Majority of Americans Say It Not the Government's Responsibility to Insure Everyone

So the majority believe that the rich have the right to the best healthcare options, and the poor can just suffer with sub standard care?

No, the majority of Americans believe people should take responsibility for their own lives. I know to Libtards this is a alien concept, but it truly is what built America.

Again, the rich get everything and the poor get screwed, as always.

"You get what you pay for"
Majority of Americans Say It Not the Government's Responsibility to Insure Everyone

I agree.

Stop forcing the insured patients to pay for your health care insurance.

Pay for it yourself = ObamaCare.
Obamacare isn't the government paying for everyone's healthcare.
So, people who cannot afford 5,000 dollar a year insurance plans will just have to go without insurance.......

I didn't realize they had dropped the subsidies portion of the Obamacare.
Again, the rich get everything and the poor get screwed, as always.

Work harder and smarter. Get a education. It worked for me, and I am very comfortable. Stop blaming successful people for your own lack of success. This is America...the land of opportunity. You can do it if you really want. :)

You assume that everyone can get into a high paying job if they want it, and you also assume that everyone is smart. Some people are not, and will never progress beyond the jobs they currently hold. That is reality - it is life. There are opportunities out there, but only if you are capable of taking them. For some people, its a dream out of reach.

So the people that fail to educate themselves should be cared for and nurtured by the people who dedicate themselves to success? Is that your argument?
Obamacare isn't the government paying for everyone's healthcare.

What percentage do you say the government is now, or plans on paying for?
About the same, but without the 45k deaths... with cost curve bending down- hater dupes are so deep...

Franco you're grammar is ever the irritant or I'm just insanely stupid. One or the other.

What 45k deaths are you referring to?

How will the cost curve go down?
The deaths caused by our Pubscam health ''system'', not mentioned on the Pub propaganda machine, Pub dupe...
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Work harder and smarter. Get a education. It worked for me, and I am very comfortable. Stop blaming successful people for your own lack of success. This is America...the land of opportunity. You can do it if you really want. :)

You assume that everyone can get into a high paying job if they want it, and you also assume that everyone is smart. Some people are not, and will never progress beyond the jobs they currently hold. That is reality - it is life. There are opportunities out there, but only if you are capable of taking them. For some people, its a dream out of reach.

So the people that fail to educate themselves should be cared for and nurtured by the people who dedicate themselves to success? Is that your argument?

I never said that people fail to educate themselves. But it is a fact that some people will not make it beyond, say, High School - not necessarily because they didn't pay attention, but because they don't have the 'smarts' to make it further.

That does not mean that those people should be denied decent health coverage.
You assume that everyone can get into a high paying job if they want it, and you also assume that everyone is smart. Some people are not, and will never progress beyond the jobs they currently hold. That is reality - it is life. There are opportunities out there, but only if you are capable of taking them. For some people, its a dream out of reach.

So the people that fail to educate themselves should be cared for and nurtured by the people who dedicate themselves to success? Is that your argument?

I never said that people fail to educate themselves. But it is a fact that some people will not make it beyond, say, High School - not necessarily because they didn't pay attention, but because they don't have the 'smarts' to make it further.

That does not mean that those people should be denied decent health coverage.

No they should get a job and work like the rest of Americans. If your argument is that they're poor and can't afford it then change the topic to wealth distribution and the unevenness of our societal financial structure. Don't try to convince me that I have to pay for the kids insurance that couldn't stop staring at the wall, talking to a girl, or smoking weed in the bathroom while I was paying attention.
I never said that people fail to educate themselves. But it is a fact that some people will not make it beyond, say, High School - not necessarily because they didn't pay attention, but because they don't have the 'smarts' to make it further.

That does not mean that those people should be denied decent health coverage.

It also doesn't mean they have the right to rob smarter people of their rightfully earned wealth just because they dig ditches for a living.
You assume that everyone can get into a high paying job if they want it, and you also assume that everyone is smart. Some people are not, and will never progress beyond the jobs they currently hold. That is reality - it is life. There are opportunities out there, but only if you are capable of taking them. For some people, its a dream out of reach.

So the people that fail to educate themselves should be cared for and nurtured by the people who dedicate themselves to success? Is that your argument?

I never said that people fail to educate themselves. But it is a fact that some people will not make it beyond, say, High School - not necessarily because they didn't pay attention, but because they don't have the 'smarts' to make it further.

That does not mean that those people should be denied decent health coverage.

They should get the best health care they can afford.
There is a new poll out today by Gallup that shows a major shift in American's thinking, and is very bad news for the Democrat Party. A clear majority of Americans are now saying it is not the Government's responsibility to insure everyone. This shows a dramatic change in thinking since Obamacare has become reality. Only 42% of people in America now agree with the premise. Here is a link to the story and the data.

Majority in U.S. Say Healthcare Not Gov't Responsibility

So the majority believe that the rich have the right to the best healthcare options, and the poor can just suffer with sub standard care?

You have the right to what you can pay for.
You assume that everyone can get into a high paying job if they want it, and you also assume that everyone is smart. Some people are not, and will never progress beyond the jobs they currently hold. That is reality - it is life. There are opportunities out there, but only if you are capable of taking them. For some people, its a dream out of reach.

So the people that fail to educate themselves should be cared for and nurtured by the people who dedicate themselves to success? Is that your argument?

I never said that people fail to educate themselves. But it is a fact that some people will not make it beyond, say, High School - not necessarily because they didn't pay attention, but because they don't have the 'smarts' to make it further.

That does not mean that those people should be denied decent health coverage.
We have programs to care for people, who through no fault of their own, can barely function in society. No one is willing to deny them proper care.

There is, however, no need to create ANOTHER program, using the deceit that it was designed to care for the unfortunate, when every rational and reasoned analysis of the program (Obamacare) proves that it is nothing more than a 'redistribution of wealth' program.

Lets not make this about people who cannot function in society at a higher level not receiving healthcare. It is a deflection from what Obamacare is really about.
You assume that everyone can get into a high paying job if they want it, and you also assume that everyone is smart. Some people are not, and will never progress beyond the jobs they currently hold. That is reality - it is life. There are opportunities out there, but only if you are capable of taking them. For some people, its a dream out of reach.

So the people that fail to educate themselves should be cared for and nurtured by the people who dedicate themselves to success? Is that your argument?

I never said that people fail to educate themselves. But it is a fact that some people will not make it beyond, say, High School - not necessarily because they didn't pay attention, but because they don't have the 'smarts' to make it further.

That does not mean that those people should be denied decent health coverage.

Why does it mean I should be forced to pay for their healthcare?
Obamacare isn't the government paying for everyone's healthcare.

No one said they are paying for everyone. They made a law forcing everyone to get insured or pay a penalty, or tax, as they call it. Looks like most people don't believe it's government's place to force us to do something against our will. And, yes, they are making sure that many of us pay much higher premiums to subsidize others. In that way, they are paying for some people by forcing others to bear the burden. The really sad part is that many who won't be subsidized can no longer afford insurance after losing what they had. That means the cost is shifted toward those who still have insurance. The middle class is taking a hard hit, the way they do with virtually every liberal idea.

The Obama administration is moving toward dictatorship with the radical policies they've shoved through.

It just doesn't bother any liberal that Obama and others lied so much about ACA. The promises were bullshit from the start, from keeping our plans to saving money.

The only reason the law wasn't struck down is because Obama lied to SCOTUS and said it was a tax. He also had to lie to the people and congress to uphold it because if it was a tax, then it would have had to pass the House, which it didn't. Slice it any way you want, but the law is unconstitutional. Liberals avoid discussing that at all costs.

People don't like it and I think they'll demonstrate just how much resentment they have toward the dictatorship on the next election day.
So the majority believe that the rich have the right to the best healthcare options, and the poor can just suffer with sub standard care?

No, the majority of Americans believe people should take responsibility for their own lives. I know to Libtards this is a alien concept, but it truly is what built America.

Again, the rich get everything and the poor get screwed, as always.

If the poor got everything the rich get, then why would anyone work for a living?
No, the majority of Americans believe people should take responsibility for their own lives. I know to Libtards this is a alien concept, but it truly is what built America.

Again, the rich get everything and the poor get screwed, as always.

Well, not everything - but yeah, the rich can afford better stuff than the poor. It seems like you're raging against the very idea that some people are rich and some people are poor.

All she's saying is that it sucks to be poor.

No Duh!

What defies comprehension is why she thinks the it shouldn't suck.
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It's no more expensive to give people a doctor and preventive care than our present cruel and unusual Pub/dupe health punishment...

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