Maine court forces school to let tranny use girls bathroom

Could be worse. Could be like Chile where they now allow legal change of sex even minus hormones or GRS. Wanna be opposite sex, only have to say you want it and voila'.
I'm glad i don't have a young kid to raise, we have people running this country into the ground.
I do not see the problem. Aren't girls toilets all cubicles anyway so all of the bathroom habits are private.

Unless the student leaves the seat up. I catch hell for that pretty regular.
Since it had a dicj is it fair for real girls to have a stall used when it could use a urinal?

OK I don't get it, did this "Transgender" who was born a male have a sex change?

If so how can a minor get a sex change? Shouldn't the parents be put in jail for mutilating their child?

If not, that means this "Transgender" is just a cross-dressing male. Absolutely no reason to allow the queer into a female restroom.

If anything they just need to start making transgender only bathrooms, so the normal people don't have to put up with this shit.
All they need to is say they are the opposite sex and libs play along
New schools in Maine are now required to have stand-up urinals in girls latrines to ensure equality for the transitional.
...Shouldn't the parents be put in jail for mutilating their child?...

Mine weren't.

Of course, lopping off the most sensitive region of your kid's penis shortly after his birth has the benefit of being a widely accepted tradition in our twisted culture.

Back on topic though, transgenderism is all about gender-identification via considerations above and beyond the bodily equipment with which a person was born. So, a transgender kid needn't be a 'post-op tranny' in order to feel out of place in the mens room.

Personally, I think Novasteve's obsession is just pointing up another stupid wedge issue.

It'll be a cold day in hell before such legislation gains any ground in the Bible Belt.
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Do you morons really think she should have to use the boys room?

Do you morons really think she should have to use the boys room?
He didn't before? You can't change genders. If you check the DNA, he's still a he. But liberals value symbolism over substance. He should not have been allowed to have the surgery in the first place, the parent or guardian should be jailed.
Liberal faggots and their brain cell killing HIV medications. Nothing else can explain this insanity
I really only have one response to this courts decision.

[ame=]david bowie - changes - YouTube[/ame]

I wish her well.
To me, changing yourself in such a way is like you are saying that the Lord made a mistake and I don't believe that the Lord makes mistakes. He had a reason for having us be born the gender that we were born.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I have heard it said that a pig in a dress is still a pig.
Do you morons really think she should have to use the boys room?

Good heavens! That's all we need in the men's restrooms. The perverts would start coming out of the woodworks. She .. or he (or whatever) needs to have an isolated restroom to him/herself.

If this is what's happening to our society, then I want no part of it. Stop the world and let me off. Heaven help us all!

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