Main Steele Dossier Researcher Arrested in Durham Probe

Indeed. Opinions cannot be wrong either. Glad we agree.
Of course they can. I can think that anything is wrong…. Including your opinions. And you can think mine are wrong. This is a rather pointless path we’ve gone done don’t you think? Were you trying to get off topic?
What a hoot , you didn't take the time to read your own source. It says nothing that you are suggesting it says. They hired no one to put together the the

Goodbye , your out of my world . If you just could have contributed instead of just throwing around brainless insults. I advise everyone to dump people who do this , first no one cares what a person like this thinks of someone else and second his mind lives in la la land with nothing to contribute just nonsense. We don't waste bandwidth here. So he is gone.
how about you just presenting facts that back your position. Your insulting tactics are fking boring.
at that time the US was supporting Iraq in their fight against Iran whom we viewed at the time as a bigger threat . as for the US giving chemical weapons to Iraq i havent heard anything to prove that .. however their is speculation that the equipment that Iraq used to make said chems came from Germany .
Take 5 minute and do a little research, not only did Reagan hand weapons of mass destruction to Iraq he sent technicians over their to show them how to make it for themselves. What does this mean" at that time the US was supporting Iraq in their fight against Iran whom we viewed at the time as a bigger threat" THEN WHY DID HE SELL WEAPONS TO IRAN.(

Nov. 13, 1986) Where did this piece of shit send the money he got from the sales of weapons to IRAn to the fricken contras.​

You people are funny.
Those that win elections tend to lose them. Great example. Trump and Reps running all branches of government and losing all of them in only 4 short years. Politics is a power pendulum
Like a moth to flame just had to fly into a Trump mention
No, they moved to dismiss it once Barr was able to appoint his buddy to fabricate an excuse to dismiss. The fabricated excuse had nothing to do with prosecutorial misconduct.

Make no mistake, Flynn lied to protect Trump. At that time, Trump was denying up and down to having any inappropriate contacts with Russia. The knowledge that they were formulating policy with Russia to go easy on them before they were even in office would have been politically damaging to their narrative at the time.
Flynn did not lie. The FBI agents that interviewed him said that. They kept investigating and forced him out because Obama wanted him gone.
Of course they can. I can think that anything is wrong…. Including your opinions. And you can think mine are wrong. This is a rather pointless path we’ve gone done don’t you think? Were you trying to get off topic?
Non fact opinions do not have a right or wrong element to them.
If I say the moon is full and it’s a quarter, that’s an incorrect fact
If I say the moon is beautiful then that’s an opinion and can’t be right not wrong
As time moves on I continue to be amazed at how you all cannot process facts nor differentiate.
how about you just presenting facts that back your position. Your insulting tactics are fking boring.
What? did I dump your buddy, same goes for everyone here, if you just come in and waste bandwidth and you are gone. Great solution for you , go someplace else hot rod. Tell me what I've said that isn't a fact , We will wait . My insulting tactics are responses to insulting tactics . Funny that you just point out mine , Why is that??????
Flynn did not lie. The FBI agents that interviewed him said that. They kept investigating and forced him out because Obama wanted him gone.
Flynn didn’t lie?! Wow. What reason did Trump give for firing Flynn? I forgot
Non fact opinions do not have a right or wrong element to them.
If I say the moon is full and it’s a quarter, that’s an incorrect fact
If I say the moon is beautiful then that’s an opinion and can’t be right not wrong
As time moves on I continue to be amazed at how you all cannot process facts nor differentiate.
If I say that murdering innocent children is bad would that be a fact or opinion? Would it be right or wrong in your opinion? ;)
If I say that murdering innocent children is bad would that be a fact or opinion? Would it be right or wrong in your opinion? ;)
Fact. A factually correct statement, universally supported with no debate.
Like I said you all can’t discern how to identify and separate and that may be Hugely Causal to your difficulties and is indicated by the fact you needed that question answered for you
I don't need anything on trump , Trump will spend the rest of his life in jail or in court. You are supporting the most hated man in the US and the most hated man in the world but Everyone's wrong about it other then you.

He's hated by fascists. I don't give a shit about fascists, or their worthless opinions.
Like I said you all can’t discern how to identify and separate and that may be Hugely Causal to your difficulties
Haha, no that’s not a fact, it’s not proven by science like your moon example. It is an opinion, it is obviously widely accepted as a bad thing but it is still opinion. Crash and burn weatherman. Don’t challenge me you will be embarrassed ;)
Another Clinton suicide watch.

Danchenko Indictment: Source For Steele "Dossier" Claims Was Not Russian Officials. It Was... A HILLARY CLINTON POLITICAL OPERATIVE

Igor Danchenko, a Russia analyst who worked with Christopher Steele, the author of a dossier of rumors and unproven assertions about Donald J. Trump, was taken into custody as part of the Durham investigation.

By Adam Goldman and Charlie Savage
Nov. 4, 2021, 9:43 a.m. ET

WASHINGTON -- Federal authorities on Thursday arrested an analyst who in 2016 gathered leads about possible links between Donald J. Trump and Russia for what turned out to be Democratic-funded opposition research, according to people familiar with the matter.

The arrest of the analyst, Igor Danchenko, is part of the special counsel inquiry led by John H. Durham, who was appointed by the Trump administration to scrutinize the Russia investigation for any wrongdoing, the people said.

Mr. Danchenko, was the primary researcher of the so-called Steele dossier, a compendium of rumors and unproven assertions suggesting that Mr. Trump and his 2016 campaign were compromised by and conspiring with Russian intelligence officials in Moscow's covert operation to help him defeat Hillary Clinton.

The people familiar with the matter spoke on condition of anonymity because the indictment of Mr. Danchenko had yet to be unsealed. A spokesman for Mr. Durham did not respond to a request for comment.


The inspector general report also said that a decade earlier, when Mr. Danchenko worked for the Brookings Institution, a prominent Washington think-tank, he had been the subject of a counterintelligence investigation into whether he was a Russian agent.

In an interview with The New York Times in 2020, Mr. Danchenko defended the integrity of his work, saying he had been tasked to gather "raw intelligence" and was simply passing it on to Mr. Steele. Mr. Danchenko -- who made his name as a Russia analyst by exposing indications that the dissertation of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia contained plagiarized material -- also denied being a Russian agent.
"I've never been a Russian agent," Mr. Danchenko said. "It is ridiculous to suggest that. This, I think, it's slander."
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