"Make America Great Again" - Why does this bother Liberals?


So you and Donald saying America isn’t great now, right?

Wow. What a great zinger. That was great.

You should ask it in a Rust Belt City bar where all the men are having more trouble supporting their families than their dads did.

See how that works out for you.
the problem is that Obama doesn't qualify his remarks, Trump does.

With Trump he is saying that America was great, is not longer, and he wants to make it great again.

With what Obama has said he basically is saying America is a shit hole of racism and suppression and he wants to end that. Of course he never does because it is not possible but at least his statements keep things negative just like progressives like it.
Pootin thinks we are great, in fact he admits we are the mightiest nation on the planet..

Military might is not the goal, it is a tool.
America has the strongest economy on earth

Sounds GREAT to me
"Making XXX (insert your favorite nation) great again" worked for Adolf Hitler.

It is however NOT working well for Adolf Trump.

And lefties claim that Republicans run on Fear...

the problem is that Obama doesn't qualify his remarks, Trump does.

With Trump he is saying that America was great, is not longer, and he wants to make it great again.

With what Obama has said he basically is saying America is a shit hole of racism and suppression and he wants to end that. Of course he never does because it is not possible but at least his statements keep things negative just like progressives like it.
Pootin thinks we are great, in fact he admits we are the mightiest nation on the planet..

Why would you think any American cares what Putin thinks?
Trump sure does....

I laugh every time I do this but I do it anyway. Can you provide any evidence of what you just posted? I would agree if you said Trump doesn't care what anyone but he thinks but the Putin BS? That is just democrats being lying democrats.
It bothers Liberals because it accurately infers, as the majority of Americans believe according to the polls, that liberals - especially Obama and the Clintons - have taken America in the wrong direction.
All he does is trash America as if it was in ruins and you people love him for it. His negativity and lack of faith in the American people is horrifying in a presidential candidate. If you people loved America you would find it objectionable too.

I love America and just whitenessed the first President ever to call for America to be fundamentally transformed. If someone told you they loved you but that you needed to be fundamentally transformed, you would question their love for you. If someone told you that they loved you and that they see how you can be better ( think RFK speech) you would not be questioning their love.
Just to do what he wants regarding illegal immigration would require reshaping us into much more of a police state. You people would just go along with it once again willing to trade our liberties for a illusory sense of security. Remember the patriot act? Domestic surveillance? This is how you get stuff like that.

Please explain how deporting illegal aliens will turn US into a "police state".

For bonus points, tell us again how it is the Republicans that run on a campaign of "Fear".
Have you even been listening to your messiah? You might be interested to learn that most of what he wants to do requires a major expansion of federal power. I thought paranoids like you hated that kind of thing.
In 2008, Barack Obama used the slogan "Take Back America" and capped off that statement with, "The Fundamental Transformation of America". This was just political rhetoric in an election. Trump is saying the same thing Obama did yet with different words. What's the big deal?

Perhaps Liberals might be more accepting of Trump's Campaign if he simply said "Reward our Friends and Punish Our Enemies".

Because they don't believe it ever was great and saying so is offensive to them. It is why they have such an affinity for a religion that otherwise stands in direct contradiction to all of their espoused values--they both share a deep and profound hatred of the West and wish to see its' influence and power diminished.
America has the strongest economy on earth

Sounds GREAT to me

Record breaking trade deficits and stagnant middle class wages is not my definition of strong.

Then why is Trump giving trillions in tax cuts to the wealthy instead of concentrating the money on the middle class?

It is obvious who he wants to make great
All he does is trash America as if it was in ruins and you people love him for it. His negativity and lack of faith in the American people is horrifying in a presidential candidate. If you people loved America you would find it objectionable too.

I love America and just whitenessed the first President ever to call for America to be fundamentally transformed. If someone told you they loved you but that you needed to be fundamentally transformed, you would question their love for you. If someone told you that they loved you and that they see how you can be better ( think RFK speech) you would not be questioning their love.
Just to do what he wants regarding illegal immigration would require reshaping us into much more of a police state. You people would just go along with it once again willing to trade our liberties for a illusory sense of security. Remember the patriot act? Domestic surveillance? This is how you get stuff like that.

Please explain how deporting illegal aliens will turn US into a "police state".

For bonus points, tell us again how it is the Republicans that run on a campaign of "Fear".
Have you even been listening to your messiah? You might be interested to learn that most of what he wants to do requires a major expansion of federal power. I thought paranoids like you hated that kind of thing.


For months lefties have been demanding detail and specifics about how Trump is going to do this or that, so I politely ask for an explanation on how deporting illegal aliens will turn the US into a police state and I get

"major expansion of federal power".

Deporting illegal aliens is a normal responsibility of government.

Having them do their job is not a major expansion of federal power.

Do you wish to try again to support your absurd claim, or do you have the Moral Courage to admit you were just talking smack?

Rhetorical question, I know you will dodge.
I don't think they're bothered by the phrase, I think they see opportunity and they're jumping on it.

The obvious retort is "America is ALREADY great", and I'm amazed that Trump didn't see that one coming.

Well, I'm not actually amazed by that.
All he does is trash America as if it was in ruins and you people love him for it. His negativity and lack of faith in the American people is horrifying in a presidential candidate. If you people loved America you would find it objectionable too.

America is in ruins. The military has turned into a joke full of homosexuals, the economy is in the toilet, our schools are pathetic, the police are being murdered almost daily. We are being murdered by Islamic Jihadis.

What is going good for America?
the problem is that Obama doesn't qualify his remarks, Trump does.

With Trump he is saying that America was great, is not longer, and he wants to make it great again.

With what Obama has said he basically is saying America is a shit hole of racism and suppression and he wants to end that. Of course he never does because it is not possible but at least his statements keep things negative just like progressives like it.
Pootin thinks we are great, in fact he admits we are the mightiest nation on the planet..

Why would you think any American cares what Putin thinks?
Trump sure does....

I laugh every time I do this but I do it anyway. Can you provide any evidence of what you just posted? I would agree if you said Trump doesn't care what anyone but he thinks but the Putin BS? That is just democrats being lying democrats.
I would but you don't t provide any either..
"Making XXX (insert your favorite nation) great again" worked for Adolf Hitler.

It is however NOT working well for Adolf Trump.
Adolf Hitler was not only a life long politician but also a community organizer. Donald Trump does not fit that bill but Obama and Hillary sure do.
All he does is trash America as if it was in ruins and you people love him for it. His negativity and lack of faith in the American people is horrifying in a presidential candidate. If you people loved America you would find it objectionable too.

America is in ruins. The military has turned into a joke full of homosexuals, the economy is in the toilet, our schools are pathetic, the police are being murdered almost daily. We are being murdered by Islamic Jihadis.

What is going good for America?
Powerball lottery..
"Making XXX (insert your favorite nation) great again" worked for Adolf Hitler.

It is however NOT working well for Adolf Trump.
Adolf Hitler was not only a life long politician but also a community organizer. Donald Trump does not fit that bill but Obama and Hillary sure do.
Adolf was a life long politician? He was born orating?

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