MAGA, These Tariffs R Great! Element Electronics closing & Nuke Plant canceled. 5500 jobs BE GONE!

Trump administration silent on demise of nuclear project it once called ‘massively important’
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

You understand that the SCE&G abandonment of the nuclear plant had nothing to do with Trump or the idiotic tariffs, right?

The OP title, lets see what it said.
"MAGA, These Tariffs R Great! Element Electronics closing & Nuke Plant canceled. 5500 jobs BE GONE!"

See the "&" there? Made it about to separate items.

They are selling the steel already to some M.E. buyer. I read.
And the Douche administration cancelled an Obama program that was a carrot.
In 2017..

No, it made the tariffs about two things. Based on the way you wrote it, there is no other way to interpret the title of your thread.

The under lined OP clearly show it was another loss before this. In SC>
Oh, you care about jobs? Check out the latest unemployment rates.
92%... Most of that number belong to Obama. Thanks Obama!
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

They are not CLOSING the plant. They are in temporary shutdown. The plan is to re-open when all the tariff shouting is over.
Pull the power plant out because that has nothing o do with Tarrifs. Let’s address the plant. They manufacture low end electronics. The tarrifs May end up being 10% in their imported components. So a tv will go from $100 to $110? The high end goes from $1,000 to $1,100? Hardly a reason to dampen the plants profitability. Maybe it wasn’t that strong financially to begin with. My company has Ben hit with price increases from almost every one of our vendors. Ranging from 5% to 15%. Guess what? Sales are up 10% and we have increased employment by 3%. This story wreaks of dishonesty.

You are the one who reeks of dishonesty. This is a small manufacturer who does not have the scale to shrug off higher prices. You have no clue what you are talking about.
They don’t have to shrug it off. They can raise prices as multiple others do. You have no idea what you are saying a 10% pass through isn’t that difficult. My God you mindless trolls are ignorant.

You are the ignorant one. They know their business better than you do. You are a typical piece of Trump garbage. You think you know better than they do.
If they can’t make that work, yes, I do know better than them. I am not a trump supporter. I am a realist that calls out bullshit when I see it. This story and you are full of it.

You are the bullshit artist. You apparently want to follow the Herbert Hoover model that brought us to a Great Depression.
Pull the power plant out because that has nothing o do with Tarrifs. Let’s address the plant. They manufacture low end electronics. The tarrifs May end up being 10% in their imported components. So a tv will go from $100 to $110? The high end goes from $1,000 to $1,100? Hardly a reason to dampen the plants profitability. Maybe it wasn’t that strong financially to begin with. My company has Ben hit with price increases from almost every one of our vendors. Ranging from 5% to 15%. Guess what? Sales are up 10% and we have increased employment by 3%. This story wreaks of dishonesty.

You are the one who reeks of dishonesty. This is a small manufacturer who does not have the scale to shrug off higher prices. You have no clue what you are talking about.
They don’t have to shrug it off. They can raise prices as multiple others do. You have no idea what you are saying a 10% pass through isn’t that difficult. My God you mindless trolls are ignorant.

You are the ignorant one. They know their business better than you do. You are a typical piece of Trump garbage. You think you know better than they do.
If they can’t make that work, yes, I do know better than them. I am not a trump supporter. I am a realist that calls out bullshit when I see it. This story and you are full of it.

You are the bullshit artist. You apparently want to follow the Herbert Hoover model that brought us to a Great Depression.
You are really dumb. Hoover didn’t create the Great Depression. Please read what caused the depression. This company has bigger issues than this tariff issue. I deal with several companies from China. The exchange rate has actually allowed them to lower my FOB prices. The effect is I got a 3% discount on most products and 1% on others. When you add in the savings of ocean freight that have gone down on an average of $300 per 40 foot high cube container. I am averaging a 5% discount. The only companies that have given me increases are those in the states I welcome those because it enhances revenue and lowers my SG&A as a percentage. So please educate yourself, stop spouting bullshit from a misleading headline and come back with something intelligent.
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:
It's a temporary shutdown while they switch to a non-Chinese (hopefully American) supplier. The jobs are not gone.

Hmm? Okay. We will see. They promised 500.
Seems they be at ZERO NOW. MAGA= Good LUCK! The Great Douche is on the job.
They made a promise they can’t keep and evidently are running an unsound company. You in all your misguided idiocy want to blame that on Trump.
Trump administration silent on demise of nuclear project it once called ‘massively important’
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

You understand that the SCE&G abandonment of the nuclear plant had nothing to do with Trump or the idiotic tariffs, right?

The OP title, lets see what it said.
"MAGA, These Tariffs R Great! Element Electronics closing & Nuke Plant canceled. 5500 jobs BE GONE!"

See the "&" there? Made it about to separate items.

They are selling the steel already to some M.E. buyer. I read.
And the Douche administration cancelled an Obama program that was a carrot.
In 2017..

No, it made the tariffs about two things. Based on the way you wrote it, there is no other way to interpret the title of your thread.

The under lined OP clearly shows it (nuke power plant) was another loss before this TV maker loss. In SC

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.

I guess the DOPers need me to say these job losses happen under Obama time in office?
I guess you are either stupid or just hoping others are. By opening with the tarrif statement, you tied them both together. Your piece of shit op headline showed you to be the idiot you are.

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