Making Federal Buildings Beautiful Again

Who gives a shit where federal employees go to do their thankless, soul sucking jobs? Seems out of character for you to want them to work in more expensive, nicer surroundings.

I infer you are recognizing the members of Trump's Administration, the one's who spend our money to make their offices nicer surroundings, while the only work they do is to clap when trump speaks and say yes to every idiotic policy he advances. Of course when one of them says, "no", he fires them and add one more "yes man" to his swamp.
This really has you anti- American freaks triggered.

I couldn't disagree more. I don't know anything about you, other than you're an asshole who calls others anti American because they (me) oppose neo fascism. That you seem to support the Authoritarian President is evidence that you have rejected the form of government left us by our founders.

Did you serve on the Armed Forces of the United States?

I did, honorably discharged in 1969.

Have you every take the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States?

I have, three times: Once when I enlisted in the Navy, and twice when I secured employment in a local law enforcement agency and once when I provided technical assistance to the the Federal Government.
I swore to defend the Constitution serving in the Armed Forces and 6 terms serving political office.

Using your terms, that makes me win 7-3.
You lose again!

Yet I kept that oath, you haven't. Calling others out as Un-American when standing up to what I perceive is the most dangerous POTUS is my continuous support and defense of COTUS. Allowing Trump to be above the law is both foolish and seditious.
You are the most dangerous asshole along with all the other liberals who vote Demoncrap. Un-American is a nice word, more like traitorous to the Constitution and its people. Oblummer really fucked you hard, because you are so stupid not to see the GREATNESS, that has come back to the United States(without NY, Californication, and "ill" inois.
I have a landscape design idea. Self fertilizing security hedges
Trump is setting new policy that the architecture of new Federal buildings should be pleasing to the eye.

According to news reports about the proposed rule, these architectural elites who love the Soviet concrete block designs are furious. Fine. That’s a sure sign the administration is on the right track. Most Americans may not have gone to prestigious design schools or worked at the hippest firms. On the other hand, we know ugly when we see it.

Sen. Mike Lee: Make Federal Architecture Great Again - The Federalist

If you want to see an ugly government building, get a load of City Hall in Boston's Government Center. Famously fugly for a long time.
I infer you are recognizing the members of Trump's Administration, the one's who spend our money to make their offices nicer surroundings, while the only work they do is to clap when trump speaks and say yes to every idiotic policy he advances. Of course when one of them says, "no", he fires them and add one more "yes man" to his swamp.
This really has you anti- American freaks triggered.

I couldn't disagree more. I don't know anything about you, other than you're an asshole who calls others anti American because they (me) oppose neo fascism. That you seem to support the Authoritarian President is evidence that you have rejected the form of government left us by our founders.

Did you serve on the Armed Forces of the United States?

I did, honorably discharged in 1969.

Have you every take the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States?

I have, three times: Once when I enlisted in the Navy, and twice when I secured employment in a local law enforcement agency and once when I provided technical assistance to the the Federal Government.
I swore to defend the Constitution serving in the Armed Forces and 6 terms serving political office.

Using your terms, that makes me win 7-3.
You lose again!

Yet I kept that oath, you haven't. Calling others out as Un-American when standing up to what I perceive is the most dangerous POTUS is my continuous support and defense of COTUS. Allowing Trump to be above the law is both foolish and seditious.

That why you want guns grabbed? You worship Hitler?

Another damn lie!

This really has you anti- American freaks triggered.

I couldn't disagree more. I don't know anything about you, other than you're an asshole who calls others anti American because they (me) oppose neo fascism. That you seem to support the Authoritarian President is evidence that you have rejected the form of government left us by our founders.

Did you serve on the Armed Forces of the United States?

I did, honorably discharged in 1969.

Have you every take the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States?

I have, three times: Once when I enlisted in the Navy, and twice when I secured employment in a local law enforcement agency and once when I provided technical assistance to the the Federal Government.
I swore to defend the Constitution serving in the Armed Forces and 6 terms serving political office.

Using your terms, that makes me win 7-3.
You lose again!

Yet I kept that oath, you haven't. Calling others out as Un-American when standing up to what I perceive is the most dangerous POTUS is my continuous support and defense of COTUS. Allowing Trump to be above the law is both foolish and seditious.

That why you want guns grabbed? You worship Hitler?

Another damn lie!
You’re the one calling for Hitler to confiscate guns, suck it up, buttercup.
Trump is setting new policy that the architecture of new Federal buildings should be pleasing to the eye.

According to news reports about the proposed rule, these architectural elites who love the Soviet concrete block designs are furious. Fine. That’s a sure sign the administration is on the right track. Most Americans may not have gone to prestigious design schools or worked at the hippest firms. On the other hand, we know ugly when we see it.

Sen. Mike Lee: Make Federal Architecture Great Again - The Federalist

Can you explain how spending extra money on the aesthetics of a building is a true conservative?

If the blob says it’s conservative, it’s conservative.

his supporters are almost comical in their slavish devotion
Trump is setting new policy that the architecture of new Federal buildings should be pleasing to the eye.

According to news reports about the proposed rule, these architectural elites who love the Soviet concrete block designs are furious. Fine. That’s a sure sign the administration is on the right track. Most Americans may not have gone to prestigious design schools or worked at the hippest firms. On the other hand, we know ugly when we see it.

Sen. Mike Lee: Make Federal Architecture Great Again - The Federalist

Can you explain how spending extra money on the aesthetics of a building is a true conservative?

If the blob says it’s conservative, it’s conservative.

his supporters are almost comical in their slavish devotion
Hilarious how having nice looking buildings has so easily triggered you freaks.

I guess with Trump crushing you this week we can understand your anguish.
And bask in it.
Where will they get the money? Take more away for Medicare? Cut VAWA and CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program)?
Planned Parenthood.
And taxing all electric vehicles.
You really are a fucking moron.
Says shitforbrains who doesn’t even know which bathroom to use.
Get a job and a life, you bootlicking loser.
Trump is setting new policy that the architecture of new Federal buildings should be pleasing to the eye.

Thank God. The jewish type designers make building look like prisons. Non-jewish, Western architects have used the Golden Ratio for generations (since the Greeks discovered it) as a basis for proportion so it automatically looks pleasing to Western people.
Trump is setting new policy that the architecture of new Federal buildings should be pleasing to the eye.

According to news reports about the proposed rule, these architectural elites who love the Soviet concrete block designs are furious. Fine. That’s a sure sign the administration is on the right track. Most Americans may not have gone to prestigious design schools or worked at the hippest firms. On the other hand, we know ugly when we see it.

Sen. Mike Lee: Make Federal Architecture Great Again - The Federalist

Can you explain how spending extra money on the aesthetics of a building is a true conservative?

If the blob says it’s conservative, it’s conservative.

his supporters are almost comical in their slavish devotion
Hilarious how having nice looking buildings has so easily triggered you freaks.

I guess with Trump crushing you this week we can understand your anguish.
And bask in it.

I’m sure he likes you sucking his cock as much as you do. Lol.

A “conservative” wanting to spend more on government employees. Lol. I’m sure this is the biggest laugh you’ve ever received...well since the last time you attempted intercourse
Trump is setting new policy that the architecture of new Federal buildings should be pleasing to the eye.

According to news reports about the proposed rule, these architectural elites who love the Soviet concrete block designs are furious. Fine. That’s a sure sign the administration is on the right track. Most Americans may not have gone to prestigious design schools or worked at the hippest firms. On the other hand, we know ugly when we see it.

Sen. Mike Lee: Make Federal Architecture Great Again - The Federalist

Can you explain how spending extra money on the aesthetics of a building is a true conservative?

If the blob says it’s conservative, it’s conservative.

his supporters are almost comical in their slavish devotion
Hilarious how having nice looking buildings has so easily triggered you freaks.

I guess with Trump crushing you this week we can understand your anguish.
And bask in it.

I’m sure he likes you sucking his cock as much as you do. Lol.

A “conservative” wanting to spend more on government employees. Lol. I’m sure this is the biggest laugh you’ve ever received...well since the last time you attempted intercourse
And straight into the vulgarity! Classic troll!
I infer you are recognizing the members of Trump's Administration, the one's who spend our money to make their offices nicer surroundings, while the only work they do is to clap when trump speaks and say yes to every idiotic policy he advances. Of course when one of them says, "no", he fires them and add one more "yes man" to his swamp.
This really has you anti- American freaks triggered.

I couldn't disagree more. I don't know anything about you, other than you're an asshole who calls others anti American because they (me) oppose neo fascism. That you seem to support the Authoritarian President is evidence that you have rejected the form of government left us by our founders.

Did you serve on the Armed Forces of the United States?

I did, honorably discharged in 1969.

Have you every take the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States?

I have, three times: Once when I enlisted in the Navy, and twice when I secured employment in a local law enforcement agency and once when I provided technical assistance to the the Federal Government.
I swore to defend the Constitution serving in the Armed Forces and 6 terms serving political office.

Using your terms, that makes me win 7-3.
You lose again!

Yet I kept that oath, you haven't. Calling others out as Un-American when standing up to what I perceive is the most dangerous POTUS is my continuous support and defense of COTUS. Allowing Trump to be above the law is both foolish and seditious.

You are the most dangerous asshole along with all the other liberals who vote Demoncrap. Un-American is a nice word, more like traitorous to the Constitution and its people. Oblummer really fucked you hard, because you are so stupid not to see the GREATNESS, that has come back to the United States(without NY, Californication, and "ill" inois.

I suppose the pen (or any written word) which does not support your opinions trigger you. And that clearly caused you to write such an emotional and hateful post directed at me and my opinions; it is clearly pathological.

A rational person, one stepped in reality, does not react in this manner; in my opinion you are one very sick puppy. People like you are dangerous, which is why I support universal background checks which are capable of seeing what people like you write.

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