Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

We created Bin Laden, he was our tool before he was our enemy.

I am perfectly fine with taking the hand cuffs off Israel and allowing them to smash Hamas and Fatah. You OK with that? Bin Laddin was a psycho terrorist.
Israel can do whatever they want. They just shouldn’t expect us for us to pay for it.

So you're cool with them destroying Fatah and Hamas? I am cool with that too. Deal.

Go for it. Can we stop paying them now?

100%. IDC if we pay them.

Here is why we do.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israel’s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israel’s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israel’s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.
Former head of the US Air Force intelligence, Maj. Gen. George J. Keegan Jr., once said that the US "owes more to the Israeli intelligence input than it does to any single source of intelligence." Maj. Keegan estimated the value of that assistance exceeds "five CIAs." He also noted that between 1974 and 1990, Israel received $18.3 billion in U.S. military grants. During the same period Israel provided the U.S. with savings of $50-$80 billion in intelligence, research and development.

And Israel gets far more from us than we get from them.

Best ally we ever had needs us to pay them to be our friends. I don’t think you understand what it means to be an ally.
I am perfectly fine with taking the hand cuffs off Israel and allowing them to smash Hamas and Fatah. You OK with that? Bin Laddin was a psycho terrorist.
Israel can do whatever they want. They just shouldn’t expect us for us to pay for it.

So you're cool with them destroying Fatah and Hamas? I am cool with that too. Deal.

Go for it. Can we stop paying them now?

100%. IDC if we pay them.

Here is why we do.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israel’s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israel’s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israel’s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.
Former head of the US Air Force intelligence, Maj. Gen. George J. Keegan Jr., once said that the US "owes more to the Israeli intelligence input than it does to any single source of intelligence." Maj. Keegan estimated the value of that assistance exceeds "five CIAs." He also noted that between 1974 and 1990, Israel received $18.3 billion in U.S. military grants. During the same period Israel provided the U.S. with savings of $50-$80 billion in intelligence, research and development.

And Israel gets far more from us than we get from them.

Best ally we ever had needs us to pay them to be our friends. I don’t think you understand what it means to be an ally.

FU! You obviously didn't read what I posted. You're such a smug little troll. So what I posted didn't resonate? You're so uneducated.
It's not meaningless or useless. But there is no exact A,B and C in which to follow. Like I said, the reason we have different religions is because of different beliefs. I believe the Catholics are the only group that believes in confession. Other Christian organizations don't believe in having confession. At one time the Catholics believed it was a sin to eat meat on Friday during lent. Others didn't believe in that. They believed in different things.

If it not actually the "word of God", what purpose does it serve?

I didn't say it was not the word of God, just not word for word. Outside of religion, I think we all know what God expects of us.
Not really wanting to see the uber wealthy over taxes. Just wanting to see that their expenditures are done away with then they pay a fair tax rate like the rest of us.

Oh and a cut in government spending would work wonders as well.

As I asked another poster earlier: The top 20% paid 87% of our federal income tax collections. If 87% is not enough, how much do you think they should be paying?
How is defense spending playing Santa Clause? You do know that defense is a responsibility of our federal government, don't you?

Who’s responsibility is it to pay for defense spending? Y’all think it’s free.

Of course it's our responsibility to pay for it. The two biggest items responsible for the higher deficit were Social Security and defense spending.

Turns out you’re wrong. Don’t have to pay for it at all. Just add it to the debt.

It’s free! Just like Santa Claus.

Maybe you didn't understand when I used the term Santa Clause. What I meant by that is giving people free shit for votes. You know, like free college, free healthcare, free paid time off from work, and stuff like that.

Sometimes people want free college. Sometimes they want free defense spending. It’s the same.

It's the same? :laughing0301:

I see in the US Constitution that the federal government is charged with the defense of this country and people. Nowhere did I see the framers state the federal government should be in charge of advanced education as well.

No, it's not the same.
Not really wanting to see the uber wealthy over taxes. Just wanting to see that their expenditures are done away with then they pay a fair tax rate like the rest of us.

Oh and a cut in government spending would work wonders as well.

As I asked another poster earlier: The top 20% paid 87% of our federal income tax collections. If 87% is not enough, how much do you think they should be paying?

When their affective tax rate is lower than mine, due to write offs that is where the problem lies.
Israel can do whatever they want. They just shouldn’t expect us for us to pay for it.

So you're cool with them destroying Fatah and Hamas? I am cool with that too. Deal.

Go for it. Can we stop paying them now?

100%. IDC if we pay them.

Here is why we do.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israel’s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israel’s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israel’s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.
Former head of the US Air Force intelligence, Maj. Gen. George J. Keegan Jr., once said that the US "owes more to the Israeli intelligence input than it does to any single source of intelligence." Maj. Keegan estimated the value of that assistance exceeds "five CIAs." He also noted that between 1974 and 1990, Israel received $18.3 billion in U.S. military grants. During the same period Israel provided the U.S. with savings of $50-$80 billion in intelligence, research and development.

And Israel gets far more from us than we get from them.

Best ally we ever had needs us to pay them to be our friends. I don’t think you understand what it means to be an ally.

FU! You obviously didn't read what I posted. You're such a smug little troll. So what I posted didn't resonate? You're so uneducated.
I read it. It was incomplete. You’re attempting to add up intangible benefits from Israel while ignoring intangible benefits from the US. It’s bad math.
Not really wanting to see the uber wealthy over taxes. Just wanting to see that their expenditures are done away with then they pay a fair tax rate like the rest of us.

Oh and a cut in government spending would work wonders as well.

As I asked another poster earlier: The top 20% paid 87% of our federal income tax collections. If 87% is not enough, how much do you think they should be paying?

Part of the problem is that you only consider federal income tax. That will give you a skewed perspective of total tax burden.
Not really wanting to see the uber wealthy over taxes. Just wanting to see that their expenditures are done away with then they pay a fair tax rate like the rest of us.

Oh and a cut in government spending would work wonders as well.

As I asked another poster earlier: The top 20% paid 87% of our federal income tax collections. If 87% is not enough, how much do you think they should be paying?

When their affective tax rate is lower than mine, due to write offs that is where the problem lies.

That's not what I asked. Even with their write-offs, they are still paying 87% of all collected income taxes, while at the same time, nearly half of this country doesn't pay a dime.
Who’s responsibility is it to pay for defense spending? Y’all think it’s free.

Of course it's our responsibility to pay for it. The two biggest items responsible for the higher deficit were Social Security and defense spending.

Turns out you’re wrong. Don’t have to pay for it at all. Just add it to the debt.

It’s free! Just like Santa Claus.

Maybe you didn't understand when I used the term Santa Clause. What I meant by that is giving people free shit for votes. You know, like free college, free healthcare, free paid time off from work, and stuff like that.

Sometimes people want free college. Sometimes they want free defense spending. It’s the same.

It's the same? :laughing0301:

I see in the US Constitution that the federal government is charged with the defense of this country and people. Nowhere did I see the framers state the federal government should be in charge of advanced education as well.

No, it's not the same.

Apparently you missed the point. Republicans just want to lower taxes. It doesn’t matter to you if we need tax dollars to pay for things like defense spending.
Not really wanting to see the uber wealthy over taxes. Just wanting to see that their expenditures are done away with then they pay a fair tax rate like the rest of us.

Oh and a cut in government spending would work wonders as well.

As I asked another poster earlier: The top 20% paid 87% of our federal income tax collections. If 87% is not enough, how much do you think they should be paying?

Part of the problem is that you only consider federal income tax. That will give you a skewed perspective of total tax burden.

Yes, that is all I am talking about, because as I stated earlier, most of the other taxes we pay, we get back when we retire, provided you live the average lifespan or longer in this country. In that sense, you are really not paying anything.
Not really wanting to see the uber wealthy over taxes. Just wanting to see that their expenditures are done away with then they pay a fair tax rate like the rest of us.

Oh and a cut in government spending would work wonders as well.

As I asked another poster earlier: The top 20% paid 87% of our federal income tax collections. If 87% is not enough, how much do you think they should be paying?

When their affective tax rate is lower than mine, due to write offs that is where the problem lies.

That's not what I asked. Even with their write-offs, they are still paying 87% of all collected income taxes, while at the same time, nearly half of this country doesn't pay a dime.

It is why I have been for a flat tax rate with NO expenditures for anyone. It is exactly the question you are asking.
So you're cool with them destroying Fatah and Hamas? I am cool with that too. Deal.

Go for it. Can we stop paying them now?

100%. IDC if we pay them.

Here is why we do.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israel’s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israel’s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israel’s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.
Former head of the US Air Force intelligence, Maj. Gen. George J. Keegan Jr., once said that the US "owes more to the Israeli intelligence input than it does to any single source of intelligence." Maj. Keegan estimated the value of that assistance exceeds "five CIAs." He also noted that between 1974 and 1990, Israel received $18.3 billion in U.S. military grants. During the same period Israel provided the U.S. with savings of $50-$80 billion in intelligence, research and development.

And Israel gets far more from us than we get from them.

Best ally we ever had needs us to pay them to be our friends. I don’t think you understand what it means to be an ally.

FU! You obviously didn't read what I posted. You're such a smug little troll. So what I posted didn't resonate? You're so uneducated.
I read it. It was incomplete. You’re attempting to add up intangible benefits from Israel while ignoring intangible benefits from the US. It’s bad math.
During the same period Israel provided the U.S. with savings of $50-$80 billion in intelligence, research and development.
You do not know what "intangible" means. In fact you do not know a lot. Incomplete? I stated that IDC if we still pay them but people in our military and intelligence obviously see there is a reason to do so. Even BHO and he was not a fan of Israel. So you're stating you're more versed in this than our military and intelligence?

Do share your credentials.

Thank you
Go for it. Can we stop paying them now?

100%. IDC if we pay them.

Here is why we do.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israel’s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israel’s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israel’s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.
Former head of the US Air Force intelligence, Maj. Gen. George J. Keegan Jr., once said that the US "owes more to the Israeli intelligence input than it does to any single source of intelligence." Maj. Keegan estimated the value of that assistance exceeds "five CIAs." He also noted that between 1974 and 1990, Israel received $18.3 billion in U.S. military grants. During the same period Israel provided the U.S. with savings of $50-$80 billion in intelligence, research and development.

And Israel gets far more from us than we get from them.

Best ally we ever had needs us to pay them to be our friends. I don’t think you understand what it means to be an ally.

FU! You obviously didn't read what I posted. You're such a smug little troll. So what I posted didn't resonate? You're so uneducated.
I read it. It was incomplete. You’re attempting to add up intangible benefits from Israel while ignoring intangible benefits from the US. It’s bad math.
During the same period Israel provided the U.S. with savings of $50-$80 billion in intelligence, research and development.
You do not know what "intangible" means. In fact you do not know a lot. Incomplete? I stated that IDC if we still pay them but people in our military and intelligence obviously see there is a reason to do so. Even BHO and he was not a fan of Israel. So you're stating you're more versed in this than our military and intelligence?

Do share your credentials.

Thank you

Are you going to tell me that Israel hasn’t benefited from our research and development? That they haven’t benefited from our intelligence we share with them?

If yes, how come you didn’t put that in the equation?

Anyone who is critical of our policy towards Israel is labeled an anti-Semite, so it makes it difficult to talk about.
Of course it's our responsibility to pay for it. The two biggest items responsible for the higher deficit were Social Security and defense spending.

Turns out you’re wrong. Don’t have to pay for it at all. Just add it to the debt.

It’s free! Just like Santa Claus.

Maybe you didn't understand when I used the term Santa Clause. What I meant by that is giving people free shit for votes. You know, like free college, free healthcare, free paid time off from work, and stuff like that.

Sometimes people want free college. Sometimes they want free defense spending. It’s the same.

It's the same? :laughing0301:

I see in the US Constitution that the federal government is charged with the defense of this country and people. Nowhere did I see the framers state the federal government should be in charge of advanced education as well.

No, it's not the same.

Apparently you missed the point. Republicans just want to lower taxes. It doesn’t matter to you if we need tax dollars to pay for things like defense spending.

Why is it you on the left always highlight defense spending and nothing else? Don't you think there are many other things that need to be cut down on besides our military?

I live in the suburbs of Cleveland. One of our biggest problems are the people HUD is moving into our suburb. As I look onto my HUD neighbors backyard, all their cars are in the driveway. One of the first things they did was have a satellite dish installed on their home when they moved in. In the summer time, they throw BBQ parties with 15, 20 or more guests all the time, and we are paying for suburban housing?

There are a lot of other things we could cut out of our budget besides defense spending.
100%. IDC if we pay them.

Here is why we do.

  • Israel has successfully prevented victories by radical nationalist movements in Lebanon and Jordan, as well as in Palestine.
  • Israel has kept Syria, for many years an ally of the Soviet Union, in check.
  • Israel’s air force is predominant throughout the region.
  • Israel’s frequent wars have provided battlefield testing for American arms, often against Soviet weapons.
  • It has served as a conduit for U.S. arms to regimes and movements too unpopular in the United States for openly granting direct military assistance, such as apartheid South Africa, the Islamic Republic in Iran, the military junta in Guatemala, and the Nicaraguan Contras. Israeli military advisers have assisted the Contras, the Salvadoran junta, and foreign occupation forces in Namibia and Western Sahara.
  • Israel’s intelligence service has assisted the U.S. in intelligence gathering and covert operations.
  • Israel has missiles capable of reaching as far as the former Soviet Union, it possesses a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, and it has cooperated with the U.S. military-industrial complex with research and development for new jet fighters and anti-missile defense systems.
Former head of the US Air Force intelligence, Maj. Gen. George J. Keegan Jr., once said that the US "owes more to the Israeli intelligence input than it does to any single source of intelligence." Maj. Keegan estimated the value of that assistance exceeds "five CIAs." He also noted that between 1974 and 1990, Israel received $18.3 billion in U.S. military grants. During the same period Israel provided the U.S. with savings of $50-$80 billion in intelligence, research and development.

And Israel gets far more from us than we get from them.

Best ally we ever had needs us to pay them to be our friends. I don’t think you understand what it means to be an ally.

FU! You obviously didn't read what I posted. You're such a smug little troll. So what I posted didn't resonate? You're so uneducated.
I read it. It was incomplete. You’re attempting to add up intangible benefits from Israel while ignoring intangible benefits from the US. It’s bad math.
During the same period Israel provided the U.S. with savings of $50-$80 billion in intelligence, research and development.
You do not know what "intangible" means. In fact you do not know a lot. Incomplete? I stated that IDC if we still pay them but people in our military and intelligence obviously see there is a reason to do so. Even BHO and he was not a fan of Israel. So you're stating you're more versed in this than our military and intelligence?

Do share your credentials.

Thank you

Are you going to tell me that Israel hasn’t benefited from our research and development? That they haven’t benefited from our intelligence we share with them?

If yes, how come you didn’t put that in the equation?

Anyone who is critical of our policy towards Israel is labeled an anti-Semite, so it makes it difficult to talk about.

Hence it is a mutually beneficial relationship. You're only an antisemite if you support BDS. IDC if you're critical of policy.
Not really wanting to see the uber wealthy over taxes. Just wanting to see that their expenditures are done away with then they pay a fair tax rate like the rest of us.

Oh and a cut in government spending would work wonders as well.

As I asked another poster earlier: The top 20% paid 87% of our federal income tax collections. If 87% is not enough, how much do you think they should be paying?

When their affective tax rate is lower than mine, due to write offs that is where the problem lies.

That's not what I asked. Even with their write-offs, they are still paying 87% of all collected income taxes, while at the same time, nearly half of this country doesn't pay a dime.

It is why I have been for a flat tax rate with NO expenditures for anyone. It is exactly the question you are asking.

Wait a minute. I asked a simple question. You talk about write offs, fine, but that would mean without write-offs, they would be paying even much more of our tax burden. So once again, the question: how much more should they be paying for the rest of us?
I do not read them

Another SUB HUMAN who "self censors."

Be certain that stars are the same size as fig leaves.... TREASON LOVING AMERICA HATING MORON

What part of I don't read your posts did you not understand, LaRacist?

Lose some weight

Not really wanting to see the uber wealthy over taxes. Just wanting to see that their expenditures are done away with then they pay a fair tax rate like the rest of us.

Oh and a cut in government spending would work wonders as well.

As I asked another poster earlier: The top 20% paid 87% of our federal income tax collections. If 87% is not enough, how much do you think they should be paying?

Part of the problem is that you only consider federal income tax. That will give you a skewed perspective of total tax burden.

Yes, that is all I am talking about, because as I stated earlier, most of the other taxes we pay, we get back when we retire, provided you live the average lifespan or longer in this country. In that sense, you are really not paying anything.

That’s only true for social security and Medicare. We probably get back far more in Medicare than we ever put in. Certainly the rather unhealthy generation coming up is going to be getting more, at least without cuts. Excesses in those programs led to lower than normal income tax rates for decades that we are now paying for.

State taxes, property taxes, excise taxes and fees tend to be rather regressive, though. You’re not considering the whole picture.

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