Majority of Americans More Concerned about ‘Socialist Left’ Than ‘MAGA Republicans’: POLL

Since most of the Republicans are fascists.
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VERY bad news for Biden and the democrats going into the midterms.
Not according to this poll ;) They seem to be in a dead heat with the Dems. And the Lefties are gullible enough to actually believe the poll.
Majority of Americans More Concerned about ‘Socialist Left’ Than ‘MAGA Republicans’: POLL
Hmmm, it appears, according to this poll, that the left's gaslighting campaign is failing.
This is good news for those who love liberty and freedom.
Well as the saying goes.It's kinda hard to prove a negative or
falsehood.Because we now have the hardened fact that the FBI has been
pressuring other agencies,the media and using proven liars like the
Southern Poverty Law center to manufacture data that is false.
Making the case of how dangerous White Supremacy is.
They just cite a couple examples and then greatly exagerrate
in multiples.Most Americans can't be tricked.Its not the Right but
the left that is committing acts of violence.Just look at the Big cities
run for decades by the left.That is where the Violence springs and
builds as if a vegetable garden.BLM was a huge false meme.
The summer of Love was real.And the DNC refused to even mention it
at their 2020 Convention.Where the RNC in august of 2020 spent
much time concerned over this Violence.Just as the MSM and Democrats
refuse to mention all the mess at the southern border.It wasn't a mess
under Trump.
Well as the saying goes.It's kinda hard to prove a negative or
falsehood.Because we now have the hardened fact that the FBI has been
pressuring other agencies,the media and using proven liars like the
Southern Poverty Law center to manufacture data that is false.
Making the case of how dangerous White Supremacy is.
They just cite a couple examples and then greatly exagerrate
in multiples.Most Americans can't be tricked.Its not the Right but
the left that is committing acts of violence.Just look at the Big cities
run for decades by the left.That is where the Violence springs and
builds as if a vegetable garden.BLM was a huge false meme.
The summer of Love was real.And the DNC refused to even mention it
at their 2020 Convention.Where the RNC in august of 2020 spent
much time concerned over this Violence.Just as the MSM and Democrats
refuse to mention all the mess at the southern border.It wasn't a mess
under Trump.
Yes Trump bad-mouthed the situation on the southern border and crippled the mechanisms for dealing with it. His wall went nowhere. The number of immigrants needing to have their day in court tripled under his watch. Real good going.
Irrelevant. Socialist programs are Socialist programs regardless of the outcome one way or the other.

Now what I would prefer is for presidents to not start trade wars they can not win.
So whose side are you on anyways ? Don't start trade war's they can't win eh ? Let other countries just crap all over you eh ????

Yes Trump bad-mouthed the situation on the southern border and crippled the mechanisms for dealing with it. His wall went nowhere. The number of immigrants needing to have their day in court tripled under his watch. Real good going.
Yer not even Insane.Just an evil juvenile Luciferian.
I can't bring myself to debate someone with such
a pathetic use of talking pts.Like Biden and his Democrats you wouldn't
know let alone care to know the Truth if it bit you on yer candy ass
every hour on the hour.
Yer not even Insane.Just an evil juvenile Luciferian.
I can't bring myself to debate someone with such
a pathetic use of talking pts.Like Biden and his Democrats you wouldn't
know let alone care to know the Truth if it bit you on yer candy ass
every hour on the hour.
Bottom line if you look up the facts immigration problems got worse because of trump not better. He didn't address it in any practical manner.
Again with the name calling you are something else, and it's not good.
After you called me a fascist because I think your childish opinions are irrelevant. GFY, hypocrite.
So whose side are you on anyways ? Don't start trade war's they can't win eh ? Let other countries just crap all over you eh ????


What did we accomplish by starting a trade war, losing and then walking away? Be specific.
Majority of Americans More Concerned about ‘Socialist Left’ Than ‘MAGA Republicans’: POLL
Hmmm, it appears, according to this poll, that the left's gaslighting campaign is failing.
This is good news for those who love liberty and freedom.

lol so what? The so-called 'REpublicans' can't even stop sicko degenerate faggots from convincing grade school children they need to be sexually mutilated to be 'happy'. It's a little late in the game for this sort of sniveling. It's kind of laughable, really, that some still think they're going to do anything.
You are certainly free to find reasons to dismiss a poll that scares you.
Yeah. No polling data. That is a pretty good reason.

Do you frequently trust polls blindly without looking into polling data?

You could get manipulated doing stuff like that. Be careful.
I don't believe this poll. The FBI has identified the far right as the greatest threat to our nation. Maga Republicans are as far right as you can get. Anything the left does has to be voted in. The right is the captain to use violence in intimidation to get their way.

I don't believe you're sentient.

The Gestapo (formerly FBI) has no credibility at all. They are criminal thugs serving the fascist democrat Reich.
lol so what? The so-called 'REpublicans' can't even stop sicko degenerate faggots from convincing grade school children they need to be sexually mutilated to be 'happy'. It's a little late in the game for this sort of sniveling. It's kind of laughable, really, that some still think they're going to do anything.

It took the Nazis, the democrats, GENERATIONS to overthrow our social institutions. Because the little Goebbels are minions of the democrat party, every time someone would raise a red flag about what democrats were doing, CNN and the Voice of the Reich (NY Times) would swing into action to slander and defame as "reactionary" or "conspiracy theorist" - UNTIL COVID.

The desperate plan of China and their vassals, the democrats, to unleash a biological weapon had unintended consequences. "Remote Learning" let parents see inside the classroom for the first time. And parents were home, because businesses were closed due to the Wuhan Designer Virus® - Parents saw for the first time the perversion that democrats were foisting on very young children.

Libs Of Tik-Tok is a hero on the level of Audie Murphy. She saw what democrat perverts were teaching her children and reviewed the Tik-Tok account of the groomer. Then she found that Public School Groomers love to BRAG about sexually abusing children and she started posting the videos, unedited, from the groomers up on Twitter.

As a result, 6 states now have and enforce anti-grooming laws - with Florida and the great Ron DeSantis leading the way.

We ARE stopping the sicko degenerates known as democrats from sexually abusing our children and grandchildren. It takes time, but we've dismantled in 18 months what took the pervert democrats 18 YEARS to put in place.

But more than that, we have emboldened children to say "NO" to the groomers.
Yeah. No polling data. That is a pretty good reason.

Do you frequently trust polls blindly without looking into polling data?

You could get manipulated doing stuff like that. Be careful.

Yeah, you're right to panic.

This is what we all knew. You can have the Gestapo lie about "Der Juden" all you want. You can have Adolf Biden ranting about "the white menace" and your need for a final solution. But no one believes you - not even you.

Republican violence? Where?


A three-hour protest with some rioting less violent than the most peaceful BLM riots that went on for TWO FUCKING YEARS.

You're lying, Quid Pro is lying, Herr Leaksensmears is lying, Traitor Wray is lying.

We ALL know it, every last one of us. YOU like that they're lying, because it furthers the agenda of the Reich. But even you know full well they're lying.
Yeah, you're right to panic.

This is what we all knew. You can have the Gestapo lie about "Der Juden" all you want. You can have Adolf Biden ranting about "the white menace" and your need for a final solution. But no one believes you - not even you.

Republican violence? Where?


A three-hour protest with some rioting less violent than the most peaceful BLM riots that went on for TWO FUCKING YEARS.

You're lying, Quid Pro is lying, Herr Leaksensmears is lying, Traitor Wray is lying.

We ALL know it, every last one of us. YOU like that they're lying, because it furthers the agenda of the Reich. But even you know full well they're lying.
As your post seems to be predicated on the assumption that I am panicking, yet I am not, the rest of your post is dismissed.

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