Majority of Americans More Concerned about ‘Socialist Left’ Than ‘MAGA Republicans’: POLL

As previously stated, it's your right to be as skeptical as you'd like. I encourage such skepticism, tbh.

Good to hear. Thank you.

I seldom trust polls, but they can be of use in regards to triggering useful idiots.

Your concern is as unnecessary as it is disingenuous.
I have no concern. Since their was no polling data, the poll was useless to me and I moved on.
that would be no fun, then you would not be triggered so.
You looking like an illiterate imbecile doesn't trigger me at all, Gulping Gaytor.
It just makes you look like an illiterate imbecile.
Especially when you double down on it, like you just did.
You looking like an illiterate imbecile doesn't trigger me at all, Gulping Gaytor.
It just makes you look like an illiterate imbecile.
Especially when you double down on it, like you just did.

and I care so very much what a Trump worshiping fool thinks of me.

how will I ever be able to sleep at night knowing this?
and I care so very much what a Trump worshiping fool thinks of me.

how will I ever be able to sleep at night knowing this?
Again, quote me saying you shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion. You can't, because you're a pathetic troll who lies to escape intellectual humiliation.
Again, quote me saying you shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion.

I will as soon as you quote me saying that you said I should not be allowed to have an opinion?

You can't, because you're a pathetic troll who lies to escape intellectual humiliation.

You make up something I said so that you can insult me.

That is pretty much par for the course for you.
I will as soon as you quote me saying that you said I should not be allowed to have an opinion?
You make up something I said so that you can insult me.
That is pretty much par for the course for you.
Quote me saying you had no right to an opinion or keep squirming like a lying bitch, kid.
Nazi to English dictionary:

Peaceful Protest:

View attachment 698895


View attachment 698896

Kind of hard to overthrow the United States government with cell phones and selfies...

But you have to slander your enemies. I mean, you can't end civil rights without an enemy to focus the people on, right?

The Stalinist Show Trials?

You mean the ones where that fucking lying Traitor Adam Schitt did this?

“This one reads, ‘On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all,’” Schiff continued. “You can see why this is so critical to ask Mr. Meadows about. About a lawmaker suggesting that the former vice president simply throw out votes that he unilaterally deems unconstitutional in order to overturn a presidential election and subvert the will of the American people.”

Not only did Schiff lie about the substance of the text message and its source, he even doctored the message and graphic that he displayed on screen during his statement. The full text message, which was forwarded to Meadows from Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, on the evening of Monday, Jan. 5, was significantly longer than what Schiff read and put on screen, but Schiff erased significant portions of the text and added punctuation where there was none to give the impression that Jordan himself was tersely directing Meadows to give orders to Pence on how to handle the electoral vote certification.

The original text was written by Washington attorney and former Department of Defense Inspector General Joseph Schmitz and included an attachment of a four-page draft Word document drafted by Schmitz that detailed Schmitz’s legal reasoning for suggesting that Pence had the constitutional authority to object to the certification of electoral votes submitted by a handful of states. The piece that Schmitz had sent to Jordan was published at the website the next day and even included the same “DISCUSSION DRAFT” heading and timestamp on the document that Schmitz sent to Jordan.}

Hey, you Nazis are fucking liars, it's just what you do.

Ashli Babbitt was summarily executed by James Byrd, a member of BLM and a Lieutenant in Nancy Pelosi's Palace Guard, the Capitol Police.

Video of the event shows that Byrd was lying in wait, never made a sound, and shot to kill.

What Byrd did is first degree murder.

Garland probably won't pay for his treason - like Idi Amin, evil men too often escape justice.

Stalin and Mao were richly rewarded for murdering 10's of millions of people.
I said the only "viable" choices, dumbass. Learn to read.
"That is" for singular, "those are" for plural.

And of course you can't admit to being just a shill for 'The Other Crooks', can you,speaking of dumbasses. Run along now and polish up your Hall monitor arm band and tell Mommy you've been a good little boy. All you've said is you're happy to be part of the problem, making a 'viable' choice.
And of course you can't admit to being just a shill for 'The Other Crooks', can you,speaking of dumbasses. Run along now and polish up your Hall monitor arm band and tell Mommy you've been a good little boy. All you've said is you're happy to be part of the problem, making a 'viable' choice.
My bad, that was another useful idiot named Stann. You all blend together in your mass stupidity and blind hatred of Trump.
Finally an apology. I was beginning to believe it was something you weren't capable of. Thanks for proving you are human being after all
The United States of America has had a Socialistic system since FDR and let be clear many of you fail to realize you enjoy Corporate and Social Welfare and just whine those unlike you get to enjoy it.

So if you are against Socialism then denounce everything that is Socialistic of this country and see how long you enjoy that…

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