Maine’s passage of ‘right to food’ amendment stirs celebration, worry

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

At-will employment is generally described as follows: "any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work."

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

That means requiring Cause in an at-will employment State is extra-Constitutional.

Except no one is requiring cause in an at-will employment state.
Narcissist Personality Disorder? LMAO!! Let's see, one of us received a great deal of training and has 2 decades of experience in actual field work in the area we are discussing. And one of us watched some YouTube videos. Both insist we are correct. Which would you suggest has the issue with Narcissist Personality Disorder and which of us is speaking on a topic in which he is an expert?
Stories are all you have, storyteller. You need valid arguments not simply proclaiming you are not a narcissist and have no valid argument, but must have the "gospel Truth". Reality, what a concept for the fantastical right-wing.
Stories are all you have, storyteller. You need valid arguments not simply proclaiming you are not a narcissist and have no valid argument, but must have the "gospel Truth". Reality, what a concept for the fantastical right-wing.

LMAO!! The one telling stories is you. You watch a couple of YouTube videos and try to claim an actual expert is lying? I was hired for my expertise, and well paid. I have actually done what we are discussing. And you sit at home, unemployed.
Isn't right-wing fantasy wonderful.

Not fantasy at all.

Despite your claims that the state abridges the law, you are still left with the fact that, in an at-will state ""any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work." is still an accurate description of the employer/employee relationship. It is not changed by unemployment compensation.
Not fantasy at all.

Despite your claims that the state abridges the law, you are still left with the fact that, in an at-will state ""any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work." is still an accurate description of the employer/employee relationship. It is not changed by unemployment compensation.
Why do we have homelessness and poverty if you are not just a plain right-wing liar?
Tell us self-proclaiming non-liar, why can't we bore from Canada to the US?

I have explained it already. And it is not that boring from Canada to the US is impossible. It is that it is not the good idea you seem to think it is. It would be prohibitively expensive. It would be very difficult to maintain. It would be inefficient. And it would do greater harm to the environment than the aerial power transmission lines.

While I do claim I am not lying, you provide absolutely no evidence that I am lying. Your argument is based on pure malice and ego.
Why do we have homelessness and poverty if you are not just a plain right-wing liar?

There are a variety of reasons for both homelessness and poverty. But providing unemployment compensation for anyone without a job would not solve those problems. Getting $300 to $500 a week for 6 months will provide a temporary relief, but will not address the actual causes.
There are a variety of reasons for both homelessness and poverty. But providing unemployment compensation for anyone without a job would not solve those problems. Getting $300 to $500 a week for 6 months will provide a temporary relief, but will not address the actual causes.
That is why equal protection of the laws will solve it.
The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

At-will employment is generally described as follows: "any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work."

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

That means requiring Cause in an at-will employment State is extra-Constitutional.
hahaha no it doesn’t

extra-constitutional? hahah
hahaha no it doesn’t

extra-constitutional? hahah
You must be on the false-witness bearing right-wing. You need valid arguments for rebuttal. It can be ethically and morally challenging to bear true witness and resort to the fewest fallacies.

Go ahead, right-winger, explain Your reasoning. Otherwise, I am Right even though I am on the left and that makes You Wrong even though you are on the right. If only there were enough ethics and morals to go around on the right-wing. Should anyone really confide in the sincerity of the right-wing in any public office?
The rest of your gossip merely showcased your ignorance.

LMAO!! More baseless claims? Exactly what did I claim that you think is ignorant? Of course you won't answer this. Not enough balls to back your claim?

"It is that it is not the good idea you seem to think it is. It would be prohibitively expensive. It would be very difficult to maintain. It would be inefficient. And it would do greater harm to the environment than the aerial power transmission lines."

That statement is accurate. It also shows that you will lie to avoid admitting you are wrong.
What part of at-will is limited to some specific time frame? I am not saying the employer has to pay all of it.

So, in addition to changing who is eligible, you want to change the source of the funding for unemployment compensation?

And you obviously want to change the length of time someone can draw unemployment compensation. How long would you suggest it be changed to? From 26 weeks to 52 weeks?

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