Make America Great Again?

Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.

WTF does this have to do with Trump?

Read the title to my thread. Then you might get it.

Nope, what's it got to do with Trump?

Okay, let me rephrase what I said. Read the title to my thread, anyone with an IQ of over 75 will get it.
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.

WTF does this have to do with Trump?

Read the title to my thread. Then you might get it.

Nope, what's it got to do with Trump?

Okay, let me rephrase what I said. Read the title to my thread, anyone with an IQ of over 75 will get it.

Okay, let me rephrase what I asked. I get the title of the thread relates to Trump, but I have no idea what your OP post or the story has to do with Trump. Was Trump driving one of the cars? WTF Are you talking about? Anyone with an IQ of over 75 should get that.

So can I start a thread that says "What difference does it make now," post a story about a woman who got killed by her estranged husband and say wow, Hillary's nuts? What would that story have to do with Hillary? What does your story have to do with Trump?

How do you not grasp this?
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.

WTF does this have to do with Trump?

Read the title to my thread. Then you might get it.

Nope, what's it got to do with Trump?

Okay, let me rephrase what I said. Read the title to my thread, anyone with an IQ of over 75 will get it.

Okay, let me rephrase what I asked. I get the title of the thread relates to Trump, but I have no idea what your OP post or the story has to do with Trump. Was Trump driving one of the cars? WTF Are you talking about? Anyone with an IQ of over 75 should get that.

So can I start a thread that says "What difference does it make now," post a story about a woman who got killed by her estranged husband and say wow, Hillary's nuts? What would that story have to do with Hillary? What does your story have to do with Trump?

How do you not grasp this?

Is it really that hard?


This story relates to America not being great. It points to it having severe problems.

Trump says he'll make America great.

However he's not pointing to things that would change this event. He's really not wanting to make America great at all. Just playing the nationalist game. And which nationalists ever made their country great again? Milosevic in Serbia? No. Putin in Russia? No. Fernandez-Kirchner in Argentina? no. In fact they all caused major economic problems for their countries.

So, Trump was merely a way of pointing out the America isn't talking about the things that should be talked about. Trump isn't the main issue here. I took his slogan, that's all, and used it to show America for what it is, not what it pretends to be.
WTF does this have to do with Trump?

Read the title to my thread. Then you might get it.

Nope, what's it got to do with Trump?

Okay, let me rephrase what I said. Read the title to my thread, anyone with an IQ of over 75 will get it.

Okay, let me rephrase what I asked. I get the title of the thread relates to Trump, but I have no idea what your OP post or the story has to do with Trump. Was Trump driving one of the cars? WTF Are you talking about? Anyone with an IQ of over 75 should get that.

So can I start a thread that says "What difference does it make now," post a story about a woman who got killed by her estranged husband and say wow, Hillary's nuts? What would that story have to do with Hillary? What does your story have to do with Trump?

How do you not grasp this?

Is it really that hard?


This story relates to America not being great. It points to it having severe problems.

Trump says he'll make America great.

However he's not pointing to things that would change this event. He's really not wanting to make America great at all. Just playing the nationalist game. And which nationalists ever made their country great again? Milosevic in Serbia? No. Putin in Russia? No. Fernandez-Kirchner in Argentina? no. In fact they all caused major economic problems for their countries.

So, Trump was merely a way of pointing out the America isn't talking about the things that should be talked about. Trump isn't the main issue here. I took his slogan, that's all, and used it to show America for what it is, not what it pretends to be.

And what does that have to do with the kid who died because people drove around him? You're saying Trump told them to? What? What connection is there between that kid and Trump? It has nothing to do with Trump any more than it has anything to do with Hillary
Read the title to my thread. Then you might get it.

Nope, what's it got to do with Trump?

Okay, let me rephrase what I said. Read the title to my thread, anyone with an IQ of over 75 will get it.

Okay, let me rephrase what I asked. I get the title of the thread relates to Trump, but I have no idea what your OP post or the story has to do with Trump. Was Trump driving one of the cars? WTF Are you talking about? Anyone with an IQ of over 75 should get that.

So can I start a thread that says "What difference does it make now," post a story about a woman who got killed by her estranged husband and say wow, Hillary's nuts? What would that story have to do with Hillary? What does your story have to do with Trump?

How do you not grasp this?

Is it really that hard?


This story relates to America not being great. It points to it having severe problems.

Trump says he'll make America great.

However he's not pointing to things that would change this event. He's really not wanting to make America great at all. Just playing the nationalist game. And which nationalists ever made their country great again? Milosevic in Serbia? No. Putin in Russia? No. Fernandez-Kirchner in Argentina? no. In fact they all caused major economic problems for their countries.

So, Trump was merely a way of pointing out the America isn't talking about the things that should be talked about. Trump isn't the main issue here. I took his slogan, that's all, and used it to show America for what it is, not what it pretends to be.

And what does that have to do with the kid who died because people drove around him? You're saying Trump told them to? What? What connection is there between that kid and Trump? It has nothing to do with Trump any more than it has anything to do with Hillary

Somehow, I don't know how, but you're making something out of this that hasn't been said at all.

You're the only one that has replied who is implying that I said something against Trump. The only thing I've said against Trump is that he isn't actually going to do what he's claiming to do, because this sort of incident wouldn't change.

The point I was making, and everyone else seemed to get, is that there is a problem in the US, a problem of people being too individual and not giving a rat's ass about the community or others.

The connection, my dear Watson, is that I made my title "Make America great Again" in reference to Trump's claim, and then pointed out that what he's saying won't change the problem that is here.

You seem to only focus on the Trump bit. Your problem. EVeryone else got it.

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