Malaysian airliner missing with 239 people on board

This can't be good--

<Malaysia has been keeping other nations, including China, at a distance, to the frustration of officials here, according to political observers. That tension is reflected in the frequent condemnations of Malaysia that have appeared in the Chinese state news media. China is out of its comfort zone, no longer in the position of strength from which it usually deals with smaller Asian nations, including Malaysia.

The two countries have for decades maintained strong economic ties, and Xi Jinping, the Chinese leader, promised closer economic and military cooperation on a visit to Malaysia last October. At the same time, China has not been shy about pressing Malaysia on a range of delicate issues &#8212; in January, it sent a naval patrol to a reef in the South China Sea that is claimed by Malaysia; in 2012, it welcomed Malaysia&#8217;s deportation of six ethnic Uighurs who had fled from China.

Now, Chinese officials find themselves desperately prodding Malaysia to share information, to allow China a hand in the investigation and to placate the irate Chinese families who demand answers daily.

&#8220;If you don&#8217;t push them, they won&#8217;t move,&#8221; Zhu Zhenming, a scholar of Southeast Asia at the Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, said about the Malaysian authorities. &#8220;It&#8217;s mostly to do with their administrative management capabilities, but also their culture.&#8221;

He added that Malaysia was &#8220;too lacking&#8221; when it came to &#8220;dealing with disaster management&#8221; &#8212; &#8220;not because they don&#8217;t want to do it, but because they cannot.&#8221;>

Meanwhile--it sounds like Putin is on the march--take more of Ukraine. No doubt that things are going to get worse there. 'Nationalism'--bring back the USSR--Cold War--that seems shortsighted. How much longer until 'somebody'--somewhere just pushes a button and blows the rest of us into eternity? Something that I try not to think about.
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If someone hijacked that plane, they would have claimed credit by now. It just has to be underwater somewhere, I'm afraid.


I was wishing people would make it out of this somehow.

Missing Flight MH370 could have been hijacked in radar 'black hole' between Malaysia and Vietnam

A newly-released transcript has pinpointed the exact moment the jet flew into the “dead space” between the two air traffic control zones – where it is not being monitored from the ground.

Former British Airways pilot Stephen Buzdygan said: “If I was going to steal the aeroplane, that would be the point I would do it.

Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 could have been hijacked in radar 'black hole' - Mirror Online
Why does the transponder have an off and on switch?

Why do airplane transponders have an 'off switch?' - News Nation Washington -

<It&#8217;s rare for a pilot to turn off a transponder during flight, but occasionally there is cause.

&#8212; Sometimes a transponder malfunctions, giving out incorrect readings.

&#8212; The device could have an electrical short or catch on fire. Pilots would want to shut it down rather than risk a fire spreading to the rest of the cockpit or airplane.

&#8212; Pilots used to routinely turn off transponders on the ground at airports so as not to overwhelm air traffic controllers with so many signals in one location. That is increasingly less the case as pilots now use &#8216;&#8216;moving map&#8217;&#8217; displays that take the transponder data and show them the location of other planes on the ground, helping guide them around airports without mishaps.

&#8216;&#8216;As long as there are pilots, they'll be able to switch off systems,&#8217;&#8217; said Andrew Thomas, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Transportation Security.

Airplanes have two transponders. There are two knobs in the cockpit &#8212; one on the right, the other on the left &#8212; that control one or the other. When one transponder is on, the other is normally in standby mode.

<In the case of the missing Malaysian plane, even pilots are a bit puzzled by somebody turning off the transponder.

John Gadzinski, a Boeing 737 captain, said that among fellow pilots &#8216;&#8216;there is a raised eyebrow like Spock on &#8216;Star Trek&#8217; &#8212; you just sit there and go, &#8216;why would anybody do that?'&#8217;&#8217;

I'll bet there are raised eyebrows over many things about flight 370.

More than eyebrows should be raised over Malaysian Airlines decision not to purchase the $10 part that would have maintained some communication with air traffic control. So many more details that will have us all in disbelief. Until informed otherwise--I would wager the pilots tried to handle a situation that was beyond their control. Some have said a electrical fire could have knocked out the communications systems. It has been said several times--if anything interfered with communication in US controlled air space--fighter jets would be ordered to scramble. Sounds like a plan to me.
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If someone hijacked that plane, they would have claimed credit by now. It just has to be underwater somewhere, I'm afraid.


I was wishing people would make it out of this somehow.
Not if plans were to use it later, then it would remain silent until then..

Depends on whom did it. A foreign government wouldn't be asking demands because they have the money to feed the people. They would use them later as they saw fit.
I keep wondering about 777 parts compatibility with the Boeing aircraft Iran owns that are stuck waiting for repair pieces.
my new word for the day 'inmarsat'

About us - Inmarsat

CNN had an in depth discussion of the recently released transcript. A point was made--'This came straight from INMARSAT'.

I frequently have to google terms used in these discussions--glad that I now know one more thing. Knowledge is power.
So you mean to tell me that if a Russia submarine were to launch a missile from this area toward the USA we'd have absolutely no way of knowing about the launch. It's the one and only area on the planet the USA does not watch 24/7 for any sign of an undersea missile launch.


Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

How far can a submarine missile travel, Frank?

12,000 km

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Is there a legitimate reason to ever turn off a transponder? I asked J.F. Joseph, who heads Joseph Aviation Consulting, which does aviation accident reconstruction and analysis.

"No reason whatsoever," he said, other than to avoid detection, as the military does.

I don't care about Flight MH370

I see the motive as to avoid detection and this seems like a sophisticated operation so the idea of suicide or batteries catching on fire doesn't fit.
my new word for the day 'inmarsat'

About us - Inmarsat

CNN had an in depth discussion of the recently released transcript. A point was made--'This came straight from INMARSAT'.

I frequently have to google terms used in these discussions--glad that I now know one more thing. Knowledge is power.

Inmarsat has been around a long, long time. Back in about 2001 I rented a rig from them to do an hour-long broadcast from Pilgrim Hot Springs (Alaska). The service was excellent and, compared to any other possible means, cheap. Only problem was that their equipment has an incredible automatic gain control which zooms up background noise hugely when there's any silent period. Sadly, no way to disable that.
my new word for the day 'inmarsat'

About us - Inmarsat

CNN had an in depth discussion of the recently released transcript. A point was made--'This came straight from INMARSAT'.

I frequently have to google terms used in these discussions--glad that I now know one more thing. Knowledge is power.

Inmarsat has been around a long, long time. Back in about 2001 I rented a rig from them to do an hour-long broadcast from Pilgrim Hot Springs (Alaska). The service was excellent and, compared to any other possible means, cheap. Only problem was that their equipment has an incredible automatic gain control which zooms up background noise hugely when there's any silent period. Sadly, no way to disable that.

Unfortunately---I have never known much about sophisticated communication --it is interesting. So hard for me to imagine how those that fly planes or work in related fields know all that must be involved.

That P-8---for security reasons I grasp why what 'it does' cannot be publicized--but it is a great asset--that much is clear. We may have many such resources. Probably need more--the way things are going. At the present moment--if the US is capable of 'spying' on any and all members of the global community--I'm for it.
A new--to me--theory is floating about---the plane may have landed in Pakistan. They could well be capable of deception--just seem to enjoy covert activities.
Is there a legitimate reason to ever turn off a transponder? I asked J.F. Joseph, who heads Joseph Aviation Consulting, which does aviation accident reconstruction and analysis.

"No reason whatsoever," he said, other than to avoid detection, as the military does.

I don't care about Flight MH370

I see the motive as to avoid detection and this seems like a sophisticated operation so the idea of suicide or batteries catching on fire doesn't fit.

what he should have said no reason whatsoever under normal conditions

a pilot may very well need to turn off a transponder it is shorting out

or overheating flying is NOT like driving a car

where you can simply pull over and get out

i know that in some new airlines there are fusible links in the line

but once they separate there is no turning them on again
Malaysia says Chinese satellite has found a large object

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — In a new development in the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, a Chinese satellite has spotted a large object floating in the southern Indian Ocean, Malaysia's defense minister said Saturday.
The minister, Hishammuddin Hussein, reading a piece of paper handed to him during a regular press briefing, said that the debris in the satellite imagery measured 74 feet by 43 feet. He said the Chinese would be sending ships to that area to verify.

Malaysia says Chinese satellite has found a large object -
Malaysia says Chinese satellite has found a large object

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — In a new development in the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, a Chinese satellite has spotted a large object floating in the southern Indian Ocean, Malaysia's defense minister said Saturday.
The minister, Hishammuddin Hussein, reading a piece of paper handed to him during a regular press briefing, said that the debris in the satellite imagery measured 74 feet by 43 feet. He said the Chinese would be sending ships to that area to verify.

Malaysia says Chinese satellite has found a large object -

thats good
Malaysia says Chinese satellite has found a large object

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — In a new development in the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, a Chinese satellite has spotted a large object floating in the southern Indian Ocean, Malaysia's defense minister said Saturday.
The minister, Hishammuddin Hussein, reading a piece of paper handed to him during a regular press briefing, said that the debris in the satellite imagery measured 74 feet by 43 feet. He said the Chinese would be sending ships to that area to verify.

Malaysia says Chinese satellite has found a large object -

thats good

Sure took Long enough

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