Main Steele Dossier Researcher Arrested in Durham Probe

Flynn proved that lying to the FBI should no longer be a crime. Well if you lie for the right people.
What about Steel? What about the FBI agents who recruited Steel and concockted the scheme?
What about Steele's Other Russian Partner, Skirpal who Steele and friends tried to have poisoned to death, and nearly killed his daughter too to tie up some loose ends when it was discovered that the Dirty Dossier was Russian Disinformation purchased by Obama, Clinton and Biden?
Haha. Flynn was a good example but if you want another how about Bannon? What’s your spin on that one
none...the President can pardon whoever he wants for federal crimes.

Trump isn't the only President to do that....everyone of them has.

Not sure what the point is here.

This case isn't about Trump, other then him being the victim
well 1) Flynn never went to trial. 2) he withdrew his plea 3) the DOJ moved to dismiss the charges after the Mueller team was finally forced to reveal the Brady evidence 4) the pardon only came late, after he lost re-election and the Court hadn't dismissed the charge yet.

Try again

Xiden might very well pardon this guy, I don't know....too early to tell.
When you plead guilty to charges you don't go to trial.
So The American Ethic bothers you and/or you are contemptuous of it’s existence
Little bit more discipline in your life would make it not such a shitty one.
I just laugh at the irony after the Trump era which was more corrupt than any administration that I've ever witnessed. How many were arrested? I lost count
Go be unhinged someplace else
What a hoot, who is unhinged and operating on lies and distortion here. This is beautiful, this defines you haters 100% , this is all you have to operate on. Lies and distortions. The fun part is that you are so indoctrinated that you can't even see it. You have nothing here , you are making a point on bullshit and it will prove to be just that. It always is with you haters.
I am sure you can prove that just like you can prove massive election fraud.
This was widely reported:

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossie

Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier​

Good… It wouldn’t surprise me though. I saw costumes of little girls dressing up as molestation victims of Biden. Disgusting what some parents do to their kids
What's disgusting, actually is our society becoming so obscenely divided that family members block each other over puppet presidents like Obama and Bush....Trump derangement is something profoundly new, but at any rate, a zillion times more disgusting than "kids being kids" .

Know wudamean Vern ?
What a hoot, who is unhinged and operating on lies and distortion here. This is beautiful, this defines you haters 100% , this is all you have to operate on. Lies and distortions. The fun part is that you are so indoctrinated that you can't even see it. You have nothing here , you are making a point on bullshit and it will prove to be just that. It always is with you haters.
Then the OP creates retorts on not including OP subject matter like he is accusing others while attacking the poster.
I just laugh at the irony after the Trump era which was more corrupt than any administration that I've ever witnessed. How many were arrested? I lost count
I believe only 1 person in his admin was arrested, then fired, but ultimately he was exonerated as the DOJ moved to dismiss the charges.
none...the President can pardon whoever he wants for federal crimes.

Trump isn't the only President to do that....everyone of them has.

Not sure what the point is here.

This case isn't about Trump, other then him being the victim
I never said that the president couldn’t pardon, I pointed out that he did. He bailed his friend out of a pickle ignoring his crimes. He didn’t it with a few people. That was the point that started this discussion. Flynn was used as an example, you made excuses to justify it and asked for another, I gave you another
This was widely reported:

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossie

Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier​

See how easy it is to use links or citations?
I believe only 1 person in his admin was arrested, then fired, but ultimately he was exonerated as the DOJ moved to dismiss the charges.
I’m talking about people in his circle. People who were part of his campaign, business dealings, administration etc etc. there have been many either arrested or busted for ethical violations. It’s purely toxic

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