Maine’s passage of ‘right to food’ amendment stirs celebration, worry

Words have meaning. And, why do you care, exactly? The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

So how long would you have them be able to draw unemployment compensation. Currently, most states allow 26 weeks. Would you double that to 52 weeks?

And as for why I care, you said in a previous post that the employers would not be paying for it. Which means the tax payers would have to pay for it. I am a tax payer.
lol. You mean I didn't dumb it down enough for the right-wing, but y'all still want to be Right.

LMAO!! Your hypocrisy is amazing. "...but y'all still want to be Right". You asked a question, which I answered. Then you argued with my answer. I based my answer on more than 2 decades of direct experience, and you argued based on watching a few YouTube videos. And you still insist you are right.
That means requiring Cause in an at-will employment State is extra-Constitutional.

Do right-wingers really believe they are being honest?
explain how that makes UE insurance unconstitutionplease.
That means requiring Cause in an at-will employment State is extra-Constitutional.

Do right-wingers really believe they are being honest?
you haven’t explained how.
At-will employment is generally described as follows: "any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work."
And there you go again, insisting there's some mythical linkage between the two. Again, you're the ONLY one who thinks there is.
You have no ethics or morals to claim that. We have a First Amendment. The Law is the Law. Employment is at-will not for-cause. It really is that simple.
Oh, good grief. Now you're dragging the First Amendment into it. It has nothing to do with UC law. If you think it does, you're the ONLY one who believes that.
do you not understand that NO ONE ELSE believes you? I've challenged you to produce anyone who does and you failed. No one believes you.
he’s just a typical dembot that doesn’t understand or know anything but thinks he does, and is too closed minded to be educated.

perfect for the dembot cult
So, in addition to changing who is eligible, you want to change the source of the funding for unemployment compensation?

And you obviously want to change the length of time someone can draw unemployment compensation. How long would you suggest it be changed to? From 26 weeks to 52 weeks?
What part of at-will is limited to some specific time frame? I am not saying the employer has to pay all of it.
it’s not. The employer can fire someone at any time, if they are an “at-will” employee

UE insurance is something different and paid for a specific time frame
not eating is a good thing! folks need to be skinny!

So much for the tradition and image of the Sturdy Maine Men of the backwoods, eh?

Apparently, the descendants of those Real Men have degenerated into the namby-pamby sissy-boys of today who need a Food Safe Space. :cool:
Yes, it is all expensive. But the power transmission lines are far less expensive when built above ground in the typical aerial array. Why build something that would cost exponentially more?
If you had better reading comprehension, you would know that tunnels could be used to transport fuels as well.
So how long would you have them be able to draw unemployment compensation. Currently, most states allow 26 weeks. Would you double that to 52 weeks?

And as for why I care, you said in a previous post that the employers would not be paying for it. Which means the tax payers would have to pay for it. I am a tax payer.
At-will means something specific.
And, I am a taxpayer as well, and so is everyone with any income. General taxes are preferable to direct taxes.
LMAO!! Your hypocrisy is amazing. "...but y'all still want to be Right". You asked a question, which I answered. Then you argued with my answer. I based my answer on more than 2 decades of direct experience, and you argued based on watching a few YouTube videos. And you still insist you are right.
lol. Your hypocrisy is standard, right-wing operating proceedure.

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