Maine Legislators Override Governor Wacky Paul LePage's Veto of Marijuana Legalization

I don't see anything wrong with smoking weed. It's just the people who OD on it.
I've been trying for forty years to OD on pot, just can't seem to do it right.

I've been trying for around 16 years, and it has never worked.

But, since the subject of overdose has come up, marijuana has been shown to be rather effective in helping heroin addicts get over their addiction. When a person goes through withdrawl, they experience nausea, joint and muscle pain, as well as are extremely jittery. What are the effects of a good Indica? Appetite stimulation, pain relief for joints and muscles, as well as calms you down.

A facility in NH has tried this over the past year, and guess what? They have around a 60 PERCENT recovery rate. For heroin addicts and no methadone was required. Best part? Because marijuana is not physically addictive in any way shape or form, they can quit marijuana when they feel like they are past the heroin.

Just watch...............a year after ME puts this into effect, you're gonna see a marked drop in heroin overdoses.
I have been hearing about that lately. Most substance abuse counselors I know say that addicts smoking pot is like changing deck chairs on the Titanic.
When my ex relapsed, that was the first slip--smoking dope again. Then booze then inpatient rehab.
When I was a teen we could get good weed for 65 dollars a pound.

In 76 it was between 80 and a hundred for a lb. Oz were 10 bucks. Mexican seedy dirt weed. It worked, that is it got you high but you had all these seeds and stems left over.
I don't see anything wrong with smoking weed. It's just the people who OD on it.
I've been trying for forty years to OD on pot, just can't seem to do it right.

I've been trying for around 16 years, and it has never worked.

But, since the subject of overdose has come up, marijuana has been shown to be rather effective in helping heroin addicts get over their addiction. When a person goes through withdrawl, they experience nausea, joint and muscle pain, as well as are extremely jittery. What are the effects of a good Indica? Appetite stimulation, pain relief for joints and muscles, as well as calms you down.

A facility in NH has tried this over the past year, and guess what? They have around a 60 PERCENT recovery rate. For heroin addicts and no methadone was required. Best part? Because marijuana is not physically addictive in any way shape or form, they can quit marijuana when they feel like they are past the heroin.

Just watch...............a year after ME puts this into effect, you're gonna see a marked drop in heroin overdoses.
I have been hearing about that lately. Most substance abuse counselors I know say that addicts smoking pot is like changing deck chairs on the Titanic.
When my ex relapsed, that was the first slip--smoking dope again. Then booze then inpatient rehab.

That is just part of the propaganda that AA and NA use. I was a counselor for the last 8 years of my career. And, it's not really all that true, because alcohol is physically addictive, while marijuana is not. You can stay stoned for a month straight, quit smoking cold turkey, and there are no physical withdrawl symptoms. I know, because I tried it on myself.

Try to do that with alcohol (stay drunk for a month) and then quit? You will end up with the DT's, which can be dangerous to go through.

Considering that that facility in NH has a 60 percent success rate, well, that is truly amazing. Why? Because getting clean for heroin addicts is usually in single digits, and many of them end up being hooked on methadone, which is what heroin addicts call "liquid handcuffs". And, like I said, because marijuana isn't physically addictive, when they feel they are off the heroin, they can simply stop smoking if they want.

To tell you the truth? I think that when your ex smoked some cannabis, it set up the thought in his mind that he could drink again, and while there are some alcoholics who are able to go back to drinking after an extended period of sobriety, they are few and far between because usually they fall back into their old drinking habits. Part of the reason that doctors think that happens is because excessive use of alcohol for a long time reduces an enzyme in your body that regulates the breakdown of alcohol. Lose enough of that enzyme, and one drink will set up a phenomena of craving, which results in a loss of control over alcohol yet again. That is why alcoholics say "one is too many, and a thousand aren't enough".
I have no problem with legalizing drugs, except the Feds need to do it, because no matter what the states do, it is still a Federal crime to use, and sell Marijuana. If they decide to enforce the laws, there will be a lot of unhappy people.
I have no problem with legalizing drugs, except the Feds need to do it, because no matter what the states do, it is still a Federal crime to use, and sell Marijuana. If they decide to enforce the laws, there will be a lot of unhappy people.

Actually, the easiest way would be to move it off of Schedule I and down to III or IV. And, in order to be kept on Schedule I, it has to be shown to be of zero medical beneifit as well as highly physically addictive.

Marijuana has medical benefits for many things from PTSD, to seizures, to Alzheimer's, to heroin addiction. And, because it is not physically addictive in any way, it needs to be moved off of Schedule I.

Even if it only went down to Schedule II, it could still be prescribed by doctors.
When I was a teen we could get good weed for 65 dollars a pound.

I call bullshit. Every good dope smoker knows that there are 16 oz. in a lb., so if you were getting it for 65 bucks a pound, that translates into 4.06 an oz.

Anyone else ever been able to buy an ounce of good weed for 4.06? Even back in the hippie days of the 60's?
This was in the late 60's where it was common to buy an ounce for ten dollars. And another thing, I don't give a rats ass what you call. I was there sgt frag.

Even if it was only 10 bucks an oz., that still is 160 dollars a lb., much more than the 65 dollars a lb. you claimed.

That's the profit margin. "Quantity discount".
I don't see anything wrong with smoking weed. It's just the people who OD on it.

Hate to tell you dude, but there is no way in hell that you can overdose on marijuana by smoking it. When you start to get really high, you simply go horizontal, get real still and go to sleep.
Really? So those guys I buried weren't dead?

Dunno who you buried, or how they died. But, you can bet your ass that there was more than just marijuana involved.

I have my money on "no, they weren't dead".
I don't see anything wrong with smoking weed. It's just the people who OD on it.

I don't see anything wrong with posting on a message board. It's just the people who post really fucking stupid shit.
Show where I posted anything stupid.

Already quoted it. Look UP.
Well, he does have a point. He swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States, and implementation of this State law implicitly condones violation of federal law.

Of course, for Leftists, oaths are meaningless...a sign of weakness and inflexibility.
When I was a teen we could get good weed for 65 dollars a pound.

In 76 it was between 80 and a hundred for a lb. Oz were 10 bucks. Mexican seedy dirt weed. It worked, that is it got you high but you had all these seeds and stems left over.
I was paying 20 for an oz in '75. The 10/oz days were over, even for homegrown. I was amazed to see how the weed they're selling now is almost entirely big, fat buds. We never saw those. You could heat the leftover seeds and stalks gently in oil and then put that nice green/black oil in your brownies. MMMMM
I don't see anything wrong with smoking weed. It's just the people who OD on it.

Hate to tell you dude, but there is no way in hell that you can overdose on marijuana by smoking it. When you start to get really high, you simply go horizontal, get real still and go to sleep.
Really? So those guys I buried weren't dead?

no, they were imaginary
Well, he does have a point. He swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States, and implementation of this State law implicitly condones violation of federal law.

Of course, for Leftists, oaths are meaningless...a sign of weakness and inflexibility.
yea im sure all the righties who smoke pot care about that oath....only lefties smoke the stuff right?..
Well, he does have a point. He swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States, and implementation of this State law implicitly condones violation of federal law.

Of course, for Leftists, oaths are meaningless...a sign of weakness and inflexibility.

Ummm..... really. "Violation of federal law" is it?

If you could, y'know, go ahead and essplain to the class what federal law requires states to illegalize a plant, that'd be great.

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