Majority of Americans Say It Not the Government's Responsibility to Insure Everyone

I have explained this to so many liberals. Their ignorance is astounding. In America we have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. The only rights that exist are under those two documents. You are promised the rights contained in those documents, and the opportunity to succeed. That is all. No where does it say any citizen is entitled to healthcare or free shit. Your paradigm does not exist. It is a liberal fantasy.

WQ, share your astounding reasoning with SCOTUS.

Jake, you amuse me. Please explain to all of us the rights that exist for us as U.S. citizens outside of those enumerated in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I'll be anxiously waiting to be educated.

I am glad you are easily entertained, my boy.

Please explain to us why you are correct and SCOTUS is not. It's your affirmation and all you have offered is your philosophy. Expand on it with verifiable history, case law, opinions, etc.

You know, the stuff you had to do in college.
I have explained this to so many liberals. Their ignorance is astounding. In America we have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. The only rights that exist are under those two documents. You are promised the rights contained in those documents, and the opportunity to succeed. That is all. No where does it say any citizen is entitled to healthcare or free shit. Your paradigm does not exist. It is a liberal fantasy.

WQ, share your astounding reasoning with SCOTUS.

Jake, you amuse me. Please explain to all of us the rights that exist for us as U.S. citizens outside of those enumerated in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I'll be anxiously waiting to be educated.

Whatever the Supreme Court has said in the last 240 years, dingbat...ay caramba
There is a new poll out today by Gallup that shows a major shift in American's thinking, and is very bad news for the Democrat Party. A clear majority of Americans are now saying it is not the Government's responsibility to insure everyone. This shows a dramatic change in thinking since Obamacare has become reality. Only 42% of people in America now agree with the premise. Here is a link to the story and the data.

Majority in U.S. Say Healthcare Not Gov't Responsibility

It's not government's job to give no bid contracts to large corporations. It's not government's job to provide subsidies and bailouts to large corporations. It's not government's job to provide patent protection for the investments of the private sector. It's not government's job to protect the oil fields and trade routes of private corporations.

But government does these things. [It would be nice if the OP at least knew what government did for the wealthy. Without having all the information about who government serves, the OP runs the risk of appearing like an apparachik for the concentrated wealth and political power that owns his party and his news sources.]

The economy dies when consumers are bankrupted by health costs. Any economy which allows special interest monopolies to destroy consumers is going to die. We have an interest in not destroying the consumer. Obama should have broken up the health care monopolies but he didn't because they are too powerful.

Over the past twenty years Health Insurance companies and pharmaceuticals have poured trillions of dollars into Government. They did this to create a regulatory structure which allowed them to divide much of the nation into fixed no-compete zones. This allowed them to raise rates without being disciplined by market competition. The government does have an interest in restoring a competitive market to what has become a Republican protected monopoly. If we can educate Republicans on the need to bust up these monopolies, than we can bust up the mega corporations and restore competition (like when Carter busted up telecom, which is why we've seen so much innovation in this sector). Problem is: Republican voters get their analysis of the economy from a tightly controlled media universe which is funded by the special interests which control all domestic markets. Meaning: we have an entire generation of voters who have been turned into useful idiots.

ObamaCare was designed to bring down prices by bringing more payees into the system and broadening the risk pools with healthier people. Time will tell if this works, but I suspect the Republicans have and will be able to sabatoge it.

I agree with almost everything you said. It is right on the money. The powerful protect the powerful. That has always been the case. Neither political party is looking out for the average American. Your only error is believing the Dems care any more about you than the other side. Big pharma is raping the American consumer and your average politician is laughing all the way to the bank.
WQ, share your astounding reasoning with SCOTUS.

Jake, you amuse me. Please explain to all of us the rights that exist for us as U.S. citizens outside of those enumerated in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I'll be anxiously waiting to be educated.

Whatever the Supreme Court has said in the last 240 years, dingbat...ay caramba


The courts do not make law or confer rights. Only We the People have that power as expressed through our duly appointed Legislators. Your ignorance of the most basic workings of our Republic is astounding.
WQ, share your astounding reasoning with SCOTUS.

Jake, you amuse me. Please explain to all of us the rights that exist for us as U.S. citizens outside of those enumerated in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I'll be anxiously waiting to be educated.

I am glad you are easily entertained, my boy.

Please explain to us why you are correct and SCOTUS is not. It's your affirmation and all you have offered is your philosophy. Expand on it with verifiable history, case law, opinions, etc.

You know, the stuff you had to do in college.

This is so painful. The Courts do make make law or confer rights. They have no power to do so. They only interpret the law.

All rights under our system of Government are derived by consent of the governed. That is We the People expressed through our duly elected Legislators.

The Courts cannot amend the Constitution or Bill of Rights. Only the Legislature can do that. Rights under our system of Government always come directly from the People. In our case, the Constitution and Bill of Rights which were ratified in Legislatures representing the people. Got it?
Supreme Court ObamaCare | Ruling on ObamaCare

The decision on the ObamaCare ruling by the Supreme Court is in. The Supreme Court ObamaCare ruling was a 5-4 ruling to uphold the Affordable Care Act. The final Ruling on ObamaCare had a few implications ranging from ObamaCare being defined as a tax and not a mandate and a choice for States to Opt-Out of Medicaid Expansion

Obamacare isn't the government paying for everyone's healthcare.

Yes it is. USSC ruled the PPACA is a tax.
NO, the penalies are a tax- ACA is an ACTUAL FUNCTIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM- What next lol...but thanks for the dumbazz talking point, dupe...

It's the capitalist alternate to socialist single payer...

Oh, I'm sorry to have interrupted you. You were saying....?
So the Supreme Court has no say on our rights. Typical hater dupe MORON. Beck or some bought off shytte say something and they're a genius. READ SOMETHING FOR GOD'S SAKE...
I'd like to be able to say that it's hard work making you look this bad...but it really isn't that hard.
So the Supreme Court has no say on our rights. Typical hater dupe MORON. Beck or some bought off shytte say something and they're a genius. READ SOMETHING FOR GOD'S SAKE...


The courts interpret the Law. That is all. The Courts do not make law. The court do not confer rights. All rights in our system of Government are derived directly from the people. The Legislature is answerable to the people. That is what the Founder intended.

The Courts are not answerable to the people. That was also intended. That is why the Courts do not make law or confer rights. Understand little buddy?
So the majority believe that the rich have the right to the best healthcare options, and the poor can just suffer with sub standard care?

So the minority believes that the Taxpayers and producers owe them a living?!?!?!?


The Supreme Court says whether laws are constitutional, MORON. JEEBUS DUPES ARE STUPID...
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The Supreme Court says whetHer laws are constitutional, MORON. JEEBUS DUPES ARE STUPID...

Which moron are you talking to? The one who just schooled you on what the USSC does as opposed to what you want to believe it does or the one who posted a link showing that you don't know jack about the law you keep talking about, everyday, whether we want you to or not?
The Supreme Court says whetHer laws are constitutional, MORON. JEEBUS DUPES ARE STUPID...


You said our rights comes from the Courts. You now know you are in error. I hope you have learned some basic lessons about how our system of Government works. :)
The Supreme Court says whetHer laws are constitutional, MORON. JEEBUS DUPES ARE STUPID...

Which moron are you talking to? The one who just schooled you on what the USSC does as opposed to what you want to believe it does or the one who posted a link showing that you don't know jack about the law you keep talking about, everyday, whether we want you to or not?

Spaghettio is completely clueless. It amazes me how little any liberal knows about our Government. It is truly stunning. The Legislature makes the Laws. They directly represent we the people. All law comes from the people as well as all our Rights. The Executive enforces the law and conducts war. The Court interpret the law. That is it. It could not be more simple.
I thought only the constitution and Bill of Rights gave us rights, dingbat LOL...


The Constitution and Bill of Rights were ratified by the people's Legislatures. All right and law comes from the people. Please take a basic civics course so you can learn our system of Government. Please. :eusa_eh:

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