Majority Want Monday’s Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal

Electors will gather December 19th in state Capitols across the country to choose the next president.

WASHINGTON - A majority of American voters favor delaying the December 19th Electoral College vote until electors can be fully briefed on Russian interference in the election, according to a new poll conducted by YouGov.

The survey, sponsored by the progressive advocacy group Avaaz, found 52 percent of people supportive of stalling the vote, set to take place Monday.

A surprisingly high number of people ― 46 percent ― were also willing to support so-called “faithless electors,” the name given members of the Electoral College who spurn the vote of their home state and vote for a different candidate instead.

Trump opponents have been pressuring electors to break with their state’s voters, and a law firm has even offered pro bono, confidential legal advice to any elector curious about his or her options. Avaaz has collected thousands of signatures on a petition calling for the vote to be delayed.

More: Majority Want Monday’s Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal

We can always hope.

Erm... What scandal?

Do you mean the scandal where people such as yourself just REFUSE to accept the results of democracy?

The one where Putin hacked the DNC and publicized their "private" emails - BUT NOT THE RNC. That scandal...

Bring proof that Russia had anything to do with it and then we'll talk.

Funny how Comey couldn't testify that Hil-Liars server was hacked because as he stated, it's very difficult to detect and prove. But all of a sudden, they know Russia hacked her emails and aided in the publication.
Who do you think did the stealing of the emails and the precisely timed Wikileaks if not the Russians?
The RNC?
The Trump campaign?
The operation was NOT some 400lb man sitting in his underwear in grandma's basement alone....
Assange has repeatedly stated that the Russians had nothing to do with the leaks and that he does not do bidness with state governments.

The Russians have been doing so well with a Dimocrat in the WH, why would they want that to change?

So they can stat losing like Obama has been doing for 8 years now?
So, who do you think did the hacking Jim, if not the Russians, who else would benefit from it? The GOP? The RNC? The Trump campaign?

And are you honestly saying that you actually believe Assange when it was evident that he sold his soul to Satan and did ads on his leaks to come and waited to dump the leaks he had until the precise time it would hurt the Hillary campaign the MOST....

He was not some messenger that released the leaks he acquired when he got them to righteously inform the Public, he waited and waited and waited and built up the suspense with tweets and facebook posts and basically advertising the leaks to come where the whole internet world was waiting for him to release these supposed criminal emails....on a certain date, and then held off, held off, held off until BOOM, something devastating towards Trump happened and then the stolen Podesta files finally begin their debut...

So once again, who do you think headed this hacking operation, if not the Russians, and why?
Who do you think did the stealing of the emails and the precisely timed Wikileaks if not the Russians?
The RNC?
The Trump campaign?
The operation was NOT some 400lb man sitting in his underwear in grandma's basement alone....
Assange has repeatedly stated that the Russians had nothing to do with the leaks and that he does not do bidness with state governments.

The Russians have been doing so well with a Dimocrat in the WH, why would they want that to change?

So they can stat losing like Obama has been doing for 8 years now?
So, who do you think did the hacking Jim, if not the Russians, who else would benefit from it? The GOP? The RNC? The Trump campaign?

And are you honestly saying that you actually believe Assange when it was evident that he sold his soul to Satan and did ads on his leaks to come and waited to dump the leaks he had until the precise time it would hurt the Hillary campaign the MOST....

He was not some messenger that released the leaks he acquired when he got them to righteously inform the Public, he waited and waited and waited and built up the suspense with tweets and facebook posts and basically advertising the leaks to come where the whole internet world was waiting for him to release these supposed criminal emails....on a certain date, and then held off, held off, held off until BOOM, something devastating towards Trump happened and then the stolen Podesta files finally begin their debut...

So once again, who do you think headed this hacking operation, if not the Russians, and why?
Electors will gather December 19th in state Capitols across the country to choose the next president.

WASHINGTON - A majority of American voters favor delaying the December 19th Electoral College vote until electors can be fully briefed on Russian interference in the election, according to a new poll conducted by YouGov.

The survey, sponsored by the progressive advocacy group Avaaz, found 52 percent of people supportive of stalling the vote, set to take place Monday.

A surprisingly high number of people ― 46 percent ― were also willing to support so-called “faithless electors,” the name given members of the Electoral College who spurn the vote of their home state and vote for a different candidate instead.

Trump opponents have been pressuring electors to break with their state’s voters, and a law firm has even offered pro bono, confidential legal advice to any elector curious about his or her options. Avaaz has collected thousands of signatures on a petition calling for the vote to be delayed.

More: Majority Want Monday’s Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal

We can always hope.

Erm... What scandal?

Do you mean the scandal where people such as yourself just REFUSE to accept the results of democracy?

The one where Putin hacked the DNC and publicized their "private" emails - BUT NOT THE RNC. That scandal...

Bring proof that Russia had anything to do with it and then we'll talk.

Funny how Comey couldn't testify that Hil-Liars server was hacked because as he stated, it's very difficult to detect and prove. But all of a sudden, they know Russia hacked her emails and aided in the publication.
What kind of proof do you want, Comrade?
Who do you think did the stealing of the emails and the precisely timed Wikileaks if not the Russians?
The RNC?
The Trump campaign?
The operation was NOT some 400lb man sitting in his underwear in grandma's basement alone....
Assange has repeatedly stated that the Russians had nothing to do with the leaks and that he does not do bidness with state governments.

The Russians have been doing so well with a Dimocrat in the WH, why would they want that to change?

So they can stat losing like Obama has been doing for 8 years now?
So, who do you think did the hacking Jim, if not the Russians, who else would benefit from it? The GOP? The RNC? The Trump campaign?

And are you honestly saying that you actually believe Assange when it was evident that he sold his soul to Satan and did ads on his leaks to come and waited to dump the leaks he had until the precise time it would hurt the Hillary campaign the MOST....

He was not some messenger that released the leaks he acquired when he got them to righteously inform the Public, he waited and waited and waited and built up the suspense with tweets and facebook posts and basically advertising the leaks to come where the whole internet world was waiting for him to release these supposed criminal emails....on a certain date, and then held off, held off, held off until BOOM, something devastating towards Trump happened and then the stolen Podesta files finally begin their debut...

So once again, who do you think headed this hacking operation, if not the Russians, and why?
ok, so what is your theory behind that?
So, who do you think did the hacking Jim, if not the Russians, who else would benefit from it? The GOP? The RNC? The Trump campaign?

And are you honestly saying that you actually believe Assange when it was evident that he sold his soul to Satan and did ads on his leaks to come and waited to dump the leaks he had until the precise time it would hurt the Hillary campaign the MOST....

He was not some messenger that released the leaks he acquired when he got them to righteously inform the Public, he waited and waited and waited and built up the suspense with tweets and facebook posts and basically advertising the leaks to come where the whole internet world was waiting for him to release these supposed criminal emails....on a certain date, and then held off, held off, held off until BOOM, something devastating towards Trump happened and then the stolen Podesta files finally begin their debut...

So once again, who do you think headed this hacking operation, if not the Russians, and why?
Logically, I dont have to prove that someone else did it when I prove that there is insufficient evidence that specific party did do it.

The FBI counter-intel folks should be the ones in charge of this, not the CIA and so far it has only been the political hacks Obama appointed that have said we have this information, which I highly doubt. The Russians, Chinese and Iranians can cover their tracks better than that.

But if I had to guess, I would guess it was an inside job, some Dimocratic staffer defecting and sabotaging their election efforts.

No amount of system security in the world can stop an in-house turn-coat.
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Who do you think did the stealing of the emails and the precisely timed Wikileaks if not the Russians?
The RNC?
The Trump campaign?
The operation was NOT some 400lb man sitting in his underwear in grandma's basement alone....
Assange has repeatedly stated that the Russians had nothing to do with the leaks and that he does not do bidness with state governments.

The Russians have been doing so well with a Dimocrat in the WH, why would they want that to change?

So they can stat losing like Obama has been doing for 8 years now?
So, who do you think did the hacking Jim, if not the Russians, who else would benefit from it? The GOP? The RNC? The Trump campaign?

And are you honestly saying that you actually believe Assange when it was evident that he sold his soul to Satan and did ads on his leaks to come and waited to dump the leaks he had until the precise time it would hurt the Hillary campaign the MOST....

He was not some messenger that released the leaks he acquired when he got them to righteously inform the Public, he waited and waited and waited and built up the suspense with tweets and facebook posts and basically advertising the leaks to come where the whole internet world was waiting for him to release these supposed criminal emails....on a certain date, and then held off, held off, held off until BOOM, something devastating towards Trump happened and then the stolen Podesta files finally begin their debut...

So once again, who do you think headed this hacking operation, if not the Russians, and why?
ok, so what is your theory behind that?
A democrat leaked because he stood up against the democrat corruption he saw....and he paid for his stance with his life.....
Who do you think did the stealing of the emails and the precisely timed Wikileaks if not the Russians?
The RNC?
The Trump campaign?
The operation was NOT some 400lb man sitting in his underwear in grandma's basement alone....
Assange has repeatedly stated that the Russians had nothing to do with the leaks and that he does not do bidness with state governments.

The Russians have been doing so well with a Dimocrat in the WH, why would they want that to change?

So they can stat losing like Obama has been doing for 8 years now?
The Russians have been doing so WELL with this whitehouse??? :rofl:

Putin hates Hillary and Obama.
Electors will gather December 19th in state Capitols across the country to choose the next president.

WASHINGTON - A majority of American voters favor delaying the December 19th Electoral College vote until electors can be fully briefed on Russian interference in the election, according to a new poll conducted by YouGov.

The survey, sponsored by the progressive advocacy group Avaaz, found 52 percent of people supportive of stalling the vote, set to take place Monday.

A surprisingly high number of people ― 46 percent ― were also willing to support so-called “faithless electors,” the name given members of the Electoral College who spurn the vote of their home state and vote for a different candidate instead.

Trump opponents have been pressuring electors to break with their state’s voters, and a law firm has even offered pro bono, confidential legal advice to any elector curious about his or her options. Avaaz has collected thousands of signatures on a petition calling for the vote to be delayed.

More: Majority Want Monday’s Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal

We can always hope.

Erm... What scandal?

Do you mean the scandal where people such as yourself just REFUSE to accept the results of democracy?

The one where Putin hacked the DNC and publicized their "private" emails - BUT NOT THE RNC. That scandal...

Bring proof that Russia had anything to do with it and then we'll talk.

Funny how Comey couldn't testify that Hil-Liars server was hacked because as he stated, it's very difficult to detect and prove. But all of a sudden, they know Russia hacked her emails and aided in the publication.
What kind of proof do you want, Comrade?

I would like to see this so-called evidence they have that they've been hiding for some strange reason. It should have immediately went to Congress.

You people on the left just don't get it. Hillary is disliked by a lot more people than Putin. She and her husband have been playing dirty politics for years. I'm sure there is a huge laundry list of enemies she created that wanted to see what just happened this election.
Who do you think did the stealing of the emails and the precisely timed Wikileaks if not the Russians?
The RNC?
The Trump campaign?
The operation was NOT some 400lb man sitting in his underwear in grandma's basement alone....
Assange has repeatedly stated that the Russians had nothing to do with the leaks and that he does not do bidness with state governments.

The Russians have been doing so well with a Dimocrat in the WH, why would they want that to change?

So they can stat losing like Obama has been doing for 8 years now?
The Russians have been doing so WELL with this whitehouse??? :rofl:

Putin hates Hillary and Obama.
You people on the left just don't get it. Hillary is disliked by a lot more people than Putin. She and her husband have been playing dirty politics for years. I'm sure there is a huge laundry list of enemies she created that wanted to see what just happened this election.

Possibly the truest statement made in the last 30 years...

The Russians have been doing so WELL with this whitehouse??? :rofl:
Putin hates Hillary and Obama.
Oh, hell yeah, the Russians have managed to take large areas of the Ukraine, they control Syria outside of ISIS areas, they have swung over Turkey to cooperate with them, and they have the sympathy of the Egyptian military again. They have also brought the EU to its knees with their control of natural gas supplies to Europe and they have a modern and effective air force rivaling our own, while our air force has been stuck with a dysfunctional F-35 fiasco and our navy dumping millions and billions int a stupid litoral destroyer project.

Yeah, Obama has been dealing the Russians royal flushes, for sure.
So, who do you think did the hacking Jim, if not the Russians, who else would benefit from it? The GOP? The RNC? The Trump campaign?

And are you honestly saying that you actually believe Assange when it was evident that he sold his soul to Satan and did ads on his leaks to come and waited to dump the leaks he had until the precise time it would hurt the Hillary campaign the MOST....

He was not some messenger that released the leaks he acquired when he got them to righteously inform the Public, he waited and waited and waited and built up the suspense with tweets and facebook posts and basically advertising the leaks to come where the whole internet world was waiting for him to release these supposed criminal emails....on a certain date, and then held off, held off, held off until BOOM, something devastating towards Trump happened and then the stolen Podesta files finally begin their debut...

So once again, who do you think headed this hacking operation, if not the Russians, and why?
Logically, I dont have to prove that someone else did it when I prove that there is insufficient evidence that specific party did do it.

The FBI counter-intel folks should be the ones in charge of this, not the CIA and so far it has only been the political hacks Obama appointed that have said we have this information, which I highly doubt. The Russians, Chinese and Iranians can cover their tracks better than that.

But if I had to guess, I would guess it was an inside job, some Dimocratic staffer defecting and sabotaging their election efforts.

No amount of system security in the world can stop an in-house turn-coat.
That's absurd, with no reasoning or backing at, none...

And Assange did not simply release the emails when he acquired them, he worked with someone on when and what was being released.... he's no angel in this, he is not simply the innocent messenger....

HOW can YOU not see this?

there are 17 intel agencies in on this and ALL of them say that the traces they left on the hacking showed signs and methods that are used by the Russians for other known hacks on our govt systems.

Stop parroting Trump and use the brain God gave you!
For you stupid Moon Bats thinking that Monday's EC vote will somehow elect Crooked Hillary as your President:

Electors will gather December 19th in state Capitols across the country to choose the next president.

WASHINGTON - A majority of American voters favor delaying the December 19th Electoral College vote until electors can be fully briefed on Russian interference in the election, according to a new poll conducted by YouGov.

The survey, sponsored by the progressive advocacy group Avaaz, found 52 percent of people supportive of stalling the vote, set to take place Monday.

A surprisingly high number of people ― 46 percent ― were also willing to support so-called “faithless electors,” the name given members of the Electoral College who spurn the vote of their home state and vote for a different candidate instead.

Trump opponents have been pressuring electors to break with their state’s voters, and a law firm has even offered pro bono, confidential legal advice to any elector curious about his or her options. Avaaz has collected thousands of signatures on a petition calling for the vote to be delayed.

More: Majority Want Monday’s Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal

We can always hope.

Erm... What scandal?

Do you mean the scandal where people such as yourself just REFUSE to accept the results of democracy?

The one where Putin hacked the DNC and publicized their "private" emails - BUT NOT THE RNC. That scandal...

Bring proof that Russia had anything to do with it and then we'll talk.

Funny how Comey couldn't testify that Hil-Liars server was hacked because as he stated, it's very difficult to detect and prove. But all of a sudden, they know Russia hacked her emails and aided in the publication.
What kind of proof do you want, Comrade?

I would like to see this so-called evidence they have that they've been hiding for some strange reason. It should have immediately went to Congress.

You people on the left just don't get it. Hillary is disliked by a lot more people than Putin. She and her husband have been playing dirty politics for years. I'm sure there is a huge laundry list of enemies she created that wanted to see what just happened this election.
And I am certain the intel agencies know the Clintons have a lot of enemies and considered them, but the evidence they do have, points to the was a large scale operation...

so you really think Americans did the hacking and committed this CRIME and risked going to jail for the next 10 years?
FYI, your electoral map is wrong...Maine gave 3 electors to Clinton and 1 elector to Trump.
That's absurd, with no reasoning or backing at, none...

It is actually basic logic. If I deny proposition X, I dont have to prove proposition W, or even propose another proposition. I can simply deny that X is true.

And Assange did not simply release the emails when he acquired them, he worked with someone on when and what was being released.... he's no angel in this, he is not simply the innocent messenger....

HOW can YOU not see this?

Because I have a pretty good idea of how server farms work, how documents are sent over the internet and how onion farms work that strip communications of all sender data. It is very difficult to penetrate private civilian farms like TOR, but the NSA has managed to compromise it some.

They have not been able to penetrate the Chinese, Russian or Iranians onion server farms.

There is no real evidence that the Russians did this; there cant be in this day and time. What we have are political hacks misusing the offices that they are appointed to to assert things that they know that they cannot prove.

there are 17 intel agencies in on this and ALL of them say that the traces they left on the hacking showed signs and methods that are used by the Russians for other known hacks on our govt systems.

Stop parroting Trump and use the brain God gave you!

I am, dear, I am, and I am also trying to help you too to see through this bullshit because I know that you are a good person.

You have simply surrounded yourself with too many Democrats and not enough of their opposites in order to keep a balanced view of things.

The same people who lied to your about the polls prior to the election are also lying to you now about the Russians hacking our election.

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