Majority of Americans More Concerned about ‘Socialist Left’ Than ‘MAGA Republicans’: POLL

A majority of Americans are MAGA aligned, they don't even need to exactly like or support Trump, but only sniveling pathetic bed wetting liberal worms promote America continuing down the path of democrook decline and being ruled by potatoes like Caligula Xiden and the rest of that DNC criminal syndicate.
A majority of Americans are MAGA aligned, they don't even need to exactly like or support Trump, but only sniveling pathetic bed wetting liberal worms promote America continuing down the path of democrook decline and being ruled by potatoes like Caligula Xiden and the rest of that DNC criminal syndicate.
Such hatred, such emotions; how did you ever develop such an extremist attitude. What exactly happened to you to warp your mind like this.
Yeah, the insurrection on Jan 6th was nasty stuff.
There was no "insurrection" on Jan. 6th - your Reichstag fire. There was a 3 hour UNARMED protest and some rioting - much of the rioting prompted by unprovoked violence by Nancy Pelosi's palace guard.

There were two death, one when a BLM affiliated palace guardsman summarily executed an unarmed protester. The other when the crowd panicked that Pelosi's forces were killing protesters and she was trampled.

Remember when you Nazi scum lied about Trump and teargas at Lafayette park, when your Brown Shirts were storming the White House to murder the president? Imagine if park police had killed one of the unarmed protesters? I mean, that would have been hard since your Brown Shirts were heavily armed, but imagine...

A lot of those "Nazi" types are paying the price.

What price are you Nazis paying? Looks to me like you're rounding up dissenters and throwing them in the Gulag.

You Nazis will pay a price in November - and IF the rule of law is restored after that, those like Wray and Garland should pay with their lives for the treason they've engaged in.
There was no "insurrection" on Jan. 6th - your Reichstag fire. There was a 3 hour UNARMED protest and some rioting - much of the rioting prompted by unprovoked violence by Nancy Pelosi's palace guard.

Not according to the dictionary.

Being armed is not a requirement for something to be an insurrection yet...

Obviously you skipped the Jan 6th hearings because testimony showed people were armed and Trump new they were armed when he sent them to the capital.

There were two death, one when a BLM affiliated palace guardsman summarily executed an unarmed protester. The other when the crowd panicked that Pelosi's forces were killing protesters and she was trampled.

Ashli Babit was killed while participating in an insurrection. While her death was tragic, this is expected when you lead a mob of insurrectionists.

"Pelosis forces" lol. That is funny. Thanks for the chuckle.

Remember when you Nazi scum lied about Trump and teargas at Lafayette park, when your Brown Shirts were storming the White House to murder the president?

No. Please share a link.

Imagine if park police had killed one of the unarmed protesters? I mean, that would have been hard since your Brown Shirts were heavily armed, but imagine...

If the unarmed protesters were breaking windows and breaking down doors to attack democracy then shooting would have been appropriate.

What price are you Nazis paying? Looks to me like you're rounding up dissenters and throwing them in the Gulag.

No. Not dissenters. Insurrectionists.

You Nazis will pay a price in November - and IF the rule of law is restored after that, those like Wray and Garland should pay with their lives for the treason they've engaged in.
The nazis are already paying the price. You haven't seen the charges for sedition?

Garland won't pay anything. He will be payed by our tax money for the rest of his life though.

Thank you for your contribution.
A majority of Americans are MAGA aligned, they don't even need to exactly like or support Trump, but only sniveling pathetic bed wetting liberal worms promote America continuing down the path of democrook decline and being ruled by potatoes like Caligula Xiden and the rest of that DNC criminal syndicate.
The same could be said the majority of Americans are liberal aligned aligned. Extremist fail to see that both parties are more alike than they are different. You must be an extremist, also the fact that you used derogatory terms for Democrats and compared by them to Caligula ( LOL ) would indicate you are definitely an extremist.
The same could be said the majority of Americans are liberal aligned aligned. Extremist fail to see that both parties are more alike than they are different. You must be an extremist, also the fact that you used derogatory terms for Democrats and compared by them to Caligula ( LOL ) would indicate you are definitely an extremist.
And compared Biden to Caligula ( LOL ) would indicate you are definitely an extremist. Given that, you do not represent most Americans but a small minority who are extremists.
Not according to the dictionary.

Nazi to English dictionary:

Peaceful Protest:




Being armed is not a requirement for something to be an insurrection yet...

Kind of hard to overthrow the United States government with cell phones and selfies...

But you have to slander your enemies. I mean, you can't end civil rights without an enemy to focus the people on, right?

Obviously you skipped the Jan 6th hearings because testimony showed people were armed and Trump new they were armed when he sent them to the capital.

The Stalinist Show Trials?

You mean the ones where that fucking lying Traitor Adam Schitt did this?

“This one reads, ‘On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all,’” Schiff continued. “You can see why this is so critical to ask Mr. Meadows about. About a lawmaker suggesting that the former vice president simply throw out votes that he unilaterally deems unconstitutional in order to overturn a presidential election and subvert the will of the American people.”

Not only did Schiff lie about the substance of the text message and its source, he even doctored the message and graphic that he displayed on screen during his statement. The full text message, which was forwarded to Meadows from Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, on the evening of Monday, Jan. 5, was significantly longer than what Schiff read and put on screen, but Schiff erased significant portions of the text and added punctuation where there was none to give the impression that Jordan himself was tersely directing Meadows to give orders to Pence on how to handle the electoral vote certification.

The original text was written by Washington attorney and former Department of Defense Inspector General Joseph Schmitz and included an attachment of a four-page draft Word document drafted by Schmitz that detailed Schmitz’s legal reasoning for suggesting that Pence had the constitutional authority to object to the certification of electoral votes submitted by a handful of states. The piece that Schmitz had sent to Jordan was published at the website the next day and even included the same “DISCUSSION DRAFT” heading and timestamp on the document that Schmitz sent to Jordan.}

Hey, you Nazis are fucking liars, it's just what you do.

Ashli Babit was killed while participating in an insurrection. While her death was tragic, this is expected when you lead a mob of insurrectionists.

Ashli Babbitt was summarily executed by James Byrd, a member of BLM and a Lieutenant in Nancy Pelosi's Palace Guard, the Capitol Police.

Video of the event shows that Byrd was lying in wait, never made a sound, and shot to kill.

What Byrd did is first degree murder.

"Pelosis forces" lol. That is funny. Thanks for the chuckle.

No. Please share a link.

If the unarmed protesters were breaking windows and breaking down doors to attack democracy then shooting would have been appropriate.

No. Not dissenters. Insurrectionists.

The nazis are already paying the price. You haven't seen the charges for sedition?

Garland won't pay anything. He will be payed by our tax money for the rest of his life though.

Thank you for your contribution.

Garland probably won't pay for his treason - like Idi Amin, evil men too often escape justice.
That is a lot of propaganda but I guess that is part of how it works.

Nazi to English dictionary:

Peaceful Protest:

View attachment 698895


What is this a picture of? Who are those people?

What is this a picture of? When and where?

Kind of hard to overthrow the United States government with cell phones and selfies...

What a silly grade school level comment

Are phones what they used to crush and beat police officers, make a gallows to "hang Mike pence", smear fences over the walls, and break down doors and windows?

But you have to slander your enemies. I mean, you can't end civil rights without an enemy to focus the people on, right?

I am not slandering. I am calling an insurrection an insurrection.

The Stalinist Show Trials?

You mean the ones where that fucking lying Traitor Adam Schitt did this?

“This one reads, ‘On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all,’” Schiff continued. “You can see why this is so critical to ask Mr. Meadows about. About a lawmaker suggesting that the former vice president simply throw out votes that he unilaterally deems unconstitutional in order to overturn a presidential election and subvert the will of the American people.”

Not only did Schiff lie about the substance of the text message and its source, he even doctored the message and graphic that he displayed on screen during his statement. The full text message, which was forwarded to Meadows from Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, on the evening of Monday, Jan. 5, was significantly longer than what Schiff read and put on screen, but Schiff erased significant portions of the text and added punctuation where there was none to give the impression that Jordan himself was tersely directing Meadows to give orders to Pence on how to handle the electoral vote certification.

The original text was written by Washington attorney and former Department of Defense Inspector General Joseph Schmitz and included an attachment of a four-page draft Word document drafted by Schmitz that detailed Schmitz’s legal reasoning for suggesting that Pence had the constitutional authority to object to the certification of electoral votes submitted by a handful of states. The piece that Schmitz had sent to Jordan was published at the website the next day and even included the same “DISCUSSION DRAFT” heading and timestamp on the document that Schmitz sent to Jordan.}

Hey, you Nazis are fucking liars, it's just what you do.

The context of the message was not changed and the committee took responsibility for the mistake with the period. Much ado about nothing.

Ashli Babbitt was summarily executed by James Byrd, a member of BLM and a Lieutenant in Nancy Pelosi's Palace Guard, the Capitol Police.

Video of the event shows that Byrd was lying in wait, never made a sound, and shot to kill.

What Byrd did is first degree murder.

Shooting an insurrectionists in order to protect Congress from an ongoing insurrection is not murder and the courts agree with me.

Garland probably won't pay for his treason - like Idi Amin, evil men too often escape justice.
Because he hasn't committed treason.

We just want our stuff back.
lol so what? The so-called 'REpublicans' can't even stop sicko degenerate faggots from convincing grade school children they need to be sexually mutilated to be 'happy'. It's a little late in the game for this sort of sniveling. It's kind of laughable, really, that some still think they're going to do anything.
Do you prefer the democrats over the republicans, those being the only two viable choices?
Yeah. No polling data. That is a pretty good reason.
As previously stated, it's your right to be as skeptical as you'd like. I encourage such skepticism, tbh.
Do you frequently trust polls blindly without looking into polling data?
I seldom trust polls, but they can be of use in regards to triggering useful idiots.
You could get manipulated doing stuff like that. Be careful.
Your concern is as unnecessary as it is disingenuous.
I called you a fascist because you told me I didn't have a right to an opinion.
Quote me doing that or be exposed as the liar you are.
Saying your opinion is irrelevant isn't saying you have no right to it.
Additionally, saying you have no right to an opinion (which wasn't done) isn't fascism, you illiterate imbecile.
Think better before embarrassing yourself again.
maybe next week they can take a poll and see if people are more worried about syphilis or gonorrhea
Maybe you'll learn to capitalize the first word of sentences, too.
Regardless, I'm sure you're equally worried about them.
Maybe you'll learn to capitalize the first word of sentences, too.
Regardless, I'm sure you're equally worried about them.

that would be no fun, then you would not be triggered so.

The difference between them is the same as the difference between the socialist-left and the MAGA-Republicans

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