Make America Great Again

Sorry you don't think America is great.
Perhaps this isn't the right nation for you.
I had one of them attack me, multiple times, when I gave her the benefit of the doubt and said I'm sure she loves her country.

She said I was wrong. Multiple times.

They're following, and committed to, the Steve Bannon template.

I had one of them attack me, multiple times, when I gave her the benefit of the doubt and said I'm sure she loves her country.

She said I was wrong. Multiple times.

They're following, and committed to, the Steve Bannon template.

And they'll just deny he ever said it.... there is no difference between the 9/11 truthers and Trump supporters.
While threats of harassment and physical violence from Trump cultists now pervade our politics Don's defenders still plead ignorance when confronted with the notion he and The Following are tearing down our democracy.
While threats of harassment and physical violence from Trump cultists now pervade our politics Don's defenders still plead ignorance when confronted with the notion he and The Following are tearing down our democracy.
Prove it.

And keep calling us "The Following". It confirms over and over how we frighten you.

And have a cherry while you're here.

berg80 looks like you're taking your time finding that proof.

You're good at talking the talk, aren't you?
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Sorry you don't think America is great.
Perhaps this isn't the right nation for you.
Keep on trying, loser.

You know, It just occurred to me that maybe you actually don't realize how stupid you sound. You might look at therapists in your area. Sounds like some therapy might help you get a grasp on reality.
Sorry you don't think America is great.

Perhaps this isn't the right nation for you.

I didn't like John Kerry's campaign slogan either. Good for you calling him out. I thought you were a Democrat shill. Which of course you are, you didn't generate this dislike for the slogan until a Republican did it. Pathetic
Democrats / candycorn haven't had a single thought about the many thousands of Latina girls being raped in her support of illegal immigration because she thinks they will vote Democrat
Who cares if eight year old Latina girls get fucked fifty times a day by anyone who has a peso, right? That's what the dimwittedcrats want. They hate women and children, so torturing little girls really gets them hot.

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