Making Federal Buildings Beautiful Again

Trump is setting new policy that the architecture of new Federal buildings should be pleasing to the eye.

According to news reports about the proposed rule, these architectural elites who love the Soviet concrete block designs are furious. Fine. That’s a sure sign the administration is on the right track. Most Americans may not have gone to prestigious design schools or worked at the hippest firms. On the other hand, we know ugly when we see it.

Sen. Mike Lee: Make Federal Architecture Great Again - The Federalist
Federal Buildings should be sold off to the private sector, and most of the agencies should be disbanded. Biggest Pork spending of all....
Who gives a shit? Office buildings look like office buildings. They are square boxes that enclose the greatest amount of space allowable for the site where they are built. Interior walls can be reconfigured easily, floors can be added and maintenance is cheap, security is simple. The anonymous office block is a classic case of form following function.
I’m so happy Trumps EO has you freaks so triggered.
Who gives a shit where federal employees go to do their thankless, soul sucking jobs? Seems out of character for you to want them to work in more expensive, nicer surroundings.
Who gives a shit? Office buildings look like office buildings. They are square boxes that enclose the greatest amount of space allowable for the site where they are built. Interior walls can be reconfigured easily, floors can be added and maintenance is cheap, security is simple. The anonymous office block is a classic case of form following function.
I’m so happy Trumps EO has you freaks so triggered.
Who gives a shit where federal employees go to do their thankless, soul sucking jobs? Seems out of character for you to want them to work in more expensive, nicer surroundings.

He wants whatever Trump wants. You act like the man has ever had an original thought.

He is one of the sheep that will be cheering the loudest when Trump puts forth a universal healthcare plan if he gets a second term.
Planned Parenthood.
And taxing all electric vehicles.
You really are a fucking moron.

Says shitforbrains who doesn’t even know which bathroom to use.

Idiot-gram ^^^; variety ad hominem wrapped in bigotry.

Hilarious. Another retard confused on which bathroom to use chimes in.

Another idiot-gram by a biddable fool whose entire work is a collection of echoes of RW Propaganda.
Nobody cares what a building looks like as long as it functions.
That's bullshit.

You must go out in public in sweats and a t-shirt everyday. It's a reflection on the people.

Vocabulary and urbanity isn't a matter of what one wears, but what one is.
Thanks for laugh. You're wrong, we are a nation of narcissistic people.

At the same time, how our country (especially government buildings) tells us who we are as a people.
Who gives a shit? Office buildings look like office buildings. They are square boxes that enclose the greatest amount of space allowable for the site where they are built. Interior walls can be reconfigured easily, floors can be added and maintenance is cheap, security is simple. The anonymous office block is a classic case of form following function.
I’m so happy Trumps EO has you freaks so triggered.

Who gives a shit where federal employees go to do their thankless, soul sucking jobs? Seems out of character for you to want them to work in more expensive, nicer surroundings.

I infer you are recognizing the members of Trump's Administration, the one's who spend our money to make their offices nicer surroundings, while the only work they do is to clap when trump speaks and say yes to every idiotic policy he advances. Of course when one of them says, "no", he fires them and add one more "yes man" to his swamp.
Who gives a shit? Office buildings look like office buildings. They are square boxes that enclose the greatest amount of space allowable for the site where they are built. Interior walls can be reconfigured easily, floors can be added and maintenance is cheap, security is simple. The anonymous office block is a classic case of form following function.
I’m so happy Trumps EO has you freaks so triggered.

Who gives a shit where federal employees go to do their thankless, soul sucking jobs? Seems out of character for you to want them to work in more expensive, nicer surroundings.

I infer you are recognizing the members of Trump's Administration, the one's who spend our money to make their offices nicer surroundings, while the only work they do is to clap when trump speaks and say yes to every idiotic policy he advances. Of course when one of them says, "no", he fires them and add one more "yes man" to his swamp.
This really has you anti- American freaks triggered.
And taxing all electric vehicles.
You really are a fucking moron.

Says shitforbrains who doesn’t even know which bathroom to use.

Idiot-gram ^^^; variety ad hominem wrapped in bigotry.

Hilarious. Another retard confused on which bathroom to use chimes in.

Another idiot-gram by a biddable fool whose entire work is a collection of echoes of RW Propaganda.
Nice looking buildings are RW propaganda!

The sound of the last synapse in your head was heard.
You act like the man has ever had an original thought.
I build beautiful custom beach houses for a living and custom furniture on the side. I have original thoughts for a living. There is no way to make an office building not look like an office building.
You act like the man has ever had an original thought.
I build beautiful custom beach houses for a living and custom furniture on the side. I have original thoughts for a living. There is no way to make an office building not look like an office building.
Your imagination sucks.



There's nothing wrong with any single style of architecture.

There is something wrong with mandating a single style of architecture. It's ... what's the word ... kind of a authoritarian trait.

You know, like the neoclassicism mandated by the Nazis, or the Soviet architecture mandated by that regime.
There's nothing wrong with any single style of architecture.

There is something wrong with mandating a single style of architecture. It's ... what's the word ... kind of a authoritarian trait.

You know, like the neoclassicism mandated by the Nazis, or the Soviet architecture mandated by that regime.
Oh? What style of architecture is required?

Dumbass America hater.
Who gives a shit? Office buildings look like office buildings. They are square boxes that enclose the greatest amount of space allowable for the site where they are built. Interior walls can be reconfigured easily, floors can be added and maintenance is cheap, security is simple. The anonymous office block is a classic case of form following function.
I’m so happy Trumps EO has you freaks so triggered.

Who gives a shit where federal employees go to do their thankless, soul sucking jobs? Seems out of character for you to want them to work in more expensive, nicer surroundings.

I infer you are recognizing the members of Trump's Administration, the one's who spend our money to make their offices nicer surroundings, while the only work they do is to clap when trump speaks and say yes to every idiotic policy he advances. Of course when one of them says, "no", he fires them and add one more "yes man" to his swamp.
This really has you anti- American freaks triggered.

I couldn't disagree more. I don't know anything about you, other than you're an asshole who calls others anti American because they (me) oppose neo fascism. That you seem to support the Authoritarian President is evidence that you have rejected the form of government left us by our founders.

Did you serve on the Armed Forces of the United States?

I did, honorably discharged in 1969.

Have you every take the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States?

I have, three times: Once when I enlisted in the Navy, and twice when I secured employment in a local law enforcement agency and once when I provided technical assistance to the the Federal Government.
Who gives a shit? Office buildings look like office buildings. They are square boxes that enclose the greatest amount of space allowable for the site where they are built. Interior walls can be reconfigured easily, floors can be added and maintenance is cheap, security is simple. The anonymous office block is a classic case of form following function.
I’m so happy Trumps EO has you freaks so triggered.

Who gives a shit where federal employees go to do their thankless, soul sucking jobs? Seems out of character for you to want them to work in more expensive, nicer surroundings.

I infer you are recognizing the members of Trump's Administration, the one's who spend our money to make their offices nicer surroundings, while the only work they do is to clap when trump speaks and say yes to every idiotic policy he advances. Of course when one of them says, "no", he fires them and add one more "yes man" to his swamp.
This really has you anti- American freaks triggered.

I couldn't disagree more. I don't know anything about you, other than you're an asshole who calls others anti American because they (me) oppose neo fascism. That you seem to support the Authoritarian President is evidence that you have rejected the form of government left us by our founders.

Did you serve on the Armed Forces of the United States?

I did, honorably discharged in 1969.

Have you every take the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States?

I have, three times: Once when I enlisted in the Navy, and twice when I secured employment in a local law enforcement agency and once when I provided technical assistance to the the Federal Government.
I swore to defend the Constitution serving in the Armed Forces and 6 terms serving political office.

Using your terms, that makes me win 7-3.
You lose again!
What style of architecture is required?

Neoclassical courthouse style. Duh.

Make federal buildings ‘beautiful again?’ Trump declares war on modern architecture
Future federal government buildings, he decrees, should look like those of ancient Rome, Greece and Europe.

“Classical architectural style shall be the preferred and default style,” he states.

We liberals shouldn't have to spoonfeed everything to you every time like this. You always get everything totally wrong, because you'll only accept the cult propaganda that gets pissed down your eager throat.

Dumbass America hater.

My suggestion? Creep off now and nurse your authoritarian butthurt in sullen silence.
What style of architecture is required?

Neoclassical courthouse style. Duh.

Make federal buildings ‘beautiful again?’ Trump declares war on modern architecture
Future federal government buildings, he decrees, should look like those of ancient Rome, Greece and Europe.

“Classical architectural style shall be the preferred and default style,” he states.

We liberals shouldn't have to spoonfeed everything to you every time like this. You always get everything totally wrong, because you'll only accept the cult propaganda that gets pissed down your eager throat.

Dumbass America hater.

My suggestion? Creep off now and nurse your authoritarian butthurt in sullen silence.
OMG. Neoclassical. Doomed to everything cookie cutter.

That’s about 5,000 designs, Dufus.
BTW - Leftard Santa Barbara requires every building to be Mediterranean stucco with red tile roofs.
I’m so happy Trumps EO has you freaks so triggered.

Who gives a shit where federal employees go to do their thankless, soul sucking jobs? Seems out of character for you to want them to work in more expensive, nicer surroundings.

I infer you are recognizing the members of Trump's Administration, the one's who spend our money to make their offices nicer surroundings, while the only work they do is to clap when trump speaks and say yes to every idiotic policy he advances. Of course when one of them says, "no", he fires them and add one more "yes man" to his swamp.
This really has you anti- American freaks triggered.

I couldn't disagree more. I don't know anything about you, other than you're an asshole who calls others anti American because they (me) oppose neo fascism. That you seem to support the Authoritarian President is evidence that you have rejected the form of government left us by our founders.

Did you serve on the Armed Forces of the United States?

I did, honorably discharged in 1969.

Have you every take the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States?

I have, three times: Once when I enlisted in the Navy, and twice when I secured employment in a local law enforcement agency and once when I provided technical assistance to the the Federal Government.
I swore to defend the Constitution serving in the Armed Forces and 6 terms serving political office.

Using your terms, that makes me win 7-3.
You lose again!

Yet I kept that oath, you haven't. Calling others out as Un-American when standing up to what I perceive is the most dangerous POTUS is my continuous support and defense of COTUS. Allowing Trump to be above the law is both foolish and seditious.
Who gives a shit where federal employees go to do their thankless, soul sucking jobs? Seems out of character for you to want them to work in more expensive, nicer surroundings.

I infer you are recognizing the members of Trump's Administration, the one's who spend our money to make their offices nicer surroundings, while the only work they do is to clap when trump speaks and say yes to every idiotic policy he advances. Of course when one of them says, "no", he fires them and add one more "yes man" to his swamp.
This really has you anti- American freaks triggered.

I couldn't disagree more. I don't know anything about you, other than you're an asshole who calls others anti American because they (me) oppose neo fascism. That you seem to support the Authoritarian President is evidence that you have rejected the form of government left us by our founders.

Did you serve on the Armed Forces of the United States?

I did, honorably discharged in 1969.

Have you every take the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States?

I have, three times: Once when I enlisted in the Navy, and twice when I secured employment in a local law enforcement agency and once when I provided technical assistance to the the Federal Government.
I swore to defend the Constitution serving in the Armed Forces and 6 terms serving political office.

Using your terms, that makes me win 7-3.
You lose again!

Yet I kept that oath, you haven't. Calling others out as Un-American when standing up to what I perceive is the most dangerous POTUS is my continuous support and defense of COTUS. Allowing Trump to be above the law is both foolish and seditious.
That why you want guns grabbed? You worship Hitler?

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