"Make America Great Again" - Why does this bother Liberals?

All he does is trash America as if it was in ruins and you people love him for it. His negativity and lack of faith in the American people is horrifying in a presidential candidate. If you people loved America you would find it objectionable too.

There's a difference between someone pointing out what is wrong with America...and you'd have to be an IDIOT not to admit we've got issues...and "hating" America!
Trump has now been tossing around increasing the min wage a little. If we get rid of illegals thats fine. But we will then expect businesses to pay american workers alot more than illegals to do the same job. Will that happen? Dont expect our citizens to do cheap labor. Thats wrong.
Any job is a good job...and is worthy of your best effort....The problem is that most white folks for the last 40 years feel they are above certain jobs and only want the easy ones..........

Not where I've been. I've seen plenty of whites doing, often LITERALLY SHIT JOBS, often right along side of me.

I've seen some of what you describe, but I think you are confusing cause and effect.

When you import a pool of illegal cheap Third World labor and give them all the low paying jobs, that creats in the kids who grow up in that environment that idea that some jobs are for "mexicans".
Low paying is still a wage and they are still raising their families on it...From my experience the illegals got paid as much as the citizens on jobs, unless the contractor was unscrupulous.....I would never hire them....My preference was veterans, married folks, then those that by conviction of law had a hard time finding work and then street bums...
All he does is trash America as if it was in ruins and you people love him for it. His negativity and lack of faith in the American people is horrifying in a presidential candidate. If you people loved America you would find it objectionable too.

There's a difference between someone pointing out what is wrong with America...and you'd have to be an IDIOT not to admit we've got issues...and "hating" America!
What society does not have problems?
Trump has now been tossing around increasing the min wage a little. If we get rid of illegals thats fine. But we will then expect businesses to pay american workers alot more than illegals to do the same job. Will that happen? Dont expect our citizens to do cheap labor. Thats wrong.
Any job is a good job...and is worthy of your best effort....The problem is that most white folks for the last 40 years feel they are above certain jobs and only want the easy ones..........

Not where I've been. I've seen plenty of whites doing, often LITERALLY SHIT JOBS, often right along side of me.

I've seen some of what you describe, but I think you are confusing cause and effect.

When you import a pool of illegal cheap Third World labor and give them all the low paying jobs, that creats in the kids who grow up in that environment that idea that some jobs are for "mexicans".
That is why I stated that most white folks. I grew up around people that were born before the Great Depression..they all worked..Even the housewives...they kept clean houses and had meals ready for when the workers returned..I have had three wives, and they all refused to do their job, so I fired them...

I'm not talking distance past. I met a white woman last weak working as a nurse's aid with grossly handicapped kids.

A low paid literally shitty job that I would far rather flip burgers than do.

YOu are being lied to.
Trump has now been tossing around increasing the min wage a little. If we get rid of illegals thats fine. But we will then expect businesses to pay american workers alot more than illegals to do the same job. Will that happen? Dont expect our citizens to do cheap labor. Thats wrong.

Increase American Taxpayer's take home pay and reduce corporate taxes. Reduce legal liability and regulations for manufacturing and production to stay at home. Be more restrictive on imports. Right now, we are the complete inverse. We need to move in the direction that protects American Business. Liberals think that US Corporations are enamored with shipping jobs overseas. That's bullshit. If the US had lower corporate tax rates instead of the highest as well as less liability and regulation on par with their foreign competitors AND US was still shipping jobs, then I would agree with Liberals. But that is not the case. US corporations are shipping jobs in order to stay competitive.
All he does is trash America as if it was in ruins and you people love him for it. His negativity and lack of faith in the American people is horrifying in a presidential candidate. If you people loved America you would find it objectionable too.
obama trashed America. Trump wants to fix it.
His ideas about what is broke and what it takes to fix it could very well cause our actual ruin.

Hillary Clinton says she can fix the economy because she was there when her hubby created all those jobs and all that wealth way back when. What's laughable about that claim is that Slick Willie had the Dot Com Boom and a Newt Gingrich led Congress to make the economy grow...Bill Clinton didn't create those jobs with progressive policies! That's a liberal "myth" that will be totally exposed if the Clinton's ever do get back in the Oval Office! Clinton doesn't have a plan to grow the economy. Listen to her stump speech again closely...it contains nothing more than a rehash of the failed Obama Stimulus. She calls for increased spending on "infrastructure". That's it. That's her grand plan.
Another defense of Trump based on how much Trump is like Obama.

I thought you people didn't want 4 more years of Obama.

You need to learn the difference between a defense and comparative analysis. This is not a defense of Trump. I am asking if Liberals have issue with Trump's context or just Trump?

I want to hear when America was great, so we can know what Trump's planning on getting us into.

It all depends on one's perspective. Here's a question for us all. Define America being Great.....past, present and future.
All he does is trash America as if it was in ruins and you people love him for it. His negativity and lack of faith in the American people is horrifying in a presidential candidate. If you people loved America you would find it objectionable too.

There's a difference between someone pointing out what is wrong with America...and you'd have to be an IDIOT not to admit we've got issues...and "hating" America!
What society does not have problems?

So why is the OP accusing Trump of hating America for pointing out that America has them?
"Make America Great Again" - Why does this bother Liberals?

Because they hate what they think America stands for....
and blame the West, with America in front, for all the problems
in the world

In 2008, Barack Obama used the slogan "Take Back America" and capped off that statement with, "The Fundamental Transformation of America". This was just political rhetoric in an election. Trump is saying the same thing Obama did yet with different words. What's the big deal?

Perhaps Liberals might be more accepting of Trump's Campaign if he simply said "Reward our Friends and Punish Our Enemies".
It bothers liberals because America is and has been great. Even during the time Republicans let Bin Laden go, wrecked the economy, created enormous deficit, worked to dismantle the constitution and tricked the country into war. Sometimes traitors get very close to bringing down the country. But thank God America came to it's senses and elected Barrack Obama. We are still cleaning up GOP mess. The history is too recent to deny, try as they might.
Adolf Hitler was not only a life long politician but also a community organizer. Donald Trump does not fit that bill but Obama and Hillary sure do.
Adolf was a life long politician? He was born orating?
Hitler's Rise to Power
I am well aware of Hitler's past..he was not a politician when he was an artist, or when he was a soldier...He actually stumbled upon the career as a politician while spying for the army...
The majority of people working for the state have a political position. His father was also in a government affairs position. Political "pertaining to a polity, civil affairs, or government"....
yes, but that was not his motivate early in life...
Hmm, there is a demand for labor now...jobs go unfilled and help wanted is on job sites and businesses...Yet real wages are the issue versus the inflation rate which the govt. claims we do not have...

RIght now, America employers are stuck on one answer, find cheap labor to cut costs.

REmove that option and wages should rise.
They are also waiting on tax reform and have been for a decade, yet Congress can't seem to get the job done..

How does that relate to what I said?
Because, if you have ever ran a company, taxes are a large percentage of your profit...
Huh? Wealth confiscation is profit?
It works for thugs and that is exactly why Clinton's should never be allowed to step foot again in the White House.

If the middle classes are unhappy with their wages they should get a job that does.Or get a second job and work harder.
They should not sit on their arses and expect the government to sort it out for them.
Whining entitled bastards.
In 2008, Barack Obama used the slogan "Take Back America" and capped off that statement with, "The Fundamental Transformation of America". This was just political rhetoric in an election. Trump is saying the same thing Obama did yet with different words. What's the big deal?

Perhaps Liberals might be more accepting of Trump's Campaign if he simply said "Reward our Friends and Punish Our Enemies".
It bothers liberals because America is and has been great. Even during the time Republicans let Bin Laden go, wrecked the economy, created enormous deficit, worked to dismantle the constitution and tricked the country into war. Sometimes traitors get very close to bringing down the country. But thank God America came to it's senses and elected Barrack Obama. We are still cleaning up GOP mess. The history is too recent to deny, try as they might.
Thanks for the morning chuckle. You spintards are a hoot.
If the middle classes are unhappy with their wages they should get a job that does.Or get a second job and work harder.
They should not sit on their arses and expect the government to sort it out for them.
Whining entitled bastards.
That is what I did for 40 years, worked two and three jobs...
A lot of people like to point to the 1950s when America was great. More nuclear families and a stronger, rising Middle Class. Among Black households, there was higher employment, higher graduation rates, and more two-parent households. There was also MORE racism, LESS Opportunity. Throughout the 1960s, Legislation and was passed and programs implemented under the Great Society. How is it that 50 years later there is more opportunities for Blacks, less racism yet less two-parent households and more government dependence? What happened there?

Liberals don't like to have this conversation. The don't want to answer the reason why. They take a childish approach and say that Conservatives want to go back to Jim Crowe laws. Some are stupid enough to get up on a podium and push the notion that Blacks will be put back in chains.

How is it that Blacks had more two-parent households, higher graduation rates, and more jobs in the oppressive 1950s vs. today? How is it there was higher Black employment under Bush and not Obama??

Define What Makes America Great.
A lot of people like to point to the 1950s when America was great. More nuclear families and a stronger, rising Middle Class. Among Black households, there was higher employment, higher graduation rates, and more two-parent households. There was also MORE racism, LESS Opportunity. Throughout the 1960s, Legislation and was passed and programs implemented under the Great Society. How is it that 50 years later there is more opportunities for Blacks, less racism yet less two-parent households and more government dependence? What happened there?

Liberals don't like to have this conversation. The don't want to answer the reason why. They take a childish approach and say that Conservatives want to go back to Jim Crowe laws. Some are stupid enough to get up on a podium and push the notion that Blacks will be put back in chains.

How is it that Blacks had more two-parent households, higher graduation rates, and more jobs in the oppressive 1950s vs. today? How is it there was higher Black employment under Bush and not Obama??

Define What Makes America Great.
I'l have the conversation anytime, since as a sociology researcher I enjoy it.........
Trump has now been tossing around increasing the min wage a little. If we get rid of illegals thats fine. But we will then expect businesses to pay american workers alot more than illegals to do the same job. Will that happen? Dont expect our citizens to do cheap labor. Thats wrong.
First people need to recognize the problem areas of running a business. Also recognizing the difference between what types of unions there are and the GOP has failed to do the latter. Public employee unions are not the same as Trade Unions. Insurance companies and taxing are the largest factors an employer faces other than the employee's pay check. Costs of hiring an employee went from 17% to over 33% from 1988 to 1995. That inflated cost of insurance was one of the deciding factors for me to quit contracting. My employees made an average of $3.00 per hour more than the standard wage for the type of work we did. By the time I decided I had enough of the political bullshit that went along with trying to make sure everyone could get a paycheck and pay their bills I was paying near 45 dollars for every 100 dollars in expenses to have employees. If everyone could not make a living I was not going to be the head that took the heat for that so we quit.

The Congress and the Obama administration step up the cost for employers even more and the Supreme court helped tax our few remaining private businesses into oblivion. What I find ironic is it came out of MIT.
If the middle classes are unhappy with their wages they should get a job that does.Or get a second job and work harder.
They should not sit on their arses and expect the government to sort it out for them.
Whining entitled bastards.
That is what I did for 40 years, worked two and three jobs...

and I commend you for it
No doubt, your family is better for it

keep in mind
it might be just possible.....
if the gov't had not crowded out economic activity and
allowed you and others to keep more of their money
-even just a little less

you and millions of others
could have had more money, better paid
from smaller prices, more real investment in the markest
by business

gov't does not create wealth
it can only take it from one and give it to another
Taking another's .... is ultimately an enslaving process to anyone

They are the two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time, and will ever continue to struggle. The one is the common right of humanity and the other the divine right of kings. It is the same principle in whatever shape it develops itself. It is the same spirit that says, 'You work and toil and earn bread, and I'll eat it.' No matter in what shape it comes, whether from the mouth of a king who seeks to bestride the people of his own nation and live by the fruit of their labor, or from one race of men as an apology for enslaving another race, it is the same tyrannical principle.
Lincoln- October 15, 1858​
If you got to a college campus, the idea liberals are defending America's greatness is a joke

They my hate America and capitalism and christianity...its obvious on this board. It's another lie by the left to sell during an election year....a con if you will.

Remember when Obama said American exceptional ism? There is British exceptional ism and Chinese exceptional ism

He was wrong and doesn't understand nor like the concept of American exceptionalism......as do ALL liberals.
If you got to a college campus, the idea liberals are defending America's greatness is a joke

They my hate America and capitalism and christianity...its obvious on this board. It's another lie by the left to sell during an election year....a con if you will.

Remember when Obama said American exceptional ism? There is British exceptional ism and Chinese exceptional ism

He was wrong and doesn't understand nor like the concept of American exceptionalism......as do ALL liberals.
If a globalist agenda is more important to those currently in elected positions and these kids can't see the difference that is what you'll have.

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