Make Dishwashers Great Again

And clothes washers too.

“Why is Trump talking about dishwashers?” asks Slate. “It’s part of Trump’s core campaign message: nostalgia for a fictitious era in American history where everything was better, simpler.”

Maybe. But there’s also this reality: he is 100% correct about this whole topic. It’s a big and important one too.

American dishwashers used to work. They were wonderful labor-saving devices. They kept our kitchens cleaner. They sanitized the dishes, helping to stop cross-contamination and generally improving health over the iffy process of handwashing. Also, as with all household appliances, they made life better, reducing one more chore that was widely seen as women’s work.

Then one day they just stopped doing the work.

What happened?

Older models of dishwashers used 15 gallons of water. Today the typical “Energy Star” model will attempt to wash with three gallons. Sorry but that’s just not possible, no matter how many fancy tricks you try.

Dishwashers used to wash all the dishes in under one hour. Now they take two hours, three hours, and four hours, and still don’t get the dishes clean. So much for saving on energy. Less water, sure, but more electricity — and what does it mean to save resources when the thing doesn’t work?

All of this is directly due to government regulations.

Let’s Talk about Ghastly Dishwashers

Not sure what is wrong with your dishwasher, mine is amazing. I do not do crap to my dishes before I put them in but get off the large particles of food.
How old and what’s the make?

I want to get a new one but the reviews of even the most expensive all parrot the OP points.

About 4 years old and a Samsung I got at Bestbuy. Not one review mentions the things you do.
From Samsung:

Most dishwasher cycles times range from 80-150 minutes, depending on the cycle and the soil level. It's not unusual for a cycle to be 2 or 3 hours long. This is true for all manufacturers, not just Samsung.

Dishes are not clean after dishwasher cycle

I run min while i am sleeping so the cycle length means nothing to me. I have never had an issue with dirty dishes. I also air dry and do not use the heat
And clothes washers too.

“Why is Trump talking about dishwashers?” asks Slate. “It’s part of Trump’s core campaign message: nostalgia for a fictitious era in American history where everything was better, simpler.”

Maybe. But there’s also this reality: he is 100% correct about this whole topic. It’s a big and important one too.

American dishwashers used to work. They were wonderful labor-saving devices. They kept our kitchens cleaner. They sanitized the dishes, helping to stop cross-contamination and generally improving health over the iffy process of handwashing. Also, as with all household appliances, they made life better, reducing one more chore that was widely seen as women’s work.

Then one day they just stopped doing the work.

What happened?

Older models of dishwashers used 15 gallons of water. Today the typical “Energy Star” model will attempt to wash with three gallons. Sorry but that’s just not possible, no matter how many fancy tricks you try.

Dishwashers used to wash all the dishes in under one hour. Now they take two hours, three hours, and four hours, and still don’t get the dishes clean. So much for saving on energy. Less water, sure, but more electricity — and what does it mean to save resources when the thing doesn’t work?

All of this is directly due to government regulations.

Let’s Talk about Ghastly Dishwashers
it is like the 1.6 gallon toilets that do not work. We do not have a water shortage. The Left causes problems.

I would like to replace my toilet, but I don't want to get stuck with one of those models. My employer bought one for the mens room at work, and it's been nothing of a problem since he got it. I used it a couple of times, and instead of one flush like I only had to do with his old toilet, I have to flush three or four times.
and they blog all of the time
And clothes washers too.

“Why is Trump talking about dishwashers?” asks Slate. “It’s part of Trump’s core campaign message: nostalgia for a fictitious era in American history where everything was better, simpler.”

Maybe. But there’s also this reality: he is 100% correct about this whole topic. It’s a big and important one too.

American dishwashers used to work. They were wonderful labor-saving devices. They kept our kitchens cleaner. They sanitized the dishes, helping to stop cross-contamination and generally improving health over the iffy process of handwashing. Also, as with all household appliances, they made life better, reducing one more chore that was widely seen as women’s work.

Then one day they just stopped doing the work.

What happened?

Older models of dishwashers used 15 gallons of water. Today the typical “Energy Star” model will attempt to wash with three gallons. Sorry but that’s just not possible, no matter how many fancy tricks you try.

Dishwashers used to wash all the dishes in under one hour. Now they take two hours, three hours, and four hours, and still don’t get the dishes clean. So much for saving on energy. Less water, sure, but more electricity — and what does it mean to save resources when the thing doesn’t work?

All of this is directly due to government regulations.

Let’s Talk about Ghastly Dishwashers

Not sure what is wrong with your dishwasher, mine is amazing. I do not do crap to my dishes before I put them in but get off the large particles of food.
How old and what’s the make?

I want to get a new one but the reviews of even the most expensive all parrot the OP points.

About 4 years old and a Samsung I got at Bestbuy. Not one review mentions the things you do.

It's based on other things as well, whether you have soft water or hard water, how hot of water you have your tank set to, it could be a lot of reasons.

Last month my rinse agent began leaking, so I don't use it anymore. The rinse agent and detergent holder are one unit, and it costs around a hundred bucks, so I didn't replace it. I just stopped using the rinse agent since it will only leak out again. To my surprise, no spots on my glass products. Not having the rinse agent didn't make much of a difference because it is an older washer, and does use the amount of water the government cracked down on.
And clothes washers too.

“Why is Trump talking about dishwashers?” asks Slate. “It’s part of Trump’s core campaign message: nostalgia for a fictitious era in American history where everything was better, simpler.”

Maybe. But there’s also this reality: he is 100% correct about this whole topic. It’s a big and important one too.

American dishwashers used to work. They were wonderful labor-saving devices. They kept our kitchens cleaner. They sanitized the dishes, helping to stop cross-contamination and generally improving health over the iffy process of handwashing. Also, as with all household appliances, they made life better, reducing one more chore that was widely seen as women’s work.

Then one day they just stopped doing the work.

What happened?

Older models of dishwashers used 15 gallons of water. Today the typical “Energy Star” model will attempt to wash with three gallons. Sorry but that’s just not possible, no matter how many fancy tricks you try.

Dishwashers used to wash all the dishes in under one hour. Now they take two hours, three hours, and four hours, and still don’t get the dishes clean. So much for saving on energy. Less water, sure, but more electricity — and what does it mean to save resources when the thing doesn’t work?

All of this is directly due to government regulations.

Let’s Talk about Ghastly Dishwashers
it is like the 1.6 gallon toilets that do not work. We do not have a water shortage. The Left causes problems.

I would like to replace my toilet, but I don't want to get stuck with one of those models. My employer bought one for the mens room at work, and it's been nothing of a problem since he got it. I used it a couple of times, and instead of one flush like I only had to do with his old toilet, I have to flush three or four times.
and they blog all of the time

Which is why you have to flush more often; to make sure that doesn't happen.

I went looking for toilets a few months ago. None of them had a larger size tank on it. I just gave up.
And clothes washers too.

“Why is Trump talking about dishwashers?” asks Slate. “It’s part of Trump’s core campaign message: nostalgia for a fictitious era in American history where everything was better, simpler.”

Maybe. But there’s also this reality: he is 100% correct about this whole topic. It’s a big and important one too.

American dishwashers used to work. They were wonderful labor-saving devices. They kept our kitchens cleaner. They sanitized the dishes, helping to stop cross-contamination and generally improving health over the iffy process of handwashing. Also, as with all household appliances, they made life better, reducing one more chore that was widely seen as women’s work.

Then one day they just stopped doing the work.

What happened?

Older models of dishwashers used 15 gallons of water. Today the typical “Energy Star” model will attempt to wash with three gallons. Sorry but that’s just not possible, no matter how many fancy tricks you try.

Dishwashers used to wash all the dishes in under one hour. Now they take two hours, three hours, and four hours, and still don’t get the dishes clean. So much for saving on energy. Less water, sure, but more electricity — and what does it mean to save resources when the thing doesn’t work?

All of this is directly due to government regulations.

Let’s Talk about Ghastly Dishwashers

Not sure what is wrong with your dishwasher, mine is amazing. I do not do crap to my dishes before I put them in but get off the large particles of food.
How old and what’s the make?

I want to get a new one but the reviews of even the most expensive all parrot the OP points.

About 4 years old and a Samsung I got at Bestbuy. Not one review mentions the things you do.
From Samsung:

Most dishwasher cycles times range from 80-150 minutes, depending on the cycle and the soil level. It's not unusual for a cycle to be 2 or 3 hours long. This is true for all manufacturers, not just Samsung.

Dishes are not clean after dishwasher cycle

I run min while i am sleeping so the cycle length means nothing to me. I have never had an issue with dirty dishes. I also air dry and do not use the heat
Yeah, that’s great. But running 3-4 hours makes Mr Electric Meter spin faster than Pelosi being asked why she’s holding onto her impeachment documents which defeats the purpose of the regulations.
Glad we're focusing on the important things!

For the record my dishwasher works perfectly. Don't buy cheap shit and expect premium results.
I used to have a Bosch, and it clogged all the time. After I had to call the repair man for the third time I went out and bought a Kitchenaid. That machine doesn't clog. However, it still takes 3 hours to wash my dishes.
I have to admit, I opened this thread I thought it would be about the use if illegals as dish washers at Trump's American properties.
Hire some illegal aliens to do your dishes, they will get them clean all right if you threaten to deport them. .. .

Not sure what is wrong with your dishwasher, mine is amazing. I do not do crap to my dishes before I put them in but get off the large particles of food.
How old and what’s the make?

I want to get a new one but the reviews of even the most expensive all parrot the OP points.

About 4 years old and a Samsung I got at Bestbuy. Not one review mentions the things you do.
From Samsung:

Most dishwasher cycles times range from 80-150 minutes, depending on the cycle and the soil level. It's not unusual for a cycle to be 2 or 3 hours long. This is true for all manufacturers, not just Samsung.

Dishes are not clean after dishwasher cycle

I run min while i am sleeping so the cycle length means nothing to me. I have never had an issue with dirty dishes. I also air dry and do not use the heat
Yeah, that’s great. But running 3-4 hours makes Mr Electric Meter spin faster than Pelosi being asked why she’s holding onto her impeachment documents which defeats the purpose of the regulations.

How much time is cut off of that 3 to 4 hours by not drying them with hot air?
I have to admit, I opened this thread I thought it would be about the use if illegals as dish washers at Trump's American properties.
I can't believe you were posting this while I was making mine. . . great minds.

Hilarious. What a riot.
How old and what’s the make?

I want to get a new one but the reviews of even the most expensive all parrot the OP points.

About 4 years old and a Samsung I got at Bestbuy. Not one review mentions the things you do.
From Samsung:

Most dishwasher cycles times range from 80-150 minutes, depending on the cycle and the soil level. It's not unusual for a cycle to be 2 or 3 hours long. This is true for all manufacturers, not just Samsung.

Dishes are not clean after dishwasher cycle

I run min while i am sleeping so the cycle length means nothing to me. I have never had an issue with dirty dishes. I also air dry and do not use the heat
Yeah, that’s great. But running 3-4 hours makes Mr Electric Meter spin faster than Pelosi being asked why she’s holding onto her impeachment documents which defeats the purpose of the regulations.

How much time is cut off of that 3 to 4 hours by not drying them with hot air?
I don’t know your personal use. Topic is dishwashers today are crappy compared to what they used to do thanks to government regulations.
I went looking for toilets a few months ago. None of them had a larger size tank on it. I just gave up.

Hey Ray... Don't tell anybody, but I know a guy... Get you a hell of a deal on heavly
slightly used older Kohler 7.5 gallon tank... Bowl is a beautiful lite yellow color... :113:

Don't laugh. When they first came out with this water consumption things years ago, people were bootlegging them out of Canada. Who ever thought our federal government would be able to create laws to make many of us criminals?

"What are you in here for?" "I bought a toilet that flushed."
I went looking for toilets a few months ago. None of them had a larger size tank on it. I just gave up.

Hey Ray... Don't tell anybody, but I know a guy... Get you a hell of a deal on heavly
slightly used older Kohler 7.5 gallon tank... Bowl is a beautiful lite yellow color... :113:

Don't laugh. When they first came out with this water consumption things years ago, people were bootlegging them out of Canada. Who ever thought our federal government would be able to create laws to make many of us criminals?

"What are you in here for?" "I bought a toilet that flushed."

Oh I am not laughing... In my world, a man's shitter is a very serious subject...
About 4 years old and a Samsung I got at Bestbuy. Not one review mentions the things you do.
From Samsung:

Most dishwasher cycles times range from 80-150 minutes, depending on the cycle and the soil level. It's not unusual for a cycle to be 2 or 3 hours long. This is true for all manufacturers, not just Samsung.

Dishes are not clean after dishwasher cycle

I run min while i am sleeping so the cycle length means nothing to me. I have never had an issue with dirty dishes. I also air dry and do not use the heat
Yeah, that’s great. But running 3-4 hours makes Mr Electric Meter spin faster than Pelosi being asked why she’s holding onto her impeachment documents which defeats the purpose of the regulations.

How much time is cut off of that 3 to 4 hours by not drying them with hot air?
I don’t know your personal use. Topic is dishwashers today are crappy compared to what they used to do thanks to government regulations.

Quit buying cheap shit and it will not be crappy. Seems easy enough.
Glad we're focusing on the important things!

For the record my dishwasher works perfectly. Don't buy cheap shit and expect premium results.
I used to have a Bosch, and it clogged all the time. After I had to call the repair man for the third time I went out and bought a Kitchenaid. That machine doesn't clog. However, it still takes 3 hours to wash my dishes.

Get some soap and a sponge, you lazy piece of shit.
And clothes washers too.

“Why is Trump talking about dishwashers?” asks Slate. “It’s part of Trump’s core campaign message: nostalgia for a fictitious era in American history where everything was better, simpler.”

Maybe. But there’s also this reality: he is 100% correct about this whole topic. It’s a big and important one too.

American dishwashers used to work. They were wonderful labor-saving devices. They kept our kitchens cleaner. They sanitized the dishes, helping to stop cross-contamination and generally improving health over the iffy process of handwashing. Also, as with all household appliances, they made life better, reducing one more chore that was widely seen as women’s work.

Then one day they just stopped doing the work.

What happened?

Older models of dishwashers used 15 gallons of water. Today the typical “Energy Star” model will attempt to wash with three gallons. Sorry but that’s just not possible, no matter how many fancy tricks you try.

Dishwashers used to wash all the dishes in under one hour. Now they take two hours, three hours, and four hours, and still don’t get the dishes clean. So much for saving on energy. Less water, sure, but more electricity — and what does it mean to save resources when the thing doesn’t work?

All of this is directly due to government regulations.

Let’s Talk about Ghastly Dishwashers

Yeah, now there's a war on dishwashers and toilets. Don can't get his shit to flush.

People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times as opposed to once. They end up using more water,” Trump said, continuing that the Environmental Protection Agency is "looking at" the issue at "his suggestion."

“We have a situation where we’re looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms, where you turn the faucet on in areas where there’s tremendous amounts of water, where it rushes out to sea because you could never handle it. And you don’t get any water. You turn on the faucet and you don’t get any water,” Trump said during the White House round-table on small business and red tape reduction."

No Don, it's your turds.

I actually like the idea that the President is looking into trivial matters like this. Not enough of them do.

Before companies started using overseas phone solicitors, Bush's Do Not Call List made my home so much more peaceful. It cut down 95% of the sales calls to my home. He had a lot on his plate between the economy, 911, the wars, but he was able to sneak that in and out of all the things he did, that made my life much more comfortable.

I say that if Trump wants to seal he deal on this election, he would pressure industry to four day work weeks. After all, you are at work anyway, what's putting in two more hours since you made the trip to work and back? Most everybody would get a three day weekend; four on some holidays.

See, practical matters do mean a lot to people.
Some dishwashers can get lippy

I went looking for toilets a few months ago. None of them had a larger size tank on it. I just gave up.

Hey Ray... Don't tell anybody, but I know a guy... Get you a hell of a deal on heavly
slightly used older Kohler 7.5 gallon tank... Bowl is a beautiful lite yellow color... :113:

Don't laugh. When they first came out with this water consumption things years ago, people were bootlegging them out of Canada. Who ever thought our federal government would be able to create laws to make many of us criminals?

"What are you in here for?" "I bought a toilet that flushed."

Oh I am not laughing... In my world, a man's shitter is a very serious subject...

Of course it's serious. It's our throne.
And clothes washers too.

“Why is Trump talking about dishwashers?” asks Slate. “It’s part of Trump’s core campaign message: nostalgia for a fictitious era in American history where everything was better, simpler.”

Maybe. But there’s also this reality: he is 100% correct about this whole topic. It’s a big and important one too.

American dishwashers used to work. They were wonderful labor-saving devices. They kept our kitchens cleaner. They sanitized the dishes, helping to stop cross-contamination and generally improving health over the iffy process of handwashing. Also, as with all household appliances, they made life better, reducing one more chore that was widely seen as women’s work.

Then one day they just stopped doing the work.

What happened?

Older models of dishwashers used 15 gallons of water. Today the typical “Energy Star” model will attempt to wash with three gallons. Sorry but that’s just not possible, no matter how many fancy tricks you try.

Dishwashers used to wash all the dishes in under one hour. Now they take two hours, three hours, and four hours, and still don’t get the dishes clean. So much for saving on energy. Less water, sure, but more electricity — and what does it mean to save resources when the thing doesn’t work?

All of this is directly due to government regulations.

Let’s Talk about Ghastly Dishwashers

Yeah, now there's a war on dishwashers and toilets. Don can't get his shit to flush.

People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times as opposed to once. They end up using more water,” Trump said, continuing that the Environmental Protection Agency is "looking at" the issue at "his suggestion."

“We have a situation where we’re looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms, where you turn the faucet on in areas where there’s tremendous amounts of water, where it rushes out to sea because you could never handle it. And you don’t get any water. You turn on the faucet and you don’t get any water,” Trump said during the White House round-table on small business and red tape reduction."

No Don, it's your turds.

I actually like the idea that the President is looking into trivial matters like this. Not enough of them do.

Before companies started using overseas phone solicitors, Bush's Do Not Call List made my home so much more peaceful. It cut down 95% of the sales calls to my home. He had a lot on his plate between the economy, 911, the wars, but he was able to sneak that in and out of all the things he did, that made my life much more comfortable.

I say that if Trump wants to seal he deal on this election, he would pressure industry to four day work weeks. After all, you are at work anyway, what's putting in two more hours since you made the trip to work and back? Most everybody would get a three day weekend; four on some holidays.

See, practical matters do mean a lot to people.

Don being able to find a toilet that will manage his fecal output is far from trivial.

I don't think it's Don alone. I think everybody has problems with these newer toilets. They are expensive as all hell at the same time.

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