Majority says, "BUILD THE WALL!!"

It's cheaper than buying them, then feeding and housing them.

They pay you to work for $1.00 an hour.
The slaves?

Yes, I'm quite familiar with it. I've had two friends murdered making the trip. The Cartels run everything, from "tickets" to sit on top of the train and probably getting gang raped (if you appeal to them), to taking anything they want from you along the way. If you resist, they simply gang rape you, take any valuables, and throw you under the train. This is why "unaccompanied minors" are the worst. Mothers are sending their children on extremely perilous journeys, fraught with danger, and many times without the father's permission, as in the case of the infamous propaganda of the "crying child."

What I don't understand is the progressives and the left. They are usually the champions of the underdogs and the victimized.

Now however, the want huge powerful power brokers of the corporations and the folks running both parties to tell them how to feel and what to think.

It boggles the mind that they don't stand up for the little people to solve this problem once and for all, when we finally have a chance.

It has been a problem for at least sixty years.

Because if Trump was for open borders, they would be demanding a wall.

I'm not sure about that.

They would be demanding what ever the TV and the social media corporations and propaganda told them to be for. They don't think for themselves.

As it is, the Democrat party elites want the votes, the Republican party elites with their ties to big business want the slaves and cheap labor.

Nobody among the elites want to solve the problem. They never really have, not with the birth rate going down and the demographics changing. It is an issue nobody wants to touch.

Before Trump was elected president, the elite media would have NEVER dared to openly endorse destroying the nation. But now they do.

Just Google "OPEN BORDERS" and lots of left leaning websites have pieces now endorsing that..

That is the very essences of a one world government. After that, no bill of rights, no constitution, one currency, one global law. That is what no borders mean.

No borders means folks lose their right to keep and bear arms. It is part of the UN philosophy.

Yes, I understand. I was making a joke about the dearth of ideas coming from the Losing Party.

Trump is certainly trying to stop it, and it's a very popular opinion. And once again, the Losers have played their hand too soon and given Trump over 3 months to make it more so.

Keep building the wall, fingerprint and ID offenders and return them across the border. Place overbearing fines with possible jail time on companies that hire illegals. No government assistance of any kind without legal residence.
But we can go with Toro's poll.......the same one that said Trump had no shot in 2016!!!:bye1::bye1::coffee:

You mean the last CBS poll that said Hillary was going to win?

With just one day left in the 2016 presidential race, Hillary Clinton holds a four-point lead over Donald Trump nationally, 45 percent to 41 percent -- similar to last week. Few voters say their minds could change.​

CBS News poll: State of the race the day before Election Day

Trump worshippers are derptastic!


Americans Oppose Border Walls, Favor Dealing With DACA
That poll is almost a month old (June 1),... whereas the CBS poll is current (released today, June 25)

The survey for the CBS poll was taken on June 21-22. The YouGov poll was June 1-13. The difference was about 2 weeks.
FTR, there have been four polls in the last three weeks on whether or not we should build a wall. Three have said that the overwhelming majority of Americans oppose it. One is a statistical tie.

But of course, the partisan hacks cling on to the one that supports their worldview.
FTR, there have been four polls in the last three weeks on whether or not we should build a wall. Three have said that the overwhelming majority of Americans oppose it. One is a statistical tie.

But of course, the partisan hacks cling on to the one that supports their worldview.
The latest one, from a source that never has been friendly to Trump.

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