Main Steele Dossier Researcher Arrested in Durham Probe

Those that win elections tend to lose them. Great example. Trump and Reps running all branches of government and losing all of them in only 4 short years. Politics is a power pendulum
or look at the Dems, they won VA by 54% of the vote just a year ago....and now...a total sweep at every state wide office....amazing what a year of Dem control in Washington can do
None of the "evidence" turned over was exculpatory.

The charges were dropped out of pure politics. The judge saw straight through this.
um yeah it was...the fact they closed the case, and said the call was legit was excutlpatory...there was no need for the therefore anything he said, even if it was a lie, couldn't be material and thus no crime.

Geez man....why won't you read the simple things provided to you?
Flynn didn’t lie?! Wow. What reason did Trump give for firing Flynn? I forgot
little confusing sometimes isn't it. when you base you information on lies and distortion it takes about two minutes to end up in a quandary like this.m IT IS FUNNY THOUGH.
Most all those people but 1 were actually in his admin.

Cohen wasn't in his admin, Bannon got charged with stuff, well after he was fired.

Try again
ONE MORE TIME "199 charges filed; 37 individuals charged with crimes" Being in his administration has nothing to do with the charges against these creeps that worked for Trump. Bannon was charged for stealing money from a scheme to privately fund building scum bags fake wall of China, Cohen was charged with campaign violations , the campaign being for scum bag. 199 charges , nothing else has to be said does it.
little confusing sometimes isn't it. when you base you information on lies and distortion it takes about two minutes to end up in a quandary like this.m IT IS FUNNY THOUGH.

ONE MORE TIME "199 charges filed; 37 individuals charged with crimes" Being in his administration has nothing to do with the charges against these creeps that worked for Trump. Bannon was charged for stealing money from a scheme to privately fund building scum bags fake wall of China, Cohen was charged with campaign violations , the campaign being for scum bag. 199 charges , nothing else has to be said does it.
sure it does...if you are going to say the Trump Admin was the most corrupt ever and site numbers...who's in the admin that was charged matters.

Geez...i mean do we have to roll out numbers of all the people that knew the Clintons that were charged with crimes? or any President for that matter. Knowing someone that was charged means nothing,.
or look at the Dems, they won VA by 54% of the vote just a year ago....and now...a total sweep at every state wide office....amazing what a year of Dem control in Washington can do
What it shows is how much hate was created in this country by your hate party nothing else. Democrats know it will be a hard fight and we can lose because the easiest and most used political tactic that is used to keep or gain power is hate and lies , Always used by dictators always used by Fascist and hate party's around the world.
sure it does...if you are going to say the Trump Admin was the most corrupt ever and site numbers...who's in the admin that was charged matters.

Geez...i mean do we have to roll out numbers of all the people that knew the Clintons that were charged with crimes? or any President for that matter. Knowing someone that was charged means nothing,.
Who said that ace , I said Trump is the most corrupt ass hole ever in politics, His administration shows that but it can be seen in every aspect of scum bags life and world. The man is slime.
So here's where we're at:
Clinton advisor feeds story to Danchenko. Danchenko feeds story to Steele. Steele feeds story to Fusion. Fusion feeds story to media. Media accuses Trump of Russia collusion.

Did Hillary Clinton know about these rumors and direct the operative to pass them to Danchenko, so they could be laundered as "Russian tips"?

It seems bizarre to even suggest she didn't know. She loved conspiracy theories. She paid Sidney Blumenthal to spin conspiracy theories for her.
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Who said that ace , I said Trump is the most corrupt ass hole ever in politics, His administration shows that but it can be seen in every aspect of scum bags life and world. The man is slime.
Where are the charges against Trump?
or look at the Dems, they won VA by 54% of the vote just a year ago....and now...a total sweep at every state wide office....amazing what a year of Dem control in Washington can do
Seems to me that the issue VA Dems had was with local school boards not Washington operations but that’s fine if you want to use those wins to pile blame on Biden, I just don’t think it’s accurate or honest
Those that win elections tend to lose them. Great example. Trump and Reps running all branches of government and losing all of them in only 4 short years. Politics is a power pendulum
Yup , that fact has been more dominant then what people want it to mean . It's funny watching both sides do this .
sure it does...if you are going to say the Trump Admin was the most corrupt ever and site numbers...who's in the admin that was charged matters.

Geez...i mean do we have to roll out numbers of all the people that knew the Clintons that were charged with crimes? or any President for that matter. Knowing someone that was charged means nothing,.
He has cited several numbers of campaign related crimes, financial crimes and people who where involved in the political administration, campaign and ongoing business of Trump. It’s dirty as shit I don’t know how you can pretend to ignore all that
How many lower-echelon schlubs will the Clinton Foundation pay off to take the fall before we get to see Federal Marshals break down Hillary's door at 3 AM, and frog march her out to the curb in her nightgown and hair rollers?

I'd pay good money to see that. :04:
Of course they can. I can think that anything is wrong…. Including your opinions. And you can think mine are wrong. This is a rather pointless path we’ve gone done don’t you think? Were you trying to get off topic?
You may disagree with my opinion but it doesn't make it wrong. Duh.
He's hated by fascists. I don't give a shit about fascists, or their worthless opinions.
Trump is loved by Fascist, That's my statement ,why in your mind would a man like scum bag be hated by Fascist. That doesn't even correlate , He is a fascist,
How many lower-echelon schlubs will the Clinton Foundation pay off to take the fall before we get to see Federal Marshals break down Hillary's door at 3 AM, and frog march her out to the curb in her nightgown and hair rollers?

I'd pay good money to see that. :04:
I’d offer him Witness Protection if he squeals.

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