Making America Unemployed Again. S. Carolina Plant Announces Closure Cites Trumps Tariffs

View attachment 209153
This thread totally ignores the current economic facts.....thank God they lost people....or we would be in year 10 of a recession...and Hillary would be looking very mournful into the camera and saying...those jobs are never coming back...this is the new normal....
Recession. Lmao
Fat boi is riding the wave of the Obama economy. Look at the graphs.
Every time you post you lie lie and lie some more. Trying to reach your fuhrer’s 4,229 documented lies as of Aug 1st?
I think you’ve exceeded it.

Once again what the fuck did Obama do asshole???

Quantive easing ? Feds, jannet ..

Tarp? bush jr

Tax cuts? Bush jr..

Again what the fuck did Obama do????

What did Obama do?
Were you asleep for 8 years?

That's your answer a bullshit meme?

Once again asshole what did Obama do?

The fucker hindered job growth with his assnine EPA rules and regulations, he hindered job growth with Obama care..

It was the red state govenors and the feds that saved his sorry ass.
“Bullshit meme”
Ha ha
It’s an accurate documentation of PARTLY what Obama did.
Obviously you’re too brain dead to handle the truth.
Let me ask you now.
How do YOU feel about fat boi running up the largest deficit in history?
How do YOU feel about the GOP passing the largest spending bill in history?
I bet this coward won’t answer.

So your retort is no retort?

Tell us in your own words Parrott.
View attachment 209153
This thread totally ignores the current economic facts.....thank God they lost people....or we would be in year 10 of a recession...and Hillary would be looking very mournful into the camera and saying...those jobs are never coming back...this is the new normal....
Recession. Lmao
Fat boi is riding the wave of the Obama economy. Look at the graphs.
Every time you post you lie lie and lie some more. Trying to reach your fuhrer’s 4,229 documented lies as of Aug 1st?
I think you’ve exceeded it.

Once again what the fuck did Obama do asshole???

Quantive easing ? Feds, jannet ..

Tarp? bush jr

Tax cuts? Bush jr..

Again what the fuck did Obama do????

What did Obama do?
Were you asleep for 8 years?

That's your answer a bullshit meme?

Once again asshole what did Obama do?

The fucker hindered job growth with his assnine EPA rules and regulations, he hindered job growth with Obama care..

It was the red state govenors and the feds that saved his sorry ass.
“Bullshit meme”
Ha ha
It’s an accurate documentation of PARTLY what Obama did.
Obviously you’re too brain dead to handle the truth.
Let me ask you now.
How do YOU feel about fat boi running up the largest deficit in history?
How do YOU feel about the GOP passing the largest spending bill in history?
I bet this coward won’t answer.

Barry presided over the worst economy and slowest growth ever.
Experts warned Donald Trump that his ill-advised tariffs would have damaging ripple effects on a variety of industries and now American workers are paying the price. In South Carolina, 126 people are soon-to-be on the unemployment line. From WLTX:

Element TV Company in Winnsboro has served notice to the S.C. Department of Workforce and Employment (SCDEW) that it will close in October, which will result in the layoff of 126 of its 134 full-time employees.

The high tech television company said the tariffs are entirely to blame for their closure:

Making America Unemployed Again: South Carolina plant announces closure, cites Trump tariffs

Goto to love uninformed liberals..

You do know that television plant didn't make anything right? They just repackaged televisions from Asia and shipped them to Walmart.

Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year

bear513Diamond Member
You are claiming they can be made here. Show me who can produce enough socks for the entire country.
No, I said you claimed they can't and the only source your provided is your claim.
Click to expand...
If everyone tried to buy US made socks most of us would be sockless.
Click to expand...
if that were to happen, there would be a need for more factories to make socks, which in turn would equate to more jobs. Thus a stronger economy.
Click to expand...
We would all be paying too much for socks. Tariffs have been tried many times and always fail.
Click to expand...
We make socks in America you cheap Bastard go buy some.

Made in USA Socks - Our Top Ten Source List

We also make flat screen televisions sold at Walmart made in South Carolina
Click to expand...
Oh God this is funny as hell..and from a conservative link

Walmart’s ‘Made In USA’ Televisions Are Allegedly Made In China

Element Electronics boasts of beingthe only American-owned and American-assembled television company. Flashy red-white-and-blue packaging helps it do business with Walmart as part of the retailer’s quarter-trillion-dollar “Made in USA” initiative. But according to a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) complaint filed Tuesday, the company isn’t making anything in America after all.

Instead, the complaint alleges, the Chinese-made TVs arrive to Element’s South Carolina assembly line in boxes adorned with a waving American flag and the slogan “America Matters” on the front and the phrase “assembled in the USA” on top. Element’s employees unscrew a plastic panel, install a Chinese-made motherboard, close the panel, and return the TVs to their patriotic packaging so that they can be shipped out to Walmart

look at this idiot pretending Agent Orange’s horrible tariffs have been a complete success.
You have to be as dumb as a rock to continue to support Putin’s Poodle after everything you’ve seen of this POS the last year and half.

Did Trump take away your EBT card?
Never had one. Damn you’re one poor debater. After all you are a deplorable. Same thing.

I love how Trump made my bank stocks go from six bucks a share to twenty five bucks a share.
Thanks Trump!!!
Yeah he did that. Lmao
When the stock market was booming under obama you deadbeats were saying,” The President doesn’t control or have anything to do with the stock market.
Unlike yourself. I have a memory.
Stepped in it again I see..
Goto to love uninformed liberals..

You do know that television plant didn't make anything right? They just repackaged televisions from Asia and shipped them to Walmart.

Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year

bear513Diamond Member
You are claiming they can be made here. Show me who can produce enough socks for the entire country.
No, I said you claimed they can't and the only source your provided is your claim.
Click to expand...
If everyone tried to buy US made socks most of us would be sockless.
Click to expand...
if that were to happen, there would be a need for more factories to make socks, which in turn would equate to more jobs. Thus a stronger economy.
Click to expand...
We would all be paying too much for socks. Tariffs have been tried many times and always fail.
Click to expand...
We make socks in America you cheap Bastard go buy some.

Made in USA Socks - Our Top Ten Source List

We also make flat screen televisions sold at Walmart made in South Carolina
Click to expand...
Oh God this is funny as hell..and from a conservative link

Walmart’s ‘Made In USA’ Televisions Are Allegedly Made In China

Element Electronics boasts of beingthe only American-owned and American-assembled television company. Flashy red-white-and-blue packaging helps it do business with Walmart as part of the retailer’s quarter-trillion-dollar “Made in USA” initiative. But according to a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) complaint filed Tuesday, the company isn’t making anything in America after all.

Instead, the complaint alleges, the Chinese-made TVs arrive to Element’s South Carolina assembly line in boxes adorned with a waving American flag and the slogan “America Matters” on the front and the phrase “assembled in the USA” on top. Element’s employees unscrew a plastic panel, install a Chinese-made motherboard, close the panel, and return the TVs to their patriotic packaging so that they can be shipped out to Walmart

look at this idiot pretending Agent Orange’s horrible tariffs have been a complete success.
You have to be as dumb as a rock to continue to support Putin’s Poodle after everything you’ve seen of this POS the last year and half.

Did Trump take away your EBT card?
Never had one. Damn you’re one poor debater. After all you are a deplorable. Same thing.

I love how Trump made my bank stocks go from six bucks a share to twenty five bucks a share.
Thanks Trump!!!
Yeah he did that. Lmao
When the stock market was booming under obama you deadbeats were saying,” The President doesn’t control or have anything to do with the stock market.
Unlike yourself. I have a memory.
Stepped in it again I see..

It called consumer/business confidence.
Something barry failed to instill.
Don’t worry, Republicans will figure out a way to blame it on Obama.
View attachment 209153
Recession. Lmao
Fat boi is riding the wave of the Obama economy. Look at the graphs.
Every time you post you lie lie and lie some more. Trying to reach your fuhrer’s 4,229 documented lies as of Aug 1st?
I think you’ve exceeded it.

Once again what the fuck did Obama do asshole???

Quantive easing ? Feds, jannet ..

Tarp? bush jr

Tax cuts? Bush jr..

Again what the fuck did Obama do????

What did Obama do?
Were you asleep for 8 years?

That's your answer a bullshit meme?

Once again asshole what did Obama do?

The fucker hindered job growth with his assnine EPA rules and regulations, he hindered job growth with Obama care..

It was the red state govenors and the feds that saved his sorry ass.
“Bullshit meme”
Ha ha
It’s an accurate documentation of PARTLY what Obama did.
Obviously you’re too brain dead to handle the truth.
Let me ask you now.
How do YOU feel about fat boi running up the largest deficit in history?
How do YOU feel about the GOP passing the largest spending bill in history?
I bet this coward won’t answer.

Barry presided over the worst economy and slowest growth ever.
Obama took over the economy that was on life supports and saved us from a recession.
Fat boi is riding the Obama economy wave.
Look at the facts.
Oh wait. You won’t.
Facts are fake news to you dunderheads.
Goto to love uninformed liberals..

You do know that television plant didn't make anything right? They just repackaged televisions from Asia and shipped them to Walmart.

Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year

bear513Diamond Member
You are claiming they can be made here. Show me who can produce enough socks for the entire country.
No, I said you claimed they can't and the only source your provided is your claim.
Click to expand...
If everyone tried to buy US made socks most of us would be sockless.
Click to expand...
if that were to happen, there would be a need for more factories to make socks, which in turn would equate to more jobs. Thus a stronger economy.
Click to expand...
We would all be paying too much for socks. Tariffs have been tried many times and always fail.
Click to expand...
We make socks in America you cheap Bastard go buy some.

Made in USA Socks - Our Top Ten Source List

We also make flat screen televisions sold at Walmart made in South Carolina
Click to expand...
Oh God this is funny as hell..and from a conservative link

Walmart’s ‘Made In USA’ Televisions Are Allegedly Made In China

Element Electronics boasts of beingthe only American-owned and American-assembled television company. Flashy red-white-and-blue packaging helps it do business with Walmart as part of the retailer’s quarter-trillion-dollar “Made in USA” initiative. But according to a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) complaint filed Tuesday, the company isn’t making anything in America after all.

Instead, the complaint alleges, the Chinese-made TVs arrive to Element’s South Carolina assembly line in boxes adorned with a waving American flag and the slogan “America Matters” on the front and the phrase “assembled in the USA” on top. Element’s employees unscrew a plastic panel, install a Chinese-made motherboard, close the panel, and return the TVs to their patriotic packaging so that they can be shipped out to Walmart

look at this idiot pretending Agent Orange’s horrible tariffs have been a complete success.
You have to be as dumb as a rock to continue to support Putin’s Poodle after everything you’ve seen of this POS the last year and half.

Did Trump take away your EBT card?
Never had one. Damn you’re one poor debater. After all you are a deplorable. Same thing.

I love how Trump made my bank stocks go from six bucks a share to twenty five bucks a share.
Thanks Trump!!!
Yeah he did that. Lmao
When the stock market was booming under obama you deadbeats were saying,” The President doesn’t control or have anything to do with the stock market.
Unlike yourself. I have a memory.
Stepped in it again I see..

And why was the stock market booming under Obama?

Tell us why?

Or are you to embarrassed to admit Janet was the most powerful person on the planet during that time?

View attachment 209153
Once again what the fuck did Obama do asshole???

Quantive easing ? Feds, jannet ..

Tarp? bush jr

Tax cuts? Bush jr..

Again what the fuck did Obama do????

What did Obama do?
Were you asleep for 8 years?

That's your answer a bullshit meme?

Once again asshole what did Obama do?

The fucker hindered job growth with his assnine EPA rules and regulations, he hindered job growth with Obama care..

It was the red state govenors and the feds that saved his sorry ass.
“Bullshit meme”
Ha ha
It’s an accurate documentation of PARTLY what Obama did.
Obviously you’re too brain dead to handle the truth.
Let me ask you now.
How do YOU feel about fat boi running up the largest deficit in history?
How do YOU feel about the GOP passing the largest spending bill in history?
I bet this coward won’t answer.

Barry presided over the worst economy and slowest growth ever.
Obama took our economy that was on life supports and saved us from a recession.
Fat boi is riding the Obama economy wave.
Look at the facts.
Oh wait. You won’t.
Facts are fake news to you dunderheads.

So you're one of those who thinks this is barry's economy?:auiqs.jpg:
View attachment 209153
Once again what the fuck did Obama do asshole???

Quantive easing ? Feds, jannet ..

Tarp? bush jr

Tax cuts? Bush jr..

Again what the fuck did Obama do????

What did Obama do?
Were you asleep for 8 years?

That's your answer a bullshit meme?

Once again asshole what did Obama do?

The fucker hindered job growth with his assnine EPA rules and regulations, he hindered job growth with Obama care..

It was the red state govenors and the feds that saved his sorry ass.
“Bullshit meme”
Ha ha
It’s an accurate documentation of PARTLY what Obama did.
Obviously you’re too brain dead to handle the truth.
Let me ask you now.
How do YOU feel about fat boi running up the largest deficit in history?
How do YOU feel about the GOP passing the largest spending bill in history?
I bet this coward won’t answer.

Barry presided over the worst economy and slowest growth ever.
Obama took over the economy that was on life supports and saved us from a recession.
Fat boi is riding the Obama economy wave.
Look at the facts.
Oh wait. You won’t.
Facts are fake news to you dunderheads.

And once again ignorant one how did Obama do that?

Tell us in your own words.
look at this idiot pretending Agent Orange’s horrible tariffs have been a complete success.
You have to be as dumb as a rock to continue to support Putin’s Poodle after everything you’ve seen of this POS the last year and half.

Did Trump take away your EBT card?
Never had one. Damn you’re one poor debater. After all you are a deplorable. Same thing.

I love how Trump made my bank stocks go from six bucks a share to twenty five bucks a share.
Thanks Trump!!!
Yeah he did that. Lmao
When the stock market was booming under obama you deadbeats were saying,” The President doesn’t control or have anything to do with the stock market.
Unlike yourself. I have a memory.
Stepped in it again I see..

It called consumer/business confidence.
Something barry failed to instill.
keep lying. Are you shooting for the insurmountable record of Putin’s Poodle 4,229 lies in a year and half?
Did Trump take away your EBT card?
Never had one. Damn you’re one poor debater. After all you are a deplorable. Same thing.

I love how Trump made my bank stocks go from six bucks a share to twenty five bucks a share.
Thanks Trump!!!
Yeah he did that. Lmao
When the stock market was booming under obama you deadbeats were saying,” The President doesn’t control or have anything to do with the stock market.
Unlike yourself. I have a memory.
Stepped in it again I see..

It called consumer/business confidence.
Something barry failed to instill.
keep lying. Are you shooting for the insurmountable record of Putin’s Poodle 4,229 lies in a year and half?

The economy is kicking ass,the stock market is soaring.
And no one believes barry had anything to do with it.
Sucks to be you.
According to yesterday’s Gallup Poll:
54% of Americans DISAPPROVE of the pathological liar.
Only 41% approve.
This is why republicans are scared shitless for November.
Never had one. Damn you’re one poor debater. After all you are a deplorable. Same thing.

I love how Trump made my bank stocks go from six bucks a share to twenty five bucks a share.
Thanks Trump!!!
Yeah he did that. Lmao
When the stock market was booming under obama you deadbeats were saying,” The President doesn’t control or have anything to do with the stock market.
Unlike yourself. I have a memory.
Stepped in it again I see..

It called consumer/business confidence.
Something barry failed to instill.
keep lying. Are you shooting for the insurmountable record of Putin’s Poodle 4,229 lies in a year and half?

The economy is kicking ass,the stock market is soaring.
And no one believes barry had anything to do with it.
Sucks to be you.
Only those who deal with facts KNOW fat boi is riding the Obama economy wave.
The graphs are available for you to peruse.
Imagine if fat boi inherited the terrible economy Obama did.
You’d be pissing in your pants.
Experts warned Donald Trump that his ill-advised tariffs would have damaging ripple effects on a variety of industries and now American workers are paying the price. In South Carolina, 126 people are soon-to-be on the unemployment line. From WLTX:

Element TV Company in Winnsboro has served notice to the S.C. Department of Workforce and Employment (SCDEW) that it will close in October, which will result in the layoff of 126 of its 134 full-time employees.

The high tech television company said the tariffs are entirely to blame for their closure:

Making America Unemployed Again: South Carolina plant announces closure, cites Trump tariffs


According to yesterday’s Gallup Poll:
54% of Americans DISAPPROVE of the pathological liar.
Only 41% approve.
This is why republicans are scared shitless for November.
Facts too difficult for the low hanging fruit DEPLORABLES to handle that’d why they call all inconvenient information as “ fake news.”

Enjoy your last few months in power. When the Dems take over the House as everyone predicts Impeachment hearings will begin.
Finally we’ll have a congress that knows their job: hold the president accountable..
Experts warned Donald Trump that his ill-advised tariffs would have damaging ripple effects on a variety of industries and now American workers are paying the price. In South Carolina, 126 people are soon-to-be on the unemployment line. From WLTX:

Element TV Company in Winnsboro has served notice to the S.C. Department of Workforce and Employment (SCDEW) that it will close in October, which will result in the layoff of 126 of its 134 full-time employees.

The high tech television company said the tariffs are entirely to blame for their closure:

Making America Unemployed Again: South Carolina plant announces closure, cites Trump tariffs
That's ok...they can work two jobs at McDonalds and Chick-fil-A.
Lebron James was correct.
“This prez is using sports to divide us.”
He uses everything to divide us.
Just look at his pathetic lying tweet yesterday about the wildfires out west.
Did he show sympathy for the dead?
For the thousands of people that lost their lives?
No he made up one of his patented lies about the cause of the fires and showed NO PRESIDENTIAL LEADERSHIP.
That’s just another reason why he’s so hated in this country.
I love how Trump made my bank stocks go from six bucks a share to twenty five bucks a share.
Thanks Trump!!!
Yeah he did that. Lmao
When the stock market was booming under obama you deadbeats were saying,” The President doesn’t control or have anything to do with the stock market.
Unlike yourself. I have a memory.
Stepped in it again I see..

It called consumer/business confidence.
Something barry failed to instill.
keep lying. Are you shooting for the insurmountable record of Putin’s Poodle 4,229 lies in a year and half?

The economy is kicking ass,the stock market is soaring.
And no one believes barry had anything to do with it.
Sucks to be you.
Only those who deal with facts KNOW fat boi is riding the Obama economy wave.
The graphs are available for you to peruse.
Imagine if fat boi inherited the terrible economy Obama did.
You’d be pissing in your pants.

Mainlining the the barry kool aid........
Meanwhile America is kicking ass and taking names with unprecedented employment among blacks and hispanics.

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