MAGAs think Walker is representative of all blacks.

Are lefties going to double down and lynch a black guy for adultery while defending the Arkansas Bubba who engaged the Nation with a discussion of oral sodomy vs sex? Y'all racist lefties gotta be kidding.
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Are lefties going to double down and lynch a black guy for adultery while defending the Arkansas Bubba who engaged the Nation with a discussion of oral sodomy vs sex? Y'all racist lefties gotta be kidding.

Then again, they had no problem with a MAN as First Lady for 8 years...
Hershal Walker finally admitted to having multiple children with multiple women who he had virtually no contact with as they grew up. He also hit his wife and the children he did admit to causing them to have to move several times over a short period just to hide from him. Walker admits to having multiple personallities, some of whom have anger issues he can't control. His own family opposes him serving in any office. This is the chosen MAGA/GOP black role model. They are convinced he is their best possibility to attract black people to their party. Even Lindsey Graham said they MUST HELP PEOPLE LIKE WALKER FOR THE FUTURE OF CONSERVATISM. Not sure about anybody else, but I don't see how Walker is equipped to help anybody, much less the black community. Blacks are fighting the steriotypes demonstraited by Walker every day.

/——/ MAGA thinks Walker represents ALL AMERICANS.
Hershal Walker finally admitted to having multiple children with multiple women who he had virtually no contact with as they grew up. He also hit his wife and the children he did admit to causing them to have to move several times over a short period just to hide from him. Walker admits to having multiple personallities, some of whom have anger issues he can't control. His own family opposes him serving in any office. This is the chosen MAGA/GOP black role model. They are convinced he is their best possibility to attract black people to their party. Even Lindsey Graham said they MUST HELP PEOPLE LIKE WALKER FOR THE FUTURE OF CONSERVATISM. Not sure about anybody else, but I don't see how Walker is equipped to help anybody, much less the black community. Blacks are fighting the steriotypes demonstraited by Walker every day.

That's a typical leftwing smear.

leftists never change their stripes.
Warnock only represents the low IQ hate filled welfare Negros. He got the stupid Moon Bats on his side so you have to give him that.

Federman represent the inbreds of the state.
You think Pennsylvania voters are all inbred?
Hershal Walker finally admitted to having multiple children with multiple women who he had virtually no contact with as they grew up. He also hit his wife and the children he did admit to causing them to have to move several times over a short period just to hide from him. Walker admits to having multiple personallities, some of whom have anger issues he can't control. His own family opposes him serving in any office. This is the chosen MAGA/GOP black role model. They are convinced he is their best possibility to attract black people to their party. Even Lindsey Graham said they MUST HELP PEOPLE LIKE WALKER FOR THE FUTURE OF CONSERVATISM. Not sure about anybody else, but I don't see how Walker is equipped to help anybody, much less the black community. Blacks are fighting the steriotypes demonstraited by Walker every day.

You ain't black if you don't support me Joe Biden
No one on the left made an issue of Walker's color.

Just his lies and hypocrisy and low double-digit IQ.

The only one's making an issue of his color are the fake conservatives.
You democrats bad mouth Christians all day every day unless they're a Black Reverend like Jesse Jackson, AL Sharpton or Warnock. What's up with that?
Hershal Walker finally admitted to having multiple children with multiple women who he had virtually no contact with as they grew up. He also hit his wife and the children he did admit to causing them to have to move several times over a short period just to hide from him. Walker admits to having multiple personallities, some of whom have anger issues he can't control. His own family opposes him serving in any office. This is the chosen MAGA/GOP black role model. They are convinced he is their best possibility to attract black people to their party. Even Lindsey Graham said they MUST HELP PEOPLE LIKE WALKER FOR THE FUTURE OF CONSERVATISM. Not sure about anybody else, but I don't see how Walker is equipped to help anybody, much less the black community. Blacks are fighting the steriotypes demonstraited by Walker every day.

Damn you're fucking idiot, there are tons of better examples of black conservatives than Walker. But at this point, you dance with the one that got ya here.

Hershal Walker finally admitted to having multiple children with multiple women who he had virtually no contact with as they grew up. He also hit his wife and the children he did admit to causing them to have to move several times over a short period just to hide from him. Walker admits to having multiple personallities, some of whom have anger issues he can't control. His own family opposes him serving in any office. This is the chosen MAGA/GOP black role model. They are convinced he is their best possibility to attract black people to their party. Even Lindsey Graham said they MUST HELP PEOPLE LIKE WALKER FOR THE FUTURE OF CONSERVATISM. Not sure about anybody else, but I don't see how Walker is equipped to help anybody, much less the black community. Blacks are fighting the steriotypes demonstraited by Walker every day.

He is most blacks are decent human beings, it's the ultra racist left wing liberal BLM types you have to worry about
Hershal Walker finally admitted to having multiple children with multiple women who he had virtually no contact with as they grew up. He also hit his wife and the children he did admit to causing them to have to move several times over a short period just to hide from him. Walker admits to having multiple personallities, some of whom have anger issues he can't control. His own family opposes him serving in any office. This is the chosen MAGA/GOP black role model. They are convinced he is their best possibility to attract black people to their party. Even Lindsey Graham said they MUST HELP PEOPLE LIKE WALKER FOR THE FUTURE OF CONSERVATISM. Not sure about anybody else, but I don't see how Walker is equipped to help anybody, much less the black community. Blacks are fighting the steriotypes demonstraited by Walker every day.
Another dumbass race baiting troll thread from the lefties.

Not surprised. Not at all
there are no standards when winning is the only goal
We are either a free and sovereign nations with borders or part of a globalist government that has to bring the living standards down in what was the United States as to dole out our wealth to others. And what we are going through now is part of it. Biden is not an American president. He is a globalist tool.
Bill Clinton has nothing to do with this. Walker ran his mouth and we see he didn't practice what he preached. Walker shouldn't even be running.
Morality is suddenly important to the left when a black guy goes off the democrat plantation. No surprises here.
There is no democratic plantation. Morality was supposed to be so important to republicans. That's why Walker is being called out.

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