Maine’s passage of ‘right to food’ amendment stirs celebration, worry

Because my taxes will go up to pay for it. I earned my money, and to have it taken is not what I want to see.

I am asking a simple question. What is the problem just answering it?
You need better reading comprehension. My taxes will also be going to pay for it.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

If, right-wingers were not such hypocrites, they would have no problem being Legal to the Law.
No, you don't post accurate facts. I explained why tunneling would not be feasible. And all you did was call me a liar. You didn't say what was the lie. Are you saying it was a lie when I said building a tunnel is prohibitively expensive? Are you saying it would be easy to build a tunnel through wetlands, rocky terrain, and miles of wooded wilderness? Are you saying there is no safety hazard involved in putting flammable liquids in a tunnel with hundreds of thousands of volts of electricty?
No, you don't any facts that are more accurate than mine. All you tell me is that you are a twenty-year veteran of the industry and have no solutions. Typical of the "worthless right-wing".
You need better reading comprehension. My taxes will also be going to pay for it.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

If, right-wingers were not such hypocrites, they would have no problem being Legal to the Law.

It is not hypocritical to want to keep as much of they money I earned as possible. It is just good sense.
No, you don't any facts that are more accurate than mine. All you tell me is that you are a twenty-year veteran of the industry and have no solutions. Typical of the "worthless right-wing".

I have answers to the problem you propose. The fact that you do not like those answers is not a problem for me. They are still accurate.
No, you don't any facts that are more accurate than mine. All you tell me is that you are a twenty-year veteran of the industry and have no solutions. Typical of the "worthless right-wing".

I understand that you watched some YouTube videos, but the fact that you continue to push the idea of putting power transmission lines underground shows that you do not know what you are talking about.
I understand that you watched some YouTube videos, but the fact that you continue to push the idea of putting power transmission lines underground shows that you do not know what you are talking about.
lol. That is why right-wingers are worthless in public office. You have no arguments only your stories.

I personally saw horizontal drilling techniques when was in southern California, for electrical power cables.
Who cares about the Law for Legal purposes is hypocritical coming from the right-wing who Whine the most about alleged illegals in border threads.

I suppose you would have to talk to the right-wingers who whine about illegals in border thread. This thread has nothing to do with the border or illegals.
You have nothing but gossip, hearsay, and soothsay. Now wonder it takes us soo long to learn Nothing.

LMAO!! You still want to try and deny facts? And yet you refuse to tell me what facts you think are lies.

Do you really think a tunnel through hundreds of miles of wilderness is the best way to transmit high voltage electrical power? It would cost billions of dollars. and do no more than the overland aerial lines would do. And the aerial lines would do it much safer and be easier to maintain and repair.
lol. That is why right-wingers are worthless in public office. You have no arguments only your stories.

I personally saw horizontal drilling techniques when was in southern California, for electrical power cables.

For electrical cables? Yes, they use HDD often for electrical cables. Those would be Distribution Lines, which usually max out at around 33kV. Transmission lines run 220kV up to 800kV and higher. It is a completely different animal.

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