MAGA, These Tariffs R Great! Element Electronics closing & Nuke Plant canceled. 5500 jobs BE GONE!

Oh, you care about jobs? Check out the latest unemployment rates.

Thanks Obama. Great Job! For putting it so low. What has the Great Douche done?
The great Douche lowered it 0.4% is it if that anymore.
Obama lowered it from 9% to just short of 4%. That be a whole 5% lower under Obama.
To the Great Douche grand total of 0.4% if that.
Yes thanks Onama for creating all those part time low paying jobs!
MAGA is expanding that by 1000%. Thanks, Great Douche.
As usual. You are wrong. Please educate yourself before you come in here. You already got your ass kicked about the nuc plant. You got your ass killed regarding the validity of the claims from the plant. I guess you just like getting your ass kicked. Did you spend a lot of time locked in your locker in high school?
Oh, you care about jobs? Check out the latest unemployment rates.

Thanks Obama. Great Job! For putting it so low. What has the Great Douche done?
The great Douche lowered it 0.4% is it if that anymore.
Obama lowered it from 9% to just short of 4%. That be a whole 5% lower under Obama.
To the Great Douche grand total of 0.4% if that.
Yes thanks Onama for creating all those part time low paying jobs!
MAGA is expanding that by 1000%. Thanks, Great Douche.

Central Valley farmers ‘caught in the middle’

As midterm election looms for crucial races, many feeling the sting from President Trump’s tariffs
By Casey Tolan newsgroupcom ctolan@bayarea

Nervous walnut farmers watch the price of their crops drop by the day. Dairymen worry about delayed shipments as tariffs mount. Orange sellers fret about their fruit spoiling while it waits for inspections at Chinese ports. As harvest season fast approaches in the Central Valley, farmers are feeling the pinch from President Donald Trump’s trade War — injecting a new issue into crucial congressional races up and down the region and stoking fears among Republicans that it could hurt them in November.
Trump has levied tariffs on a host of products from around the world, and countries such as China, India, Mexico and Canada have responded by targeting U.S. farmers, slapping their own taxes on imports from America’s breadbasket. That makes U.S. crops more expensive overseas, reducing demand and cutting into farmers’ bottom lines. California is in the cross-hairs: In 2016, the Golden State exported just over $2 billion in agricultural products to China, with the largest exports being pistachios, almonds, wine, oranges and dairy, according to the California Department of Food and Agriculture. All of those crops have a large presence in the Valley. Some farmers are fuming as agriculture markets are shaken by the disputes. “This seems to be a game of ‘I dare you’ from the White House, without a strategic plan,” said Mark McAfee, a dairy farmer in Fresno, registered Democrat and ‘California Farmers Union board member. “We’re caught in the middle.” . The administration has proposed $12 billion in aid for farms affected by the trade dispute, including direct payments to farmers and a program to purchase surplus crops. But the U.S. Department of Agriculture has said the payments would be targeted for soybeans, corn, wheat, and other crops that are more common in the Midwest, not “specialty” crops such as from the almond and citrus trees that line vast swaths of the Valley. Trump has urged farmers to be patient, saying his aggressive approach on trade is necessary to win American exports a better deal — a stance many farmers sympathize with. “Our farmers are true patriots,” Trump declared at a rally in Tampa, Florida, on Tuesday. “You know what our farmers are saying? ‘It’s OK, we can take it.’ ” But Republican members of Congress from the Valley, several of whom are facing tough re-election races, are walking a tightrope: raising concerns about the tariffs’ impact and pushing for more aid while avoiding any real criticism of the president, who’s still deeply popular with most of his party. Rep. Jeff Denham, R- Turlock, said in an interview that the retaliatory tariffs have had a negative “immediate impact” on his district, but that the president’s trade policies would be helpful in the long term. “Nobody wants the tariffs,” Denham said, “but I think everybody I’ve talked to understands that there’ve been imbalances and un- fairness that have happened in many of these countries.” That doesn’t convince voters like John Casazza, a 74-year-old walnut farmer and processor in his con- gressional district who has traveled to China to help develop the market for his product there. Now, he says, Chinese tariffs have dried up demand for walnuts and led to a steep drop in the price he earns for his crop. He expects to lose at least a million dollars on the mas- sive vats of nuts that are sitting in his Modesto—area processing plant. “We’re looking at one of the saddest markets that we’ve seen in years,” said Casazza, a Republican whose family has been growing nuts here for four generations. “Even if they ended this thing tomorrow, the damage has been done.” Casazza has voted for Denham in the past, but he said he wouldn’t be supporting him this year, largely out of anger over the trade issue. “I think he’s Trump’s lap- dog,” Casazza said. Of course, the administration could resolve trade disputes in the next few weeks, helping to avoid impacts on the midterm election. Negotiations are ongo- ing, and Mexico and Canada said last week that they’re getting closer to a trade deal with the U.S. to renew the North American Free Trade Agreement. But farmers are getting desperate, and the longer the tariffs stretch on, opinion could turn against the president and Republican members of Congress, observers say — especially as farmers begin harvesting nuts and fruit and inking contracts to sell their crop over the next weeks and months. “As we start to see a fall in orders, whether that’s almonds, walnuts or dairy products, then the mood will swing very, very quickly,” predicted Jamie Johansson, the president of the California Farm Bureau Federation. Meanwhile, Democratic challengers in the Valley are hoping to turn the issue into an election-year line of attack, arguing that the incumbents haven’t done enough to help farmers or halt Trump’s trade war. “Our farmers and families don’t want a bailout — they want to enjoy free trade,” said TJ Cox, a businessman and Democrat running against Rep. David Valadao, R-Hanford, who owns two nut processing plants. “They should all be marching there up Pennsylvania Avenue demanding that the administration stop these tariffs.” Valadao, a dairy farmer, said in a statement that
he’s met with Vice President Mike Pence and Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue to share his constituents’ concerns. “We must ensure these funds are equitably distrib-
uted to specialty crop farmers and we must recognize this is not a long-term solu-
tion,” he wrote. Denham, Valadao and a half-dozen other California members of Congress who represent agricultural areas also wrote a letter to Perdue last week asking for a bigger chunk of the aid. The retaliatory tariffs are “threatening the eco-
nomic livelihood of our businesses and communities,” the members wrote, adding that growers of specialty crops such as citrus and nuts should “receive a share of the $12 billion mitigation funding that is adequately proportional to the damage they will face.”
That’s not enough, said Denham’s Democratic challenger finvestor Josh Harder.
“The Trump administration is playing with fire, and farmers are paying the price,” he said. “A weakly worded letter isn’t going to cut it.” Central Valley farmers who worked long and hard to cultivate their Asian markets are frustrated to see them possibly slip away. The largest worry, experts say, is that tariffs could force importers in China and else-where to switch to products from Australia, New Zealand or other countries.
Then, even if the trade war gets defused, they might find it easier to stick with their new sources instead of switching back to the Valley. Tom Nassif, the president of the Western Growers Association and one of Trump’s agricultural advisers during the 2016 campaign, said the administration needs to do more to help farmers.
Trump’s trade policies “come at an extremely high cost for agriculture, and if this trade policy is going to continue, then we have to have more mitigation than what has been suggested,”
Nassif said. While he said he supported the goals of the president’s policy, “we cannot be the victim in this.” “I don’t know of any trade dispute that has caused as much market disruption as this one has, by a long shot,” Nassif said.
Oh, you care about jobs? Check out the latest unemployment rates.

Thanks Obama. Great Job! For putting it so low. What has the Great Douche done?
The great Douche lowered it 0.4% is it if that anymore.
Obama lowered it from 9% to just short of 4%. That be a whole 5% lower under Obama.
To the Great Douche grand total of 0.4% if that.

You're close.

The bush boy left us with losing 850 thousand jobs a month and 10% unemployment.

Obama decreased it down to 4.7%.

That's a decrease of 5.3%.

When trump does that I'll be impressed.

Yep. The Great Douche can't even claim a whole 1% for MAGA BS LIES!. Obama really ended at about 4.2-3% from Obama's Great Work.
Say to March 2017. I'm a fair man. I don't recall it @ 10% or over under Obama as his high. Under 10% yes.

The 10% happened in the beginning of 2009 when we were still losing 850 thousand jobs a month due to the bush boy's and republican's irresponsible economic policies.

You're right it's fair to say that the unemployment rate going down in the first few months of trump's presidency is a result of Obama's economic policies but then this long stretch of job gains and prosperity started with Obama and is a result of Obama's economic policies.

I don't see it lasting much longer though. The economic policies of trump are more irresponsible republican economic policies that cause recessions and depressions.

Hopefully those who didn't learn with the mess of the bush boy will learn with trump. We will see.
Oh, you care about jobs? Check out the latest unemployment rates.

Thanks Obama. Great Job! For putting it so low. What has the Great Douche done?
The great Douche lowered it 0.4% is it if that anymore.
Obama lowered it from 9% to just short of 4%. That be a whole 5% lower under Obama.
To the Great Douche grand total of 0.4% if that.

You're close.

The bush boy left us with losing 850 thousand jobs a month and 10% unemployment.

Obama decreased it down to 4.7%.

That's a decrease of 5.3%.

When trump does that I'll be impressed.

Yep. The Great Douche can't even claim a whole 1% for MAGA BS LIES!. Obama really ended at about 4.2-3% from Obama's Great Work.
Say to March 2017. I'm a fair man. I don't recall it @ 10% or over under Obama as his high. Under 10% yes.

The 10% happened in the beginning of 2009 when we were still losing 850 thousand jobs a month due to the bush boy's and republican's irresponsible economic policies.

You're right it's fair to say that the unemployment rate going down in the first few months of trump's presidency is a result of Obama's economic policies but then this long stretch of job gains and prosperity started with Obama and is a result of Obama's economic policies.

I don't see it lasting much longer though. The economic policies of trump are more irresponsible republican economic policies that cause recessions and depressions.

Hopefully those who didn't learn with the mess of the bush boy will learn with trump. We will see.
My God you parrots are an ignorant bunch of know nothings.
Oh, you care about jobs? Check out the latest unemployment rates.

Thanks Obama. Great Job! For putting it so low. What has the Great Douche done?
The great Douche lowered it 0.4% is it if that anymore.
Obama lowered it from 9% to just short of 4%. That be a whole 5% lower under Obama.
To the Great Douche grand total of 0.4% if that.

You're close.

The bush boy left us with losing 850 thousand jobs a month and 10% unemployment.

Obama decreased it down to 4.7%.

That's a decrease of 5.3%.

When trump does that I'll be impressed.

Yep. The Great Douche can't even claim a whole 1% for MAGA BS LIES!. Obama really ended at about 4.2-3% from Obama's Great Work.
Say to March 2017. I'm a fair man. I don't recall it @ 10% or over under Obama as his high. Under 10% yes.

The 10% happened in the beginning of 2009 when we were still losing 850 thousand jobs a month due to the bush boy's and republican's irresponsible economic policies.

You're right it's fair to say that the unemployment rate going down in the first few months of trump's presidency is a result of Obama's economic policies but then this long stretch of job gains and prosperity started with Obama and is a result of Obama's economic policies.

I don't see it lasting much longer though. The economic policies of trump are more irresponsible republican economic policies that cause recessions and depressions.

Hopefully those who didn't learn with the mess of the bush boy will learn with trump. We will see.
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

I'm so sorry that so many people are being harmed.

If you notice, trump has been trying to reverse everything Obama accomplished. The tariffs are a part of that. Obama cleaned up the mess the bush boy left so trump has to reverse that. Obama created an economic climate that created those jobs so in trump world those jobs must go.

Everyone was warned. This shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone. It's only going to get worse as time goes on.

I thought in 2008 that people had finally learned what happens when republican economics are implemented.

I guess not.

I hope they finally learn now.
How is a nuclear power plant not being built Trumps fault or tied to tarrifs?

Short answer? The cancellation of the nuke plants is not tied to tariffs. It's because of cost over runs and cheaper natural gas.

U.S. Nuclear Comeback Stalls as Two Reactors Are Abandoned

Originally scheduled to come online by 2018, the V.C. Summer nuclear project in South Carolina had been plagued by disputes with regulators and numerous construction problems. This year, utility officials estimated that the reactors would not begin generating electricity before 2021 and could cost as much as $25 billion — more than twice the initial $11.5 billion estimate.

The utilities also struggled with an energy landscape that had changed dramatically since the large reactors were proposed in 2007. Demand for electricity has plateaued nationwide as a result of major improvements in energy efficiency, weakening the case for massive new power plants. And a glut of cheap natural gas from the hydraulic fracturing boom has given states a low-cost energy alternative.

MAGA Killed the plants contrction.

President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, finalized in 2015, would have given South Carolina and Georgia credit against their state climate goals for finishing the new reactors, which may have persuaded local regulators to stick with the project. But the Trump administration is dismantling that plan.

MAGA DOPer solutions, kill clearner energy.

South Carolina currently gets 55 percent of its electricity from nuclear power and 40 percent from coal and natural gas. The two reactors were expected to push most of the state’s remaining coal plants off the grid, reducing planet-warming emissions. But the failure of the project could lead to those coal units running for longer.

Coal miners are the scum worms on the planet. Just DIE! You are obsolete.
Last edited:
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

I'm so sorry that so many people are being harmed.

If you notice, trump has been trying to reverse everything Obama accomplished. The tariffs are a part of that. Obama cleaned up the mess the bush boy left so trump has to reverse that. Obama created an economic climate that created those jobs so in trump world those jobs must go.

Everyone was warned. This shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone. It's only going to get worse as time goes on.

I thought in 2008 that people had finally learned what happens when republican economics are implemented.

I guess not.

I hope they finally learn now.
How is a nuclear power plant not being built Trumps fault or tied to tarrifs?

Short answer? The cancellation of the nuke plants is not tied to tariffs. It's because of cost over runs and cheaper natural gas.

U.S. Nuclear Comeback Stalls as Two Reactors Are Abandoned

Originally scheduled to come online by 2018, the V.C. Summer nuclear project in South Carolina had been plagued by disputes with regulators and numerous construction problems. This year, utility officials estimated that the reactors would not begin generating electricity before 2021 and could cost as much as $25 billion — more than twice the initial $11.5 billion estimate.

The utilities also struggled with an energy landscape that had changed dramatically since the large reactors were proposed in 2007. Demand for electricity has plateaued nationwide as a result of major improvements in energy efficiency, weakening the case for massive new power plants. And a glut of cheap natural gas from the hydraulic fracturing boom has given states a low-cost energy alternative.

MAGA Killed the plants contrction.

President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, finalized in 2015, would have given South Carolina and Georgia credit against their state climate goals for finishing the new reactors, which may have persuaded local regulators to stick with the project. But the Trump administration is dismantling that plan.
You’re a liar
The plant probably wants lower wage workers.
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

I'm so sorry that so many people are being harmed.

If you notice, trump has been trying to reverse everything Obama accomplished. The tariffs are a part of that. Obama cleaned up the mess the bush boy left so trump has to reverse that. Obama created an economic climate that created those jobs so in trump world those jobs must go.

Everyone was warned. This shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone. It's only going to get worse as time goes on.

I thought in 2008 that people had finally learned what happens when republican economics are implemented.

I guess not.

I hope they finally learn now.
How is a nuclear power plant not being built Trumps fault or tied to tarrifs?

Short answer? The cancellation of the nuke plants is not tied to tariffs. It's because of cost over runs and cheaper natural gas.

U.S. Nuclear Comeback Stalls as Two Reactors Are Abandoned

Originally scheduled to come online by 2018, the V.C. Summer nuclear project in South Carolina had been plagued by disputes with regulators and numerous construction problems. This year, utility officials estimated that the reactors would not begin generating electricity before 2021 and could cost as much as $25 billion — more than twice the initial $11.5 billion estimate.

The utilities also struggled with an energy landscape that had changed dramatically since the large reactors were proposed in 2007. Demand for electricity has plateaued nationwide as a result of major improvements in energy efficiency, weakening the case for massive new power plants. And a glut of cheap natural gas from the hydraulic fracturing boom has given states a low-cost energy alternative.

MAGA Killed the plants contrction.

President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, finalized in 2015, would have given South Carolina and Georgia credit against their state climate goals for finishing the new reactors, which may have persuaded local regulators to stick with the project. But the Trump administration is dismantling that plan.

MAGA DOPer solution kill clearner energy.

South Carolina currently gets 55 percent of its electricity from nuclear power and 40 percent from coal and natural gas. The two reactors were expected to push most of the state’s remaining coal plants off the grid, reducing planet-warming emissions. But the failure of the project could lead to those coal units running for longer.
Jesus, there isn’t a word in the English language that explains the depth of your ignorance. You got your ass kicked. Go away.
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

I'm so sorry that so many people are being harmed.

If you notice, trump has been trying to reverse everything Obama accomplished. The tariffs are a part of that. Obama cleaned up the mess the bush boy left so trump has to reverse that. Obama created an economic climate that created those jobs so in trump world those jobs must go.

Everyone was warned. This shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone. It's only going to get worse as time goes on.

I thought in 2008 that people had finally learned what happens when republican economics are implemented.

I guess not.

I hope they finally learn now.
How is a nuclear power plant not being built Trumps fault or tied to tarrifs?

Short answer? The cancellation of the nuke plants is not tied to tariffs. It's because of cost over runs and cheaper natural gas.

U.S. Nuclear Comeback Stalls as Two Reactors Are Abandoned

Originally scheduled to come online by 2018, the V.C. Summer nuclear project in South Carolina had been plagued by disputes with regulators and numerous construction problems. This year, utility officials estimated that the reactors would not begin generating electricity before 2021 and could cost as much as $25 billion — more than twice the initial $11.5 billion estimate.

The utilities also struggled with an energy landscape that had changed dramatically since the large reactors were proposed in 2007. Demand for electricity has plateaued nationwide as a result of major improvements in energy efficiency, weakening the case for massive new power plants. And a glut of cheap natural gas from the hydraulic fracturing boom has given states a low-cost energy alternative.

MAGA Killed the plants contrction.

President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, finalized in 2015, would have given South Carolina and Georgia credit against their state climate goals for finishing the new reactors, which may have persuaded local regulators to stick with the project. But the Trump administration is dismantling that plan.
You’re a liar
The plant probably wants lower wage workers.

WEAK. Read the full story.

U.S. Nuclear Comeback Stalls as Two Reactors Are Abandoned
I'm so sorry that so many people are being harmed.

If you notice, trump has been trying to reverse everything Obama accomplished. The tariffs are a part of that. Obama cleaned up the mess the bush boy left so trump has to reverse that. Obama created an economic climate that created those jobs so in trump world those jobs must go.

Everyone was warned. This shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone. It's only going to get worse as time goes on.

I thought in 2008 that people had finally learned what happens when republican economics are implemented.

I guess not.

I hope they finally learn now.
How is a nuclear power plant not being built Trumps fault or tied to tarrifs?

Short answer? The cancellation of the nuke plants is not tied to tariffs. It's because of cost over runs and cheaper natural gas.

U.S. Nuclear Comeback Stalls as Two Reactors Are Abandoned

Originally scheduled to come online by 2018, the V.C. Summer nuclear project in South Carolina had been plagued by disputes with regulators and numerous construction problems. This year, utility officials estimated that the reactors would not begin generating electricity before 2021 and could cost as much as $25 billion — more than twice the initial $11.5 billion estimate.

The utilities also struggled with an energy landscape that had changed dramatically since the large reactors were proposed in 2007. Demand for electricity has plateaued nationwide as a result of major improvements in energy efficiency, weakening the case for massive new power plants. And a glut of cheap natural gas from the hydraulic fracturing boom has given states a low-cost energy alternative.

MAGA Killed the plants contrction.

President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, finalized in 2015, would have given South Carolina and Georgia credit against their state climate goals for finishing the new reactors, which may have persuaded local regulators to stick with the project. But the Trump administration is dismantling that plan.
You’re a liar
The plant probably wants lower wage workers.

WEAK. Read the full story.

U.S. Nuclear Comeback Stalls as Two Reactors Are Abandoned
Finished items are not covered by the tariff.
Oh, you care about jobs? Check out the latest unemployment rates.

Thanks Obama. Great Job! For putting it so low. What has the Great Douche done?
The great Douche lowered it 0.4% is it if that anymore.
Obama lowered it from 9% to just short of 4%. That be a whole 5% lower under Obama.
To the Great Douche grand total of 0.4% if that.
Yes thanks Onama for creating all those part time low paying jobs!
MAGA is expanding that by 1000%. Thanks, Great Douche.

Central Valley farmers ‘caught in the middle’

As midterm election looms for crucial races, many feeling the sting from President Trump’s tariffs
By Casey Tolan newsgroupcom ctolan@bayarea

Nervous walnut farmers watch the price of their crops drop by the day. Dairymen worry about delayed shipments as tariffs mount. Orange sellers fret about their fruit spoiling while it waits for inspections at Chinese ports. As harvest season fast approaches in the Central Valley, farmers are feeling the pinch from President Donald Trump’s trade War — injecting a new issue into crucial congressional races up and down the region and stoking fears among Republicans that it could hurt them in November.
Trump has levied tariffs on a host of products from around the world, and countries such as China, India, Mexico and Canada have responded by targeting U.S. farmers, slapping their own taxes on imports from America’s breadbasket. That makes U.S. crops more expensive overseas, reducing demand and cutting into farmers’ bottom lines. California is in the cross-hairs: In 2016, the Golden State exported just over $2 billion in agricultural products to China, with the largest exports being pistachios, almonds, wine, oranges and dairy, according to the California Department of Food and Agriculture. All of those crops have a large presence in the Valley. Some farmers are fuming as agriculture markets are shaken by the disputes. “This seems to be a game of ‘I dare you’ from the White House, without a strategic plan,” said Mark McAfee, a dairy farmer in Fresno, registered Democrat and ‘California Farmers Union board member. “We’re caught in the middle.” . The administration has proposed $12 billion in aid for farms affected by the trade dispute, including direct payments to farmers and a program to purchase surplus crops. But the U.S. Department of Agriculture has said the payments would be targeted for soybeans, corn, wheat, and other crops that are more common in the Midwest, not “specialty” crops such as from the almond and citrus trees that line vast swaths of the Valley. Trump has urged farmers to be patient, saying his aggressive approach on trade is necessary to win American exports a better deal — a stance many farmers sympathize with. “Our farmers are true patriots,” Trump declared at a rally in Tampa, Florida, on Tuesday. “You know what our farmers are saying? ‘It’s OK, we can take it.’ ” But Republican members of Congress from the Valley, several of whom are facing tough re-election races, are walking a tightrope: raising concerns about the tariffs’ impact and pushing for more aid while avoiding any real criticism of the president, who’s still deeply popular with most of his party. Rep. Jeff Denham, R- Turlock, said in an interview that the retaliatory tariffs have had a negative “immediate impact” on his district, but that the president’s trade policies would be helpful in the long term. “Nobody wants the tariffs,” Denham said, “but I think everybody I’ve talked to understands that there’ve been imbalances and un- fairness that have happened in many of these countries.” That doesn’t convince voters like John Casazza, a 74-year-old walnut farmer and processor in his con- gressional district who has traveled to China to help develop the market for his product there. Now, he says, Chinese tariffs have dried up demand for walnuts and led to a steep drop in the price he earns for his crop. He expects to lose at least a million dollars on the mas- sive vats of nuts that are sitting in his Modesto—area processing plant. “We’re looking at one of the saddest markets that we’ve seen in years,” said Casazza, a Republican whose family has been growing nuts here for four generations. “Even if they ended this thing tomorrow, the damage has been done.” Casazza has voted for Denham in the past, but he said he wouldn’t be supporting him this year, largely out of anger over the trade issue. “I think he’s Trump’s lap- dog,” Casazza said. Of course, the administration could resolve trade disputes in the next few weeks, helping to avoid impacts on the midterm election. Negotiations are ongo- ing, and Mexico and Canada said last week that they’re getting closer to a trade deal with the U.S. to renew the North American Free Trade Agreement. But farmers are getting desperate, and the longer the tariffs stretch on, opinion could turn against the president and Republican members of Congress, observers say — especially as farmers begin harvesting nuts and fruit and inking contracts to sell their crop over the next weeks and months. “As we start to see a fall in orders, whether that’s almonds, walnuts or dairy products, then the mood will swing very, very quickly,” predicted Jamie Johansson, the president of the California Farm Bureau Federation. Meanwhile, Democratic challengers in the Valley are hoping to turn the issue into an election-year line of attack, arguing that the incumbents haven’t done enough to help farmers or halt Trump’s trade war. “Our farmers and families don’t want a bailout — they want to enjoy free trade,” said TJ Cox, a businessman and Democrat running against Rep. David Valadao, R-Hanford, who owns two nut processing plants. “They should all be marching there up Pennsylvania Avenue demanding that the administration stop these tariffs.” Valadao, a dairy farmer, said in a statement that
he’s met with Vice President Mike Pence and Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue to share his constituents’ concerns. “We must ensure these funds are equitably distrib-
uted to specialty crop farmers and we must recognize this is not a long-term solu-
tion,” he wrote. Denham, Valadao and a half-dozen other California members of Congress who represent agricultural areas also wrote a letter to Perdue last week asking for a bigger chunk of the aid. The retaliatory tariffs are “threatening the eco-
nomic livelihood of our businesses and communities,” the members wrote, adding that growers of specialty crops such as citrus and nuts should “receive a share of the $12 billion mitigation funding that is adequately proportional to the damage they will face.”
That’s not enough, said Denham’s Democratic challenger finvestor Josh Harder.
“The Trump administration is playing with fire, and farmers are paying the price,” he said. “A weakly worded letter isn’t going to cut it.” Central Valley farmers who worked long and hard to cultivate their Asian markets are frustrated to see them possibly slip away. The largest worry, experts say, is that tariffs could force importers in China and else-where to switch to products from Australia, New Zealand or other countries.
Then, even if the trade war gets defused, they might find it easier to stick with their new sources instead of switching back to the Valley. Tom Nassif, the president of the Western Growers Association and one of Trump’s agricultural advisers during the 2016 campaign, said the administration needs to do more to help farmers.
Trump’s trade policies “come at an extremely high cost for agriculture, and if this trade policy is going to continue, then we have to have more mitigation than what has been suggested,”
Nassif said. While he said he supported the goals of the president’s policy, “we cannot be the victim in this.” “I don’t know of any trade dispute that has caused as much market disruption as this one has, by a long shot,” Nassif said.
Who's your Daddy?
I'm so sorry that so many people are being harmed.

If you notice, trump has been trying to reverse everything Obama accomplished. The tariffs are a part of that. Obama cleaned up the mess the bush boy left so trump has to reverse that. Obama created an economic climate that created those jobs so in trump world those jobs must go.

Everyone was warned. This shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone. It's only going to get worse as time goes on.

I thought in 2008 that people had finally learned what happens when republican economics are implemented.

I guess not.

I hope they finally learn now.
How is a nuclear power plant not being built Trumps fault or tied to tarrifs?

Short answer? The cancellation of the nuke plants is not tied to tariffs. It's because of cost over runs and cheaper natural gas.

U.S. Nuclear Comeback Stalls as Two Reactors Are Abandoned

Originally scheduled to come online by 2018, the V.C. Summer nuclear project in South Carolina had been plagued by disputes with regulators and numerous construction problems. This year, utility officials estimated that the reactors would not begin generating electricity before 2021 and could cost as much as $25 billion — more than twice the initial $11.5 billion estimate.

The utilities also struggled with an energy landscape that had changed dramatically since the large reactors were proposed in 2007. Demand for electricity has plateaued nationwide as a result of major improvements in energy efficiency, weakening the case for massive new power plants. And a glut of cheap natural gas from the hydraulic fracturing boom has given states a low-cost energy alternative.

MAGA Killed the plants contrction.

President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, finalized in 2015, would have given South Carolina and Georgia credit against their state climate goals for finishing the new reactors, which may have persuaded local regulators to stick with the project. But the Trump administration is dismantling that plan.
You’re a liar
The plant probably wants lower wage workers.

WEAK. Read the full story.

U.S. Nuclear Comeback Stalls as Two Reactors Are Abandoned
You fucking moron; you didn’t read the article!
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

I'm so sorry that so many people are being harmed.

If you notice, trump has been trying to reverse everything Obama accomplished. The tariffs are a part of that. Obama cleaned up the mess the bush boy left so trump has to reverse that. Obama created an economic climate that created those jobs so in trump world those jobs must go.

Everyone was warned. This shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone. It's only going to get worse as time goes on.

I thought in 2008 that people had finally learned what happens when republican economics are implemented.

I guess not.

I hope they finally learn now.
How is a nuclear power plant not being built Trumps fault or tied to tarrifs?

Short answer? The cancellation of the nuke plants is not tied to tariffs. It's because of cost over runs and cheaper natural gas.

U.S. Nuclear Comeback Stalls as Two Reactors Are Abandoned

Originally scheduled to come online by 2018, the V.C. Summer nuclear project in South Carolina had been plagued by disputes with regulators and numerous construction problems. This year, utility officials estimated that the reactors would not begin generating electricity before 2021 and could cost as much as $25 billion — more than twice the initial $11.5 billion estimate.

The utilities also struggled with an energy landscape that had changed dramatically since the large reactors were proposed in 2007. Demand for electricity has plateaued nationwide as a result of major improvements in energy efficiency, weakening the case for massive new power plants. And a glut of cheap natural gas from the hydraulic fracturing boom has given states a low-cost energy alternative.

MAGA Killed the plants contrction.

President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, finalized in 2015, would have given South Carolina and Georgia credit against their state climate goals for finishing the new reactors, which may have persuaded local regulators to stick with the project. But the Trump administration is dismantling that plan.

MAGA DOPer solutions, kill clearner energy.

South Carolina currently gets 55 percent of its electricity from nuclear power and 40 percent from coal and natural gas. The two reactors were expected to push most of the state’s remaining coal plants off the grid, reducing planet-warming emissions. But the failure of the project could lead to those coal units running for longer.

Coal miners are the scum worms on the planet. Just DIE! You are obsolete.

Well, in the article I posted, the plant was supposed to be operational THIS year, but, now they aren't projected to begin generating power until 2021. Then, there was the fact that cost over runs had made the plant twice as expensive as originally projected. Combine that with the low price of natural gas, and it's no wonder the plant was cancelled.
I'm so sorry that so many people are being harmed.

If you notice, trump has been trying to reverse everything Obama accomplished. The tariffs are a part of that. Obama cleaned up the mess the bush boy left so trump has to reverse that. Obama created an economic climate that created those jobs so in trump world those jobs must go.

Everyone was warned. This shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone. It's only going to get worse as time goes on.

I thought in 2008 that people had finally learned what happens when republican economics are implemented.

I guess not.

I hope they finally learn now.
How is a nuclear power plant not being built Trumps fault or tied to tarrifs?

Short answer? The cancellation of the nuke plants is not tied to tariffs. It's because of cost over runs and cheaper natural gas.

U.S. Nuclear Comeback Stalls as Two Reactors Are Abandoned

Originally scheduled to come online by 2018, the V.C. Summer nuclear project in South Carolina had been plagued by disputes with regulators and numerous construction problems. This year, utility officials estimated that the reactors would not begin generating electricity before 2021 and could cost as much as $25 billion — more than twice the initial $11.5 billion estimate.

The utilities also struggled with an energy landscape that had changed dramatically since the large reactors were proposed in 2007. Demand for electricity has plateaued nationwide as a result of major improvements in energy efficiency, weakening the case for massive new power plants. And a glut of cheap natural gas from the hydraulic fracturing boom has given states a low-cost energy alternative.

MAGA Killed the plants contrction.

President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, finalized in 2015, would have given South Carolina and Georgia credit against their state climate goals for finishing the new reactors, which may have persuaded local regulators to stick with the project. But the Trump administration is dismantling that plan.
You’re a liar
The plant probably wants lower wage workers.

WEAK. Read the full story.

U.S. Nuclear Comeback Stalls as Two Reactors Are Abandoned
I did. Like all your stories you do t have the skill to understand them
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

I'm so sorry that so many people are being harmed.

If you notice, trump has been trying to reverse everything Obama accomplished. The tariffs are a part of that. Obama cleaned up the mess the bush boy left so trump has to reverse that. Obama created an economic climate that created those jobs so in trump world those jobs must go.

Everyone was warned. This shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone. It's only going to get worse as time goes on.

I thought in 2008 that people had finally learned what happens when republican economics are implemented.

I guess not.

I hope they finally learn now.
How is a nuclear power plant not being built Trumps fault or tied to tarrifs?

Short answer? The cancellation of the nuke plants is not tied to tariffs. It's because of cost over runs and cheaper natural gas.

U.S. Nuclear Comeback Stalls as Two Reactors Are Abandoned

Originally scheduled to come online by 2018, the V.C. Summer nuclear project in South Carolina had been plagued by disputes with regulators and numerous construction problems. This year, utility officials estimated that the reactors would not begin generating electricity before 2021 and could cost as much as $25 billion — more than twice the initial $11.5 billion estimate.

The utilities also struggled with an energy landscape that had changed dramatically since the large reactors were proposed in 2007. Demand for electricity has plateaued nationwide as a result of major improvements in energy efficiency, weakening the case for massive new power plants. And a glut of cheap natural gas from the hydraulic fracturing boom has given states a low-cost energy alternative.

MAGA Killed the plants contrction.

President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, finalized in 2015, would have given South Carolina and Georgia credit against their state climate goals for finishing the new reactors, which may have persuaded local regulators to stick with the project. But the Trump administration is dismantling that plan.

MAGA DOPer solution kill clearner energy.

South Carolina currently gets 55 percent of its electricity from nuclear power and 40 percent from coal and natural gas. The two reactors were expected to push most of the state’s remaining coal plants off the grid, reducing planet-warming emissions. But the failure of the project could lead to those coal units running for longer.
Jesus, there isn’t a word in the English language that explains the depth of your ignorance. You got your ass kicked. Go away.
These retarded Liberals don’t even read the articles.
It’s beyond belief!
Oh, you care about jobs? Check out the latest unemployment rates.

Thanks Obama. Great Job! For putting it so low. What has the Great Douche done?
The great Douche lowered it 0.4% is it if that anymore.
Obama lowered it from 9% to just short of 4%. That be a whole 5% lower under Obama.
To the Great Douche grand total of 0.4% if that.
Yes thanks Onama for creating all those part time low paying jobs!
MAGA is expanding that by 1000%. Thanks, Great Douche.

Central Valley farmers ‘caught in the middle’

As midterm election looms for crucial races, many feeling the sting from President Trump’s tariffs
By Casey Tolan newsgroupcom ctolan@bayarea

Nervous walnut farmers watch the price of their crops drop by the day. Dairymen worry about delayed shipments as tariffs mount. Orange sellers fret about their fruit spoiling while it waits for inspections at Chinese ports. As harvest season fast approaches in the Central Valley, farmers are feeling the pinch from President Donald Trump’s trade War — injecting a new issue into crucial congressional races up and down the region and stoking fears among Republicans that it could hurt them in November.
Trump has levied tariffs on a host of products from around the world, and countries such as China, India, Mexico and Canada have responded by targeting U.S. farmers, slapping their own taxes on imports from America’s breadbasket. That makes U.S. crops more expensive overseas, reducing demand and cutting into farmers’ bottom lines. California is in the cross-hairs: In 2016, the Golden State exported just over $2 billion in agricultural products to China, with the largest exports being pistachios, almonds, wine, oranges and dairy, according to the California Department of Food and Agriculture. All of those crops have a large presence in the Valley. Some farmers are fuming as agriculture markets are shaken by the disputes. “This seems to be a game of ‘I dare you’ from the White House, without a strategic plan,” said Mark McAfee, a dairy farmer in Fresno, registered Democrat and ‘California Farmers Union board member. “We’re caught in the middle.” . The administration has proposed $12 billion in aid for farms affected by the trade dispute, including direct payments to farmers and a program to purchase surplus crops. But the U.S. Department of Agriculture has said the payments would be targeted for soybeans, corn, wheat, and other crops that are more common in the Midwest, not “specialty” crops such as from the almond and citrus trees that line vast swaths of the Valley. Trump has urged farmers to be patient, saying his aggressive approach on trade is necessary to win American exports a better deal — a stance many farmers sympathize with. “Our farmers are true patriots,” Trump declared at a rally in Tampa, Florida, on Tuesday. “You know what our farmers are saying? ‘It’s OK, we can take it.’ ” But Republican members of Congress from the Valley, several of whom are facing tough re-election races, are walking a tightrope: raising concerns about the tariffs’ impact and pushing for more aid while avoiding any real criticism of the president, who’s still deeply popular with most of his party. Rep. Jeff Denham, R- Turlock, said in an interview that the retaliatory tariffs have had a negative “immediate impact” on his district, but that the president’s trade policies would be helpful in the long term. “Nobody wants the tariffs,” Denham said, “but I think everybody I’ve talked to understands that there’ve been imbalances and un- fairness that have happened in many of these countries.” That doesn’t convince voters like John Casazza, a 74-year-old walnut farmer and processor in his con- gressional district who has traveled to China to help develop the market for his product there. Now, he says, Chinese tariffs have dried up demand for walnuts and led to a steep drop in the price he earns for his crop. He expects to lose at least a million dollars on the mas- sive vats of nuts that are sitting in his Modesto—area processing plant. “We’re looking at one of the saddest markets that we’ve seen in years,” said Casazza, a Republican whose family has been growing nuts here for four generations. “Even if they ended this thing tomorrow, the damage has been done.” Casazza has voted for Denham in the past, but he said he wouldn’t be supporting him this year, largely out of anger over the trade issue. “I think he’s Trump’s lap- dog,” Casazza said. Of course, the administration could resolve trade disputes in the next few weeks, helping to avoid impacts on the midterm election. Negotiations are ongo- ing, and Mexico and Canada said last week that they’re getting closer to a trade deal with the U.S. to renew the North American Free Trade Agreement. But farmers are getting desperate, and the longer the tariffs stretch on, opinion could turn against the president and Republican members of Congress, observers say — especially as farmers begin harvesting nuts and fruit and inking contracts to sell their crop over the next weeks and months. “As we start to see a fall in orders, whether that’s almonds, walnuts or dairy products, then the mood will swing very, very quickly,” predicted Jamie Johansson, the president of the California Farm Bureau Federation. Meanwhile, Democratic challengers in the Valley are hoping to turn the issue into an election-year line of attack, arguing that the incumbents haven’t done enough to help farmers or halt Trump’s trade war. “Our farmers and families don’t want a bailout — they want to enjoy free trade,” said TJ Cox, a businessman and Democrat running against Rep. David Valadao, R-Hanford, who owns two nut processing plants. “They should all be marching there up Pennsylvania Avenue demanding that the administration stop these tariffs.” Valadao, a dairy farmer, said in a statement that
he’s met with Vice President Mike Pence and Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue to share his constituents’ concerns. “We must ensure these funds are equitably distrib-
uted to specialty crop farmers and we must recognize this is not a long-term solu-
tion,” he wrote. Denham, Valadao and a half-dozen other California members of Congress who represent agricultural areas also wrote a letter to Perdue last week asking for a bigger chunk of the aid. The retaliatory tariffs are “threatening the eco-
nomic livelihood of our businesses and communities,” the members wrote, adding that growers of specialty crops such as citrus and nuts should “receive a share of the $12 billion mitigation funding that is adequately proportional to the damage they will face.”
That’s not enough, said Denham’s Democratic challenger finvestor Josh Harder.
“The Trump administration is playing with fire, and farmers are paying the price,” he said. “A weakly worded letter isn’t going to cut it.” Central Valley farmers who worked long and hard to cultivate their Asian markets are frustrated to see them possibly slip away. The largest worry, experts say, is that tariffs could force importers in China and else-where to switch to products from Australia, New Zealand or other countries.
Then, even if the trade war gets defused, they might find it easier to stick with their new sources instead of switching back to the Valley. Tom Nassif, the president of the Western Growers Association and one of Trump’s agricultural advisers during the 2016 campaign, said the administration needs to do more to help farmers.
Trump’s trade policies “come at an extremely high cost for agriculture, and if this trade policy is going to continue, then we have to have more mitigation than what has been suggested,”
Nassif said. While he said he supported the goals of the president’s policy, “we cannot be the victim in this.” “I don’t know of any trade dispute that has caused as much market disruption as this one has, by a long shot,” Nassif said.
Who's your Daddy?
Not mine. I didn’t vote for him. I just call out bull shit when I see it. You are a steaming pile.
How is a nuclear power plant not being built Trumps fault or tied to tarrifs?

Short answer? The cancellation of the nuke plants is not tied to tariffs. It's because of cost over runs and cheaper natural gas.

U.S. Nuclear Comeback Stalls as Two Reactors Are Abandoned

Originally scheduled to come online by 2018, the V.C. Summer nuclear project in South Carolina had been plagued by disputes with regulators and numerous construction problems. This year, utility officials estimated that the reactors would not begin generating electricity before 2021 and could cost as much as $25 billion — more than twice the initial $11.5 billion estimate.

The utilities also struggled with an energy landscape that had changed dramatically since the large reactors were proposed in 2007. Demand for electricity has plateaued nationwide as a result of major improvements in energy efficiency, weakening the case for massive new power plants. And a glut of cheap natural gas from the hydraulic fracturing boom has given states a low-cost energy alternative.

MAGA Killed the plants contrction.

President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, finalized in 2015, would have given South Carolina and Georgia credit against their state climate goals for finishing the new reactors, which may have persuaded local regulators to stick with the project. But the Trump administration is dismantling that plan.
You’re a liar
The plant probably wants lower wage workers.

WEAK. Read the full story.

U.S. Nuclear Comeback Stalls as Two Reactors Are Abandoned
You fucking moron; you didn’t read the article!
He can’t read. He needs pictures and a nurse.
I'm so sorry that so many people are being harmed.

If you notice, trump has been trying to reverse everything Obama accomplished. The tariffs are a part of that. Obama cleaned up the mess the bush boy left so trump has to reverse that. Obama created an economic climate that created those jobs so in trump world those jobs must go.

Everyone was warned. This shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone. It's only going to get worse as time goes on.

I thought in 2008 that people had finally learned what happens when republican economics are implemented.

I guess not.

I hope they finally learn now.
How is a nuclear power plant not being built Trumps fault or tied to tarrifs?

Short answer? The cancellation of the nuke plants is not tied to tariffs. It's because of cost over runs and cheaper natural gas.

U.S. Nuclear Comeback Stalls as Two Reactors Are Abandoned

Originally scheduled to come online by 2018, the V.C. Summer nuclear project in South Carolina had been plagued by disputes with regulators and numerous construction problems. This year, utility officials estimated that the reactors would not begin generating electricity before 2021 and could cost as much as $25 billion — more than twice the initial $11.5 billion estimate.

The utilities also struggled with an energy landscape that had changed dramatically since the large reactors were proposed in 2007. Demand for electricity has plateaued nationwide as a result of major improvements in energy efficiency, weakening the case for massive new power plants. And a glut of cheap natural gas from the hydraulic fracturing boom has given states a low-cost energy alternative.

MAGA Killed the plants contrction.

President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, finalized in 2015, would have given South Carolina and Georgia credit against their state climate goals for finishing the new reactors, which may have persuaded local regulators to stick with the project. But the Trump administration is dismantling that plan.

MAGA DOPer solution kill clearner energy.

South Carolina currently gets 55 percent of its electricity from nuclear power and 40 percent from coal and natural gas. The two reactors were expected to push most of the state’s remaining coal plants off the grid, reducing planet-warming emissions. But the failure of the project could lead to those coal units running for longer.
Jesus, there isn’t a word in the English language that explains the depth of your ignorance. You got your ass kicked. Go away.
These retarded Liberals don’t even read the articles.
It’s beyond belief!

It's not that it's a liberal or a conservative, it's just someone who is too lazy to read what was posted from the linked article. I say this, because there are many of you out there who regularly call me a "loony liberal" or some other such name. I'm the one that went and found out why the plant was being cancelled, and, even though lots on here consider me to be a loony lib, I can see why this plant was cancelled. Cost over runs, almost 4 years overdue for construction, and the lower price of natural gas. It's not hard to see why it was axed, and it wasn't because of the tariffs. It was because of poor management at the upper levels.
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:
It's a temporary shutdown while they switch to a non-Chinese (hopefully American) supplier. The jobs are not gone.
Last edited:
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:
It's a temporary shutdown while they switch to a non-Chinese (hopefully American) supplier. The jobs are not gone.

They HOPE that this is only temporary, but they don't know yet.

From the link..............................

Element said “the layoff and closure is a result of the new tariffs that were recently and unexpectedly imposed on many goods imported from China, including the key television components used in our assembly operations in Winnsboro,” in a letter to the state’s Department of Employment and Workforce obtained by the local paper.

The company said in the letter that it hopes the closure will be temporary and added that it could reopen the plant in “three to six months, but we cannot predict this with any certainty at this time.”

The company said it plans to start laying off workers in October, a move that will reportedly cost the county 126 jobs.

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