contact with as they grew up. He also hit his wife and the children he did admit to causing them to have to move several times over a short period just to hide from him. Walker admits to having multiple personallities, some of whom have anger issues he can't control. His own family opposes him serving in any office. This is the chosen MAGA/GOP black role model. They are convinced he is their best possibility to attract black people to their party. Even Lindsey Graham said they MUST HELP PEOPLE LIKE WALKER FOR THE FUTURE OF CONSERVATISM. Not sure about anybody else, but I don't see how Walker is equipped to help anybody, much less the black community. Blacks are fighting the steriotypes demonstraited by Walker every day.

Name one decent black politician, thanks
Hershal Walker finally admitted to having multiple children with multiple women who he had virtually no contact with as they grew up. He also hit his wife and the children he did admit to causing them to have to move several times over a short period just to hide from him. Walker admits to having multiple personallities, some of whom have anger issues he can't control. His own family opposes him serving in any office. This is the chosen MAGA/GOP black role model. They are convinced he is their best possibility to attract black people to their party. Even Lindsey Graham said they MUST HELP PEOPLE LIKE WALKER FOR THE FUTURE OF CONSERVATISM. Not sure about anybody else, but I don't see how Walker is equipped to help anybody, much less the black community. Blacks are fighting the steriotypes demonstraited by Walker every day.

Maybe Walker should have run as a Democrat….

Here's what is actually representative of today's clusterfuck black community.

Census Bureau: Higher Percentage of Black Children Live with Single Mothers​

"Broken down by race, however, the statistics show stark differences. The percentage of White children under 18 who live with both parents almost doubles that of Black children, according to the data. While 74.3 percent of all White children below the age of 18 live with both parents, only 38.7 percent of African-American minors can say the same."


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