MAGAs think Walker is representative of all blacks.

We are either a free and sovereign nations with borders or part of a globalist government that has to bring the living standards down in what was the United States as to dole out our wealth to others. And what we are going through now is part of it. Biden is not an American president. He is a globalist tool.
This is stupid.
Why is a person's COLOUR of such interest to DemoKKKrats? It's OK while they're slaves but once they leave the plantation send out the lynch mobs??? Some things never change.

Stop lying right winger. Color is of the utmost importance to the right. The only plantation is the republican one.
Stop lying right winger. Color is of the utmost importance to the right. The only plantation is the republican one.
LIAR!! Your fantasies about anyone NOT a Marxist race baiter are TOSH!!!But hey; why let go of the ONLY THING that you can blame for your FAILURE to take the opportunities on offer!!!You stupid, BRU!!!

LIAR!! Your fantasies about anyone NOT a Marxist race baiter are TOSH!!!But hey; why let go of the ONLY THING that you can blame for your FAILURE to take the opportunities on offer!!!You stupid, BRU!!!

You are a prime example of what I am talking about. Whites like you whine about how AA is discrimination against whites because people of color ask for fair representation in employment and college admission. So you're blaming your failure on your skin color and blaming other races, specifically blacks, for your failure.

What opportunities have I failed to take racist? That's an assumption you racists use to deny the problem you continue to be a part of. I have a college education, apparently, you don't. You're just another stupid white right wing racist in a right wing racist forum talking dumb ----.
This is stupid.
Ghettos are now permanent. And resources will decline at some point. Behavior will change just from that, or poverty will get worse. Of course, the leadership at that time will send out Bread trucks and Cheese trucks to dole out food supplies to show how magnanimous they are.
Funny, the descendants of Democrats who demanded blacks be counted as a fraction of a person accuse others of considering 1 black man representative of all blacks.


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