Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

That’s objectively not true. The president has signed every tax and spending bill for the last 3 years. He takes credit for spending large sums on the military, for avoiding cuts to entitlements, and for cutting taxes. Be real.

"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"

- Article 1 Section 8

Show me where that says the President? In fact tell me what the bolded part there says....

Cmon, don’t be dense. You know that the president has signed every spending and tax bill passed.

When Trump takes credit for tax cuts passed in 2018, are willing to call him a liar? When he takes credit for spending on the military, are you willing to call him a liar?

The tax cuts and military spending took place under a Republican House.

And that’s how Republicans play Santa Claus. Spend whatever you want. Don’t bother paying for it. Cut taxes further. Free money.

How is defense spending playing Santa Clause? You do know that defense is a responsibility of our federal government, don't you?

It is big business, government contracts are the only reasons a number of companies even exist.

Aerospace and Defense Industry Hits Record Revenues and Profits in 2018
Well why do you think we have so many different religions all stemming from one book? Each religion has different beliefs. If we all followed the Bible literally, then there would only be Christianity and that's it. But Christians have at least a half-dozen religions that I'm aware of, and there are probably more than that.

The Bible is sort of like the Constitution. Things that were written long ago have to be interpreted and followed according to the times. God's and Jesus message was to help out those who could not help themselves. Unfortunately today, we help out a lot of people who can help themselves. Plus we help out in different ways than many years ago.

Thus lies the problem with all religions. They are nothing more than the opinion of the day, they none stay true to the actual text they are based off of.

They just don't follow it word for word. If you actually seen an uninterpreted version of the Bible, you probably wouldn't be able to understand two sentences in a row. The versions out there are all interpretations of what it actually said.
That’s objectively not true. The president has signed every tax and spending bill for the last 3 years. He takes credit for spending large sums on the military, for avoiding cuts to entitlements, and for cutting taxes. Be real.

"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"

- Article 1 Section 8

Show me where that says the President? In fact tell me what the bolded part there says....

Cmon, don’t be dense. You know that the president has signed every spending and tax bill passed.

When Trump takes credit for tax cuts passed in 2018, are willing to call him a liar? When he takes credit for spending on the military, are you willing to call him a liar?

The tax cuts and military spending took place under a Republican House.

we did not spend anything on the military this past year?

Are you sure about that?

It's not a matter of when it's spent, it's who passed the spending.

So, are you saying that the 2019 congress did pass any spending on military?
"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"

- Article 1 Section 8

Show me where that says the President? In fact tell me what the bolded part there says....

Cmon, don’t be dense. You know that the president has signed every spending and tax bill passed.

When Trump takes credit for tax cuts passed in 2018, are willing to call him a liar? When he takes credit for spending on the military, are you willing to call him a liar?

The tax cuts and military spending took place under a Republican House.

we did not spend anything on the military this past year?

Are you sure about that?

It's not a matter of when it's spent, it's who passed the spending.

So, are you saying that the 2019 congress did pass any spending on military?

They probably did, but the amount they approved of, not Trump.
Lol, it was 11 trillion when he took office. W and O blew it out of the water with 16 trillion new debt. Hurray!!!!!!

As for debt added, for as bad as he was he added a smaller percentage than the previous two Repubs that served 8 years.

Who? Obama? Are you freaking kidding me here?

Once again, triggered by the facts.

Reagan added 186% to the national debt
Bush II added 101% to the national debt
Obama added 74% to the national debt.

Those are the facts. Try not to get triggered again.
Reagan added $1.8 Trillion
Bush added $5.8 Trillion
Barry Hussein added $8.6 Trillion.
Does it matter that Trump added over 4 trillion to the debt in his first term....

Without a recession?
View attachment 300185
Nazi Pelousy controls the purse strings.........just ask her.
They just don't follow it word for word. If you actually seen an uninterpreted version of the Bible, you probably wouldn't be able to understand two sentences in a row. The versions out there are all interpretations of what it actually said.

By uninterpreted version of the Bible you means one in the original languages?

Have you ever read the bible without the chapter and verses that were added far after it was written? It really changes everything when you take it in its entirety instead of as individual verses.
"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"

- Article 1 Section 8

Show me where that says the President? In fact tell me what the bolded part there says....

Cmon, don’t be dense. You know that the president has signed every spending and tax bill passed.

When Trump takes credit for tax cuts passed in 2018, are willing to call him a liar? When he takes credit for spending on the military, are you willing to call him a liar?

The tax cuts and military spending took place under a Republican House.

And that’s how Republicans play Santa Claus. Spend whatever you want. Don’t bother paying for it. Cut taxes further. Free money.

How is defense spending playing Santa Clause? You do know that defense is a responsibility of our federal government, don't you?

It is big business, government contracts are the only reasons a number of companies even exist.

Aerospace and Defense Industry Hits Record Revenues and Profits in 2018

And so what vote buying do you see here? A couple of thousand people? That's what compared to the 63 million that voted for Trump?
Cmon, don’t be dense. You know that the president has signed every spending and tax bill passed.

When Trump takes credit for tax cuts passed in 2018, are willing to call him a liar? When he takes credit for spending on the military, are you willing to call him a liar?

The tax cuts and military spending took place under a Republican House.

we did not spend anything on the military this past year?

Are you sure about that?

It's not a matter of when it's spent, it's who passed the spending.

So, are you saying that the 2019 congress did pass any spending on military?

They probably did, but the amount they approved of, not Trump.

But Trump was just bragging about how much money he got from them for the Military...sure seems like he approved.
Cmon, don’t be dense. You know that the president has signed every spending and tax bill passed.

When Trump takes credit for tax cuts passed in 2018, are willing to call him a liar? When he takes credit for spending on the military, are you willing to call him a liar?

The tax cuts and military spending took place under a Republican House.

And that’s how Republicans play Santa Claus. Spend whatever you want. Don’t bother paying for it. Cut taxes further. Free money.

How is defense spending playing Santa Clause? You do know that defense is a responsibility of our federal government, don't you?

It is big business, government contracts are the only reasons a number of companies even exist.

Aerospace and Defense Industry Hits Record Revenues and Profits in 2018

And so what vote buying do you see here? A couple of thousand people? That's what compared to the 63 million that voted for Trump?

Actually close to a million officially but really much higher.
They just don't follow it word for word. If you actually seen an uninterpreted version of the Bible, you probably wouldn't be able to understand two sentences in a row. The versions out there are all interpretations of what it actually said.

By uninterpreted version of the Bible you means one in the original languages?

Have you ever read the bible without the chapter and verses that were added far after it was written? It really changes everything when you take it in its entirety instead of as individual verses.

All I'm pointing out to you is that yes, the Bibles we have today were interpreted by religious scholars who "thought" what was meant from the original version.
The tax cuts and military spending took place under a Republican House.

we did not spend anything on the military this past year?

Are you sure about that?

It's not a matter of when it's spent, it's who passed the spending.

So, are you saying that the 2019 congress did pass any spending on military?

They probably did, but the amount they approved of, not Trump.

But Trump was just bragging about how much money he got from them for the Military...sure seems like he approved.

He did brag when he got it passed under a Republican Congress. DumBama gutted military spending and used the money for social programs like food stamps, unemployment insurance extensions, and a list of other spending.
we did not spend anything on the military this past year?

Are you sure about that?

It's not a matter of when it's spent, it's who passed the spending.

So, are you saying that the 2019 congress did pass any spending on military?

They probably did, but the amount they approved of, not Trump.

But Trump was just bragging about how much money he got from them for the Military...sure seems like he approved.

He did brag when he got it passed under a Republican Congress. DumBama gutted military spending and used the money for social programs like food stamps, unemployment insurance extensions, and a list of other spending.

That is the party line, but the fact is that more money was spent on the military than under any president before him during the Obama Admin
All I'm pointing out to you is that yes, the Bibles we have today were interpreted by religious scholars who "thought" what was meant from the original version.

Have you ever seen the original version?

No, not many people have. I did read up on it several years ago, but I don't have the site available since it's been so long. It's not just a conversion of words. People spoke totally different back then.
we did not spend anything on the military this past year?

Are you sure about that?

It's not a matter of when it's spent, it's who passed the spending.

So, are you saying that the 2019 congress did pass any spending on military?

They probably did, but the amount they approved of, not Trump.

But Trump was just bragging about how much money he got from them for the Military...sure seems like he approved.

He did brag when he got it passed under a Republican Congress. DumBama gutted military spending and used the money for social programs like food stamps, unemployment insurance extensions, and a list of other spending.

He was bragging just like a week ago, was it a Republican Congress a week ago?
It's not a matter of when it's spent, it's who passed the spending.

So, are you saying that the 2019 congress did pass any spending on military?

They probably did, but the amount they approved of, not Trump.

But Trump was just bragging about how much money he got from them for the Military...sure seems like he approved.

He did brag when he got it passed under a Republican Congress. DumBama gutted military spending and used the money for social programs like food stamps, unemployment insurance extensions, and a list of other spending.

That is the party line, but the fact is that more money was spent on the military than under any president before him during the Obama Admin

I agree with that. Trump is proud of increasing military spending and trying to catch up to where DumBama left off. Heck, now China has a supersonic rocket that we don't have because they kept up with technology that we didn't.
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The idea of imposing a wealth tax on the richest Americans has elicited sharply divergent views across a spectrum of politicians, with President Donald Trump branding it socialist and progressive Democratic presidential contenders Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders prominently endorsing it.


Among the 4,441 respondents to the poll, 64% strongly or somewhat agreed that “the very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs” - the essence of a wealth tax. Results were similar across gender, race and household income. While support among Democrats was stronger, at 77%, a majority of Republicans, 53%, also agreed with the idea.

Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

If this is true, then the experiment called the United States of America as we know it is done....

Kind of a dumb question. Is anyone saying the very rich shouldn’t pay taxes?

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