"Make America Great Again" - Why does this bother Liberals?

America has the strongest economy on earth

Sounds GREAT to me

Record breaking trade deficits and stagnant middle class wages is not my definition of strong.

Then why is Trump giving trillions in tax cuts to the wealthy instead of concentrating the money on the middle class?

It is obvious who he wants to make great

"Concentrating the money on the middle class"?

Because redistribution of wealth is your side's game.

Trump's policies, if enacted, will encourage an increase in wages and jobs for the American Working and Middle Class(s).

DO you have anything to say about this:

Record breaking trade deficits and stagnant middle class wages is not my definition of strong.
How, through tariffs?

No, though applying the Law of Supply and Demand to labor.
Hmm, there is a demand for labor now...jobs go unfilled and help wanted is on job sites and businesses...Yet real wages are the issue versus the inflation rate which the govt. claims we do not have...
America has the strongest economy on earth

Sounds GREAT to me

Record breaking trade deficits and stagnant middle class wages is not my definition of strong.

Then why is Trump giving trillions in tax cuts to the wealthy instead of concentrating the money on the middle class?

It is obvious who he wants to make great

"Concentrating the money on the middle class"?

Because redistribution of wealth is your side's game.

Trump's policies, if enacted, will encourage an increase in wages and jobs for the American Working and Middle Class(s).

DO you have anything to say about this:

Record breaking trade deficits and stagnant middle class wages is not my definition of strong.
Can't have it both ways pal

Can't complain about inequities of the middle class and then concentrate trillions in tax cuts to the wealthy

Trickle Down did not make America Great

The Working Class and the Middle Class do not need tax cuts, they need better jobs and wages.

Taxing the Rich does not give the Working Class and MIddle Class better jobs and wages.

Reducing the supply of labor should.
The left hate this country and don't recognize it as being legit. They believe it never was great to begin with.

They are all scumbags.

So you and Donald saying America isn’t great now, right?

Wow. What a great zinger. That was great.

You should ask it in a Rust Belt City bar where all the men are having more trouble supporting their families than their dads did.

See how that works out for you.
Im all for Trump and his plan to bring jobs back but I have to ask.
If these guys are having so much trouble supporting their families, why are they spending their few dollars they have in a Rust Belt City bar. Shouldnt they be using that money to buy food for the family? I know I would.

Because moral and social support from your peers is almost as much of a need as Food and Shelter.
I did just fine without it..

That is very unlikely.
All he does is trash America as if it was in ruins and you people love him for it. His negativity and lack of faith in the American people is horrifying in a presidential candidate. If you people loved America you would find it objectionable too.

I love America and just whitenessed the first President ever to call for America to be fundamentally transformed. If someone told you they loved you but that you needed to be fundamentally transformed, you would question their love for you. If someone told you that they loved you and that they see how you can be better ( think RFK speech) you would not be questioning their love.
Just to do what he wants regarding illegal immigration would require reshaping us into much more of a police state. You people would just go along with it once again willing to trade our liberties for a illusory sense of security. Remember the patriot act? Domestic surveillance? This is how you get stuff like that.

Please explain how deporting illegal aliens will turn US into a "police state".

For bonus points, tell us again how it is the Republicans that run on a campaign of "Fear".
Have you even been listening to your messiah? You might be interested to learn that most of what he wants to do requires a major expansion of federal power. I thought paranoids like you hated that kind of thing.


For months lefties have been demanding detail and specifics about how Trump is going to do this or that, so I politely ask for an explanation on how deporting illegal aliens will turn the US into a police state and I get

"major expansion of federal power".

Deporting illegal aliens is a normal responsibility of government.

Having them do their job is not a major expansion of federal power.

Do you wish to try again to support your absurd claim, or do you have the Moral Courage to admit you were just talking smack?

Rhetorical question, I know you will dodge.
I will go slow. The immigration police already have broad powers of search, seizure and surveillance. He wants to expand their powers as well as their numbers and capability. Shit, he probably even wants to make it legal for the army to get involved. Once a leader starts trying do something about "the enemy within" they all scared you with they never stop with just the scapegoats. This has happened so many times that it is not a theory, it is a certainty.
"Making XXX (insert your favorite nation) great again" worked for Adolf Hitler.

It is however NOT working well for Adolf Trump.
Adolf Hitler was not only a life long politician but also a community organizer. Donald Trump does not fit that bill but Obama and Hillary sure do.
Adolf was a life long politician? He was born orating?
Hitler's Rise to Power
I am well aware of Hitler's past..he was not a politician when he was an artist, or when he was a soldier...He actually stumbled upon the career as a politician while spying for the army...
In 2008, Barack Obama used the slogan "Take Back America" and capped off that statement with, "The Fundamental Transformation of America". This was just political rhetoric in an election. Trump is saying the same thing Obama did yet with different words. What's the big deal?

Perhaps Liberals might be more accepting of Trump's Campaign if he simply said "Reward our Friends and Punish Our Enemies".

Because it's just that, another slogan that is meaningless. Obama had them, Bush had them Bill had them, it's meaningless nonsense.
That is exactly why I can't understand the emotive investment people put in candidates..

It's because people have miserable lives. Or at least they think their lives are miserable. (they don't compare themselves with people in like impoverished countries). They go through the monotony of day to day life, they have problems everywhere. Then when someone comes along and says "I can give you hope of a better life" people jump up and cheer and want it.

Similar to sport. People think if their team wins then they suddenly will have a better life.

It's all ridiculous, and all about people who don't feel they control their own lives.

So you and Donald saying America isn’t great now, right?

Wow. What a great zinger. That was great.

You should ask it in a Rust Belt City bar where all the men are having more trouble supporting their families than their dads did.

See how that works out for you.
Im all for Trump and his plan to bring jobs back but I have to ask.
If these guys are having so much trouble supporting their families, why are they spending their few dollars they have in a Rust Belt City bar. Shouldnt they be using that money to buy food for the family? I know I would.

Because moral and social support from your peers is almost as much of a need as Food and Shelter.
I did just fine without it..

That is very unlikely.
I had none to fall upon...
Record breaking trade deficits and stagnant middle class wages is not my definition of strong.

Then why is Trump giving trillions in tax cuts to the wealthy instead of concentrating the money on the middle class?

It is obvious who he wants to make great

"Concentrating the money on the middle class"?

Because redistribution of wealth is your side's game.

Trump's policies, if enacted, will encourage an increase in wages and jobs for the American Working and Middle Class(s).

DO you have anything to say about this:

Record breaking trade deficits and stagnant middle class wages is not my definition of strong.
How, through tariffs?

No, though applying the Law of Supply and Demand to labor.
Hmm, there is a demand for labor now...jobs go unfilled and help wanted is on job sites and businesses...Yet real wages are the issue versus the inflation rate which the govt. claims we do not have...

RIght now, America employers are stuck on one answer, find cheap labor to cut costs.

REmove that option and wages should rise.
In 2008, Barack Obama used the slogan "Take Back America" and capped off that statement with, "The Fundamental Transformation of America". This was just political rhetoric in an election. Trump is saying the same thing Obama did yet with different words. What's the big deal?

Perhaps Liberals might be more accepting of Trump's Campaign if he simply said "Reward our Friends and Punish Our Enemies".

Because it's just that, another slogan that is meaningless. Obama had them, Bush had them Bill had them, it's meaningless nonsense.
That is exactly why I can't understand the emotive investment people put in candidates..

It's because people have miserable lives. Or at least they think their lives are miserable. (they don't compare themselves with people in like impoverished countries). They go through the monotony of day to day life, they have problems everywhere. Then when someone comes along and says "I can give you hope of a better life" people jump up and cheer and want it.

Similar to sport. People think if their team wins then they suddenly will have a better life.

It's all ridiculous, and all about people who don't feel they control their own lives.
The key to a happy life is to live modestly and meager....
Then why is Trump giving trillions in tax cuts to the wealthy instead of concentrating the money on the middle class?

It is obvious who he wants to make great

"Concentrating the money on the middle class"?

Because redistribution of wealth is your side's game.

Trump's policies, if enacted, will encourage an increase in wages and jobs for the American Working and Middle Class(s).

DO you have anything to say about this:

Record breaking trade deficits and stagnant middle class wages is not my definition of strong.
How, through tariffs?

No, though applying the Law of Supply and Demand to labor.
Hmm, there is a demand for labor now...jobs go unfilled and help wanted is on job sites and businesses...Yet real wages are the issue versus the inflation rate which the govt. claims we do not have...

RIght now, America employers are stuck on one answer, find cheap labor to cut costs.

REmove that option and wages should rise.
They are also waiting on tax reform and have been for a decade, yet Congress can't seem to get the job done..
"Making XXX (insert your favorite nation) great again" worked for Adolf Hitler.

It is however NOT working well for Adolf Trump.
Adolf Hitler was not only a life long politician but also a community organizer. Donald Trump does not fit that bill but Obama and Hillary sure do.
Adolf was a life long politician? He was born orating?
Hitler's Rise to Power
I am well aware of Hitler's past..he was not a politician when he was an artist, or when he was a soldier...He actually stumbled upon the career as a politician while spying for the army...
The majority of people working for the state have a political position. His father was also in a government affairs position. Political "pertaining to a polity, civil affairs, or government"....
In 2008, Barack Obama used the slogan "Take Back America" and capped off that statement with, "The Fundamental Transformation of America". This was just political rhetoric in an election. Trump is saying the same thing Obama did yet with different words. What's the big deal?

Perhaps Liberals might be more accepting of Trump's Campaign if he simply said "Reward our Friends and Punish Our Enemies".

Because it's just that, another slogan that is meaningless. Obama had them, Bush had them Bill had them, it's meaningless nonsense.
That is exactly why I can't understand the emotive investment people put in candidates..

It's because people have miserable lives. Or at least they think their lives are miserable. (they don't compare themselves with people in like impoverished countries). They go through the monotony of day to day life, they have problems everywhere. Then when someone comes along and says "I can give you hope of a better life" people jump up and cheer and want it.

Similar to sport. People think if their team wins then they suddenly will have a better life.

It's all ridiculous, and all about people who don't feel they control their own lives.
The key to a happy life is to live modestly and meager....

The key to life is quite complex, but to try and just be happy with what you've got. But there are lots of ways of doing this, and it can depend on the drugs going through your body and knowing how you'll react to things.

I've tried to pinpoint why I do things, and how to avoid things, and then tell others, and find it's never so black and white.
"Making XXX (insert your favorite nation) great again" worked for Adolf Hitler.

It is however NOT working well for Adolf Trump.
Adolf Hitler was not only a life long politician but also a community organizer. Donald Trump does not fit that bill but Obama and Hillary sure do.
Adolf was a life long politician? He was born orating?
Hitler's Rise to Power
I am well aware of Hitler's past..he was not a politician when he was an artist, or when he was a soldier...He actually stumbled upon the career as a politician while spying for the army...
The majority of people working for the state have a political position. His father was also in a government affairs position. Political "pertaining to a polity, civil affairs, or government"....
yes, but that was not his motivate early in life...
America is great....you may even call us exceptional

Obama doesn't think so.
Oh? When did he say that?

Right here, did you forget?

"Obama: I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism."

If everyone is exceptional, then no one is.

That's part of the definition of the word exceptional, and by Obama's moronic misuse of the word, he reveals he does not believe in American Exceptionalism.

To help you.

"Simple Definition of exceptional
  • : not usual : unusual or uncommon

  • : unusually good : much better than average"
In 2008, Barack Obama used the slogan "Take Back America" and capped off that statement with, "The Fundamental Transformation of America". This was just political rhetoric in an election. Trump is saying the same thing Obama did yet with different words. What's the big deal?

Perhaps Liberals might be more accepting of Trump's Campaign if he simply said "Reward our Friends and Punish Our Enemies".

Because it's just that, another slogan that is meaningless. Obama had them, Bush had them Bill had them, it's meaningless nonsense.
That is exactly why I can't understand the emotive investment people put in candidates..

It's because people have miserable lives. Or at least they think their lives are miserable. (they don't compare themselves with people in like impoverished countries). They go through the monotony of day to day life, they have problems everywhere. Then when someone comes along and says "I can give you hope of a better life" people jump up and cheer and want it.

Similar to sport. People think if their team wins then they suddenly will have a better life.

It's all ridiculous, and all about people who don't feel they control their own lives.
The key to a happy life is to live modestly and meager....

The key to life is quite complex, but to try and just be happy with what you've got. But there are lots of ways of doing this, and it can depend on the drugs going through your body and knowing how you'll react to things.

I've tried to pinpoint why I do things, and how to avoid things, and then tell others, and find it's never so black and white.
After 45 years of being a wage slave to play beat the "Joneses" I can tell you that money doesn't buy happiness..
Wow. What a great zinger. That was great.

You should ask it in a Rust Belt City bar where all the men are having more trouble supporting their families than their dads did.

See how that works out for you.
Im all for Trump and his plan to bring jobs back but I have to ask.
If these guys are having so much trouble supporting their families, why are they spending their few dollars they have in a Rust Belt City bar. Shouldnt they be using that money to buy food for the family? I know I would.

Because moral and social support from your peers is almost as much of a need as Food and Shelter.
I did just fine without it..

That is very unlikely.
I had none to fall upon...

I just checked your profile. YOu have 25 thousand plus points.

Seems some people think you are smart and have smart thoughts to contribute to the Public Discourse.
"Concentrating the money on the middle class"?

Because redistribution of wealth is your side's game.

Trump's policies, if enacted, will encourage an increase in wages and jobs for the American Working and Middle Class(s).

DO you have anything to say about this:

Record breaking trade deficits and stagnant middle class wages is not my definition of strong.
How, through tariffs?

No, though applying the Law of Supply and Demand to labor.
Hmm, there is a demand for labor now...jobs go unfilled and help wanted is on job sites and businesses...Yet real wages are the issue versus the inflation rate which the govt. claims we do not have...

RIght now, America employers are stuck on one answer, find cheap labor to cut costs.

REmove that option and wages should rise.
They are also waiting on tax reform and have been for a decade, yet Congress can't seem to get the job done..

How does that relate to what I said?
Im all for Trump and his plan to bring jobs back but I have to ask.
If these guys are having so much trouble supporting their families, why are they spending their few dollars they have in a Rust Belt City bar. Shouldnt they be using that money to buy food for the family? I know I would.

Because moral and social support from your peers is almost as much of a need as Food and Shelter.
I did just fine without it..

That is very unlikely.
I had none to fall upon...

I just checked your profile. YOu have 25 thousand plus points.

Seems some people think you are smart and have smart thoughts to contribute to the Public Discourse.
Some can adjust. others sublimate..The secret is not being an asshole to all the posters..

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