Major Cause of Black Poverty...Destruction of Family Unit and Liberal Misdiagnosis of Real Problem

IF they don't have the means, they can't do it.

My wife and I make well above median, and we can't imagine how people who make much less can do it.
I'm not exactly raking in the $$$$-but we make out ''ok'' .......
it can't be that hard--IF you don;t have kids....there are enough jobs--for most anybody--to get by where I am in a medium size city....
without a kid, you should be saving up/etc....
if you get married, then there should be 2 incomes.....

with the blacks--they graduate high school at lower levels meaning less go to college---and they graduate college at lower levels--so they will earn less

I think you are underestimating how crappy so many of the jobs are.

IMO, if Trump's immigration and trade policies can lead to more and better jobs for the working poor, I think you will see a significant and quick upswing in black marriage rates.

Which will show us the way to move forward.

IF we can shout the truth past the filter of lies called the media.
well, I was in the USMC and when I got out, I had some money saved up--but I still lived with my parents for about 2 years
..if you are in the military, you can save mucho--mucho $$$$
...even with a crappy--full time job--at least some of them should be in a stable financial position until they get married or move out of the house---if they don't have kids
...I realize some of their existing situations with their parent [ parents ] are probably not good.....

remember, they should not be paying much, if any, federal taxes....a lot get $$$$ back on refunds/etc if they are not making much

however medical expenses/etc can throw them off.....

STep one, repeal truancy laws, so that kids who are not getting anything from school can stop going and wasting their time and get jobs to start earning.
Fine parents.

Likely, but that's not going to change.
I don't think I've ever heard a conservative talk about poverty without having to make it about race.
Should blacks be denied free public education no matter how poor they are?
So long as they don’t expect it as a generational norm.

lolol, it's been a generational norm for how long?

Answer the question.
Since about...1970...when Great Society took full effect.

Public education for all children regardless of their families' ability to pay became a problem after 1970??

I don't think I've ever heard a conservative talk about poverty without having to make it about race.
I don't think I've ever heard a black talk about ANYTHING without having to make it about race.
they are obsessed with race on every and any subject

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