Main Steele Dossier Researcher Arrested in Durham Probe

heck Clinton and Obama pardoned and commuted the sentences of convicted terrorists !
Ya and Reagan gave the weapons of mass destruction to Iraq under the table, that we were so worried about encountering when we started Bushes liars war. Reagan made Osama the threat he was, Reagan sold weapons to Iran under the table, So what? You people are funny.
All presidents do this. And will continue to do so. Moonglow is a stupid troll.
I don’t believe in using others actions as justification. Wrong is wrong. Trump had some pardons I agreed with and then he had ones that were straight up bailing out his buddies which I do not think is right
Ok, yeah trump pardoned people.

Again, I am not sure what that has to do with any of this....every President has pardoned people.

Trump is the victim in this case, so not sure why he'd pardon the guy....the post makes zero sense.

I made no excuses...the President can pardon whomever.
You’re lost in this conversation. Go back and read from the start or let’s just move on. I don’t feel like explaining it back to you
I don’t believe in using others actions as justification. Wrong is wrong. Trump had some pardons I agreed with and then he had ones that were straight up bailing out his buddies which I do not think is right
Wrong is subjective. What you see is wrong is not necessarily wrong in his view or mine.
Struthers you are a joke, This is a must read ,just to show how blind struthers is and how the right operates on lies and distortion. "
Nixon ~ 76 indictments, 55 convictions, 15 sent to prison.

Ford ~ 1 indictment, 1 conviction, 1 sent to prison.

Carter ~ 1 indictment, no convictions, nobody sent to prison.

Reagan ~ 26 indictments, 16 convictions, 8 sent to prison.

G.H.W. Bush ~ 1 indictment, 1 conviction, 1 sent to prison.

Clinton ~ 2 indictments, 1 conviction, 1 sent to prison.

G. W. Bush ~ 16 indictments, 16 convictions, 9 sent to prison.

Barack Obama ~ ZERO indictments, ZERO convictions, ZERO sent to prison.

Trump — 199 charges filed; 37 individuals charged with crimes including his National Security Advisor, his Deputy Campaign Manager, his Campaign Manager, and his Foreign Policy Advisor—5 convictions, 1 jailed (SO FAR), 1 awaiting sentencing (Flynn), at least three sentenced to Prison (Papadopolous, Cohen, Manafort). Campaign Manager Manafort fined MILLIONS in cash and property. (Manafort was also sentenced to 7 1/2 years in prison after he was convicted of eight counts of tax fraud, bank fraud, failure to report foreign bank accounts, and pleaded guilty to conspiracy, and obstruction.) Fines from these guilty Trump associates totaled more than the entire costs of the Robert Mueller Investigation...

Trump said he would sit down and be interviewed by Mueller--but he didn't. Trump fears giving sworn testimony, because he is a pathological liar. Hillary was grilled by Congress for 11 hours.

Mueller found evidence leading to convictions of Trump associates, some tied to Russians. One of these, Michael Flynn, lied to our VP about his Russian connections and he failed to register as a foreign lobbyist, and set a record for the shortest tenure of a Cabinet member in the history of the USA.

Trump's Campaign Manager paid tens of millions in fines back to the government, thus reimbursing the government for the costs of Mueller’s investigation. Taxpayers were just screwed over the years of investigations of Hillary--and she still has never been charged with a single crime, despite the DOJ’s access to all of the evidence during Trump’s time in office.

Trump's Charity was closed for fraud, and he and his adult kids can't run a charity in NY for 10 years. NY is still investigating Trump.

Trump's personal attorney threatened all of the education institutions Trump attended—back even to his high school—if they released his transcripts, while Trump demanded President Obama release his transcripts.

The only reason a person fears a criminal investigation is if they are guilty or have something to hide." I love this -----------
Mic drop?!
Ya and Reagan gave the weapons of mass destruction to Iraq under the table, that we were so worried about encountering when we started Bushes liars war. Reagan made Osama the threat he was, Reagan sold weapons to Iran under the table, So what? You people are funny.
at that time the US was supporting Iraq in their fight against Iran whom we viewed at the time as a bigger threat . as for the US giving chemical weapons to Iraq i havent heard anything to prove that .. however their is speculation that the equipment that Iraq used to make said chems came from Germany .
Less obsession over the departed Trump and you guys might stop losing elections en masse. But, my suggestion is fact based so I don’t have to be concerned that you would follow it
What a pile of nothing. This is the strongest form of hate party information. Garbage at its best. I say this will all turn out to be bullshit. As usual. Look where it came from in the first place. The right is made up of idiot.

More than you got on Trump.

Apparently he was arrested and charged with 5 counts of making false statements to the FBI.

It's a sealed indictment though, so there's not much more info available than that.

Oftentimes a sealed indictment means that more arrests are pending.
Where did you get the info that he was arrested on 5 counts of lying to the FBI?
Of course they moved to dismiss it after the evidence that was being hidden was forced the motion to dismiss

Pretty clear cut...heck even if Flynn lied, they highlight, it couldn't be crime.

Nothing Flynn was alleged to have done "helped" Trump. The only reason for the pardon was to end the case, before the next Admin came in, since they couldn't be trusted to do the right thing, as Xiden was in the room and a member of the Obamagate gang
No, they moved to dismiss it once Barr was able to appoint his buddy to fabricate an excuse to dismiss. The fabricated excuse had nothing to do with prosecutorial misconduct.

Make no mistake, Flynn lied to protect Trump. At that time, Trump was denying up and down to having any inappropriate contacts with Russia. The knowledge that they were formulating policy with Russia to go easy on them before they were even in office would have been politically damaging to their narrative at the time.
well if you actually took the time to read my post, you'd see the links are from the Washington Post and NY Times....hardly the "right"

So try again
What a hoot , you didn't take the time to read your own source. It says nothing that you are suggesting it says. They hired no one to put together the the
So you stopped talking to yourself? Good choice.
Goodbye , your out of my world . If you just could have contributed instead of just throwing around brainless insults. I advise everyone to dump people who do this , first no one cares what a person like this thinks of someone else and second his mind lives in la la land with nothing to contribute just nonsense. We don't waste bandwidth here. So he is gone.
Less obsession over the departed Trump and you guys might stop losing elections en masse. But, my suggestion is fact based so I don’t have to be concerned that you would follow it
Those that win elections tend to lose them. Great example. Trump and Reps running all branches of government and losing all of them in only 4 short years. Politics is a power pendulum
No, they moved to dismiss it once Barr was able to appoint his buddy to fabricate an excuse to dismiss. The fabricated excuse had nothing to do with prosecutorial misconduct.

No, read the motion....the evidence was turned's pretty clear that even if there was a lie, it wasn't a crime.

It was complete BS to begin with...
What a hoot , you didn't take the time to read your own source. It says nothing that you are suggesting it says. They hired no one to put together the the

Goodbye , your out of my world . If you just could have contributed instead of just throwing around brainless insults. I advise everyone to dump people who do this , first no one cares what a person like this thinks of someone else and second his mind lives in la la land with nothing to contribute just nonsense. We don't waste bandwidth here. So he is gone.
hahahha it literaly says the Clinton campaign and DNC hired the folks to make the dossier...geez man...can you not read?
No, read the motion....the evidence was turned's pretty clear that even if there was a lie, it wasn't a crime.

It was complete BS to begin with...
None of the "evidence" turned over was exculpatory.

The charges were dropped out of pure politics. The judge saw straight through this.

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