Major Law Firms Won't Defend Trump

Bullshit, this reeks of fake news
I'm not surprised you think so.

I'm not surprised you're buying it....see how this works?

Unnamed sources should be your first clue, moron
I'm not surprised you're buying it
If you construe my comments above as my "buying" anything, you either didn't fully read them or didn't comprehend them. I don't know which, but it's one of the two.

Nobody cares, you're not important, now go bother someone else

Excuse me? I bother you? Let me remind you that I didn't quote you or do anything to attract expressly your attention. You, on the other hand, directly quoted my remarks, and attempted to discredit them by lambasting them as "fake news."

Let me share a few pearls of information with you:
  1. I'm not a journalist or news organization; therefore I don't ever deliver any kind of news, fake, real or otherwise.
  2. I made a single substantive point in my original post and you've had no substantive rebuttal to that point, yet you did attempt to impugn it. If you have in your mind developed a cogent rebuttal, by all means, present it. If you don't, act like an adult and keep mum about it. (If my remark bothered you, it can only have done in that you have no direct and substantive rebuttal to it.)
  3. If it be that you think profoundly absurd and unfounded the substantive points I made in any of my posts, fine, but again, act like and adult and eschew dignifying them with a response.

I said nobody cares
Apparently 4 top law firms do care enough to say no.
I'm not surprised you think so.

I'm not surprised you're buying it....see how this works?

Unnamed sources should be your first clue, moron
I'm not surprised you're buying it
If you construe my comments above as my "buying" anything, you either didn't fully read them or didn't comprehend them. I don't know which, but it's one of the two.

Nobody cares, you're not important, now go bother someone else

Excuse me? I bother you? Let me remind you that I didn't quote you or do anything to attract expressly your attention. You, on the other hand, directly quoted my remarks, and attempted to discredit them by lambasting them as "fake news."

Let me share a few pearls of information with you:
  1. I'm not a journalist or news organization; therefore I don't ever deliver any kind of news, fake, real or otherwise.
  2. I made a single substantive point in my original post and you've had no substantive rebuttal to that point, yet you did attempt to impugn it. If you have in your mind developed a cogent rebuttal, by all means, present it. If you don't, act like an adult and keep mum about it. (If my remark bothered you, it can only have done in that you have no direct and substantive rebuttal to it.)
  3. If it be that you think profoundly absurd and unfounded the substantive points I made in any of my posts, fine, but again, act like and adult and eschew dignifying them with a response.

I said nobody cares
Apparently 4 top law firms do care enough to say no.

Fake news, Political Jughead
That's the thing, Trump has been in business for decades and in NYC for decades, he has and knows attorneys.

And yet those attorneys won't represent him. That's the point. Now, scumbag lawyers -- the type that koshrgrl hangs out with -- don't care about their reputations. However, most attorneys aren't scumbags, and they care a great deal about their reputations.

Plus, they know Trump won't pay them. He always finds an excuse to be a deadbeat. It's his business model. That's one of the things his lawyer specializes in, helping Trump be a deadbeat, along with suing people who dare say true things about Trump, in order to intimidate them into silence. That experience won't help here. Experience in criminal law and federal law would help, and his lawyer has none.
His reputation for not paying makes it impossible to borrow from American banks, thus he deals with Russian banks.
I'm not surprised you're buying it....see how this works?

Unnamed sources should be your first clue, moron
I'm not surprised you're buying it
If you construe my comments above as my "buying" anything, you either didn't fully read them or didn't comprehend them. I don't know which, but it's one of the two.

Nobody cares, you're not important, now go bother someone else

Excuse me? I bother you? Let me remind you that I didn't quote you or do anything to attract expressly your attention. You, on the other hand, directly quoted my remarks, and attempted to discredit them by lambasting them as "fake news."

Let me share a few pearls of information with you:
  1. I'm not a journalist or news organization; therefore I don't ever deliver any kind of news, fake, real or otherwise.
  2. I made a single substantive point in my original post and you've had no substantive rebuttal to that point, yet you did attempt to impugn it. If you have in your mind developed a cogent rebuttal, by all means, present it. If you don't, act like an adult and keep mum about it. (If my remark bothered you, it can only have done in that you have no direct and substantive rebuttal to it.)
  3. If it be that you think profoundly absurd and unfounded the substantive points I made in any of my posts, fine, but again, act like and adult and eschew dignifying them with a response.

I said nobody cares
Apparently 4 top law firms do care enough to say no.

Fake news, Political Jughead
The Biglaw Firms That Said No To Trump

There was lots of speculation surrounding the selection of Marc Kasowitz as outside counsel to Donald Trump. A list of finalists was revealed, and the legal gossip started in ernest until Kasowitz was revealed as the winner.

But now it seems Kasowitz may not have been Trump’s first choice.

Yahoo is reporting that at least four Biglaw superstars told the president they would not accept his rose. Brendan Sullivan of Williams & Connolly, Ted Olson of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Paul Clement and Mark Filip of Kirkland & Ellis, and Robert Giuffra of Sullivan & Cromwell are all on the list of those who reportedly just said no to Trump.
If you construe my comments above as my "buying" anything, you either didn't fully read them or didn't comprehend them. I don't know which, but it's one of the two.

Nobody cares, you're not important, now go bother someone else

Excuse me? I bother you? Let me remind you that I didn't quote you or do anything to attract expressly your attention. You, on the other hand, directly quoted my remarks, and attempted to discredit them by lambasting them as "fake news."

Let me share a few pearls of information with you:
  1. I'm not a journalist or news organization; therefore I don't ever deliver any kind of news, fake, real or otherwise.
  2. I made a single substantive point in my original post and you've had no substantive rebuttal to that point, yet you did attempt to impugn it. If you have in your mind developed a cogent rebuttal, by all means, present it. If you don't, act like an adult and keep mum about it. (If my remark bothered you, it can only have done in that you have no direct and substantive rebuttal to it.)
  3. If it be that you think profoundly absurd and unfounded the substantive points I made in any of my posts, fine, but again, act like and adult and eschew dignifying them with a response.

I said nobody cares
Apparently 4 top law firms do care enough to say no.

Fake news, Political Jughead
The Biglaw Firms That Said No To Trump

There was lots of speculation surrounding the selection of Marc Kasowitz as outside counsel to Donald Trump. A list of finalists was revealed, and the legal gossip started in ernest until Kasowitz was revealed as the winner.

But now it seems Kasowitz may not have been Trump’s first choice.

Yahoo is reporting that at least four Biglaw superstars told the president they would not accept his rose. Brendan Sullivan of Williams & Connolly, Ted Olson of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Paul Clement and Mark Filip of Kirkland & Ellis, and Robert Giuffra of Sullivan & Cromwell are all on the list of those who reportedly just said no to Trump.

It seems... then Yahoo is quoted.....zzzzzzz
I'm not surprised you're buying it....see how this works?

Unnamed sources should be your first clue, moron
I'm not surprised you're buying it
If you construe my comments above as my "buying" anything, you either didn't fully read them or didn't comprehend them. I don't know which, but it's one of the two.

Nobody cares, you're not important, now go bother someone else

Excuse me? I bother you? Let me remind you that I didn't quote you or do anything to attract expressly your attention. You, on the other hand, directly quoted my remarks, and attempted to discredit them by lambasting them as "fake news."

Let me share a few pearls of information with you:
  1. I'm not a journalist or news organization; therefore I don't ever deliver any kind of news, fake, real or otherwise.
  2. I made a single substantive point in my original post and you've had no substantive rebuttal to that point, yet you did attempt to impugn it. If you have in your mind developed a cogent rebuttal, by all means, present it. If you don't, act like an adult and keep mum about it. (If my remark bothered you, it can only have done in that you have no direct and substantive rebuttal to it.)
  3. If it be that you think profoundly absurd and unfounded the substantive points I made in any of my posts, fine, but again, act like and adult and eschew dignifying them with a response.

I said nobody cares
Apparently 4 top law firms do care enough to say no.

Fake news, Political Jughead
Presented with the facts and you deflect and run
SassyIrishLass You still don't know what you're yammering about.

It's trump's own lawyers who are saying he's a deadbeat.

Nothing new there. He doesn't pay anybody with any regularity. Dishwashers, dishwashers, contractors - he's slime and he screws over the little guy.

Just like he's doing now.

Seriously hon, stop pretending you know what you clearly do not. You always get caught and then you always run away from the thread.



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Last edited:
Four of the most liberal, of flaming liberal lawyers did the expected for what publicity they could squeeze. Not the law firms themselves just the dingbat lawyers.

One is Ted Olsen who had to give the flaming gay judge a blow job to win his gay marriage case after the voters told them to fuck off.
SassyIrishLass You still don't know what you're yammering about.

It's trump's own lawyers who are saying he's a deadbeat.

Nothing new there. He doesn't pay anybody with any regularity. Dishwashers, dishwashers, contractors - he's slime and he screws over the little guy.

Just like he's doing now.

Seriously hon, stop pretending you know what you clearly do not. You always get caught and then you always run away from the thread.



Sent from my iPad using
true. her weak attempts at deflection are cringe- worthy. Trump is the worst kind of client as lawyer would want as his loud mouth, willingness to throw his own Dep attorney gen'l under the bus, and ill- advised tweets attest
That's the thing, Trump has been in business for decades and in NYC for decades, he has and knows attorneys.

And yet those attorneys won't represent him. That's the point. Now, scumbag lawyers -- the type that koshrgrl hangs out with -- don't care about their reputations. However, most attorneys aren't scumbags, and they care a great deal about their reputations.

Plus, they know Trump won't pay them. He always finds an excuse to be a deadbeat. It's his business model. That's one of the things his lawyer specializes in, helping Trump be a deadbeat, along with suing people who dare say true things about Trump, in order to intimidate them into silence. That experience won't help here. Experience in criminal law and federal law would help, and his lawyer has none.
His reputation for not paying makes it impossible to borrow from American banks, thus he deals with Russian banks.
In the interest of both fairness and completeness, Trump obtains loans from Deutsche Bank. That said, that bank and its managers can't currently be cited as being above reproach. Moreover, that a "shady" guy like Trump gets loans from a "shady" bank is hardly surprising.
Not much of a firm would reveal this info after speaking with a potential client.

Which leads me to question the validity of the story
Whadaya mean? Just because it's another unmanned source with something negative to say about president Trump? Just because previous allegations from other unnamed sources have turned out to be crocks of shit invented by various media/dimocrat pukes? I'm shocked, Sassy!
I'm getting tired of these "I hate Trump, let me tell you what unnamed sources say" threads.
That's the thing, Trump has been in business for decades and in NYC for decades, he has and knows attorneys.

And yet those attorneys won't represent him. That's the point. Now, scumbag lawyers -- the type that koshrgrl hangs out with -- don't care about their reputations. However, most attorneys aren't scumbags, and they care a great deal about their reputations.

Plus, they know Trump won't pay them. He always finds an excuse to be a deadbeat. It's his business model. That's one of the things his lawyer specializes in, helping Trump be a deadbeat, along with suing people who dare say true things about Trump, in order to intimidate them into silence. That experience won't help here. Experience in criminal law and federal law would help, and his lawyer has none.
His reputation for not paying makes it impossible to borrow from American banks, thus he deals with Russian banks.
In the interest of both fairness and completeness, Trump obtains loans from Deutsche Bank. That said, that bank and its managers can't currently be cited as being above reproach. Moreover, that a "shady" guy like Trump gets loans from a "shady" bank is hardly surprising.
As I said, Trump borrows from Russian banks.

Donald Trump borrowed money from Russia during 2008 financial crisis, says former MI6 chief

Eric Trump Reportedly Bragged About Access to $100 Million in Russian Money

Bank that lent $300m to Trump linked to Russian money laundering scam
Oh dear. Trump's reputation as a deadbeat has caught up with him.

Four top law firms turned down requests to represent Trump
“The concerns were, ‘The guy won’t pay and he won’t listen,’” said one lawyer close to the White House who is familiar with some of the discussions between the firms and the administration, as well as deliberations within the firms themselves.

In addition, law firms are concerned about losing other clients and losing employees if they sign on with Trump. Trump's stench of failure is pervasive. It's the reason why so many government positions are unfilled -- nobody wants "Worked with the Trump admin" on their resume.
The ruling class has enormous power.

It clearly dupes millions of Americans too.
That's the thing, Trump has been in business for decades and in NYC for decades, he has and knows attorneys.

And yet those attorneys won't represent him. That's the point. Now, scumbag lawyers -- the type that koshrgrl hangs out with -- don't care about their reputations. However, most attorneys aren't scumbags, and they care a great deal about their reputations.

Plus, they know Trump won't pay them. He always finds an excuse to be a deadbeat. It's his business model. That's one of the things his lawyer specializes in, helping Trump be a deadbeat, along with suing people who dare say true things about Trump, in order to intimidate them into silence. That experience won't help here. Experience in criminal law and federal law would help, and his lawyer has none.
His reputation for not paying makes it impossible to borrow from American banks, thus he deals with Russian banks.
In the interest of both fairness and completeness, Trump obtains loans from Deutsche Bank. That said, that bank and its managers can't currently be cited as being above reproach. Moreover, that a "shady" guy like Trump gets loans from a "shady" bank is hardly surprising.
As I said, Trump borrows from Russian banks.

Donald Trump borrowed money from Russia during 2008 financial crisis, says former MI6 chief

Eric Trump Reportedly Bragged About Access to $100 Million in Russian Money

Bank that lent $300m to Trump linked to Russian money laundering scam

That's the thing, Trump has been in business for decades and in NYC for decades, he has and knows attorneys.

And yet those attorneys won't represent him. That's the point. Now, scumbag lawyers -- the type that koshrgrl hangs out with -- don't care about their reputations. However, most attorneys aren't scumbags, and they care a great deal about their reputations.

Plus, they know Trump won't pay them. He always finds an excuse to be a deadbeat. It's his business model. That's one of the things his lawyer specializes in, helping Trump be a deadbeat, along with suing people who dare say true things about Trump, in order to intimidate them into silence. That experience won't help here. Experience in criminal law and federal law would help, and his lawyer has none.
His reputation for not paying makes it impossible to borrow from American banks, thus he deals with Russian banks.
In the interest of both fairness and completeness, Trump obtains loans from Deutsche Bank. That said, that bank and its managers can't currently be cited as being above reproach. Moreover, that a "shady" guy like Trump gets loans from a "shady" bank is hardly surprising.
He certainly has, of course, but whether he has or has not even tangentially related to the point of my posting the remarks I did. Perhaps you missed the subordinate clause that identifies the purpose of my comments? Just in case, I'll repeat it here: "in the interest of both fairness and completeness."
Trump's previous lawyers would never meet with Trump alone. They always went in pairs, so that there would be a second witness to the conversation, because they knew Trump would lie about the conversation if he could get some advantage out of it.

And before the Trump-snowflakes try to deflect again by melting down into a "WAAAAA! IT'S ALL FAKE NEWS! WAAAAAA! STOP PICKING ON TRUMP!" puddle, note that the lawyers testified to that under oath, as transcribed in this court document.

1992 Bankruptcy Courty NJ Trump Plaza Associates 02

Q: You had a meeting on June 16, 1990?

A: Right. Same identical entry. Right. Okay. For three quarters of an hour with Donald, right.

Q: Did Mr. Miller always do everything together with you when he was active in this case?

A: Not everything, but we—it’s always been our practice to make sure two people are present, and we don’t have a problem of people lying.

Q: You are meeting with your client?

A: That’s right. Our client. Hey, Trump is a leader in the field of expert—he’s an expert at interpreting things. Let’s put it that way.

Q: That’s interestingly put. As I recall in your letter to Mr. Descantis, which we marked yesterday, you indicated the policy of your office was to have two attorneys present for meeting with public officials?

A: Correct.

Q: Here you are meeting with your client?

A: That’s right.

Q: Was it necessary for both you and Mr. Miller to always attend the meeting —

A: We always do that.

Q: Always?

A: We tried to do it with Donald always if we could because Donald says certain things and then has a lack of memory.
That's the thing, Trump has been in business for decades and in NYC for decades, he has and knows attorneys.

And yet those attorneys won't represent him. That's the point. Now, scumbag lawyers -- the type that koshrgrl hangs out with -- don't care about their reputations. However, most attorneys aren't scumbags, and they care a great deal about their reputations.

Plus, they know Trump won't pay them. He always finds an excuse to be a deadbeat. It's his business model. That's one of the things his lawyer specializes in, helping Trump be a deadbeat, along with suing people who dare say true things about Trump, in order to intimidate them into silence. That experience won't help here. Experience in criminal law and federal law would help, and his lawyer has none.
His reputation for not paying makes it impossible to borrow from American banks, thus he deals with Russian banks.
In the interest of both fairness and completeness, Trump obtains loans from Deutsche Bank. That said, that bank and its managers can't currently be cited as being above reproach. Moreover, that a "shady" guy like Trump gets loans from a "shady" bank is hardly surprising.
As I said, Trump borrows from Russian banks.

Donald Trump borrowed money from Russia during 2008 financial crisis, says former MI6 chief

Eric Trump Reportedly Bragged About Access to $100 Million in Russian Money

Bank that lent $300m to Trump linked to Russian money laundering scam

good come back babble :rolleyes-41:

They are the russian mod squad

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