Male Karen throws smoothie, hurls racial insults

I would have gone into the store yelled at the manager for their carelessness and filed a formal complaint with the company

I would not have screamed at teenagers, used racist language and assaulted them
That infers that you are a mature adult. That's not easily recognized by the alt-Reich supporters here.
Please enlighten us.

So a white professional man went on a tirade against young females of color working for minimum wage... and you guys wonder why no one wants to sign up for these minimum wage jobs.

Why? Because he bought a peanut smoothie for his son with a peanut allergy and was upset because there was peanut butter in it!!!

So his company fired him (as it should have, but do you think this guy doesn't act like this all the time?) and now he has to go on a full apology tour to avoid jail time.

Now, what do you think would have happened if this was a black customer who went on a tirade and attacked teenage white girls?
CNN would claim he’s a hero?
I agree, but it still is wrong to not sympathize with how upset a father could be, and just plain EVIL to then get him fired.
No sympathy and I am glad he got fired

He is an adult and committed a crime
He was not fired for losing his temper. He was fired for his racist rant and assault. If one of those teens had used racist language about a customer, they would be fired
Not someone you want associated with your company
And they’re going to feel like victims now because of his emotional outburst.

What he should have done was gotten a lawyer. That’s how you change behavior.

Sure he also should have acted differently.
His response was unproductive.
But the POINT is that it was understandable to be emotional to the scare to his son.
So those who then deliberately caused him to be fired from Merril Lynch are total MONSTERS.
At his age, being unemployed can cause a totally destruction of the life of the entire family.
They could lose their house, become homeless, and not easily get another job.
That is VASTLY more harmful, deliberate, evil, and criminal than a short emotional outburst that was justified.
Another stormfronter, I see.

Not in the least.

I'm just not stupid enough to believe that there was any threat made. If I say I want to kick someone's teeth in, that's not a threat. If I say I'm going to do it, that's a threat.

And he is inferior. Not necessarily because of his skin color, but because he's a fucking retard.

Now fuck off...
Sure he also should have acted differently.
His response was unproductive.
But the POINT is that it was understandable to be emotional to the scare to his son.
So those who then deliberately caused him to be fired from Merril Lynch are total MONSTERS.
At his age, being unemployed can cause a totally destruction of the life of the entire family.
They could lose their house, become homeless, and not easily get another job.
That is VASTLY more harmful, deliberate, evil, and criminal than a short emotional outburst that was justified.
Didn’t he throw something at one of their heads?

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