Male Karen throws smoothie, hurls racial insults

Years ago my daughter got food poisoning at a local Japanese restaurant.

I went to the restaurant and found the owner. When I told him what had happened, he was immediately apologetic and begged me not to sue him.

Suing him had never crossed my mind.

I just wanted him to take whatever measures he had to in order to ensure it didn't happen again.

He was stunned that I didn't want to sue him. Frankly, it's sad that's where a restauranteur's mind immediately goes, though...
Sure he also should have acted differently.
His response was unproductive.
But the POINT is that it was understandable to be emotional to the scare to his son.
So those who then deliberately caused him to be fired from Merril Lynch are total MONSTERS.
At his age, being unemployed can cause a totally destruction of the life of the entire family.
They could lose their house, become homeless, and not easily get another job.
That is VASTLY more harmful, deliberate, evil, and criminal than a short emotional outburst that was justified.
Those teens would have been fired if they treated a customer or fellow worker the same
I agree on this.

Preference vs. medical condition

Should be obvious to most people.

I disagree.
Peanuts are an obvious red flag that everyone should already be aware of.
You should not have to detail your medical history as to WHY you do not want peanuts.
That is private.
When you say "no peanuts" it should be taken literally as that you want "no peanuts" at all.
No one is adding artificial peanut flavoring that they can just leave off if one does not like peanut flavoring.
The point of peanuts is the texture and protein, and it is a cheap filler.
It is never added for "flavor".
It is not at all hard to leave out peanuts.
They had to deliberately add peanuts against the instructions.
You are, yes...

I'll take that as your full and complete acknowledgment that there actually was no racism.

You're just too big a coward to admit it...
Still not playing
If you think calling a Mexican worker an illegal is not a racist conclusion I am not going to patronize you
He specifically asked for no peanut butter.

Now, I fail to see the logic of ordering a peanut butter smoothy absent of peanut butter, but if they put peanut butter in it and the kid died, this would've had a profoundly different outcome...

Never seen a peanut butter smoothie ever advertised or sold, in my life.
Smoothies typically are fruit, coco, or dairy flavored.

When peanut butter is added, it is as a cheap filler, for texture.
Didn’t he throw something at one of their heads?

He threw the light and soft smoothie, and it missed them and landed on the counter to their right.
It is not clear if he threw it AT them, since it is unlikely it would have missed at that short range.

He threw a smoothie at the clerks behind the counter and hurled racial insults at the teenaged staff.

Merrill Lynch fired his ass.

Itimitation BY what? What type of communist charge is this?

As a parent, I would be pist off that these little idiots made a peanut smoothie that almost killed my son.
Please enlighten us.

So a white professional man went on a tirade against young females of color working for minimum wage... and you guys wonder why no one wants to sign up for these minimum wage jobs.

Why? Because he bought a peanut smoothie for his son with a peanut allergy and was upset because there was peanut butter in it!!!

So his company fired him (as it should have, but do you think this guy doesn't act like this all the time?) and now he has to go on a full apology tour to avoid jail time.

Now, what do you think would have happened if this was a black customer who went on a tirade and attacked teenage white girls?
The girl would have been fired immediately, blacklisted and doxxed on social media.
does it matter?
He wasn’t implying she was from Sweden
It does matter----what the fuck do we want idiot illegals collecting welfare and doing awful at their supposed jobs?

Did you even bother to listen to the video of what happened...He specifically ordered a smoothie with NO PEANUTS citing his son's allergies....the fucking illegal went out of its way to make a peanut allergy that almost killed his son. ATTEMPTED murder wouldn't you say on the illegals part. And I do mean murder, given that making a peanut smoothie would not be a norm so it was spiteful to do it.
When you say "no peanuts" it should be taken literally as that you want "no peanuts" at all.

His son is allergic to peanuts and he orders him a Peanut Smoothie ?

Isnt that asking for trouble?
He threw the light and soft smoothie, and it missed them and landed on the counter to their right.
It is not clear if he threw it AT them, since it is unlikely it would have missed at that short range.
Not justified to throw things at people. Never is.

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