Majority Want Monday’s Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal

Electors will gather December 19th in state Capitols across the country to choose the next president.

WASHINGTON - A majority of American voters favor delaying the December 19th Electoral College vote until electors can be fully briefed on Russian interference in the election, according to a new poll conducted by YouGov.

The survey, sponsored by the progressive advocacy group Avaaz, found 52 percent of people supportive of stalling the vote, set to take place Monday.

A surprisingly high number of people ― 46 percent ― were also willing to support so-called “faithless electors,” the name given members of the Electoral College who spurn the vote of their home state and vote for a different candidate instead.

Trump opponents have been pressuring electors to break with their state’s voters, and a law firm has even offered pro bono, confidential legal advice to any elector curious about his or her options. Avaaz has collected thousands of signatures on a petition calling for the vote to be delayed.

More: Majority Want Monday’s Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal

We can always hope.


Typical regressive fake news story. The poll had a margin of error of 3.7% meaning it is a statistical tie, so the claim of a majority is bullshit. I just hope Trumps DOJ and FEC investigate all the regressives overt attempts at election tampering, including all the terroristic threats conveyed to electors. Just so all you whiny regressives know, the law calls that extortion.

I'm not so sure it is fake...most Americans in it disagree with what the OP is claiming...54% say they disagree...looks to me like the OP has once again been dissed by America and gotten the election wrong

No the OP is a whiny little bitch that favors throwing out a constitutionally conducted election. They prove themselves to be the total low lives they are by cheering death threats made to electors, thinking they are somehow morally superior to the rest of us and they just know what's best. After this election they can never try to occupy the moral high ground again, wikileaks and their own leaders words prove they are frauds interested only in power.

You'll get to see the constitution conducted during the impeachment process too.

Then what will happen? who will run our country?...I got news for ya, a true conservative will take the oval office and America loves them once their in...see Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan...and to a lesser extent Bush II...AND 2018 AND 2020 are shaping up to be big years for the GOP in congress and the senate...if so.............NOW WHAT?
Electors will gather December 19th in state Capitols across the country to choose the next president.

WASHINGTON - A majority of American voters favor delaying the December 19th Electoral College vote until electors can be fully briefed on Russian interference in the election, according to a new poll conducted by YouGov.

The survey, sponsored by the progressive advocacy group Avaaz, found 52 percent of people supportive of stalling the vote, set to take place Monday.

A surprisingly high number of people ― 46 percent ― were also willing to support so-called “faithless electors,” the name given members of the Electoral College who spurn the vote of their home state and vote for a different candidate instead.

Trump opponents have been pressuring electors to break with their state’s voters, and a law firm has even offered pro bono, confidential legal advice to any elector curious about his or her options. Avaaz has collected thousands of signatures on a petition calling for the vote to be delayed.

More: Majority Want Monday’s Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal

We can always hope.

Wasn't it progressives accusing conservatives of trying to undermine democracy? Now look at you partisan hacks, you lose an election and you want to subvert the constitution and the will of the people. Your idiotic polls have no bearing on the election process, just like they didn't on election night.

It is CONFIRMED that a foreign adversary did a Cyber attack on the United States to help Donald Trump win the election. There is no denying that. So just how effective to do think Trump is going to be after this? LOL

Here is your scenario right at this time.

1. Republicans will turn their backs on Trump. They will be suspicious of everything he does. (Which is probably why they're avoiding the Trump tower now, as if it has been infected with the Ebola virus.)

2. The Joint Chiefs of Staff will look at him like he's some kind of Joke--(which he is anyway.) This just confirms that he is to them now. All those supposedly 200 admirals that endorsed him, are probably un endorsing him right now.

3. They may prohibit Trump from attending National security briefings.

4. Trump will be known as the President who had to have Russia help him to win, They will not respect him, there will be a Joke a day coming from Republicans, & high level military officials, etc.

5. You will have investigative reporters all over Trump 24 hours a day 7 days a week looking for evidence of collusion. (Trumps tweety fingers will be working 3 shifts just to keep up with the criticism.)

He will the most ineffective President in the History of this nation, because they now have 100% certainty that Russia helped him to win this election.

It's going to be so bad, after 3 months you'll want him impeached.

And I haven't even gotten into the conflicts of interest yet--LOL


In all my many years, I have NEVER seen so much shit dragged up on a President elect. Usually this starts after they're sworn in. This is what your next 4 years are going to look like, (if he isn't impeached prior to it.)
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Electors will gather December 19th in state Capitols across the country to choose the next president.

WASHINGTON - A majority of American voters favor delaying the December 19th Electoral College vote until electors can be fully briefed on Russian interference in the election, according to a new poll conducted by YouGov.

The survey, sponsored by the progressive advocacy group Avaaz, found 52 percent of people supportive of stalling the vote, set to take place Monday.

A surprisingly high number of people ― 46 percent ― were also willing to support so-called “faithless electors,” the name given members of the Electoral College who spurn the vote of their home state and vote for a different candidate instead.

Trump opponents have been pressuring electors to break with their state’s voters, and a law firm has even offered pro bono, confidential legal advice to any elector curious about his or her options. Avaaz has collected thousands of signatures on a petition calling for the vote to be delayed.

More: Majority Want Monday’s Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal

We can always hope.

Wasn't it progressives accusing conservatives of trying to undermine democracy? Now look at you partisan hacks, you lose an election and you want to subvert the constitution and the will of the people. Your idiotic polls have no bearing on the election process, just like they didn't on election night.

It is CONFIRMED that a foreign adversary did a Cyber attack on the United States to help Donald Trump win the election. There is no denying that. So just how effective to do think Trump is going to be after this? LOL

Here is your scenario right at this time.

1. Republicans will turn their backs on Trump. They will be suspicious of everything he does. (Which is probably why they're avoiding the Trump tower now, as if it has been infected with the Ebola virus.)

2. The Joint Chiefs of Staff will look at him like he's some kind of Joke--(which he is anyway.) This just confirms that he is to them now. All those supposedly 200 admirals that endorsed him, are probably un endorsing him right now.

3. They may prohibit Trump from attending National security briefings.

4. Trump will be known as the President who had to have Russia help him to win, They will not respect him, there will be a Joke a day coming from Republicans, & high level military officials, etc.

5. You will have investigative reporters all over Trump 24 hours a day 7 days a week looking for evidence of collusion. (Trumps tweety fingers will be working 3 shifts just to keep up with the criticism.)

He will the most ineffective President in the History of this nation, because they now have 100% certainty that Russia helped him to win this election.

It's going to be so bad, after 3 months you'll want him impeached.

And I haven't even gotten into the conflicts of interest yet--LOL


In all my many years, I have NEVER seen so much shit dragged up on a President elect. Usually this starts after they're sworn in. This is what your next 4 years are going to look like, (if he isn't impeached prior to it.)

Nothing has been confirmed about who did the hacks. Whoever did do the hacks on DNC only revealed the truth about how their own actions.

You can whine all you want, it doesn't mean Russia "influenced" people, the truth did. It's well known Hillary wanted war with Russia, the American people don't want war. The warmongers in the Democrat Party were defeated. Suck it up.
Electors will gather December 19th in state Capitols across the country to choose the next president.

WASHINGTON - A majority of American voters favor delaying the December 19th Electoral College vote until electors can be fully briefed on Russian interference in the election, according to a new poll conducted by YouGov.

The survey, sponsored by the progressive advocacy group Avaaz, found 52 percent of people supportive of stalling the vote, set to take place Monday.

A surprisingly high number of people ― 46 percent ― were also willing to support so-called “faithless electors,” the name given members of the Electoral College who spurn the vote of their home state and vote for a different candidate instead.

Trump opponents have been pressuring electors to break with their state’s voters, and a law firm has even offered pro bono, confidential legal advice to any elector curious about his or her options. Avaaz has collected thousands of signatures on a petition calling for the vote to be delayed.

More: Majority Want Monday’s Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal

We can always hope.

Erm... What scandal?

Do you mean the scandal where people such as yourself just REFUSE to accept the results of democracy?

The one where Putin hacked the DNC and publicized their "private" emails - BUT NOT THE RNC. That scandal...
That was democrat staffer Seth Rich (not Russian) democrats already murdered him....
Electors will gather December 19th in state Capitols across the country to choose the next president.

WASHINGTON - A majority of American voters favor delaying the December 19th Electoral College vote until electors can be fully briefed on Russian interference in the election, according to a new poll conducted by YouGov.

The survey, sponsored by the progressive advocacy group Avaaz, found 52 percent of people supportive of stalling the vote, set to take place Monday.

A surprisingly high number of people ― 46 percent ― were also willing to support so-called “faithless electors,” the name given members of the Electoral College who spurn the vote of their home state and vote for a different candidate instead.

Trump opponents have been pressuring electors to break with their state’s voters, and a law firm has even offered pro bono, confidential legal advice to any elector curious about his or her options. Avaaz has collected thousands of signatures on a petition calling for the vote to be delayed.

More: Majority Want Monday’s Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal

We can always hope.

The Tampon squad huffpoo strikes again...

The same pollsters that said Hillary would win in a landslide.
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Electors will gather December 19th in state Capitols across the country to choose the next president.

WASHINGTON - A majority of American voters favor delaying the December 19th Electoral College vote until electors can be fully briefed on Russian interference in the election, according to a new poll conducted by YouGov.

The survey, sponsored by the progressive advocacy group Avaaz, found 52 percent of people supportive of stalling the vote, set to take place Monday.

A surprisingly high number of people ― 46 percent ― were also willing to support so-called “faithless electors,” the name given members of the Electoral College who spurn the vote of their home state and vote for a different candidate instead.

Trump opponents have been pressuring electors to break with their state’s voters, and a law firm has even offered pro bono, confidential legal advice to any elector curious about his or her options. Avaaz has collected thousands of signatures on a petition calling for the vote to be delayed.

More: Majority Want Monday’s Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal

We can always hope.
Yeah, according to incompetent pollsters who predicted Hillary Clinton in a landslide....toss off you fucking morons.

No there is only one consideration; they do their constitutional duty and elect the man they are sworn to.


map corrected thanks to an observation by Care4All. Thanks again, C4A!


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Electors will gather December 19th in state Capitols across the country to choose the next president.

WASHINGTON - A majority of American voters favor delaying the December 19th Electoral College vote until electors can be fully briefed on Russian interference in the election, according to a new poll conducted by YouGov.

The survey, sponsored by the progressive advocacy group Avaaz, found 52 percent of people supportive of stalling the vote, set to take place Monday.

A surprisingly high number of people ― 46 percent ― were also willing to support so-called “faithless electors,” the name given members of the Electoral College who spurn the vote of their home state and vote for a different candidate instead.

Trump opponents have been pressuring electors to break with their state’s voters, and a law firm has even offered pro bono, confidential legal advice to any elector curious about his or her options. Avaaz has collected thousands of signatures on a petition calling for the vote to be delayed.

More: Majority Want Monday’s Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal

We can always hope.

Wasn't it progressives accusing conservatives of trying to undermine democracy? Now look at you partisan hacks, you lose an election and you want to subvert the constitution and the will of the people. Your idiotic polls have no bearing on the election process, just like they didn't on election night.

It is CONFIRMED that a foreign adversary did a Cyber attack on the United States to help Donald Trump win the election. There is no denying that. So just how effective to do think Trump is going to be after this? LOL

Here is your scenario right at this time.

1. Republicans will turn their backs on Trump. They will be suspicious of everything he does. (Which is probably why they're avoiding the Trump tower now, as if it has been infected with the Ebola virus.)

2. The Joint Chiefs of Staff will look at him like he's some kind of Joke--(which he is anyway.) This just confirms that he is to them now. All those supposedly 200 admirals that endorsed him, are probably un endorsing him right now.

3. They may prohibit Trump from attending National security briefings.

4. Trump will be known as the President who had to have Russia help him to win, They will not respect him, there will be a Joke a day coming from Republicans, & high level military officials, etc.

5. You will have investigative reporters all over Trump 24 hours a day 7 days a week looking for evidence of collusion. (Trumps tweety fingers will be working 3 shifts just to keep up with the criticism.)

He will the most ineffective President in the History of this nation, because they now have 100% certainty that Russia helped him to win this election.

It's going to be so bad, after 3 months you'll want him impeached.

And I haven't even gotten into the conflicts of interest yet--LOL


In all my many years, I have NEVER seen so much shit dragged up on a President elect. Usually this starts after they're sworn in. This is what your next 4 years are going to look like, (if he isn't impeached prior to it.)

Nothing has been confirmed about who did the hacks. Whoever did do the hacks on DNC only revealed the truth about how their own actions.

You can whine all you want, it doesn't mean Russia "influenced" people, the truth did. It's well known Hillary wanted war with Russia, the American people don't want war. The warmongers in the Democrat Party were defeated. Suck it up.
Who do you think did the stealing of the emails and the precisely timed Wikileaks if not the Russians?

The RNC?

The Trump campaign?

The operation was NOT some 400lb man sitting in his underwear in grandma's basement alone....
Electors will gather December 19th in state Capitols across the country to choose the next president.

WASHINGTON - A majority of American voters favor delaying the December 19th Electoral College vote until electors can be fully briefed on Russian interference in the election, according to a new poll conducted by YouGov.

The survey, sponsored by the progressive advocacy group Avaaz, found 52 percent of people supportive of stalling the vote, set to take place Monday.

A surprisingly high number of people ― 46 percent ― were also willing to support so-called “faithless electors,” the name given members of the Electoral College who spurn the vote of their home state and vote for a different candidate instead.

Trump opponents have been pressuring electors to break with their state’s voters, and a law firm has even offered pro bono, confidential legal advice to any elector curious about his or her options. Avaaz has collected thousands of signatures on a petition calling for the vote to be delayed.

More: Majority Want Monday’s Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal

We can always hope.

Wasn't it progressives accusing conservatives of trying to undermine democracy? Now look at you partisan hacks, you lose an election and you want to subvert the constitution and the will of the people. Your idiotic polls have no bearing on the election process, just like they didn't on election night.

It is CONFIRMED that a foreign adversary did a Cyber attack on the United States to help Donald Trump win the election. There is no denying that. So just how effective to do think Trump is going to be after this? LOL

Here is your scenario right at this time.

1. Republicans will turn their backs on Trump. They will be suspicious of everything he does. (Which is probably why they're avoiding the Trump tower now, as if it has been infected with the Ebola virus.)

2. The Joint Chiefs of Staff will look at him like he's some kind of Joke--(which he is anyway.) This just confirms that he is to them now. All those supposedly 200 admirals that endorsed him, are probably un endorsing him right now.

3. They may prohibit Trump from attending National security briefings.

4. Trump will be known as the President who had to have Russia help him to win, They will not respect him, there will be a Joke a day coming from Republicans, & high level military officials, etc.

5. You will have investigative reporters all over Trump 24 hours a day 7 days a week looking for evidence of collusion. (Trumps tweety fingers will be working 3 shifts just to keep up with the criticism.)

He will the most ineffective President in the History of this nation, because they now have 100% certainty that Russia helped him to win this election.

It's going to be so bad, after 3 months you'll want him impeached.

And I haven't even gotten into the conflicts of interest yet--LOL


In all my many years, I have NEVER seen so much shit dragged up on a President elect. Usually this starts after they're sworn in. This is what your next 4 years are going to look like, (if he isn't impeached prior to it.)

Nothing has been confirmed about who did the hacks. Whoever did do the hacks on DNC only revealed the truth about how their own actions.

You can whine all you want, it doesn't mean Russia "influenced" people, the truth did. It's well known Hillary wanted war with Russia, the American people don't want war. The warmongers in the Democrat Party were defeated. Suck it up.
Who do you think did the stealing of the emails and the precisely timed Wikileaks if not the Russians?

The RNC?

The Trump campaign?

The operation was NOT some 400lb man sitting in his underwear in grandma's basement alone....
Seth Rich....a democrat staffer.....

You democrats murdered him....

Any other questions?
Who do you think did the stealing of the emails and the precisely timed Wikileaks if not the Russians?
The RNC?
The Trump campaign?
The operation was NOT some 400lb man sitting in his underwear in grandma's basement alone....
Assange has repeatedly stated that the Russians had nothing to do with the leaks and that he does not do bidness with state governments.

The Russians have been doing so well with a Dimocrat in the WH, why would they want that to change?

So they can stat losing like Obama has been doing for 8 years now?
Who do you think did the stealing of the emails and the precisely timed Wikileaks if not the Russians?

The RNC?

The Trump campaign?

The operation was NOT some 400lb man sitting in his underwear in grandma's basement alone....
There were a hell of a lot of computer-savvy Bernie's bums hacking away in fury in their mother's basements: and they were pissed as hell. It was not Putin or the Republican party that rigged the primaries and debates for the Beast nor did they nominate her.
Electors will gather December 19th in state Capitols across the country to choose the next president.

WASHINGTON - A majority of American voters favor delaying the December 19th Electoral College vote until electors can be fully briefed on Russian interference in the election, according to a new poll conducted by YouGov.

The survey, sponsored by the progressive advocacy group Avaaz, found 52 percent of people supportive of stalling the vote, set to take place Monday.

A surprisingly high number of people ― 46 percent ― were also willing to support so-called “faithless electors,” the name given members of the Electoral College who spurn the vote of their home state and vote for a different candidate instead.

Trump opponents have been pressuring electors to break with their state’s voters, and a law firm has even offered pro bono, confidential legal advice to any elector curious about his or her options. Avaaz has collected thousands of signatures on a petition calling for the vote to be delayed.

More: Majority Want Monday’s Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal

We can always hope.

Erm... What scandal?

Do you mean the scandal where people such as yourself just REFUSE to accept the results of democracy?

The one where Putin hacked the DNC and publicized their "private" emails - BUT NOT THE RNC. That scandal...

There is no real scandal. There is fake scandal from the people that created the term fake news:

Homeland Security Chief: No, The Russians Didn't Hack The Vote
Electors will gather December 19th in state Capitols across the country to choose the next president.

WASHINGTON - A majority of American voters favor delaying the December 19th Electoral College vote until electors can be fully briefed on Russian interference in the election, according to a new poll conducted by YouGov.

The survey, sponsored by the progressive advocacy group Avaaz, found 52 percent of people supportive of stalling the vote, set to take place Monday.

A surprisingly high number of people ― 46 percent ― were also willing to support so-called “faithless electors,” the name given members of the Electoral College who spurn the vote of their home state and vote for a different candidate instead.

Trump opponents have been pressuring electors to break with their state’s voters, and a law firm has even offered pro bono, confidential legal advice to any elector curious about his or her options. Avaaz has collected thousands of signatures on a petition calling for the vote to be delayed.

More: Majority Want Monday’s Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal

We can always hope.

Wasn't it progressives accusing conservatives of trying to undermine democracy? Now look at you partisan hacks, you lose an election and you want to subvert the constitution and the will of the people. Your idiotic polls have no bearing on the election process, just like they didn't on election night.

It is CONFIRMED that a foreign adversary did a Cyber attack on the United States to help Donald Trump win the election. There is no denying that. So just how effective to do think Trump is going to be after this? LOL

Here is your scenario right at this time.

1. Republicans will turn their backs on Trump. They will be suspicious of everything he does. (Which is probably why they're avoiding the Trump tower now, as if it has been infected with the Ebola virus.)

2. The Joint Chiefs of Staff will look at him like he's some kind of Joke--(which he is anyway.) This just confirms that he is to them now. All those supposedly 200 admirals that endorsed him, are probably un endorsing him right now.

3. They may prohibit Trump from attending National security briefings.

4. Trump will be known as the President who had to have Russia help him to win, They will not respect him, there will be a Joke a day coming from Republicans, & high level military officials, etc.

5. You will have investigative reporters all over Trump 24 hours a day 7 days a week looking for evidence of collusion. (Trumps tweety fingers will be working 3 shifts just to keep up with the criticism.)

He will the most ineffective President in the History of this nation, because they now have 100% certainty that Russia helped him to win this election.

It's going to be so bad, after 3 months you'll want him impeached.

And I haven't even gotten into the conflicts of interest yet--LOL


In all my many years, I have NEVER seen so much shit dragged up on a President elect. Usually this starts after they're sworn in. This is what your next 4 years are going to look like, (if he isn't impeached prior to it.)

But I don't give Republicans too high a score on the brain meter anymore. After all they're the ones that nominated him-

Not a high score on the brain meter? And who did you vote for again????
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No, the EC doesn't sit there and comb through news sites and blogs to vote. They vote in respect to the voters of their state. It's the Electoral College, not a trial.

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