Make America Great Again?

LOL, I bet they were liberals. good grief, coming to some conclusion all over ONE story. is there anything not wrong with this country from all of the high and mighty and snobs who lives in it?
OMG You are so ridiculous. You 'bet' all the people who drove down that street that day were liberals. Seriously. You are pathetic. OMG! Amazing.
At least you were able to figure out what she was trying to say. Most of the time when I read her posts, I have no clue what she is even trying to say. But then again, neither does she.
The left will find the statement racist because they see making America Great Again is contemplating making slavery legal again.

Wasn't my first thought, but now that you say it, I realize it's not any thought of mine.
Democrats don't care when people die, all they want is there money.

Democrats AND Republicans? I mean, it was the Republicans (and some Democrats) who sent thousands to their deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan.
i was referring to Americans dying here, like what happened in San Fran and those riots in Baltimore/Flerguson

Okay, but still, you think Democrats don't care.... because....?

You could easily make a case for both sides not caring. The reality might be that people on both sides don't care and people on both sides do care. A "side" is far to large to be generalizing about.

I'd say Liberals are more likely to see the big picture in terms of make things work, then there won't be problems any more. (even if what they do is actually doing the wrong thing and causes more problems, the intention is what we're talking about)
And I'd say Conservatives are more likely to see the big picture in terms of everyone picking themselves up and making a life for themselves without any outside help (even if what they do is actually doing the wrong thing and causes more problems, the intention is what we're talking about)
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.
I think there is a change in society. In the past, in a situation like this with someone, especially a child, lying hurt in the street, most people would stop. Something has changed in our society. Not for the better.
Today, everything is a problem for someone else, a solution that someone else is going to come up with, a burden for someone else or a responsibility of someone else - never for you.

I think that permeates through all society these days, marks the loss of personal responsibility and is ultimately where things like this come from. Everyone expects that another will stop and address the dying kid until the unthinkable happens - they die because no one ended up being that person.

Actually your first point seems to be the problem. People always thinking "why should I.....?"

Why should I pay to fix a problem? Why should I have to pay taxes for things I don't use. Why should I do jury service? Why should I do anything that isn't for me, me, meeeeee?

You say it's a lost of personal responsibility, maybe, but then you've lost the collective responsibility.
That is because 'collective responsibility' is a farce - there is no such thing. That is the core problem I pointed out - if you label the responsibility as 'collective' then each individual in that collective can simply ignore the responsibility because another in the collective will take care of it. Until the last person walks by and no one does.
Unless Trump was asked specifically about this why would he comment on it? Tragedies and disgusting things happen not only here but all around the world everyday are politicians supposed to comment on all of them?
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.
Did you stop.............or was this a video..........................

Was Trump driving by..........................

Stupid thread.
America is still great. It doesn't need to be made great again. I'm tired of pessimistic whiners like Trump and his chumps.
without this board, and others like it, the horror in this country wouldn't exist.
America is still great. It doesn't need to be made great again. I'm tired of pessimistic whiners like Trump and his chumps.
Yawn..........Tired of the establishment who have been making promises they don't intend to keep for many decades......

i want to start a movement,,,Make America Like The 80's Again!!
America is still great. It doesn't need to be made great again. I'm tired of pessimistic whiners like Trump and his chumps.
I am not so sure anymore. We have entered a state of perpetual warfare, still think that setting up puppet governments in other nations is a FP strategy, created a political climate where congress can have a 10 percent approval rating and yet have a 90 percent re-election rate and have an economy that is increasingly not working for many Americans.

Are we still 'great?'

Perhaps but I think we are heading away from that as fast as we can.
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.

WTF does this have to do with Trump?
How do you make America great again, by yelling to the crowds, fuck you, mother fucker, asshole, etc., and when challenged by a parent about what should he tell his children, and that his language is unpresidential,....Trump basically tells him to fuck off and ridicules him to the audience?

Leftists make America great again by following Trump around initiating violence and trying to shut down his speeches. In Chicago it worked. Congratulations, shutting down your opponents with violence and the threat of violence is certainly a great way to build a great country
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.

WTF does this have to do with Trump?

Read the title to my thread. Then you might get it.
Hit-and-run victim, 11, dies after motorists drive around him as he lie dying in the street

I saw this, a boy lying in the street, hit my a car, dying in the rain, and cars just drive by and don't stop.

There might be reasons for this, it could be a dangerous area, or whatever. However, for a country to be GREAT, this is the sort of thing that shouldn't be happening.

Will Trump talk about this? Doubt it. He's not interested in making America Great, he's interested in making himself great.

WTF does this have to do with Trump?

Read the title to my thread. Then you might get it.

Nope, what's it got to do with Trump?

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