Majority of Americans Love The Donald

You would think everyone hates Trump if you listen to the lamestream media and unstable celebrities. Leftest media and nutso celebs know hate sells so they keep preaching their hate. Does he abuse women? Is it abuse if they want to be grabbed, love to be grabbed by rich celebrities? Was it abuse when all those women fell into bed with their favorite rock star or actor? No, it is only abuse if a Republican does it. We, most Americans are tired of the leftest bullshit and wish they would just crawl back into some groupies bed and shut the fuck up. Americans voted in Trump because he is not like any other politician and we want America th be great. Go home you socialist pigs, or just leave like you promised. Looks like we can't believe anything you say

Yeah, probably not.
But an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds 54 per cent of adults saying that they are either uncertain (25 per cent) or pessimistic and worried (29 per cent) about how Trump will perform during his presidency, compared with 45 per cent who have either an optimistic and confident view (22 per cent) or a satisfied and hopeful view (23 per cent).
Barack Obama and George W. Bush had far higher ratings. A combined 66 percent were either optimistic or hopeful about Obama in January 2009, according to the same poll, while 59 percent were optimistic or hopeful about George W. Bush in January 2001.
What is Donald Trump's approval rating and how does he compare to others?
Many people held their nose and voted for Trump and he still got just 46.1% of the vote. He's lucky he was running against Hillary Clinton and her inept organization.

It had far less to do with Hillary being inept than the EC being an anti-democratic bullshit electoral device from the slaveholding era of this country. Hillary got as many votes as Obama in '12

Trump got less than both McCain and Romney, lol.
Take out LA county and NY city and Trump wins PV by a landslide...... boobie

Take out Russia and Clinton wins by a landslide.
If the truth within the dnc and Clinton emails had proper msm coverage of what they did to Sanders, their slurs against gays, racist comments, elitist attitudes, etc, Trump would have taken at least 60% of the popular legal votes.
Where did you get your figures from?
Trump. 62,979,636
Clinton. 65,844,610
Against both. 7,804,213
74 million votes against trump. Only 62 million for. So, no.
Add 65.8 M to 7.8 M, moron. 73.6 M, rounding up to 74 million. To Trump's 62.9 M

It's hard goddamn work training Trumpholes in simple arithmetic and English all day.


Agree and --

Love your avi.

Tillman was a great American. I'd love to hear his thoughts today. I wish his brother would seek office.
So, you're talking about eliminating millions of posters who just happen to live in the typical metropolitan areas.
What would happen if the same amount of voters were eliminated in southern rural areas?
Would you accept that trade?
Birds of a feather flock together...maybe you libs should spread out a little bit, see what it is like in real America. Then maybe you will have a shot at winning the electoral college. Why do you all hunker down in three or four places?
So, you're talking about eliminating millions of posters who just happen to live in the typical metropolitan areas.
What would happen if the same amount of voters were eliminated in southern rural areas?
Would you accept that trade?
Birds of a feather flock together...maybe you libs should spread out a little bit, see what it is like in real America. Then maybe you will have a shot at winning the electoral college. Why do you all hunker down in three or four places?

Because liberals are educated and intelligent, and seek out variety and diversity and culture.

I've been to Nebraska. It's ..... Nebraska.
You would think everyone hates Trump if you listen to the lamestream media and unstable celebrities. Leftest media and nutso celebs know hate sells so they keep preaching their hate. Does he abuse women? Is it abuse if they want to be grabbed, love to be grabbed by rich celebrities? Was it abuse when all those women fell into bed with their favorite rock star or actor? No, it is only abuse if a Republican does it. We, most Americans are tired of the leftest bullshit and wish they would just crawl back into some groupies bed and shut the fuck up. Americans voted in Trump because he is not like any other politician and we want America th be great. Go home you socialist pigs, or just leave like you promised. Looks like we can't believe anything you say

Is that why 3 million more voted for Hillary?
Because liberals are educated and intelligent, and seek out variety and diversity and culture.

I've been to Nebraska. It's ..... Nebraska.
Have you been to LA lately? anyone living there is a fool.
So, you're talking about eliminating millions of posters who just happen to live in the typical metropolitan areas.
What would happen if the same amount of voters were eliminated in southern rural areas?
Would you accept that trade?
Birds of a feather flock together...maybe you libs should spread out a little bit, see what it is like in real America. Then maybe you will have a shot at winning the electoral college. Why do you all hunker down in three or four places?

Probably has something to do with not wanting to marry our own cousins.
Where did you get your figures from?
Trump. 62,979,636
Clinton. 65,844,610
Against both. 7,804,213
74 million votes against trump. Only 62 million for. So, no.
So no candidate received a majority of the votes. Trump won the elections per the rules..........

Hillary won a plurality. More than any other candidate. A LOT more.

So logically, .....she lost. :bsflag:
She, as Trump did, ran her campaign with the objective of winning based on the EC. She did not meet that objective. Trump did. So keep on bitching about Hillary receiving a plurality of the popular vote while Trump is sworn in as POTUS. Hillary is a loser..... again!

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