MAGA, These Tariffs R Great! Element Electronics closing & Nuke Plant canceled. 5500 jobs BE GONE!

South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

So they are trying to blame the cancellation of the nuclear plant on tariffs?
5000 construction jobs were “lost”, even though they were never really there. Which by the way has nothing to do with the plant or tariffs.

The plant lost a whopping 126 jobs. All because they were relying on Chinese crap.

Nice try, Bozo Ares.

"Element Electronics boasts of being the only American-owned and American-assembled television company. ...
But according to a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) complaint filed Tuesday, the company isn't making anything in America after all"

Wait for it....

They (parts) come from Asia and CHINA!

And the 126. 250 or 500 jobs promised are gone under the Great Douche.
The Great Douche promised 25 Million new jobs. The Great Douche is way,
way behind. Keeping that promise.
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

So they are trying to blame the cancellation of the nuclear plant on tariffs?
5000 construction jobs were “lost”, even though they were never really there. Which by the way has nothing to do with the plant or tariffs.

The plant lost a whopping 126 jobs. All because they were relying on Chinese crap.

Nice try, Bozo Ares.

"Element Electronics boasts of being the only American-owned and American-assembled television company. ...
But according to a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) complaint filed Tuesday, the company isn't making anything in America after all"

Wait for it....

They (parts) come from Asia and CHINA!

And the 126. 250 or 500 jobs promised are gone under the Great Douche.
The Great Douche promised 25 Million new jobs. The Great Douche is way,
way behind. Keeping that promise.
So you’re pissed thAt a scam company is having trouble?
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:
It's a temporary shutdown while they switch to a non-Chinese (hopefully American) supplier. The jobs are not gone.

Hmm? Okay. We will see. They promised 500.
Seems they be at ZERO NOW. MAGA= Good LUCK! The Great Douche is on the job.
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

So they are trying to blame the cancellation of the nuclear plant on tariffs?
5000 construction jobs were “lost”, even though they were never really there. Which by the way has nothing to do with the plant or tariffs.

The plant lost a whopping 126 jobs. All because they were relying on Chinese crap.

Nice try, Bozo Ares.

"Element Electronics boasts of being the only American-owned and American-assembled television company. ...
But according to a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) complaint filed Tuesday, the company isn't making anything in America after all"

Wait for it....

They (parts) come from Asia and CHINA!

And the 126. 250 or 500 jobs promised are gone under the Great Douche.
The Great Douche promised 25 Million new jobs. The Great Douche is way,
way behind. Keeping that promise.
So you’re pissed thAt a scam company is having trouble?

Scams seem to be involved.
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

You understand that the SCE&G abandonment of the nuclear plant had nothing to do with Trump or the idiotic tariffs, right?
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:
It's a temporary shutdown while they switch to a non-Chinese (hopefully American) supplier. The jobs are not gone.

Hmm? Okay. We will see. They promised 500.
Seems they be at ZERO NOW. MAGA= Good LUCK! The Great Douche is on the job.
God you’re dumb.
Pull the power plant out because that has nothing o do with Tarrifs. Let’s address the plant. They manufacture low end electronics. The tarrifs May end up being 10% in their imported components. So a tv will go from $100 to $110? The high end goes from $1,000 to $1,100? Hardly a reason to dampen the plants profitability. Maybe it wasn’t that strong financially to begin with. My company has Ben hit with price increases from almost every one of our vendors. Ranging from 5% to 15%. Guess what? Sales are up 10% and we have increased employment by 3%. This story wreaks of dishonesty.

You are the one who reeks of dishonesty. This is a small manufacturer who does not have the scale to shrug off higher prices. You have no clue what you are talking about.
They don’t have to shrug it off. They can raise prices as multiple others do. You have no idea what you are saying a 10% pass through isn’t that difficult. My God you mindless trolls are ignorant.

You are the ignorant one. They know their business better than you do. You are a typical piece of Trump garbage. You think you know better than they do.
August 7, 2018

The left-leaning Columbia, South Carolina State newspaper is currently engaged in some serious fearmongering/ handwringing in response to a recent announcement by Minnesota-based Element Electronics.

According to the crony capitalist television manufacturer – which opened a television manufacturing facility in Winnsboro, S.C. five years ago – it is closing its Palmetto State plant in response to recent tariffs imposed by U.S. president Donald Trump.

All told, 126 full-time jobs will be lost … which will further compound South Carolina’s atrocious employment situation. It will also do particular damage in Fairfield County, which was ground zero for the #NukeGate debacle that cost the state roughly 5,600 jobs last July.

Terrible news? Absolutely … and we feel bad for state senator Mike Fanning, who told reporter Avery Wilks of The State that Element’s announcement was another “kick in the gut” for his district.

It is, of that there is no doubt …

Unfortunately, there is much more to this story than Trump tariffs …

Longtime readers of this new site will recall that Element Electronics never intended to locate its facility in Fairfield County, and that its decision to do so was part of crony capitalist negotiations with former governor Nikki Haley.

What happened? In the thick of what many expected to be a fierce fight for reelection, Haley desperately wanted to claim that she had created jobs in all forty-six South Carolina counties.

Originally, Element wanted to locate its facility in Sumter County – but Haley reportedly talked company executives into building the plant in Fairfield County instead (the final county she needed to check off of her list). And yes, the deal was done just days before Haley kicked off her 2014 reelection campaign (which included the “jobs in all forty-six counties” spiel).

Geography aside, there is a lot more to this story …

First, Element pledged during its announcement to bring 500 jobs to Fairfield County (250 of them within the first year of operations), but that clearly didn’t happen. As usual, taxpayer-funded “economic developers” overpromised and underdelivered.

Also, as reporter Rick Brundrett of The Nerve reported several months later, the total amount of taxpayer-funded incentives awarded to this company wound up being more than twice its capital investment.

Element stood to make $14.8 million in government subsidies as part of its deal – well above the $7.5 million it claimed to have invested in South Carolina. In addition to this money, the company received a property tax break that wound up shifting the tax burden even further onto local residents and existing businesses.

Also worth recalling? Michael O’Shaughnessy, Element’s CEO, was implicated in a $3.7 billion, 14-year Ponzi scheme run by Thomas Petters – who owned several companies O’Shaughnessy managed.

Specifically, O’Shaughnessy was alleged to have received an estimated $9.4 million in proceeds from these scams.

Shady stuff, huh? Absolutely … and not a word of it was ever mentioned by the state’s mainstream media.

Now that Element is tanking, though, the company is hoping South Carolinians will forget all of this sketchy history and blame Trump. Exclusively.

That strikes us as unfair … and we aren’t the only ones who think so.

“Trump’s tariff policies are part of rebalancing the world trade order, and it’s unfortunate that some with other interests are seeking to pin the blame for their own failures on the president’s efforts to make our nation more competitive in the global market,” said Rick Manning, president of Americans for Limited Government (

Manning is correct …

This news site has acknowledged that there will be some pain associated with Trump’s trade policies (and that South Carolina may disproportionately feel that pain). But to reflexively blame those policies in every instance – especially when there are clearly other factors at play – is disingenuous.

The real enemy in this case isn’t Trump, it is crony capitalism … a command economic system in which investment decisions are made on the basis of favors doled out by politicians to connected companies, not the principles of the free market.

The bottom line? Element leeched off of the state of South Carolina’s taxpayers until it was no longer profitable for the company to do so … and is now pointing the finger of blame in an effort to evade accountability for its actions.

Enough is enough …

It is past time to get government out of the business of speculative economic investment … and restore responsibility for these job creation functions to the free market.

Element Electronics: Crony Capitalist Fail

This is another phony conservative. Typical pathetic attempt to get Trump off the hook.
You understand that the SCE&G abandonment of the nuclear plant had nothing to do with Trump or the idiotic tariffs, right?

Unfortunately I don't believe he, Baz Ares understands very much at all...

Under the Great Douche watch, we see another failure.


Building new ones are just as important. Really more!
The Douche Admin started killing it off in 2017.

As for this Nuke power plant SC.
"Trump administration silent on demise of nuclear project it once called ‘massively important’"

Hmm? Guess the Great Douche powers are WEAK!
As IT Claims, only IT can Fix thangs!
Last edited:
You understand that the SCE&G abandonment of the nuclear plant had nothing to do with Trump or the idiotic tariffs, right?

Unfortunately I don't believe he, Baz Ares understands very much at all...

Under the Great Douche watch, we see another failure.

View attachment 209103

Building new ones are just as important. Really more!

Again, what happened here in SC with the nuclear plant had nothing to do with Trump or the idiotic tariffs.
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

You understand that the SCE&G abandonment of the nuclear plant had nothing to do with Trump or the idiotic tariffs, right?

The OP title, lets see what it said.
"MAGA, These Tariffs R Great! Element Electronics closing & Nuke Plant canceled. 5500 jobs BE GONE!"

See the "&" there? Made it about to separate items.

They are selling the steel already to some M.E. buyer. I read.
And the Douche administration cancelled an Obama program that was a carrot.
In 2017..
Pull the power plant out because that has nothing o do with Tarrifs. Let’s address the plant. They manufacture low end electronics. The tarrifs May end up being 10% in their imported components. So a tv will go from $100 to $110? The high end goes from $1,000 to $1,100? Hardly a reason to dampen the plants profitability. Maybe it wasn’t that strong financially to begin with. My company has Ben hit with price increases from almost every one of our vendors. Ranging from 5% to 15%. Guess what? Sales are up 10% and we have increased employment by 3%. This story wreaks of dishonesty.

You are the one who reeks of dishonesty. This is a small manufacturer who does not have the scale to shrug off higher prices. You have no clue what you are talking about.
They don’t have to shrug it off. They can raise prices as multiple others do. You have no idea what you are saying a 10% pass through isn’t that difficult. My God you mindless trolls are ignorant.

You are the ignorant one. They know their business better than you do. You are a typical piece of Trump garbage. You think you know better than they do.
If they can’t make that work, yes, I do know better than them. I am not a trump supporter. I am a realist that calls out bullshit when I see it. This story and you are full of it.
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

You understand that the SCE&G abandonment of the nuclear plant had nothing to do with Trump or the idiotic tariffs, right?

The OP title, lets see what it said.
"MAGA, These Tariffs R Great! Element Electronics closing & Nuke Plant canceled. 5500 jobs BE GONE!"

See the "&" there? Made it about to separate items.

They are selling the steel already to some M.E. buyer. I read.
And the Douche administration cancelled an Obama program that was a carrot.
In 2017..

No, it made the tariffs about two things. Based on the way you wrote it, there is no other way to interpret the title of your thread.
Trump administration silent on demise of nuclear project it once called ‘massively important’
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

You understand that the SCE&G abandonment of the nuclear plant had nothing to do with Trump or the idiotic tariffs, right?

The OP title, lets see what it said.
"MAGA, These Tariffs R Great! Element Electronics closing & Nuke Plant canceled. 5500 jobs BE GONE!"

See the "&" there? Made it about to separate items.

They are selling the steel already to some M.E. buyer. I read.
And the Douche administration cancelled an Obama program that was a carrot.
In 2017..

No, it made the tariffs about two things. Based on the way you wrote it, there is no other way to interpret the title of your thread.

The under lined OP clearly shows it (nuke power plant) was another loss before this TV maker loss. In SC

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.

I guess the DOPers need me to say these job losses happen under Obama time in office?
Trump administration silent on demise of nuclear project it once called ‘massively important’
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

You understand that the SCE&G abandonment of the nuclear plant had nothing to do with Trump or the idiotic tariffs, right?

The OP title, lets see what it said.
"MAGA, These Tariffs R Great! Element Electronics closing & Nuke Plant canceled. 5500 jobs BE GONE!"

See the "&" there? Made it about to separate items.

They are selling the steel already to some M.E. buyer. I read.
And the Douche administration cancelled an Obama program that was a carrot.
In 2017..

No, it made the tariffs about two things. Based on the way you wrote it, there is no other way to interpret the title of your thread.

The under lined OP clearly shows it (nuke power plant) was another loss before this TV maker loss. In SC

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.

I guess the DOPers need me to say these job losses happen under Obama time in office?
Yet you see the need to link the, together. When you get caught giving misleading statements you back off. You’re a piece of shit.
Trump administration silent on demise of nuclear project it once called ‘massively important’
South Carolina manufacturer says it's closing plant over Trump tariffs

Element Electronics, a consumer electronics company in South Carolina, says it will be closing its plant in Winnsboro due to tariffs imposed by President Trump.

The State reported Tuesday that the company was one of the largest remaining employers in Fairfield County after the local Walmart, which used to be the largest grocery store in the county, closed its doors two years ago.

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.
“When you think you’ve reached rock bottom, to get kicked in the gut like this, you didn’t think anything more could happen,” state Sen. Mike Fanning (D) said of Element's announcement to the local paper. “Within 365 days, you just get rocked to your core.”

:dunno:---- 500 + 5000 = 5500 lost jobs.
FYI: In 2012 (under Obama), Element opened its 315,000-square-foot plant in Winnsboro, South Carolina. The company debuted its first Ultra HD and smart TVs in 2015, and it currently offers 25 different models in three series, with screen sizes ranging from 19 to 65 inches and average selling prices from $100 to $1,000.[1] The plant is estimated to bring 500 jobs to the Winnsboro area over a period of five years.
Element Electronics - Wikipedia

Hmmm? Only the Great Douche can fix thang great. :uhh::uhoh3:

You understand that the SCE&G abandonment of the nuclear plant had nothing to do with Trump or the idiotic tariffs, right?

The OP title, lets see what it said.
"MAGA, These Tariffs R Great! Element Electronics closing & Nuke Plant canceled. 5500 jobs BE GONE!"

See the "&" there? Made it about to separate items.

They are selling the steel already to some M.E. buyer. I read.
And the Douche administration cancelled an Obama program that was a carrot.
In 2017..

No, it made the tariffs about two things. Based on the way you wrote it, there is no other way to interpret the title of your thread.

The under lined OP clearly shows it (nuke power plant) was another loss before this TV maker loss. In SC

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.

I guess the DOPers need me to say these job losses happen under Obama time in office?
Yet you see the need to link the, together. When you get caught giving misleading statements you back off. You’re a piece of shit.
Not backing off one bit.

From mid 2017. All these jobs were finally cut under the Great Douche rule. Yep...MAGA works.


The Great Douche runs to save some Carrier jobs in a SCAM that most went to mexico
But does shit for these peoples jobs.
As for this Nuke power plant SC.
"Trump administration silent on demise of nuclear project it once called ‘massively important’"
Trump administration silent on demise of nuclear project it once called ‘massively important’
You understand that the SCE&G abandonment of the nuclear plant had nothing to do with Trump or the idiotic tariffs, right?

The OP title, lets see what it said.
"MAGA, These Tariffs R Great! Element Electronics closing & Nuke Plant canceled. 5500 jobs BE GONE!"

See the "&" there? Made it about to separate items.

They are selling the steel already to some M.E. buyer. I read.
And the Douche administration cancelled an Obama program that was a carrot.
In 2017..

No, it made the tariffs about two things. Based on the way you wrote it, there is no other way to interpret the title of your thread.

The under lined OP clearly shows it (nuke power plant) was another loss before this TV maker loss. In SC

The news also comes after plans were canceled to build two nuclear reactors in the area, terminating 5,000 construction jobs.

I guess the DOPers need me to say these job losses happen under Obama time in office?
Yet you see the need to link the, together. When you get caught giving misleading statements you back off. You’re a piece of shit.
Not backing off one bit.

From mid 2017. All these jobs were finally cut under the Great Douche rule. Yep...MAGA works.
You are so ignorant. These tariffs are insignificant to this company. There business is t working because they are t running it correctly. The nuc plant has nothing to do with trump.And you’re still a piece of shit. All your ops are misleading and choked full of lies.

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