Majority Want Monday’s Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal

So, who do you think did the hacking Jim, if not the Russians, who else would benefit from it? The GOP? The RNC? The Trump campaign?

And are you honestly saying that you actually believe Assange when it was evident that he sold his soul to Satan and did ads on his leaks to come and waited to dump the leaks he had until the precise time it would hurt the Hillary campaign the MOST....

He was not some messenger that released the leaks he acquired when he got them to righteously inform the Public, he waited and waited and waited and built up the suspense with tweets and facebook posts and basically advertising the leaks to come where the whole internet world was waiting for him to release these supposed criminal emails....on a certain date, and then held off, held off, held off until BOOM, something devastating towards Trump happened and then the stolen Podesta files finally begin their debut...

So once again, who do you think headed this hacking operation, if not the Russians, and why?
Logically, I dont have to prove that someone else did it when I prove that there is insufficient evidence that specific party did do it.

The FBI counter-intel folks should be the ones in charge of this, not the CIA and so far it has only been the political hacks Obama appointed that have said we have this information, which I highly doubt. The Russians, Chinese and Iranians can cover their tracks better than that.

But if I had to guess, I would guess it was an inside job, some Dimocratic staffer defecting and sabotaging their election efforts.

No amount of system security in the world can stop an in-house turn-coat.
That's absurd, with no reasoning or backing at, none...

And Assange did not simply release the emails when he acquired them, he worked with someone on when and what was being released.... he's no angel in this, he is not simply the innocent messenger....

HOW can YOU not see this?

there are 17 intel agencies in on this and ALL of them say that the traces they left on the hacking showed signs and methods that are used by the Russians for other known hacks on our govt systems.

Stop parroting Trump and use the brain God gave you!
Obama said Russians did not hack our
Erm... What scandal?

Do you mean the scandal where people such as yourself just REFUSE to accept the results of democracy?

The one where Putin hacked the DNC and publicized their "private" emails - BUT NOT THE RNC. That scandal...

Bring proof that Russia had anything to do with it and then we'll talk.

Funny how Comey couldn't testify that Hil-Liars server was hacked because as he stated, it's very difficult to detect and prove. But all of a sudden, they know Russia hacked her emails and aided in the publication.
What kind of proof do you want, Comrade?

I would like to see this so-called evidence they have that they've been hiding for some strange reason. It should have immediately went to Congress.

You people on the left just don't get it. Hillary is disliked by a lot more people than Putin. She and her husband have been playing dirty politics for years. I'm sure there is a huge laundry list of enemies she created that wanted to see what just happened this election.
And I am certain the intel agencies know the Clintons have a lot of enemies and considered them, but the evidence they do have, points to the was a large scale operation...

so you really think Americans did the hacking and committed this CRIME and risked going to jail for the next 10 years?

Yes, I do. And I don't believe they have any credible evidence of Russia doing anything. Otherwise we would have already seen it. After all, tomorrow is the big day. After Trump is sworn in, it's a done deal.

But let's go out on a limb and say that Russia was behind it. Okay, then who's fault was that? Putin's or Obama's? Because I guarantee you that if this were a Republican President running the show, there would be just as many implications of him as there are Russia if not more.
fyi, I don't believe for one nanosecond that the electoral college will change their votes, tomorrow night, Donald Trump will be the President elect....
FYI, your electoral map is wrong...Maine gave 3 electors to Clinton and 1 elector to Trump.
Thank you!

I appreciate your correcting me.

Errors do not strengthen me by my clinging to them. They must be jettisoned and corrected.

See my point?
The one where Putin hacked the DNC and publicized their "private" emails - BUT NOT THE RNC. That scandal...

Bring proof that Russia had anything to do with it and then we'll talk.

Funny how Comey couldn't testify that Hil-Liars server was hacked because as he stated, it's very difficult to detect and prove. But all of a sudden, they know Russia hacked her emails and aided in the publication.
What kind of proof do you want, Comrade?

I would like to see this so-called evidence they have that they've been hiding for some strange reason. It should have immediately went to Congress.

You people on the left just don't get it. Hillary is disliked by a lot more people than Putin. She and her husband have been playing dirty politics for years. I'm sure there is a huge laundry list of enemies she created that wanted to see what just happened this election.
And I am certain the intel agencies know the Clintons have a lot of enemies and considered them, but the evidence they do have, points to the was a large scale operation...

so you really think Americans did the hacking and committed this CRIME and risked going to jail for the next 10 years?

Yes, I do. And I don't believe they have any credible evidence of Russia doing anything. Otherwise we would have already seen it. After all, tomorrow is the big day. After Trump is sworn in, it's a done deal.

But let's go out on a limb and say that Russia was behind it. Okay, then who's fault was that? Putin's or Obama's? Because I guarantee you that if this were a Republican President running the show, there would be just as many implications of him as there are Russia if not more.
For goodness sake, why would our intelligence agencies show the Russians their method of tracing hackers? They had said a few months ago, that there were signatures left on the hacks, that match up to methods used by the Russians for their other hacks on our government systems....
FYI, your electoral map is wrong...Maine gave 3 electors to Clinton and 1 elector to Trump.
That's exactly what the map indicates. Are you a dingbat?
No, she is right. Of Maine's four electors, Trump only got one.

Here it is corrected.

But let's go out on a limb and say that Russia was behind it. Okay, then who's fault was that? Putin's or Obama's? Because I guarantee you that if this were a Republican President running the show, there would be just as many implications of him as there are Russia if not more.
Why it is Trumps fault because he won, thats why.

Just thinking out loud here - I wonder if there is a mechanism that would actually allow for someone to postpone the vote.
Just thinking out loud here - I wonder if there is a mechanism that would actually allow for someone to postpone the vote.
I think that would require a Constitutional change, wouldnt it?

Edit: Nope, I was wrong.

Article II, Section 1, Clause 4 of the Constitution states:

The Congress may determine the Time of chusing [sic] the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.
Bring proof that Russia had anything to do with it and then we'll talk.

Funny how Comey couldn't testify that Hil-Liars server was hacked because as he stated, it's very difficult to detect and prove. But all of a sudden, they know Russia hacked her emails and aided in the publication.
What kind of proof do you want, Comrade?

I would like to see this so-called evidence they have that they've been hiding for some strange reason. It should have immediately went to Congress.

You people on the left just don't get it. Hillary is disliked by a lot more people than Putin. She and her husband have been playing dirty politics for years. I'm sure there is a huge laundry list of enemies she created that wanted to see what just happened this election.
And I am certain the intel agencies know the Clintons have a lot of enemies and considered them, but the evidence they do have, points to the was a large scale operation...

so you really think Americans did the hacking and committed this CRIME and risked going to jail for the next 10 years?

Yes, I do. And I don't believe they have any credible evidence of Russia doing anything. Otherwise we would have already seen it. After all, tomorrow is the big day. After Trump is sworn in, it's a done deal.

But let's go out on a limb and say that Russia was behind it. Okay, then who's fault was that? Putin's or Obama's? Because I guarantee you that if this were a Republican President running the show, there would be just as many implications of him as there are Russia if not more.
For goodness sake, why would our intelligence agencies show the Russians their method of tracing hackers? They had said a few months ago, that there were signatures left on the hacks, that match up to methods used by the Russians for their other hacks on our government systems....

I didn't say that they should show Russia their methods for anything. I said bring said evidence to Congress and let them know what they base their beliefs on.
The county map is more impressive:
View attachment 102577
And that map shows why a civil war is a losing proposition for the Democrats.

Most of their areas are not contiguous, surrounded by red rural area and easily cut off and besieged.

But we wont have to have a war anyway, the Democrats dont want that either. They just want to bitch and whine and try to undermine Trumps legitimacy but it wont work.

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