Majority of Americans favor wealth tax on very rich: Reuters/Ipsos poll

there are hundreds of reports that Osama was kicked out of the country.

because the Saudis said he was. They also said his passport was revoked. Why can't we see his revoked passport?

Because it never existed.... which is why they didn't give it to the FBI....

At some point, words need to be backed up with tangible evidence.....

Here is one place to find some....

saudi royal family jewish - Google Search

and it also helps to explain this curious relationship....

Convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein boasted of relationship with Saudi crown prince MbS: report

You also will never find a picture of Hillary when she was pregnant with Chelsea. Does that mean she is not the Clinton daughter?

Now you really stepped in it....

Is This Chelsea Clinton's Real Father?

And according to the reasonably named website, Bill and Hillary had an “open marriage” agreement since the very beginning. GovtSlaves then goes on to note that, though Hillary and Bill might not have been making the beast with two backs themselves, she was getting it on with “Webb Hubbell, Vince Foster, and a string of lesbian lovers.”

Then in 2014, The New Yorker made mention of Hillary and Webb (and Foster) again, albeit in a more tangential way, writing that “the media will continue to find outlandish things to say about her. Headlines on Robert Morrow’s blog have proposed that ‘CHELSEA CLINTON IS THE BIOLOGICAL DAUGHTER OF WEBB HUBBELL AND NOT BILL CLINTON,’ that ‘HILLARY WAS HAVING SEX WITH BOTH WEBB HUBBELL & VINCE FOSTER, HER PARTNERS AT ROSE LAW FIRM.’”

You really buy this stuff, don't you? In any case, I found a picture of Bin Laden's passport.

I found a picture of Bin Laden's passport.

That's a pretty lame PhotoShop...

His face is already wrinkled.

It is also funny that Zionists have found a need to produce a PhotoShopped passport. It shows that I am having a profound effect on their ability to lie to the American people....

You really buy this stuff, don't you?

I understand basic science. A "757" cannot fly at 500+ mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground. The explanation that a "757" came it at 500+ mph and went straight through steel reinforced concrete of a Pentagon wall is not believable. That the nose was 8 feet off the ground.... puts the "757's" engines IN THE GROUND.... can a 757 fly with its engines IN THE GROUND?

The replays of the North Tower's "hit" demonstrates that there was no "momentum" to it, it exploded from within. The 767 cargo version drone we all saw hit the South Tower, that explosion had "momentum" with the plane - much more came out the back side than the side the plane hit....

Shanksville - no plane parts, no bodies, just fires set to "metal junk" in a ditch....

Here is WTC7. The claim is that it fell from "damage" from the day before. The TRUTHER claim is that it was demo-ed....

Hint - that's a steel framed building....

Watch and decide for yourself...

If building 7 was subjected to controlled demolition, then 911 was a fraud, a total fraud.... no way to spin it.
I didn't say it was not the word of God, just not word for word. Outside of religion, I think we all know what God expects of us.

It is either the word of God or it is man's interpretation of some long lost words, it cannot be both. Either God has the power to ensure His words are passed on faithfully or there is no God.

Outside of religion, there is no God.
In 1994, the bin Laden family disowned Osama and the Saudi government revoked his passport.

a PASSPORT has a PHOTO = SHOW US THE PHOTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Saudi government also stripped Osama bin Laden of his citizenship, for publicly speaking out against them regarding their permitting U.S. troops to be based in Saudi Arabia in preparation for the 1991 Gulf War.


None of that, even if it were true, would have prevented the Saudis from cooperating with the FBI on 913, which they did NOT....

You are very good at parroting Zionist lies.

You aren't very good at thinking, asking questions, using logic, or being patriotic to America....

That's a pretty lame PhotoShop...

His face is already wrinkled.

It is also funny that Zionists have found a need to produce a PhotoShopped passport. It shows that I am having a profound effect on their ability to lie to the American people....

Yeah, well that's the Washington Post for ya, always photoshopping pictures. But thanks for proving my point that no matter what anybody shows you, you will refuse to believe it.

I understand basic science. A "757" cannot fly at 500+ mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground. The explanation that a "757" came it at 500+ mph and went straight through steel reinforced concrete of a Pentagon wall is not believable. That the nose was 8 feet off the ground.... puts the "757's" engines IN THE GROUND.... can a 757 fly with its engines IN THE GROUND?

The replays of the North Tower's "hit" demonstrates that there was no "momentum" to it, it exploded from within. The 767 cargo version drone we all saw hit the South Tower, that explosion had "momentum" with the plane - much more came out the back side than the side the plane hit....

Shanksville - no plane parts, no bodies, just fires set to "metal junk" in a ditch....

Here is WTC7. The claim is that it fell from "damage" from the day before. The TRUTHER claim is that it was demo-ed....

Hint - that's a steel framed building....

Watch and decide for yourself...

You should read some counter evidence to all these conspiracy theories.

9/11 Conspiracy Theories - Debunking World Trade Center Myths
I understand basic science. A "757" cannot fly at 500+ mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground. The explanation that a "757" came it at 500+ mph and went straight through steel reinforced concrete of a Pentagon wall is not believable. That the nose was 8 feet off the ground.... puts the "757's" engines IN THE GROUND.... can a 757 fly with its engines IN THE GROUND?

The replays of the North Tower's "hit" demonstrates that there was no "momentum" to it, it exploded from within. The 767 cargo version drone we all saw hit the South Tower, that explosion had "momentum" with the plane - much more came out the back side than the side the plane hit....

Shanksville - no plane parts, no bodies, just fires set to "metal junk" in a ditch....

It appeared to me that you were off the rails before this post. This cinches it, there is nothing that comes from you that is worthy of even reading much less believing.

I didn't say it was not the word of God, just not word for word. Outside of religion, I think we all know what God expects of us.

It is either the word of God or it is man's interpretation of some long lost words, it cannot be both. Either God has the power to ensure His words are passed on faithfully or there is no God.

Outside of religion, there is no God.

I'm not a part of any religion, and I'm a very strong believer in God. I probably believe in God more today than when I was being raised in a religious school.

If we go back to our Constitution, it's constantly being challenged of what it actually says. The framers of course are not here to explain it to us, but we all pretty much understand what their goal was. Same with the following amendments. And mind you, it was written in a language we all understand. But there are even arguments about what a comma meant at the time compared to today.

It's the same with the Bible. It's intention is fairly clear. But when we question what God actually wanted word by word, it's interpreted different ways, just like our justices on the court do with our Constitution.
Yeah, well that's the Washington Post for ya, always photoshopping pictures

People age. They age predictably.

They don't wrinkle, unwrinkle, and then wrinkle later....

Your passport photo is circa 2001.... way after the claimed Saudi government grab...

Notice NO WRINKLES.... circa 1980

You should read some counter evidence to all these conspiracy theories.

I am quite aware of the effort to snuff out 911 truth. You seem to think that these organizations are all full of liars. They are not. A 757 full of passengers, cargo, and fuel cannot go 500 mph at ground level. It has to get over 25k feet to do that....

Pilots For 9/11 Truth

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth | WTC Twin Towers and Building 7

That you won't even watch those short videos of building 7 means you are much more "mind made up" than I.....

Those videos are not photoshopped. There are too many of them to do that....
I'm not a part of any religion, and I'm a very strong believer in God. I probably believe in God more today than when I was being raised in a religious school.

you are not part of an organized religion, you are still part of religion.

If we go back to our Constitution, it's constantly being challenged of what it actually says. The framers of course are not here to explain it to us, but we all pretty much understand what their goal was. Same with the following amendments. And mind you, it was written in a language we all understand. But there are even arguments about what a comma meant at the time compared to today.

It's the same with the Bible. It's intention is fairly clear. But when we question what God actually wanted word by word, it's interpreted different ways, just like our justices on the court do with our Constitution.

The Constitution was written by imperfect human beings, thus it is expected to have some flaws and such. The bible if it is the Word of God was written by an All knowing, All Seeing, in every place at every time, God. If it changes over time that means that God was wrong when he wrote it.

I am curious, though...what do you think God wants? What, in your opinion, is the intention of the Bible?
I found a picture of Bin Laden's passport.

That's a pretty lame PhotoShop...

His face is already wrinkled.

It is also funny that Zionists have found a need to produce a PhotoShopped passport. It shows that I am having a profound effect on their ability to lie to the American people....

You really buy this stuff, don't you?

I understand basic science. A "757" cannot fly at 500+ mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground. The explanation that a "757" came it at 500+ mph and went straight through steel reinforced concrete of a Pentagon wall is not believable. That the nose was 8 feet off the ground.... puts the "757's" engines IN THE GROUND.... can a 757 fly with its engines IN THE GROUND?

The replays of the North Tower's "hit" demonstrates that there was no "momentum" to it, it exploded from within. The 767 cargo version drone we all saw hit the South Tower, that explosion had "momentum" with the plane - much more came out the back side than the side the plane hit....

Shanksville - no plane parts, no bodies, just fires set to "metal junk" in a ditch....

Here is WTC7. The claim is that it fell from "damage" from the day before. The TRUTHER claim is that it was demo-ed....

Hint - that's a steel framed building....

Watch and decide for yourself...

If building 7 was subjected to controlled demolition, then 911 was a fraud, a total fraud.... no way to spin it.

Come on monitors, move this over to the CONSPIRALOON forum!

you are not part of an organized religion, you are still part of religion.

I am? Do you know the name of this religion I'm part of?

The Constitution was written by imperfect human beings, thus it is expected to have some flaws and such. The bible if it is the Word of God was written by an All knowing, All Seeing, in every place at every time, God. If it changes over time that means that God was wrong when he wrote it.

I am curious, though...what do you think God wants? What, in your opinion, is the intention of the Bible?

I think it's treating each other like civilized people. I think it's all in the Top Ten. Don't kill each other unless there's a good reason. Don't go screwing around on your partner, and don't go screwing around with your neighbors partner. Don't be taking things that belong to somebody else. Just basic decency.

Man may always be imperfect, but that does not mean they didn't have an intention. What it means is that their words are ambiguous to us today whereas in their time, probably had a more direct meaning. It's not an inherent fault they had, it was just different times.
I found a picture of Bin Laden's passport.

That's a pretty lame PhotoShop...

His face is already wrinkled.

It is also funny that Zionists have found a need to produce a PhotoShopped passport. It shows that I am having a profound effect on their ability to lie to the American people....

You really buy this stuff, don't you?

I understand basic science. A "757" cannot fly at 500+ mph with its nose 8 feet off the ground. The explanation that a "757" came it at 500+ mph and went straight through steel reinforced concrete of a Pentagon wall is not believable. That the nose was 8 feet off the ground.... puts the "757's" engines IN THE GROUND.... can a 757 fly with its engines IN THE GROUND?

The replays of the North Tower's "hit" demonstrates that there was no "momentum" to it, it exploded from within. The 767 cargo version drone we all saw hit the South Tower, that explosion had "momentum" with the plane - much more came out the back side than the side the plane hit....

Shanksville - no plane parts, no bodies, just fires set to "metal junk" in a ditch....

Here is WTC7. The claim is that it fell from "damage" from the day before. The TRUTHER claim is that it was demo-ed....

Hint - that's a steel framed building....

Watch and decide for yourself...

If building 7 was subjected to controlled demolition, then 911 was a fraud, a total fraud.... no way to spin it.

Come on monitors, move this over to the CONSPIRALOON forum!


CENSORSHIP = how Zionists "debate" 911
you are not part of an organized religion, you are still part of religion.

I am? Do you know the name of this religion I'm part of?

The Constitution was written by imperfect human beings, thus it is expected to have some flaws and such. The bible if it is the Word of God was written by an All knowing, All Seeing, in every place at every time, God. If it changes over time that means that God was wrong when he wrote it.

I am curious, though...what do you think God wants? What, in your opinion, is the intention of the Bible?

I think it's treating each other like civilized people. I think it's all in the Top Ten. Don't kill each other unless there's a good reason. Don't go screwing around on your partner, and don't go screwing around with your neighbors partner. Don't be taking things that belong to somebody else. Just basic decency.

Man may always be imperfect, but that does not mean they didn't have an intention. What it means is that their words are ambiguous to us today whereas in their time, probably had a more direct meaning. It's not an inherent fault they had, it was just different times.

I have no problem with any religion that does not hijack American foreign policy or murder its citizens.

I have a big problem with any religion that does....
Not really wanting to see the uber wealthy over taxes. Just wanting to see that their expenditures are done away with then they pay a fair tax rate like the rest of us.

Oh and a cut in government spending would work wonders as well.

As I asked another poster earlier: The top 20% paid 87% of our federal income tax collections. If 87% is not enough, how much do you think they should be paying?

When their affective tax rate is lower than mine, due to write offs that is where the problem lies.

That's not what I asked. Even with their write-offs, they are still paying 87% of all collected income taxes, while at the same time, nearly half of this country doesn't pay a dime.

It is why I have been for a flat tax rate with NO expenditures for anyone. It is exactly the question you are asking.

Wait a minute. I asked a simple question. You talk about write offs, fine, but that would mean without write-offs, they would be paying even much more of our tax burden. So once again, the question: how much more should they be paying for the rest of us?

Keyrist you are slow. They pay more of the tax burden because they make most of the fucking money. If all things are equal everyone pays the same percentage. Or close to. Why is this difficult for you to understand?
we need a revolution of consciousness of activism and love

we need a grassroots effort to elect a president who will impose a wealth tax

I am quite aware of the effort to snuff out 911 truth. You seem to think that these organizations are all full of liars. They are not. A 757 full of passengers, cargo, and fuel cannot go 500 mph at ground level. It has to get over 25k feet to do that....

You're quite the loon!

Have you ever seen a video of a plane crashing into the ground? How fast was it going before it hit the ground? Did it SLOW DOWN to about 200 mph?

As I asked another poster earlier: The top 20% paid 87% of our federal income tax collections. If 87% is not enough, how much do you think they should be paying?

When their affective tax rate is lower than mine, due to write offs that is where the problem lies.

That's not what I asked. Even with their write-offs, they are still paying 87% of all collected income taxes, while at the same time, nearly half of this country doesn't pay a dime.

It is why I have been for a flat tax rate with NO expenditures for anyone. It is exactly the question you are asking.

Wait a minute. I asked a simple question. You talk about write offs, fine, but that would mean without write-offs, they would be paying even much more of our tax burden. So once again, the question: how much more should they be paying for the rest of us?

Keyrist you are slow. They pay more of the tax burden because they make most of the fucking money. If all things are equal everyone pays the same percentage. Or close to. Why is this difficult for you to understand?

Actually, fair is everybody pay the same amount. But if we are to make everybody pay the same percentage, then let's say everybody pay 10%. It doesn't matter if you make 20K a year or 20 million. I'm okay with that, because everybody has a dog in the race, and it would defeat Democrat ideas which of course, I'm all for.

However currently, we have a system where one-fifth of our country is paying nearly 90% of all collected taxes, while 47% pay nothing at all. However by your standards, 87% is not enough, and you can't tell me what percentage is. Don't feel bad, most wealthy haters don't answer the question either. Because when presented like that, you too know it's ridiculously unfair.
Actually, fair is everybody pay the same amount. But if we are to make everybody pay the same percentage, then let's say everybody pay 10%. It doesn't matter if you make 20K a year or 20 million.

As long as there are no deductions, no credits, not write offs, no nothing.
the inability of Democrats to connect with working class voters keeps losing them elections, my friends

lets see if they get it right this time. a wealth tax is a winner in a general election!

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