Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Get the Progs to cut a trillion dollars from the budget. Back in the 1980's it was estimated a quarter to third of the federal budget was corruption and misuse. If we really really really really really wanted to, we cut painstakingly cut a lot from the deficit without people who are honestly living being affected. Now what affect the teillion dollars cut if suddenly would be on the economy, that is something else. Deficit spending used to provide growth. Now deficit spending keeps us treading water and we are sinking as money is being put into investment by the federal reserve/government regularly.

Yeah, I remember this....

Then he proceeded to drive up our debt to over 21 Trillion....Democrats only bitch about debt when they aren't the ones spending....

Dude, you just said that congress does the debt adding and now you are blaming Obama. you cannot even keep your lies straight from one post to the next

Not to mention the debt was only 19 trillion we Obama left office

Only....pfft....What was it when he took office? According to you that's on him...Right?

Yes it is, one of the many reasons I put him as the 2nd worst POTUS ever.

Again, why do you get triggered when you are given facts to correct false information?

You know what "triggers" me? Other's trying to tell me that I'm triggered, when I am sitting here laughing my ass off....Now, quit being childish, and maybe we can get to an actual discussion...

how can we have an actual discussion when you dismiss every fact given to you and just move the goalpost so you can claim another victory?
Lol, it was 11 trillion when he took office. W and O blew it out of the water with 16 trillion new debt. Hurray!!!!!!

As for debt added, for as bad as he was he added a smaller percentage than the previous two Repubs that served 8 years.

Who? Obama? Are you freaking kidding me here?

Once again, triggered by the facts.

Reagan added 186% to the national debt
Bush II added 101% to the national debt
Obama added 74% to the national debt.

Those are the facts. Try not to get triggered again.
It's rhetoric....I know that, you know that...Unless you are saying that you think that the President introduces spending bills, and demands that the Congress pass them, and it happens....That would just be dumb.

Is rhetoric your euphemism for a lie?

Do you think Trump had no part in the budget process or the tax cut legislation? Obviously not.

Well, according to you guys he is barely smart enough to tie his shoes in the morning...So, now he is smart enough to write the legislation, and muscle it through...Man, you morons need to make up your mind...

You’re being evasive. You were around in 2018, weren’t you? You know he was using his office to push hard for tax cuts. You know he had administration officials in the meeting with Congress to design the legislation.

What? Administraion officals? Members of Congress? But, I thought that he was locked in the residence penning the proposal by quil and ink? Then when completed he just waived his pen like Capt. Picard, and uttered "make it so"
Steven Mnuchin. They were publishing outlines and proposals that were adopted as the basis for designing the tax cut.

You’re resorting to memes and caricatures instead of reality.

No, I am highlighting how absurd this whole argument is...It is ongoing for nothing else than to say that the ills of the United States of America are because Trump was allowed to be born....
Is rhetoric your euphemism for a lie?

Do you think Trump had no part in the budget process or the tax cut legislation? Obviously not.

Well, according to you guys he is barely smart enough to tie his shoes in the morning...So, now he is smart enough to write the legislation, and muscle it through...Man, you morons need to make up your mind...

You’re being evasive. You were around in 2018, weren’t you? You know he was using his office to push hard for tax cuts. You know he had administration officials in the meeting with Congress to design the legislation.

What? Administraion officals? Members of Congress? But, I thought that he was locked in the residence penning the proposal by quil and ink? Then when completed he just waived his pen like Capt. Picard, and uttered "make it so"
Steven Mnuchin. They were publishing outlines and proposals that were adopted as the basis for designing the tax cut.

You’re resorting to memes and caricatures instead of reality.

No, I am highlighting how absurd this whole argument is...It is ongoing for nothing else than to say that the ills of the United States of America are because Trump was allowed to be born....

It’s not absurd at all. You’re making silly jokes instead or discussing reality. Are you denying Trump has anything to do with passing legislation?
Cut 30 percent of govt, lower taxes on everyone.

No lower taxes till we no longer have any debt to pass on to our kids. it is immoral to do so.

No, when you give the govt more in taxes, they just waste more. That money needs to stay in the hands of the citizens. Reduce the budget and start paying off the debt instead of servicing it.

When was the last time the budget was reduced?

Jackson blocked every spending bill and paid off the national debt. 1835.
Lol, it was 11 trillion when he took office. W and O blew it out of the water with 16 trillion new debt. Hurray!!!!!!

As for debt added, for as bad as he was he added a smaller percentage than the previous two Repubs that served 8 years.

Who? Obama? Are you freaking kidding me here?

Funny how all of a sudden it is the president that is responsible for the debt...unless it is Trump of course, but he is perfect so he cannot be to blame.
Yeah, I remember this....

Then he proceeded to drive up our debt to over 21 Trillion....Democrats only bitch about debt when they aren't the ones spending....

Dude, you just said that congress does the debt adding and now you are blaming Obama. you cannot even keep your lies straight from one post to the next

Not to mention the debt was only 19 trillion we Obama left office

Only....pfft....What was it when he took office? According to you that's on him...Right?

Yes it is, one of the many reasons I put him as the 2nd worst POTUS ever.

Again, why do you get triggered when you are given facts to correct false information?

You know what "triggers" me? Other's trying to tell me that I'm triggered, when I am sitting here laughing my ass off....Now, quit being childish, and maybe we can get to an actual discussion...

how can we have an actual discussion when you dismiss every fact given to you and just move the goalpost so you can claim another victory?

Oh I don't know why you would want to try...I mean I'm just a crazy wingnut, a Trumpster, tRumper, Trumpling, and what ever other stupid 3rd grade name you can call....You people are just pathetic....And in case you haven't caught on, and you haven't, hence this post I am replying to here, the is NOT any serious discussion or any semblence there of....It hasn't been since you and the others here decided that it was easier to attack, and name call like petulant little children....
Oh I don't know why you would want to try...I mean I'm just a crazy wingnut, a Trumpster, tRumper, Trumpling, and what ever other stupid 3rd grade name you can call....You people are just pathetic....And in case you haven't caught on, and you haven't, hence this post I am replying to here, the is NOT any serious discussion or any semblence there of....It hasn't been since you and the others here decided that it was easier to attack, and name call like petulant little children....

Lol, it was 11 trillion when he took office. W and O blew it out of the water with 16 trillion new debt. Hurray!!!!!!

As for debt added, for as bad as he was he added a smaller percentage than the previous two Repubs that served 8 years.

Who? Obama? Are you freaking kidding me here?

Once again, triggered by the facts.

Reagan added 186% to the national debt
Bush II added 101% to the national debt
Obama added 74% to the national debt.

Those are the facts. Try not to get triggered again.
Reagan added $1.8 Trillion
Bush added $5.8 Trillion
Barry Hussein added $8.6 Trillion.
Cmon, don’t be dense. You know that the president has signed every spending and tax bill passed.

When Trump takes credit for tax cuts passed in 2018, are willing to call him a liar? When he takes credit for spending on the military, are you willing to call him a liar?

It's rhetoric....I know that, you know that...Unless you are saying that you think that the President introduces spending bills, and demands that the Congress pass them, and it happens....That would just be dumb.

Is rhetoric your euphemism for a lie?

Do you think Trump had no part in the budget process or the tax cut legislation? Obviously not.

Well, according to you guys he is barely smart enough to tie his shoes in the morning...So, now he is smart enough to write the legislation, and muscle it through...Man, you morons need to make up your mind...

You’re being evasive. You were around in 2018, weren’t you? You know he was using his office to push hard for tax cuts. You know he had administration officials in the meeting with Congress to design the legislation.

What? Administraion officals? Members of Congress? But, I thought that he was locked in the residence penning the proposal by quil and ink? Then when completed he just waived his pen like Capt. Picard, and uttered "make it so"
Remember when Trump gave himself a special tax credit just because he owned a golf course....I am sure that was just a coincidence.....

Trump's tax plan 'includes tax break for golf course owners'
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The idea of imposing a wealth tax on the richest Americans has elicited sharply divergent views across a spectrum of politicians, with President Donald Trump branding it socialist and progressive Democratic presidential contenders Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders prominently endorsing it.


Among the 4,441 respondents to the poll, 64% strongly or somewhat agreed that “the very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs” - the essence of a wealth tax. Results were similar across gender, race and household income. While support among Democrats was stronger, at 77%, a majority of Republicans, 53%, also agreed with the idea.

Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

If this is true, then the experiment called the United States of America as we know it is done....
Wealth tax on accumulated wealth, NO. Tightening loopholes on top earners tax avoidance, YES.
Lol, it was 11 trillion when he took office. W and O blew it out of the water with 16 trillion new debt. Hurray!!!!!!

As for debt added, for as bad as he was he added a smaller percentage than the previous two Repubs that served 8 years.

Who? Obama? Are you freaking kidding me here?

Once again, triggered by the facts.

Reagan added 186% to the national debt
Bush II added 101% to the national debt
Obama added 74% to the national debt.

Those are the facts. Try not to get triggered again.
Reagan added $1.8 Trillion
Bush added $5.8 Trillion
Barry Hussein added $8.6 Trillion.

And FDR only added $236 billion, so using your straight dollar values he was better than all of them...:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Lol, it was 11 trillion when he took office. W and O blew it out of the water with 16 trillion new debt. Hurray!!!!!!

As for debt added, for as bad as he was he added a smaller percentage than the previous two Repubs that served 8 years.

Who? Obama? Are you freaking kidding me here?

Once again, triggered by the facts.

Reagan added 186% to the national debt
Bush II added 101% to the national debt
Obama added 74% to the national debt.

Those are the facts. Try not to get triggered again.
Reagan added $1.8 Trillion
Bush added $5.8 Trillion
Barry Hussein added $8.6 Trillion.
Does it matter that Trump added over 4 trillion to the debt in his first term....

Without a recession?
We should not tax the wealthy and instead do a better job of taxing the poor more...they can definitely afford it...…..

How can you tax the wealth class to the point that they can barely afford their 4th summer home -- but these filthy poor people have 50" Smart TV's and apple phones??

It's obscene how this country continues to trample over the rights of the wealthy....they barely got a tax cut last time...they need larger tax cuts this year or our nation is done

Correct. In 2018, the top 20% paid 87% of the income taxes collected. If that's not enough, how much more should the top 20% pay for us?
Lol, it was 11 trillion when he took office. W and O blew it out of the water with 16 trillion new debt. Hurray!!!!!!

As for debt added, for as bad as he was he added a smaller percentage than the previous two Repubs that served 8 years.

Who? Obama? Are you freaking kidding me here?

Funny how all of a sudden it is the president that is responsible for the debt...unless it is Trump of course, but he is perfect so he cannot be to blame.

Ok, I'll try and tone it down...No one is saying that Trump doesn't have a measure of responsibility for signing bills that explode the debt....But, all I am saying is that it didn't seem to be a problem to those on the left until Trump came to office...Now, all of the sudden Democrats are deficit hawks? I'm not buying it.
Trump isn't running anything to do with the debt....The House is...

That’s objectively not true. The president has signed every tax and spending bill for the last 3 years. He takes credit for spending large sums on the military, for avoiding cuts to entitlements, and for cutting taxes. Be real.

"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"

- Article 1 Section 8

Show me where that says the President? In fact tell me what the bolded part there says....

Cmon, don’t be dense. You know that the president has signed every spending and tax bill passed.

When Trump takes credit for tax cuts passed in 2018, are willing to call him a liar? When he takes credit for spending on the military, are you willing to call him a liar?

The tax cuts and military spending took place under a Republican House.

And that’s how Republicans play Santa Claus. Spend whatever you want. Don’t bother paying for it. Cut taxes further. Free money.

How is defense spending playing Santa Clause? You do know that defense is a responsibility of our federal government, don't you?
It's rhetoric....I know that, you know that...Unless you are saying that you think that the President introduces spending bills, and demands that the Congress pass them, and it happens....That would just be dumb.

Is rhetoric your euphemism for a lie?

Do you think Trump had no part in the budget process or the tax cut legislation? Obviously not.

Well, according to you guys he is barely smart enough to tie his shoes in the morning...So, now he is smart enough to write the legislation, and muscle it through...Man, you morons need to make up your mind...

You’re being evasive. You were around in 2018, weren’t you? You know he was using his office to push hard for tax cuts. You know he had administration officials in the meeting with Congress to design the legislation.

What? Administraion officals? Members of Congress? But, I thought that he was locked in the residence penning the proposal by quil and ink? Then when completed he just waived his pen like Capt. Picard, and uttered "make it so"
Remember when Trump gave himself a special tax credit just because he owned a golf course....I am sure that was just a coincidence.....

Trump's tax plan 'includes tax break for golf course owners'

Did that make it through the Senate?
Ok, I'll try and tone it down...No one is saying that Trump doesn't have a measure of responsibility for signing bills that explode the debt....But, all I am saying is that it didn't seem to be a problem to those on the left until Trump came to office...Now, all of the sudden Democrats are deficit hawks? I'm not buying it.

You are 100% correct. Just like during the Obama years it was the end of the world as we know it by the Repubs/right...and under Trump is it either not a big deal or it is not his fault after blaming Obama personally for 8 years.

This is what I mean when I say that wingnuts are all the same. Their values change based upon who is sitting in the White House.

Personally I have been bitching about it since the days of Reagan, no matter how was the POTUS
Trump isn't running anything to do with the debt....The House is...

That’s objectively not true. The president has signed every tax and spending bill for the last 3 years. He takes credit for spending large sums on the military, for avoiding cuts to entitlements, and for cutting taxes. Be real.

"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"

- Article 1 Section 8

Show me where that says the President? In fact tell me what the bolded part there says....

Cmon, don’t be dense. You know that the president has signed every spending and tax bill passed.

When Trump takes credit for tax cuts passed in 2018, are willing to call him a liar? When he takes credit for spending on the military, are you willing to call him a liar?

The tax cuts and military spending took place under a Republican House.

we did not spend anything on the military this past year?

Are you sure about that?

It's not a matter of when it's spent, it's who passed the spending.

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