Maine’s passage of ‘right to food’ amendment stirs celebration, worry

Dannyboy think that is if the at-will laws describe the employer/employee relationship, they also describe every employment benefit program. If you cannot be held legally liable for quitting or getting fired, you must be able to draw unemployment compensation. And you must be able to draw it whether you had a job or not. Just free money for everyone who doesn't have a job.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
then sounds like the law he actually has issue with is the UE insurance law. So the clown doesn’t even know which law he has an actual issue with

I wonder if he knows that union shop states also don’t get UE benefits to people who’ve been fired for cause, and also has caps on how long you can get the benefit
The issue is that the UE insurance law is repugnant to our at-will employment law. Everybody but the right-wing usually understand that the first time.
There are caps on all unemployment compensation benefits. But he wants those caps removed so people can draw it for as long as they have no job.
We should have no simple poverty or homeless problem in our at-will employment States.
Since we know socialism never works how do you plan on enforcing these peoples right to food? When they go to court who do they sue to get that food they have a right to?
You simply assume that due to ignorance, not reason. There are no true AnCaps anywhere since the fall of Mogadishu some years ago. Thus, true Capitalism exists nowhere on Earth. Government is a form of socialism as expressed by our Constitutions.
I am. I was giving you the background and informing you of the equal protection clause.

I never claimed that. You simply made up your story and assumed your own conclusion. That is a fallacy (an error in reasoning).

I am saying the unemployment insurance office (an agency of the State) has no authority to insist on good Cause to qualify for unemployment compensation for any benefits administered in our at-will employment State.

Yes, they do. The at-will employment laws are not abridged by offering assistance to those who lost their job through no fault of their own.

The unemployment compensation is designed to give good workers assistance while they find another job. It is not meant to be welfare. That is why one of the requirements of the benefit is that you be actively seeking another job. It is also why the benefits are temporary, usually only 26 weeks.

And none of that does anything to change the relationship between employer and employee.
We should have no simple poverty or homeless problem in our at-will employment States.

If anyone is starving in the US it is their own fault. There are programs and facilities that will feed anyone in need. There are also shelters for the homeless.

For more permanent solutions there is welfare.
You simply assume that due to ignorance, not reason. There are no true AnCaps anywhere since the fall of Mogadishu some years ago. Thus, true Capitalism exists nowhere on Earth. Government is a form of socialism as expressed by our Constitutions.
And how’s that working out? Not well.

Now answer the question. Who has to provide the food that is your right to have?
I am. I was giving you the background and informing you of the equal protection clause.

I never claimed that. You simply made up your story and assumed your own conclusion. That is a fallacy (an error in reasoning).

I am saying the unemployment insurance office (an agency of the State) has no authority to insist on good Cause to qualify for unemployment compensation for any benefits administered in our at-will employment State.
So UE laws are what you have issue with..

sure it does! the state legislature wrote and passed the law for UE benefits and the agency has to follow the law

So long as everyone applying is treated equally they are complying with the US Constitution equal protection clause
The issue is that the UE insurance law is repugnant to our at-will employment law. Everybody but the right-wing usually understand that the first time.
it’s not repugnant at all. UE insurance just applies to people that lost their job due to no fault of their own. Just like medicaid, food stamps etc are for people who meet certain income levels and not everyone. Nothing unconstitutional for the Govt to have qualifications for benefits so long as all who meet those qualitifations are treated the same
And how’s that working out? Not well.

Now answer the question. Who has to provide the food that is your right to have?
well to be fair having a “right” to something doesn’t mean it’s provided by anyone, including the Govt, for you.

The thought it is, is what demafascist have been feeding their cultist.
Yes, they do. The at-will employment laws are not abridged by offering assistance to those who lost their job through no fault of their own.

The unemployment compensation is designed to give good workers assistance while they find another job. It is not meant to be welfare. That is why one of the requirements of the benefit is that you be actively seeking another job. It is also why the benefits are temporary, usually only 26 weeks.

And none of that does anything to change the relationship between employer and employee.
Simply requiring Cause for unemployment compensation proves you Wrong, like usual, right-winger.
If anyone is starving in the US it is their own fault. There are programs and facilities that will feed anyone in need. There are also shelters for the homeless.

For more permanent solutions there is welfare.
That is simply your opinion.
it’s not repugnant at all. UE insurance just applies to people that lost their job due to no fault of their own. Just like medicaid, food stamps etc are for people who meet certain income levels and not everyone. Nothing unconstitutional for the Govt to have qualifications for benefits so long as all who meet those qualitifations are treated the same
Yes, it is completely repugnant to the whole and entire concept of employment at the will of either party.
i don’t disagree, but sadly poverty is always gonna happen. There is always going to be those with less…for whatever reason…and some asshats just don’t want to work
I agree to disagree. Our understanding of economics is much better now.
well to be fair having a “right” to something doesn’t mean it’s provided by anyone, including the Govt, for you.

The thought it is, is what demafascist have been feeding their cultist.
No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Right-wingers simply prove they don't care about being Legal to the Law just hypocrites in border threads.

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