Mahmoud N O T Mahdi Afterall....


Jun 1, 2013
CONfused? No worries; I'll try my hand at explaining it....:eusa_angel:

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, all 5'2" of him, is no longer president of of this morning, a fella named Hasan Rowhani is the new puppet for the mullahs to dance on a string. I'm gonna miss Mahmoud. Not for denying the Holocaust, or being one of the gang who took our embassy hostage back in the day, or even for his bizarre UN appearance where he claimed HE was Mahdi.... 12th Imam...who dat? In a minute, okay? What I'll miss ol Mah for most is his alleged fear of computer mice (meece?)


Okay, about Mahdi....he was born around 868 A.D., thought to be a relative of the pedophile Mohammed, and generally a nasty little bastard who was either murdered or hidden away by his parents before he was murdered. So Mahmoud got it in his head that he was Mahdi reincarnated. Yep...the 12th imam who's presence on Earth would signal the beginning of the END. As the story goes:

Matthew 24:14 Jesus will come after His followers spread His Good News throughout the world.

Mahdi will return when his followers create chaos and death in the world.

The antichrist will appear as The Rapture happens. Those left behind will believe it’s the end of the world.

Mahdi will return just before the end of the world.

The antichrist will appear as the 7 years of Tribulation begins amid horrendous world chaos. Mahdi’s appearance will supposedly be preceded by a number of prophetic events during 3 years of horrendous world chaos tyranny and oppression.

Sounds about right to me! In other words, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was fully confident that he was the DEVIL incarnate. :eek:

But today, he ain't even president of that hellhole known as Iran any more.


Praise Allah, eh?
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Hopefully a new day for Iran...
Iran Moderate Wins Presidency by a Large Margin
June 15, 2013 — In a striking repudiation of the ultraconservatives who wield power in Iran, voters here overwhelmingly elected a mild-mannered cleric who advocates greater personal freedoms and a more conciliatory approach to the world.
The cleric, Hassan Rowhani, 64, won a commanding 50.7 percent of the vote in the six-way race, according to final results released Saturday, avoiding a runoff in the race to replace the departing president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose tenure was defined largely by confrontation with the West and a seriously hobbled economy at home. Thousands of jubilant supporters poured into the streets of Tehran, dancing, blowing car horns and waving placards and ribbons of purple, Mr. Rowhani’s campaign color. After the previous election in 2009, widely seen as rigged, many Iranians were shaking their heads that their votes were counted this time. In the women’s compartment of a Tehran subway, riders were astonished. “They were all shocked, like me,” said Fatemah, 58. “It is unbelievable, have the people really won?”

The mayor of Tehran, seen as a pragmatist, came in second with 18 percent of the vote, but the four hard-line conservatives aligned with the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, finished at the back of the pack. That indicated that Iranians were looking to their next president to change the tone, if not the direction of the nation, by choosing a cleric who served as the lead nuclear negotiator under an earlier reformist president, Mohammad Khatami. Though Mr. Rowhani’s election was not expected to represent a break with Iran’s nuclear policies, voters linked him with the Khatami era, when Iran froze its nuclear program, eased social restrictions and promoted dialogue with the West, giving them hope that he would try to lead Iran out of international isolation and religious reaction.

But if the election was a victory for reformers and the middle class, it also served the conservative goals of the supreme leader, restoring at least a patina of legitimacy to the theocratic state, providing a safety valve for a public distressed by years of economic malaise and isolation, and returning a cleric to the presidency. Mr. Ahmadinejad was the first noncleric to hold the presidency, and often clashed with the religious order and its traditionalist allies. The question for Western capitals is whether a more conciliatory approach can lead to substantive change in the conflict with Iran over its nuclear program. A willingness to talk does not mean a willingness to concede.


See also:

Iran reformists dance in streets for new president
Jun 15,`13 -- Wild celebrations broke out on Tehran streets that were battlefields four years ago as reformist-backed Hasan Rowhani capped a stunning surge to claim Iran's presidency on Saturday, throwing open the political order after relentless crackdowns by hard-liners to consolidate and safeguard their grip on power.
"Long live Rowhani," tens of thousands of jubilant supporters chanted as security officials made no attempt to rein in crowds - joyous and even a bit bewildered by the scope of his victory with more than three times the votes of his nearest rival. In his first statement after the results were announced, Rowhani said that "a new opportunity has been created ... for those who truly respect democracy, interaction and free dialogue." But in Iran, even landslides at the ballot box do not equate to policymaking influence. All key decisions - including nuclear efforts, defense and foreign affairs - remain solidly in the hands of the ruling clerics and their powerful protectors, the Revolutionary Guard. What Rowhani's victory does is reopen space for moderate and liberal voices that have been largely muzzled in reprisal for massive protests and clashes in 2009 over claims the vote was rigged to deny reformists the presidency.

Rowhani's supporters also viewed the election as a rebuke of uncompromising policies that have left the Islamic Republic increasingly isolated and under biting sanctions from the West over Tehran's nuclear program. The 64-year-old Rowhani is hardly a radical - having served in governments and in the highly sensitive role of nuclear negotiator - but he has taken a strong stance against the combative international policies of outgoing President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and others. "I've never been an extremist," Rowhani said on state TV shortly after the official results were announced. "I support moderation." "I thank God that once again rationality and moderation has shined on Iran," he continued. "This is the victory of wisdom, a victory of moderation and a victory of commitment over extremism."

His emphasis on outreach could sharply lower the political temperature between Iran and the West - including Israel - and perhaps nudge the ruling establishment toward more flexible approaches in possible renewed nuclear talks with the U.S. and world powers. Rowhani also has added leverage with his political godfather and ally, former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, who was blocked from the ballot but now can exert significant influence from the wings. Alireza Nader, a senior policy analyst at the Rand Corp. who follows Iranian affairs, described Rowhani as a de facto hero for reformists who couldn't support any of the other five candidates on the ballot. "It remains to be seen how much room will be given to Rowhani by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the Revolutionary Guard," he cautioned.

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I'm gonna miss not havin' ol Mahmoud AhmAJerkInADinnerJacket to kick around any more...
So a couple of things:

1.) I don't recall Ahmadinejad ever calling himself the Mahdi, in his UN speech he prayed for the Mahdi's return (and hoped it would come soon). If you have a link to him actually calling himself said figure I'd be interested in seeing it.

2.) The concept of the Mahdi isn't the same for all Muslims, only some shias believe he is to be the 12th Imam and the original 12th Imam was born in 869 not 868.

3.) I'm curious as to why you assume a 5 year old (how old he was supposed to be when he died) was a "nasty little bastard", especially when actual strong historical evidence of his existence is pretty much non-existent.

4.) The Mahdi's return is not based on his followers creating chaos in the world.
So a couple of things:

1.) I don't recall Ahmadinejad ever calling himself the Mahdi, in his UN speech he prayed for the Mahdi's return (and hoped it would come soon). If you have a link to him actually calling himself said figure I'd be interested in seeing it.

2.) The concept of the Mahdi isn't the same for all Muslims, only some shias believe he is to be the 12th Imam and the original 12th Imam was born in 869 not 868.

3.) I'm curious as to why you assume a 5 year old (how old he was supposed to be when he died) was a "nasty little bastard", especially when actual strong historical evidence of his existence is pretty much non-existent.

4.) The Mahdi's return is not based on his followers creating chaos in the world.

You're a liar and not the first muslim apologist for these iranian lunatics. You claim he was born ONE YEAR after I said "around 868?"

I'm talking about PERSIANS not sunni arabs....again you come with empty hands.

Here is a direct transcript from the punk's UN speech and not the only time he's alluded to being the anti-Christ, Mahdi:

At his speech at the United Nations, Ahmadinejad prayed to his [false] God asking him to “hasten the arrival of the Imam Mahdi”. At another UN speech, he begins by saying,

"O mighty Lord, I pray to you to hasten the emergence
of your last repository, the Promised One,
that perfect and pure human being,
the one that will fill this world with justice and peace."

When he returned to Iran, Ahmadinejad claimed that when he began saying

"In the name of God the almighty and merciful,"
someone saw a light around me, and I was placed inside this aura.
I felt it myself. I felt the atmosphere suddenly change,
and for those 27 or 28 minutes, the leaders of the world did not blink,
they were rapt. It seemed as if a hand was holding them there
and had opened their eyes to receive the message from the Islamic republic"

He “was in an aura of light” and “felt a change in the atmosphere during which time no one present could blink their eyes”.

And in conclusion here is what the Mahdi lunatics have in store for your sorry ass same as the rest of us, Achmed:

The Return of the 12th Imam

Mahdi will return when his followers create chaos and death in the world.
Mahdi will return just before the end of the world.
Mahdi’s appearance will supposedly be preceded by a number of prophetic events during 3 years of horrendous world chaos tyranny and oppression.
Mahdi will move his seat of power from Medina to Mecca where thousands will pledge allegiance to him.
Mahdi will supposedly force people to convert to Islam or be beheaded.
Mahdi will rule over the Arabs and world for 7 years.
Mahdi will setup a one world religion and government.
Mahdi will supposedly exterminate all tyranny and oppression bringing harmony
Mahdi will supposedly lead a prayer in Mecca in which Jesus will be at his side as his lieutenant. (This one is particularly disgusting).

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You claim he was born ONE YEAR after I said "around 868?"

Yes, you got his birth date wrong, or at least your source did, which implies to me that there is probably a lack of strong knowledge of said persona or at least poor standards for research and fact checking.

Here is a direct transcript from the punk's UN speech and not the only time he's alluded to being the anti-Christ, Mahdi:

At his speech at the United Nations, Ahmadinejad prayed to his [false] God asking him to “hasten the arrival of the Imam Mahdi”. At another UN speech, he begins by saying,

"O mighty Lord, I pray to you to hasten the emergence
of your last repository, the Promised One,
that perfect and pure human being,
the one that will fill this world with justice and peace."

So in other words, your source was incorrect again. He didn't claim to be the Mahdi in his UN speech.

When he returned to Iran, Ahmadinejad claimed that when he began saying

"In the name of God the almighty and merciful,"
someone saw a light around me, and I was placed inside this aura.
I felt it myself. I felt the atmosphere suddenly change,
and for those 27 or 28 minutes, the leaders of the world did not blink,
they were rapt. It seemed as if a hand was holding them there
and had opened their eyes to receive the message from the Islamic republic"

He “was in an aura of light” and “felt a change in the atmosphere during which time no one present could blink their eyes”.

Which was something the opposition leaders criticized. This isn't something the Iranian moderates stand behind.

Mahdi will return when his followers create chaos and death in the world.

Once again, that's not the precondition for his return. You're being dishonest again.

I'm also still waiting for your explanation with regards to calling a dead 5 year old of which we have no strong evidence of his existence a "nasty little shit".
I'm also still waiting for your explanation with regards to calling a dead 5 year old of which we have no strong evidence of his existence a "nasty little shit".

Excuse me? If there's "no strong evidence of his existence" how can you claim you know the exact year he was born?
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Which was something the opposition leaders criticized. This isn't something the Iranian moderates stand behind.

I see. So now you've admitted he DID envision himself as the nasty little shit Madhi. You're not doing so well here....maybe you should go lie down and think this over. :eusa_eh:
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I'm also still waiting for your explanation with regards to calling a dead 5 year old of which we have no strong evidence of his existence a "nasty little shit".

Excuse me? If there's "no strong evidence of his existence" how can you claim you know the exact year he was born?

Religious accounts. I am familiar with the theological accounts of the 12er faith, but in terms of secular historical evidence there isn't much.

Still waiting for your answer by the way about what makes a dead 5 year old a "nasty little shit".
Which was something the opposition leaders criticized. This isn't something the Iranian moderates stand behind.

I see. So now you've admitted he DID envision himself as the nasty little shit Madhi. You're not doing so well here....maybe you should go lie down and think this over. :eusa_eh:

No, it was released days later in a tape interview in Iran. He was told by a third party of the aura.

He never called himself the Mahdi. Not in his UN speech, nor in any speech as far as I know.


Why do you care / why would it matter? it wouldn't change anything about this thread.

Still waiting for you to explain to me why you called a dead 5 year old a "nasty little bastard" though.

Because if you're an iranian you're a potential enemy-combatant and I'd have every reason to alert the NSA of your presence on this site to spread jihadist propaganda and have you put under surveillance and possibly disappeared into GITMO....that's why.

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Why do you care / why would it matter? it wouldn't change anything about this thread.

Still waiting for you to explain to me why you called a dead 5 year old a "nasty little bastard" though.

Because if you're an iranian you're a potential enemy-combatant and I'd have every reason to alert the NSA of your presence on this site to spread jihadist propaganda and have you put under surveillance and possibly disappeared into GITMO....that's why.

Once again: lol

Why don't you go ahead and alert the NSA. ;)

Meanwhile, your paranoid attacks don't do anything to change the fact that you were wrong on multiple accounts.

And i'm still waiting for you to explain to me why you called a dead 5 year old a nasty little bastard.
And i'm still waiting for you to explain to me why you called a dead 5 year old a nasty little bastard.

Rent "Rosemary's Baby" and get back to me, Achmed.


You realize that's a fictional movie right?

And side note:

It's actually spelled Ahmed, there is usually no C in it, instead the c sound usually comes from the Arabic h.

Also Ahmed is generally the Arabic version which is utilized primarily within the historical confines of the Ottoman Empire (in other words not Iran)

Ahmad, with an A would be the more common Persian equivalent.

Double side note, the Banana also has his grammar and spelling wrong. It's Allahu Akbar. it's known as the Takbir and you need the u for the sentence. ;)

Seems like you can't even get your attempted insults right.
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