Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The idea of imposing a wealth tax on the richest Americans has elicited sharply divergent views across a spectrum of politicians, with President Donald Trump branding it socialist and progressive Democratic presidential contenders Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders prominently endorsing it.


Among the 4,441 respondents to the poll, 64% strongly or somewhat agreed that “the very rich should contribute an extra share of their total wealth each year to support public programs” - the essence of a wealth tax. Results were similar across gender, race and household income. While support among Democrats was stronger, at 77%, a majority of Republicans, 53%, also agreed with the idea.

Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

If this is true, then the experiment called the United States of America as we know it is done....
Well Trump promised to raise his own taxes before he signed the law cutting his taxes.
Hence it is a mutually beneficial relationship

This is a completely treasonous lie. Israel has done nothing good for the US. The US has given Israel trillions of dollars and much more.

What has Israel done to show its appreciation of all that US support???

1. it offed JFK
2. its operative LBJ escalated Vietnam for the sole purpose of running US weapons factories and siphoning off those weapons to Israel free of charge, leaving our troops in 'nam with outdated weapons that failed, jammed, and caused US deaths
3. it deliberately attacked and murdered the USS Liberty to prevent the Liberty from observing Israeli death camps in the Bank, the Strip, and the Heights
4. it murdered 250 US Marines in Lebanon in a false flag attack designed to manipulate a US war with Hezbo
5. its operative, Jewish Gaddafi, took out Pan Am 103
6. it did 911
7. it invested and made trillions on 911 in defense stocks, the long bond, gold and oil (see Steyer, Bloomberg, and Epstein)
8. it provided false intel to bait the US into Iraq and Afghan for no reason
9. it had Pat Tillman murdered in Afghan for noticing that there was "no target"
10. it took out three US naval personnel by shooting a missile at the USS Cole

I could go on. Israel is the worst enemy of the US by far.
Hence it is a mutually beneficial relationship

This is a completely treasonous lie. Israel has done nothing good for the US. The US has given Israel trillions of dollars and much more.

What has Israel done to show its appreciation of all that US support???

1. it offed JFK
2. its operative LBJ escalated Vietnam for the sole purpose of running US weapons factories and siphoning off those weapons to Israel free of charge, leaving our troops in 'nam with outdated weapons that failed, jammed, and caused US deaths
3. it deliberately attacked and murdered the USS Liberty to prevent the Liberty from observing Israeli death camps in the Bank, the Strip, and the Heights
4. it murdered 250 US Marines in Lebanon in a false flag attack designed to manipulate a US war with Hezbo
5. its operative, Jewish Gaddafi, took out Pan Am 103
6. it did 911
7. it invested and made trillions on 911 in defense stocks, the long bond, gold and oil (see Steyer, Bloomberg, and Epstein)
8. it provided false intel to bait the US into Iraq and Afghan for no reason
9. it had Pat Tillman murdered in Afghan for noticing that there was "no target"
10. it took out three US naval personnel by shooting a missile at the USS Cole

I could go on. Israel is the worst enemy of the US by far.
Why are you stalking me? You're a crazy man. LOL


It's hard to compete against Santa Clause. Vote buying is a strategy that's been used by the left since I've been on this planet. Keep voting for us, and not only will we keep giving you X, we promise to give you more. Free college, free healthcare, free paid time off and so forth.

It is funny how to you people it is only the left that does these things...

Is it NOT?
Not really wanting to see the uber wealthy over taxes. Just wanting to see that their expenditures are done away with then they pay a fair tax rate like the rest of us.

Oh and a cut in government spending would work wonders as well.

As I asked another poster earlier: The top 20% paid 87% of our federal income tax collections. If 87% is not enough, how much do you think they should be paying?

Part of the problem is that you only consider federal income tax. That will give you a skewed perspective of total tax burden.

Yes, that is all I am talking about, because as I stated earlier, most of the other taxes we pay, we get back when we retire, provided you live the average lifespan or longer in this country. In that sense, you are really not paying anything.

That’s only true for social security and Medicare. We probably get back far more in Medicare than we ever put in. Certainly the rather unhealthy generation coming up is going to be getting more, at least without cuts. Excesses in those programs led to lower than normal income tax rates for decades that we are now paying for.

State taxes, property taxes, excise taxes and fees tend to be rather regressive, though. You’re not considering the whole picture.

Of course I am. But remember that those taxes pay for services we all use. We all use the roads, we all need the police and fire services in the event of an emergency, we all want our street lights shining at night. So those taxes mostly go to services most of us enjoy.
Why are you stalking me?


Rebutting your bullshit, responding to your posts, and posting truth is now "stalking..."

Still waiting for ONE SINGLE PHOTO of "Osama" in Saudi....

You conspiracy theories are crazy. Like you. You're full of BS. Stop stalking me old man. Loser. Want to stalk? Come stalk me in Boston, in person. See how that goes for you.
Why would I care if he were sitting in Saudi?

If "Osama" is not from Saudi, then the American people were LIED TO about him....

but as a supporter of Israel who cares not about the US, all you really care about is that Israel gets away with 911, not helping the American people discover the truth.....


Hence it is a mutually beneficial relationship

This is a completely treasonous lie. Israel has done nothing good for the US. The US has given Israel trillions of dollars and much more.

What has Israel done to show its appreciation of all that US support???

1. it offed JFK
2. its operative LBJ escalated Vietnam for the sole purpose of running US weapons factories and siphoning off those weapons to Israel free of charge, leaving our troops in 'nam with outdated weapons that failed, jammed, and caused US deaths
3. it deliberately attacked and murdered the USS Liberty to prevent the Liberty from observing Israeli death camps in the Bank, the Strip, and the Heights
4. it murdered 250 US Marines in Lebanon in a false flag attack designed to manipulate a US war with Hezbo
5. its operative, Jewish Gaddafi, took out Pan Am 103
6. it did 911
7. it invested and made trillions on 911 in defense stocks, the long bond, gold and oil (see Steyer, Bloomberg, and Epstein)
8. it provided false intel to bait the US into Iraq and Afghan for no reason
9. it had Pat Tillman murdered in Afghan for noticing that there was "no target"
10. it took out three US naval personnel by shooting a missile at the USS Cole

I could go on. Israel is the worst enemy of the US by far.

They laugh, they insult, they try to ban me....

but they cannot debate or answer my questions....

WHY are there NO PHOTOS of "Osama" in Saudi???
Why would I care if he were sitting in Saudi?

If "Osama" is not from Saudi, then the American people were LIED TO about him....

but as a supporter of Israel who cares not about the US, all you really care about is that Israel gets away with 911, not helping the American people discover the truth.....



If you cut and paste only a portion of my post one more time I will troll you incessantly. You're a dumbass.

Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden[1][8] /oʊˈsɑːmə bɪn ˈlɑːdən/ (,[9] also rendered Usama bin Ladin, was a founder of the pan-Islamic militant organization al-Qaeda. He was a Saudi Arabian citizen until 1994 (stateless thereafter) and a member of the wealthy bin Laden family
Turns out you’re wrong. Don’t have to pay for it at all. Just add it to the debt.

It’s free! Just like Santa Claus.

Maybe you didn't understand when I used the term Santa Clause. What I meant by that is giving people free shit for votes. You know, like free college, free healthcare, free paid time off from work, and stuff like that.

Sometimes people want free college. Sometimes they want free defense spending. It’s the same.

It's the same? :laughing0301:

I see in the US Constitution that the federal government is charged with the defense of this country and people. Nowhere did I see the framers state the federal government should be in charge of advanced education as well.

No, it's not the same.

Apparently you missed the point. Republicans just want to lower taxes. It doesn’t matter to you if we need tax dollars to pay for things like defense spending.

Why is it you on the left always highlight defense spending and nothing else? Don't you think there are many other things that need to be cut down on besides our military?

I live in the suburbs of Cleveland. One of our biggest problems are the people HUD is moving into our suburb. As I look onto my HUD neighbors backyard, all their cars are in the driveway. One of the first things they did was have a satellite dish installed on their home when they moved in. In the summer time, they throw BBQ parties with 15, 20 or more guests all the time, and we are paying for suburban housing?

There are a lot of other things we could cut out of our budget besides defense spending.

Low hanging fruit. I’m always skeptical of anecdotes like yours. You only know what you see from your window, not any more. There certainly is plenty of fraud but claiming we can balance the budget by “eliminating fraud” is something we’ve been told for decades and it has yet to happen. It’s just a fairy tale if you ask me.

HUD is small potatoes. Defense is a massive chunk of the budget.
He was a Saudi Arabian citizen until 1994 (

That's the official line. If he was a Saudi citizen, WHY are there NO PHOTOS of him in Saudi, and why did the Saudis refuse to help the FBI on 913???

Like every other treasonous sub human, you can parrot, cut, and paste, but you cannot think, debate, or answer questions....
If "Osama" is not from Saudi, then the American people were LIED TO about him....

but as a supporter of Israel who cares not about the US, all you really care about is that Israel gets away with 911, not helping the American people discover the truth.....



My guess is that you're simply trolling and don't even believe the trash you dish out yourself. Either that or you're one of the most...uninformed posters on USMB.

In 1994, the bin Laden family disowned Osama and the Saudi government revoked his passport. The Saudi government also stripped Osama bin Laden of his citizenship, for publicly speaking out against them regarding their permitting U.S. troops to be based in Saudi Arabia in preparation for the 1991 Gulf War.
Not really wanting to see the uber wealthy over taxes. Just wanting to see that their expenditures are done away with then they pay a fair tax rate like the rest of us.

Oh and a cut in government spending would work wonders as well.

As I asked another poster earlier: The top 20% paid 87% of our federal income tax collections. If 87% is not enough, how much do you think they should be paying?

Part of the problem is that you only consider federal income tax. That will give you a skewed perspective of total tax burden.

Yes, that is all I am talking about, because as I stated earlier, most of the other taxes we pay, we get back when we retire, provided you live the average lifespan or longer in this country. In that sense, you are really not paying anything.

That’s only true for social security and Medicare. We probably get back far more in Medicare than we ever put in. Certainly the rather unhealthy generation coming up is going to be getting more, at least without cuts. Excesses in those programs led to lower than normal income tax rates for decades that we are now paying for.

State taxes, property taxes, excise taxes and fees tend to be rather regressive, though. You’re not considering the whole picture.

Of course I am. But remember that those taxes pay for services we all use. We all use the roads, we all need the police and fire services in the event of an emergency, we all want our street lights shining at night. So those taxes mostly go to services most of us enjoy.

People in low income brackets spend a disproportionate are amount of their income on those things. The poor still have a substantial tax burden.

That’s my point.

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