Majority of Americans Love The Donald

11 million illegals
only someone hampered by blinders would believe that. You're a minority in that particular bit of stupidity.
Many more illegals voted then did Russian's

Isn't it funny how the people who are most full of shit also can't seem to form a grammatically correct sentence with any semblance of proper punctuation?

I think he's saying that the illegals voted first, then the Russians voted.
Who are the communists?

You, the Khmer Rouge democrats.

And how is it you can say this without being embarrassed when, you know, Trump's butt-buddies with a former KGB officer.

Oh? Did Trump sell Putin uranium in exchange for bribes? Wait, that was Hitlery - you're just lying, as always.

Regardless, you and your filthy party seek confiscatory collectivism to redistribute assets in a way more pleasing to the party, with a substantial handling fee, naturally...
Who are the communists?

You, the Khmer Rouge democrats.

And how is it you can say this without being embarrassed when, you know, Trump's butt-buddies with a former KGB officer.

Oh? Did Trump sell Putin uranium in exchange for bribes? Wait, that was Hitlery - you're just lying, as always.

Regardless, you and your filthy party seek confiscatory collectivism to redistribute assets in a way more pleasing to the party, with a substantial handling fee, naturally...

Uh, no, Hillary didn't sell uranium for bribes. Lie.

What else?
Uh, no, Hillary didn't sell uranium for bribes. Lie.

What else?

You're pretty stupid, Comrade. I posted this earlier.

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.}
"new American"?

Right, because racist, nativist, sexist assholes are an entirely new thing in America, end sarcasm tag.

People like you have been rising up and creating the Ku Klux Klan and the Segregationist Party, and the confederacy and the anti-immigration party and the neo-nazi party for 200 years. You're not a "new" American. You're the same old shit.

You also sound like you're at least 65 years old, so lol @ "new"
People like me...lmfao I'm 32 fool I'm the Tea Party! you thought we were dead didn't you? America has changed right under your nose. Since the election of Obama the democrats have lost all over the nation in only 8 years. We did not buy what the left was selling, or pushing. So we pushed back and flexed our muscle. Now we know we own the nation again. It will be nearly impossible for your side to overcome your losses so deal with it boobie.
11 million illegals
only someone hampered by blinders would believe that. You're a minority in that particular bit of stupidity.
Many more illegals voted then did Russian's
And Martians and Visigoths and Neanderthals and circus performers, and people effected by vapors, and Siamese cats.

But there were not 11 million votes cast by undocumented immigrants, Lee Harvey!
1) millions more votes were cast for hillary than any other candidate during the primaries.

2) millions more votes were cast for hillary than for trump during the general (65m+ vs 62m+)


4) US population is ~ 320 million Americans of whom ~62m+ voted for the donald

5) ~ 20% of all Americans voted for the donald.

6) "majority of Americans love the donald" is a delusional narrative.
If the majority of Americans love DJT they better beware and ready to fight because powerful forces are getting ready to derail his presidency
Those so called forces just lost their power...the power is with the people now. And it's about time. Trump has the best cabinet in 100 years, I dare anyone on the left or the feckless right like McCain to try it.

McCain and his bitch Lindsey Graham are leading the effort.

The Exxon CEO, a Secretary of Labor who despises Labor, an EPA Administrator who hates the environment, a Director of Intelligence who has not intelligence experience, an Attorney General who does not believe in Civil Rights, a Director of the Securities and Exchange Commission who has a wife at Goldman Sachs.. It's as if Trump wants people without experience to guide him due to his own lack of experience. Smarts count for nothing, skills count for nothing. Only sycophants and yes men.
You would think everyone hates Trump if you listen to the lamestream media and unstable celebrities. Leftest media and nutso celebs know hate sells so they keep preaching their hate. Does he abuse women? Is it abuse if they want to be grabbed, love to be grabbed by rich celebrities? Was it abuse when all those women fell into bed with their favorite rock star or actor? No, it is only abuse if a Republican does it. We, most Americans are tired of the leftest bullshit and wish they would just crawl back into some groupies bed and shut the fuck up. Americans voted in Trump because he is not like any other politician and we want America th be great. Go home you socialist pigs, or just leave like you promised. Looks like we can't believe anything you say
I don't love Trump.

I just hate Hillary more.
The Exxon CEO, a Secretary of Labor who despises Labor, an EPA Administrator who hates the environment, a Director of Intelligence who has not intelligence experience, an Attorney General who does not believe in Civil Rights, a Director of the Securities and Exchange Commission who has a wife at Goldman Sachs.. It's as if Trump wants people without experience to guide him due to his own lack of experience.
No he wants people he can trust not sickophant butt lickers
The Exxon CEO, a Secretary of Labor who despises Labor, an EPA Administrator who hates the environment, a Director of Intelligence who has not intelligence experience, an Attorney General who does not believe in Civil Rights, a Director of the Securities and Exchange Commission who has a wife at Goldman Sachs.. It's as if Trump wants people without experience to guide him due to his own lack of experience.
No he wants people he can trust not sickophant butt lickers
They are people who do not believe that the agencies they were chosen to administer should have any place at all in government. He hired a wrecking crew, not a cabinet.
Who are the communists?

You, the Khmer Rouge democrats.

And how is it you can say this without being embarrassed when, you know, Trump's butt-buddies with a former KGB officer.

Oh? Did Trump sell Putin uranium in exchange for bribes? Wait, that was Hitlery - you're just lying, as always.

Regardless, you and your filthy party seek confiscatory collectivism to redistribute assets in a way more pleasing to the party, with a substantial handling fee, naturally...

Uh, no, Hillary didn't sell uranium for bribes. ...

You would think everyone hates Trump if you listen to the lamestream media and unstable celebrities. Leftest media and nutso celebs know hate sells so they keep preaching their hate. Does he abuse women? Is it abuse if they want to be grabbed, love to be grabbed by rich celebrities? Was it abuse when all those women fell into bed with their favorite rock star or actor? No, it is only abuse if a Republican does it. We, most Americans are tired of the leftest bullshit and wish they would just crawl back into some groupies bed and shut the fuck up. Americans voted in Trump because he is not like any other politician and we want America th be great. Go home you socialist pigs, or just leave like you promised. Looks like we can't believe anything you say

Yeah, probably not.
But an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds 54 per cent of adults saying that they are either uncertain (25 per cent) or pessimistic and worried (29 per cent) about how Trump will perform during his presidency, compared with 45 per cent who have either an optimistic and confident view (22 per cent) or a satisfied and hopeful view (23 per cent).
Barack Obama and George W. Bush had far higher ratings. A combined 66 percent were either optimistic or hopeful about Obama in January 2009, according to the same poll, while 59 percent were optimistic or hopeful about George W. Bush in January 2001.
What is Donald Trump's approval rating and how does he compare to others?
Many people held their nose and voted for Trump and he still got just 46.1% of the vote. He's lucky he was running against Hillary Clinton and her inept organization.
Really a NBC poll? The last NBC poll I saw said Hillary by a landside. You really pay attention to ANY poll NBC runs? Talk about gullible libs.

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