"Make America Great Again" - Why does this bother Liberals?

In 2008, Barack Obama used the slogan "Take Back America" and capped off that statement with, "The Fundamental Transformation of America". This was just political rhetoric in an election. Trump is saying the same thing Obama did yet with different words. What's the big deal?

Perhaps Liberals might be more accepting of Trump's Campaign if he simply said "Reward our Friends and Punish Our Enemies".
LOL I guess that we never thought that America stopped being great.

Trump's dark message of divisiness and hate just does not resonate with most of us. Putting a lot of people in prison, spending billions rounding up and deporting millions of people won't solve our problems. Deporting millions of people won't get the unskilled even one of the five and one half million jobs going begging now. The fact that they have no marketable skills is the primary reason that the people in the red states are sucking the tax dollars out of the blue states. That and the fact that the red states don't believe in education.

Deporting millions of illegals will help our jobs

God damn once upon a time commercial electricians and dry wallers made enough money to be middle class now they are lucky to make $10 bucks an hour do to illegals


The Democrats and Queen Hillary wanting to bring even more
will hurt working class people; it will especially hard on minorities

Queen Hillary really is a bag of goods
Record breaking trade deficits and stagnant middle class wages is not my definition of strong.

Then why is Trump giving trillions in tax cuts to the wealthy instead of concentrating the money on the middle class?

It is obvious who he wants to make great

"Concentrating the money on the middle class"?

Because redistribution of wealth is your side's game.

Trump's policies, if enacted, will encourage an increase in wages and jobs for the American Working and Middle Class(s).

DO you have anything to say about this:

Record breaking trade deficits and stagnant middle class wages is not my definition of strong.
Can't have it both ways pal

Can't complain about inequities of the middle class and then concentrate trillions in tax cuts to the wealthy

Trickle Down did not make America Great

The Working Class and the Middle Class do not need tax cuts, they need better jobs and wages.

Taxing the Rich does not give the Working Class and MIddle Class better jobs and wages.

Reducing the supply of labor should.
Great idea....let's have higher wages
Let's steal all those jobs back from China and India

We won't do it and we don't have to......all we need to do is start enforcing some of that trickle down

So what's your plan?

More trickle up poverty?

Make 50 million plus of workers that make $15 bucks an hour now making minimum wage?

I can see it now, a fork lift driver all happy as can be making $15 bucks an hour, think to himself " I am doing ok I make twice as much as minimum wage"

He wakes up one morning and reads the news and finds out BAM the zit face kid who fucks up my order at McDonald's makes as much as me...

He tells his boss this is unfair can I get a raise? His boss says no we can't afford it..
So what's your plan?

More trickle up poverty?

Make 50 million plus of workers that make $15 bucks an hour now making minimum wage?

I can see it now, a fork lift driver all happy as can be making $15 bucks an hour, think to himself " I am doing ok I make twice as much as minimum wage"

He wakes up one morning and reads the news and finds out BAM the zit face kid who fucks up my order at McDonald's makes as much as me...

He tells his boss this is unfair can I get a raise? His boss says no we can't afford it..
Homespun economic theory is fascinating. It is like watching a preschool child playing with a loaded gun. You have to worry if the child is accidentally going to shoot itself or worse -- maybe you.

The psychology of work and labor in a capitalist society of free and mobile factors of production is indeed always going to be dynamic. (If you had taken any college econ you would have read that somewhere.)

People should ALWAYS be cognizant of greater financial opportunities for themselves, if there are any.

People should ALWAYS be reminding their bosses that when they have found some, if they have found some, they would like adequate pay raises. Having to confront this issue alone results from not being represented by a labor union.

These issues are not new.

Using these issues as an argument against modernization is a fallacy of affirmation of the consequent.

Homespun non college educated folks are prone to fallacies. Here is a complete list.

You can look up "affirmation of the consequent" in it.

List of fallacies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Let me see...
You want to
Cut education
-Cut infrastructure funding
-Cut investment into science and r&d
Cut the shit out of everything that makes America a leader in the world in thousands of different areas.

All this will of course make us less great
Great idea....let's have higher wages
Let's steal all those jobs back from China and India

We won't do it and we don't have to......all we need to do is start enforcing some of that trickle down
Ah yes, Reagan's "trickle down".

GHW Bush correctly named this "voodoo economics".

Bush was correct of course -- it was just one of the many ways Reagan and his crew were trying to bamboozle the voters. They succeeded.
we were doing fine till Pelosi/Reid made banks give away all of their money! maybe even the money from depositers!!
The banks were fraudulent in cooking their books and charging the tax payers for it.
The accounting standards boards (SEC, FASB) were fraudulent in not requiring proper risk reserves against this funny-money from "derivatives income".
we were doing fine till Pelosi/Reid made banks give away all of their money! maybe even the money from depositers!!
Rexx Taylor , you win the award for being the greatest economics moron on this entire board, and with that I am putting you on the ignore list so that you can no longer continue to pollute the world with your verbal diarrhea.
In 2008, Barack Obama used the slogan "Take Back America" and capped off that statement with, "The Fundamental Transformation of America". This was just political rhetoric in an election. Trump is saying the same thing Obama did yet with different words. What's the big deal?

Perhaps Liberals might be more accepting of Trump's Campaign if he simply said "Reward our Friends and Punish Our Enemies".

Simple. People who want America to be strong again are against globalization, socialism, communism and Marxism.

The left doesn't want to see us getting back to what made us great. They want permanent power over the people and all this freedom and liberty are in their way.
So what's your plan?

More trickle up poverty?

Make 50 million plus of workers that make $15 bucks an hour now making minimum wage?

I can see it now, a fork lift driver all happy as can be making $15 bucks an hour, think to himself " I am doing ok I make twice as much as minimum wage"

He wakes up one morning and reads the news and finds out BAM the zit face kid who fucks up my order at McDonald's makes as much as me...

He tells his boss this is unfair can I get a raise? His boss says no we can't afford it..
Homespun economic theory is fascinating. It is like watching a preschool child playing with a loaded gun. You have to worry if the child is accidentally going to shoot itself or worse -- maybe you.

The psychology of work and labor in a capitalist society of free and mobile factors of production is indeed always going to be dynamic. (If you had taken any college econ you would have read that somewhere.)

People should ALWAYS be cognizant of greater financial opportunities for themselves, if there are any.

People should ALWAYS be reminding their bosses that when they have found some, if they have found some, they would like adequate pay raises. Having to confront this issue alone results from not being represented by a labor union.

These issues are not new.

Using these issues as an argument against modernization is a fallacy of affirmation of the consequent.

Homespun non college educated folks are prone to fallacies. Here is a complete list.

You can look up "affirmation of the consequent" in it.

List of fallacies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

God damn moron, what kind of economics major are you from? Common core?

It don't take a rocket scientist to figure out the labor to produce a $20 dollar door handle cost $25 bucks an hour.

What you want is the creators of business to give up there profits be happy about it AND stick there ass in the air and say FUCK ME SOME More..

I really want to know what college you went to that talked about this fucking fantasy of theirs?
Globalism is an important factor in economic existence...No longer can you operate on the old model of colonialism or mercantilism....
With certain nations like China abusing trade, I think you MUST go back to protectionism, unfortunately.
... what kind of economics major are you from? Common core?

It don't take a rocket scientist to figure out the labor to produce a $20 dollar door handle cost $25 bucks an hour.

What you want is the creators of business to give up there profits be happy about it AND stick there ass in the air and say FUCK ME SOME More..

I really want to know what college you went to that talked about this fucking fantasy of theirs?
Goodbye cowboy. You're going on the ignore list too.
we were doing fine till Pelosi/Reid made banks give away all of their money! maybe even the money from depositers!!
The banks were fraudulent in cooking their books and charging the tax payers for it.
The accounting standards boards (SEC, FASB) were fraudulent in not requiring proper risk reserves against this funny-money from "derivatives income".
That and the actual paper funny money being passed in from Asia. I looked into that some too once realizing the that it had something to do with a new type of ink that had been developed and then we lost the ability to keep the Internet going so I failed to get that all the way checked through. When I went back to find that initial info it was buried so far in years back it became too much to finish looking into.
... what kind of economics major are you from? Common core?

It don't take a rocket scientist to figure out the labor to produce a $20 dollar door handle cost $25 bucks an hour.

What you want is the creators of business to give up there profits be happy about it AND stick there ass in the air and say FUCK ME SOME More..

I really want to know what college you went to that talked about this fucking fantasy of theirs?
Goodbye cowboy. You're going on the ignore list too.

I always love that, I beat your ass to the point you can't debate

I won :)
Leftists are all in on NWO Globalism. But most are just naive and misled. Most don't realize that their leaders are marching them towards Global Totalitarianism. To achieve a Global Totalitarian Socialist State, all sovereignty and national identities must be destroyed. That's what the NWO Globalists are in the process of doing.

Trump wanting to put Americans first again, really angers those folks. That doesn't work in their NWO scheme. But i will say, it's not only Leftist Democrats who are Globalists. Most Republicans are Globalists as well. We need to make sure we preserve our sovereignty and Constitution. And right now, Trump's the best hope for that. Clinton is a NWO Globalist Puppet. She will not put Americans first.
So one morning when you wake up in your back yard, having yourself been blown out of your house by an incoming nuclear missile, you will then say, "Geeze I love sleeping in my back yard with the neighborhood on fire -- so glad I voted for Trump!"

In 2008, Barack Obama used the slogan "Take Back America" and capped off that statement with, "The Fundamental Transformation of America". This was just political rhetoric in an election. Trump is saying the same thing Obama did yet with different words. What's the big deal?

Perhaps Liberals might be more accepting of Trump's Campaign if he simply said "Reward our Friends and Punish Our Enemies".
It's foreign to progressives, they are slaves to socialism...
we were doing fine till Pelosi/Reid made banks give away all of their money! maybe even the money from depositers!!
The banks were fraudulent in cooking their books and charging the tax payers for it.
The accounting standards boards (SEC, FASB) were fraudulent in not requiring proper risk reserves against this funny-money from "derivatives income".
That and the actual paper funny money being passed in from Asia. I looked into that some too once realizing the that it had something to do with a new type of ink that had been developed and then we lost the ability to keep the Internet going so I failed to get that all the way checked through. When I went back to find that initial info it was buried so far in years back it became too much to finish looking into.
When the EuroDollars and AsiaDollars (US currency printed in DC) come back into the USA from overseas, then THAT is when it begins to haunt us with inflation.

As long as the Europeans and Asians continue to hoard our Greenbacks there is no problem. We get to keep playing the game of world's printshop and they get to keep playing the game of play money in the bank.

The various boycotted nations like Persia and others, since they can't play the game, have begun playing the counterfeiting game. U.S. Greenbacks are easy to counterfeit. That is a different game. But also very deadly.

Good point, thank you.
we were doing fine till Pelosi/Reid made banks give away all of their money! maybe even the money from depositers!!
The banks were fraudulent in cooking their books and charging the tax payers for it.
The accounting standards boards (SEC, FASB) were fraudulent in not requiring proper risk reserves against this funny-money from "derivatives income".
That and the actual paper funny money being passed in from Asia. I looked into that some too once realizing the that it had something to do with a new type of ink that had been developed and then we lost the ability to keep the Internet going so I failed to get that all the way checked through. When I went back to find that initial info it was buried so far in years back it became too much to finish looking into.
When the EuroDollars and AsiaDollars (US currency printed in DC) come back into the USA from overseas, then THAT is when it begins to haunt us with inflation.

As long as the Europeans and Asians continue to hoard our Greenbacks there is no problem. We get to keep playing the game of world's printshop and they get to keep playing the game of play money in the bank.

The various boycotted nations like Persia and others, since they can't play the game, have begun playing the counterfeiting game. U.S. Greenbacks are easy to counterfeit. That is a different game. But also very deadly.

Good point, thank you.
Well it is my belief even today that the same ones that went after us were the ones assisting in all that.
In 2008, Barack Obama used the slogan "Take Back America" and capped off that statement with, "The Fundamental Transformation of America". This was just political rhetoric in an election. Trump is saying the same thing Obama did yet with different words. What's the big deal?

Perhaps Liberals might be more accepting of Trump's Campaign if he simply said "Reward our Friends and Punish Our Enemies".
LOL I guess that we never thought that America stopped being great.

Trump's dark message of divisiness and hate just does not resonate with most of us....

Your party and it's partisans are running around telling people that Trump is Hitler and that his supporters are thus nazis, who will turn this nation into a police state or blow up the world.

And you think TRUMP is the one who is being divisive?!!!

If a globalist agenda is more important to those currently in elected positions and these kids can't see the difference that is what you'll have.
Globalism is an important factor in economic existence...No longer can you operate on the old model of colonialism or mercantilism....
Global trade is fine but not at the expense of the citizens of the country.
No matter which system has been used in human history there is always winners and losers........There has never been a perfect system.............

And it is time for America's working and middle class to have a turn being winners again.
Well, this upper middle class worker feels like a winner right now. 72 and still working, also taking university classes. You see, you need to keep updating your skills, or aquirring new ones if you want to be competative in the job market. Instead of whining and looking to a proven con man for a handout, you Trumpets should actually try getting some skills that are useful to someone.

Doesn't work if the job market is flooded with cheap labor.

Not for the vast majority of workers.

That being said, your dismissal of the valid concerns of the American Working and Middle Classes is very insulting and not a respectful of the plight and hardship of tens of millions of hard worker Americans.
Globalism is an important factor in economic existence...No longer can you operate on the old model of colonialism or mercantilism....
Global trade is fine but not at the expense of the citizens of the country.
No matter which system has been used in human history there is always winners and losers........There has never been a perfect system.............

And it is time for America's working and middle class to have a turn being winners again.
Well, this upper middle class worker feels like a winner right now. 72 and still working, also taking university classes. You see, you need to keep updating your skills, or aquirring new ones if you want to be competative in the job market. Instead of whining and looking to a proven con man for a handout, you Trumpets should actually try getting some skills that are useful to someone.

Doesn't work if the job market is flooded with cheap labor.

Not for the vast majority of workers.

That being said, your dismissal of the valid concerns of the American Working and Middle Classes is very insulting and not a respectful of the plight and hardship of tens of millions of hard worker Americans.
If they worked a little harder and got an education that gave them some kind of skill, they would have a job.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

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