Majority Leader Chuck Schumer: "If you wanna get rid of inflation, the only way to do it, is to undo a lot of the Trump Tax Cuts and raise rates."

It likely never penetrated the smug brainless noggin of the camera whore, Upchucky Schmucky Schumer, but there is a very good alternative way to ease inflation:

STOP “printing” money and stop spending so much of the stuff that doesn’t even exist.

Abiding by Constitutional limits and demonstrating some firm genuine budget discipline would work wonders.
Oh good here’s the people that gave us inflation with advice on how to fix it. We deserve so much better than these fools.

Given that the tax Burden is part of the money valuation equation...that is the most fucking stupid thing that anyone could say...
Then you should be able to quote him.
I mentioned the 2 relevant phrases and the wording is exact.

I need not continue to play dumb games with you where you pretend he did not say what is in the video that is a minute long. If your attention span is not long enough then that is your problem.
I mentioned the 2 relevant phrases and the wording is exact.

I need not continue to play dumb games with you where you pretend he did not say what is in the video that is a minute long. If your attention span is not long enough then that is your problem.
All I did was ask for the exact quote.

What is the problem with just publishing the quote if it is so damning?

Post it...don't post it...nobody cares. We all know you guys lie every time you put something on this message board. This is merely the latest example.
Wow, could you imagine if he actually said that?

You'll note, there is no direct quote in the OP. So I call bullshit that Schumer ever said such a thing.
Common trait among Leftards is to deny reality and live in an alternate universe. You obviously didn’t even glance at the OP when you attacked it.

Who won the 2020 US Presidential election?

There is a 100% chance you won't give a reality-based answer or you'll make your typical pussy move and run like the little bitch you are from the question.

So lets hear it.
Wow, could you imagine if he actually said that?

You'll note, there is no direct quote in the OP. So I call bullshit that Schumer ever said such a thing.
I've never liked Schumer but the Trumpanzees here seem to think all tax cuts are equal. I think what Schumer is saying is that we have an economy where workers are paying more for the same goods and services as they were before the dems passed their stimulus bill, and the 1% who own most of the equities and bonds are making more, and THAT is TRUE.

But when the dems had the opportunity, the progressives demanded they just hand out money ... while instead they should have cut taxes on workers while paying for it by raising the corp rate a couple of percentage points, and placing a surcharge on those making over 500K or having a wealth greater than ... what .... 5mil. But while Manchin probably would have gone along, Sinena wouldn't have ... and the dems never had the votes in the House.

So they probably should have just taken whatever tax hike Seinea and the House dems who are owned by Wall St would have accepted, and put it to social security or healthcare.

That's right everyone. After declaring inflation "out of their control", democrats finally say they have a solution, so there is finally a reason to vote for them

They will fix inflation by raising your taxes.

If you don't have any money to spend, you can't buy anything


But then, this is their answer to everything, from climate control to trying to get little Jimmy in the second grade that sex change he has wanted since he was 6 months of age.

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